epithelial morphogenesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adhesion between epithelial cells enables the remarkable mechanical behavior of epithelial tissues during morphogenesis. However, it remains unclear how cell-cell adhesion influences mechanics in both static and dynamically flowing confluent epithelial tissues. Here, we systematically modulate E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in the Drosophila embryo and study the effects on the mechanical behavior of the germband epithelium before and during dramatic tissue remodeling and flow associated with body axis elongation. Before axis elongation, we find that increasing E-cadherin levels produces tissue comprising more elongated cells and predicted to be more fluid-like, providing reduced resistance to tissue flow. During axis elongation, we find that the dominant effect of E-cadherin is tuning the speed at which cells proceed through rearrangement events. Before and during axis elongation, E-cadherin levels influence patterns of actomyosin-dependent forces, supporting the notion that E-cadherin tunes tissue mechanics in part through effects on actomyosin. Notably, the effects of ∼4-fold changes in E-cadherin levels on overall tissue structure and flow are relatively weak, suggesting that the system is tolerant to changes in absolute E-cadherin levels over this range where an intact tissue is formed. Taken together, these findings reveal dual-and sometimes opposing-roles for E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in controlling tissue structure and dynamics in vivo, which result in unexpected relationships between adhesion and flow in confluent tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A simple machine is a basic of device that takes mechanical advantage to apply force. Animals and plants self-assemble through the operation of a wide variety of simple machines. Embryos of different species actuate these simple machines to drive the geometric transformations that convert a disordered mass of cells into organized structures with discrete identities and function. These transformations are intrinsically coupled to sequential and overlapping steps of self-organization and self-assembly. The processes of self-organization have been explored through the molecular composition of cells and tissues and their information networks. By contrast, efforts to understand the simple machines underlying self-assembly must integrate molecular composition with the physical principles of mechanics. This primer is concerned with effort to elucidate the operation of these machines, focusing on the \"problem\" of morphogenesis. Advances in understanding self-assembly will ultimately connect molecular-, subcellular-, cellular- and meso-scale functions of plants and animals and their ability to interact with larger ecologies and environmental influences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aberrant regulation of signal transduction pathways can adversely derail biological processes for tissue development. One such process is the embryonic eyelid closure that is dependent on the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 (MAP3K1). Map3k1 KO in mice results in defective eyelid closure and an autosomal recessive eye-open at birth phenotype. We have shown that in utero exposure to dioxin, a persistent environmental toxicant, induces the same eye defect in Map3k1+/- heterozygous but not WT pups. Here, we explore the mechanisms of the Map3k1 (gene) and dioxin (environment) interactions (GxE) underlying defective eyelid closure. We show that, acting through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, dioxin activates epidermal growth factor receptor signaling, which in turn depresses MAP3K1-dependent Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity. The dioxin-mediated JNK repression is moderate but is exacerbated by Map3k1 heterozygosity. Therefore, dioxin exposed Map3k1+/- embryonic eyelids have a marked reduction of JNK activity, accelerated differentiation and impeded polarization in the epithelial cells. Knocking out Ahr or Egfr in eyelid epithelium attenuates the open-eye defects in dioxin-treated Map3k1+/- pups, whereas knockout of Jnk1 and S1pr that encodes the sphigosin-1-phosphate (S1P) receptors upstream of the MAP3K1-JNK pathway potentiates the dioxin toxicity. Our novel findings show that the crosstalk of aryl hydrocarbon receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, and S1P-MAP3K1-JNK pathways determines the outcome of dioxin exposure. Thus, gene mutations targeting these pathways are potential risk factors for the toxicity of environmental chemicals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial remodeling of the Drosophila retina depends on the pulsatile contraction and expansion of apical contacts between the cells that form its hexagonal lattice. Phosphoinositide PI(3,4,5)P3 (PIP3) accumulates around tricellular adherens junctions (tAJs) during contact expansion and dissipates during contraction, but with unknown function. Here, we found that manipulations of Pten or PI3-kinase (PI3K) that either decreased or increased PIP3 resulted in shortened contacts and a disordered lattice, indicating a requirement for PIP3 dynamics and turnover. These phenotypes are caused by a loss of branched actin, resulting from impaired activity of the Rac1 Rho GTPase and the WAVE regulatory complex (WRC). We additionally found that during contact expansion, PI3K moves into tAJs to promote the cyclical increase of PIP3 in a spatially and temporally precise manner. Thus, dynamic control of PIP3 by Pten and PI3K governs the protrusive phase of junctional remodeling, which is essential for planar epithelial morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comprehensive analysis of cellular dynamics during the process of morphogenesis is fundamental to understanding the principles of animal development. Despite recent advancements in light microscopy, how successive cell shape changes lead to complex three-dimensional tissue morphogenesis is still largely unresolved. Using in vivo live imaging of Drosophila wing development, we have studied unique cellular structures comprising a microtubule-based membrane protrusion network. This network, which we name here the Interplanar Amida Network (IPAN), links the two wing epithelium leaflets. Initially, the IPAN sustains cell-cell contacts between the two layers of the wing epithelium through basal protrusions. Subsequent disassembly of the IPAN involves loss of these contacts, with concomitant degeneration of aligned microtubules. These processes are both autonomously and non-autonomously required for mitosis, leading to coordinated tissue proliferation between two wing epithelia. Our findings further reveal that a microtubule organization switch from non-centrosomal to centrosomal microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) at the G2/M transition leads to disassembly of non-centrosomal microtubule-derived IPAN protrusions. These findings exemplify how cell shape change-mediated loss of inter-tissue