
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate mirror visual feedback (MVF) as a training tool for brain-computer interface (BCI) users. This is because approximately 20-30% of subjects require more training to operate a BCI system using motor imagery. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded from 18 healthy subjects, using event-related desynchronization (ERD) to observe the responses during the movement or movement intention of the hand for the conditions of control, imagination, and the MVF with the mirror box. We constituted two groups: group 1: control, imagination, and MVF; group 2: control, MVF, and imagination. There were significant differences in imagination conditions between groups using MVF before or after imagination (right-hand, P = 0.0403; left-hand, P = 0.00939). The illusion of movement through MVF is not possible in all subjects, but even in those cases, we found an increase in imagination when the subject used the MVF previously. The increase in the r2s of imagination in the right and left hands suggests cross-learning. The increase in motor imagery recorded with EEG after MVF suggests that the mirror box made it easier to imagine movements. Our results provide evidence that the MVF could be used as a training tool to improve motor imagery.NEW & NOTEWORTHY The increase in motor imagery recorded with EEG after MVF (mirror visual feedback) suggests that the mirror box made it easier to imagine movements. Our results demonstrate that MVF could be used as a training tool to improve motor imagery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although many studies have investigated spectators\' cinematic experience, only a few of them explored the neurophysiological correlates of the sense of presence evoked by the spatial characteristics of audio delivery devices. Nevertheless, nowadays both the industrial and the consumer markets have been saturated by some forms of spatial audio format that enrich the audio-visual cinematic experience, reducing the gap between the real and the digitally mediated world. The increase in the immersive capabilities corresponds to the instauration of both the sense of presence and the psychological sense of being in the virtual environment and also embodied simulation mechanisms. While it is well-known that these mechanisms can be activated in the real world, it is hypothesized that they may be elicited even in a virtual acoustic spatial environment and could be modulated by the acoustic spatialization cues reproduced by sound systems. Hence, the present study aims to investigate the neural basis of the sense of presence evoked by different forms of mediation by testing different acoustic space sound delivery (Presentation modes: Monophonic, Stereo, and Surround). To these aims, a behavioral investigation and a high-density electroencephalographic (HD-EEG) study have been developed. A large set of ecological and heterogeneous stimuli extracted from feature films were used. Furthermore, participants were selected following the generalized listener selection procedure. We found a significantly higher event-related desynchronization (ERD) in the Surround Presentation mode when compared to the Monophonic Presentation mode both in Alpha and Low-Beta centro-parietal clusters. We discuss this result as an index of embodied simulation mechanisms that could be considered as a possible neurophysiological correlation of the instauration of the sense of presence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain activation during left- and right-hand motor imagery is a popular feature used for brain-computer interfaces. However, most studies so far have only considered right-handed participants in their experiments. This study aimed to investigate how handedness influences brain activation during the processes of imagining and executing simple hand movements. EEG signals were recorded using 32 channels while participants repeatedly squeezed or imagined squeezing a ball using their left, right, or both hands. The data of 14 left-handed and 14 right-handed persons were analyzed with a focus on event-related desynchronization/synchronization patterns (ERD/S). Both handedness groups showed activation over sensorimotor areas; however, the right-handed group tended to display more bilateral patterns than the left-handed group, which is in contrast to earlier research results. Furthermore, a stronger activation during motor imagery than during motor execution could be found in both groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early responsive dehydration (ERD) genes can be rapidly induced by dehydration. ERD15 genes have been confirmed to regulate various stress responses in plants. However, the maize ERD15 members have not been characterized. In the present study, a total of five ZmERD15 genes were identified from the maize genome and named ZmERD15a, ZmERD15b, ZmERD15c, ZmERD15d, and ZmERD15e. Subsequently, their protein properties, gene structure and duplication, chromosomal location, cis-acting elements, subcellular localization, expression pattern, and over-expression in yeast were analyzed. The