contacts results in 3D tissue morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryos repair wounds rapidly, with no inflammation or scarring. Embryonic wound healing is driven by the collective movement of the cells around the lesion. The cells adjacent to the wound polarize the cytoskeletal protein actin and the molecular motor non-muscle myosin II, which accumulate at the wound edge forming a supracellular cable around the wound. Adherens junction proteins, including E-cadherin, are internalized from the wound edge and localize to former tricellular junctions at the wound margin, in a process necessary for cytoskeletal polarity. We found that the cells adjacent to wounds in the Drosophila embryonic epidermis polarized Talin, a core component of cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesions, which preferentially accumulated at the wound edge. Integrin knockdown and inhibition of integrin binding delayed wound closure and reduced actin polarization and dynamics around the wound. Additionally, disrupting integrins caused a defect in E-cadherin reinforcement at tricellular junctions along the wound edge, suggesting crosstalk between integrin-based and cadherin-based adhesions. Our results show that cell-ECM adhesion contributes to embryonic wound repair and reveal an interplay between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesion in the collective cell movements that drive rapid wound healing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to understand morphogenesis, it is necessary to know the material properties or forces shaping the living tissue. In spite of this need, very few in vivo measurements are currently available. Here, using the early Drosophila embryo as a model, we describe a novel cantilever-based technique which allows for the simultaneous quantification of applied force and tissue displacement in a living embryo. By analyzing data from a series of experiments in which embryonic epithelium is subjected to developmentally relevant perturbations, we conclude that the response to applied force is adiabatic and is dominated by elastic forces and geometric constraints, or system size effects. Crucially, computational modeling of the experimental data indicated that the apical surface of the epithelium must be softer than the basal surface, a result which we confirmed experimentally. Further, we used the combination of experimental data and comprehensive computational model to estimate the elastic modulus of the apical surface and set a lower bound on the elastic modulus of the basal surface. More generally, our investigations revealed important general features that we believe should be more widely addressed when quantitatively modeling tissue mechanics in any system. Specifically, different compartments of the same cell can have very different mechanical properties; when they do, they can contribute differently to different mechanical stimuli and cannot be merely averaged together. Additionally, tissue geometry can play a substantial role in mechanical response, and cannot be neglected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell movements contribute to tissue development and repair and spread metastatic disease. In epithelia, cohesive cell movements require reorganization of adherens junctions and the actomyosin cytoskeleton. However, the mechanisms that coordinate cell-cell adhesion and cytoskeletal remodeling during collective cell migration in vivo are unclear. We investigated the mechanisms of collective cell migration during epidermal wound healing in Drosophila embryos. Upon wounding, the cells adjacent to the wound internalize cell-cell adhesion molecules and polarize actin and the motor protein non-muscle myosin II to form a supracellular cable around the wound that coordinates cell movements. The cable anchors at former tricellular junctions (TCJs) along the wound edge, and TCJs are reinforced during wound closure. We found that the small GTPase Rap1 was necessary and sufficient for rapid wound repair. Rap1 promoted myosin polarization to the wound edge and E-cadherin accumulation at TCJs. Using embryos expressing a mutant form of the Rap1 effector Canoe/Afadin that cannot bind Rap1, we found that Rap1 signals through Canoe for adherens junction remodeling, but not for actomyosin cable assembly. Instead, Rap1 was necessary and sufficient for RhoA/Rho1 activation at the wound edge. The RhoGEF Ephexin localized to the wound edge in a Rap1-dependent manner, and Ephexin was necessary for myosin polarization and rapid wound repair, but not for E-cadherin redistribution. Together, our data show that Rap1 coordinates the molecular rearrangements that drive embryonic wound healing, promoting actomyosin cable assembly through Ephexin-Rho1, and E-cadherin redistribution through Canoe, thus enabling rapid collective cell migration in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In developing embryos, specific cell populations are often removed to remodel tissue architecture for organogenesis. During urinary tract development, an epithelial duct called the common nephric duct (CND) gets shortened and eventually eliminated to remodel the entry point of the ureter into the bladder. Here we show that non-professional efferocytosis (the process in which epithelial cells engulf apoptotic bodies) is the main mechanism that contributes to CND shortening. Combining biological metrics and computational modeling, we show that efferocytosis with actomyosin contractility are essential factors that drive the CND shortening without compromising the ureter-bladder structural connection. The disruption of either apoptosis, non-professional efferocytosis, or actomyosin results in contractile tension reduction and deficient CND shortening. Actomyosin activity helps to maintain tissue architecture while non-professional efferocytosis removes cellular volume. Together our results demonstrate that non-professional efferocytosis with actomyosin contractility are important morphogenetic factors controlling CND morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite their barrier function, epithelia can locally lose their integrity to create physiological openings during morphogenesis. The mechanisms driving the formation of these epithelial breaks are only starting to be investigated. Here, we study the formation of the zebrafish nostril (the olfactory orifice), which opens in the skin epithelium to expose the olfactory neurons to external odorant cues. Combining live imaging, drug treatments, laser ablation, and tissue-specific functional perturbations, we characterize a mechanical interplay between olfactory placode neurons and the skin, which plays a crucial role in the formation of the orifice: the neurons pull on the overlying skin cells in an actomyosin-dependent manner which, in combination with a local reorganization of the skin epithelium, triggers the opening of the orifice. This work identifies an original mechanism to break an epithelial sheet, in which an adjacent group of cells mechanically assists the epithelium to induce its local rupture.