results showed that the ZmERD15 proteins were characterized by a similar size (113-159 aa) and contained a common domain structure, with PAM2 and adjacent PAE1 motifs followed by an acidic region. The ZmERD15 proteins exhibited a close phylogenetic relationship with OsERD15s from rice. Five ZmERD15 genes were distributed on maize chromosomes 2, 6, 7, and 9 and showed a different exon-intron organization and were expanded by duplication. Besides, the promoter region of the ZmERD15s contained abundant cis-acting elements that are known to be responsive to stress and hormones. Subcellular localization showed that ZmERD15b and ZmERD15c were localized in the nucleus. ZmERD15a and ZmERD15e were localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm. ZmERD15d was localized in the nucleus and cell membrane. The results of the quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that the expression of the ZmERD15 genes was regulated by PEG, salinity, and ABA. The heterologous expression of ZmERD15a, ZmERD15b, ZmERD15c, and ZmERD15d significantly enhanced salt tolerance in yeast. In summary, a comprehensive analysis of ZmERD15s was conducted in the study. The results will provide insights into further dissecting the biological function and molecular mechanism of ZmERD15s regulating of the stress response in maize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Movement-related oscillations in the beta range (from 13 to 30 Hz) have been observed over sensorimotor areas with power decrease (i.e., event-related desynchronization, ERD) during motor planning and execution followed by an increase (i.e., event-related synchronization, ERS) after the movement\'s end. These phenomena occur during active, passive, imaged, and observed movements. Several electrophysiology studies have used beta ERD and ERS as functional indices of sensorimotor integrity, primarily in diseases affecting the motor system. Recent literature also highlights other characteristics of beta ERD and ERS, implying their role in processes not strictly related to motor function. Here we review studies about movement-related ERD and ERS in diseases characterized by motor dysfunction, including Parkinson\'s disease, dystonia, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. We also review changes of beta ERD and ERS reported in physiological aging, Alzheimer\'s disease, and schizophrenia, three conditions without overt motor symptoms. The review of these works shows that ERD and ERS abnormalities are present across the spectrum of the examined pathologies as well as development and aging. They further suggest that cognition and movement are tightly related processes that may share common mechanisms regulated by beta modulation. Future studies with a multimodal approach are warranted to understand not only the specific topographical dynamics of movement-related beta modulation but also the general meaning of beta frequency changes occurring in relation to movement and cognitive processes at large. Such an approach will provide the foundation to devise and implement novel therapeutic approaches to neuropsychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite considerable efforts toward vaccine development in past decades, no effective vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are available. Recently, we showed that an optimized formalin concentration can preserve prefusion protein (pre-F) on RSV-infected cells and protect mice against RSV infection without causing enhanced respiratory disease (ERD). Here, we sought to further stabilize pre-F on RSV virions by optimizing the production of FI-RSV.
    Freshly produced RSV virions were treated with formalin under different concentrations to obtained an opti-FI-RSV vaccine with high pre-F level. Immunogenicity and safety of opti-FI-RSV were evaluated in Balb/c mice and cotton rats.
    Using 0.0156-0.1778% formalin, we successfully preserved pre-F on virions. This opti-FI-RSV exhibited improved immunogenicity and efficacy without causing ERD. Surprisingly, opti-FI-RSV, with a pre-F-dominant immunogen, still caused ERD after immunization with a suboptimal dose or when the neutralizing antibody titers declined. ERD was avoided by coadministering opti-FI-RSV with CpG + MPLA adjuvant, which subsequently induced a Th1-biasing immune response and, more importantly, significantly improved antibody avidity.
    Our study provides a new method to obtain a novel FI-RSV vaccine with a high pre-F level and may provide a reference for developing other inactivated vaccines. Our findings also emphasize that appropriate adjuvants are critical for nonreplicating vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We evaluated the microbiota in the stomach of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) patients. We compared Erosive Reflux Disease (ERD) to gastritis and Non-erosive Reflux Disease (NERD) subjects by 16S rRNA approach on gastric biopsy specimens. A total of 197 subjects were included consisting of gastritis (68; 34.52%), ERD (55; 27.92%), and NERD (74; 37.56%). After quality filtering, 187 samples were included for OTU analysis using Qiime2.
    RESULTS: We observed a significant difference in alpha diversity (Shannon and Simpson indexes were P = 0.0016 and P = 0.017, respectively). A significant decrease in alpha diversity index was observed in NERD with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-positive subjects than in gastritis (Simpson index P = 0.022; Shannon index P = 0.029), indicating a significant influence of H. pylori on the diversity in the stomach despite the diseases. In H. pylori-negative samples, alpha diversity measurement by the abundance coverage estimates (ACE) and Fisher Test revealed that ERD had significantly lower richness than gastritis and NERD groups (P = 0.00012 and P = 0.00043, respectively). Anaerobacillus sp. could only be found in ERD patients by LEFse analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of ERD could alter microbiome diversity. A negative correlation between H. pylori and ERD is shown in this microbiome study but not in NERD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is an alternative route of viral entry in the susceptible host cell. In this process, antiviral antibodies enhance the entry access of virus in the cells via interaction with the complement or Fc receptors leading to the worsening of infection. SARS-CoV-2 variants pose a general concern for the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies that may fail to neutralize infection, raising the possibility of a more severe form of COVID-19. Data from various studies on respiratory viruses raise the speculation that antibodies elicited against SARS-CoV-2 and during COVID-19 recovery could potentially exacerbate the infection through ADE at sub-neutralizing concentrations; this may contribute to disease pathogenesis. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to study the effectiveness of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in COVID-19-infected subjects. Theoretically, ADE remains a general concern for the efficacy of antibodies elicited during infection, most notably in convalescent plasma therapy and in response to vaccines where it could be counterproductive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As we move through our environment, our visual system is presented with optic flow, a potentially important cue for perception, navigation and postural control. How does the brain anticipate the optic flow that arises as a consequence of our own movement? Converging evidence suggests that stimuli are processed differently by the brain if occurring as a consequence of self-initiated actions, compared to when externally generated. However, this has mainly been demonstrated with auditory stimuli. It is not clear how this occurs with optic flow. We measured behavioural, neurophysiological and head motion responses of 29 healthy participants to radially expanding, vection-inducing optic flow stimuli, simulating forward transitional motion, which were either initiated by the participant\'s own button-press (\"self-initiated flow\") or by the computer (\"passive flow\"). Self-initiation led to a prominent and left-lateralized inhibition of the flow-evoked posterior event-related alpha desynchronization (ERD), and a stabilisation of postural responses. Neither effect was present in control button-press-only trials, without optic flow. Additionally, self-initiation also produced a large event-related potential (ERP) negativity between 130-170 ms after optic flow onset. Furthermore, participants\' visual induced motion sickness (VIMS) and vection intensity ratings correlated positively across the group - although many participants felt vection in the absence of any VIMS, none reported the opposite combination. Finally, we found that the simple act of making a button press leads to a detectable head movement even when using a chin rest. Taken together, our results indicate that the visual system is capable of predicting optic flow when self-initiated, to affect behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extensive work on movement-related beta oscillations (~13-30 Hz) over the sensorimotor areas in both humans and animals has demonstrated that sensorimotor beta power decreases during movement and transiently increases after movement. This beta power modulation has been interpreted as reflecting interactions between sensory and motor cortical areas with attenuation of sensory afferents during movement and their subsequent re-activation for internal models updating. More recent studies in neurologically normal subjects have demonstrated that this movement-related modulation as well as mean beta power at rest increase with practice and that previous motor learning enhances such increases. Conversely, patients with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) do not show such practice-related increases. Interestingly, a 2-h inactivity period without sleep can restore beta power values to baseline in normal subjects. Based on these results and on those of biochemical and electrophysiological studies in animals, we expand the current interpretation of beta activity and propose that the practice-related increases of beta power over sensorimotor areas are local indices of energy used for engaging plasticity-related activity. This paper provides some preliminary evidence in this respect linking findings of biochemical and electrophysiological studies in both humans and animals. This novel interpretation may explain the high level of beta power at rest, the deficient modulation during movement as well as the decreased skill formation in PD as resulting from deficiency in energy consumption, availability and regulation that are altered in this disease.





