
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Which theoretical and practical competences do the orthopaedic and trauma surgery reports of the Hippocratic Corpus reveal?
    METHODS: The 431 Hippocratic case histories have been studied for reports and communication on diagnostics, therapy and prognosis of orthopaedic diseases and traumatic lesions.
    RESULTS: The seven books of the Hippocratic \"Epidemics\" describe a total of 26 patients with orthopaedic diseases and traumatic lesions. In the field of orthopaedic diseases, arthritis, myo- and tenopathia and gangrene play a prominent role, among the consequences of injury the fracture of the skull (n = 10) is in first place. Mainly individuals, but also groups of patients are reported. The clients\' information on the course of the disease was often cautious. Diagnostics were limited to inspection and palpation. In addition to the measures of conservative treatment, four trepanations are described. The majority of traumatic brain lesions resulted in death.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Hippocratic doctor was faced with a variety of orthopaedic disases and traumatic lesions. Within the case reports, the subjective complaints, the objective findings and the course of the treatment are described in detail. Among the ailments of the musculoskeletal system, spinal disorders, especially hypercyphosis and scoliosis play an important role. The variety of reduction techniques reported suggests that most of the fractures detected were dislocated. Post-traumatic tetanus can be readily identified in several followup observations due to the development of opisthotonus. No other surgical intervention is discussed by Hippocrates as often and as variously as trepanation. It can be concluded with some certainty that perforating injuries of the skull were a common challenge in the life of a surgeon of classic antiquity.
    UNASSIGNED: FRAGESTELLUNG: Welche theoretische und praktische Fachkompetenz vermitteln die orthopädischen und unfallchirurgischen Kasuistiken des Corpus Hippocraticum?
    METHODS: Die 431 hippokratischen Kasuistiken wurden auf Berichte und Kommentare zu Diagnostik, Therapie und Prognose orthopädischer Erkrankungen und traumatischer Läsionen von Kindern und Erwachsenen untersucht.
    UNASSIGNED: In den sieben Büchern der hippokratischen „Epidemien“ wird von insgesamt 26 Patienten mit orthopädischen Erkrankungen und traumatischen Läsionen berichtet. Unter den orthopädischen Erkrankungen stehen Arthritis, Myo- und Tenopathien und Gangrän, unter den traumatischen Läsionen die Frakturen der Schädelkalotte (n = 10) an erster Stelle. Es werden überwiegend Einzelpersonen, aber auch Gruppen von Patienten beschrieben. Die Mitteilungen der Klientel zum Verlauf der Erkrankung waren vielfach zurückhaltend. Die Diagnostik konzentrierte sich auf Inspektion und Palpation. Neben den Maßnahmen der konservativen Behandlung sind vier Trepanationen beschrieben. Die Mehrzahl der Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen führte zum Tode.
    CONCLUSIONS: Der hippokratische Arzt war mit einer Vielzahl orthopädischer Erkrankungen und traumatischer Läsionen konfrontiert. Die subjektiven Beschwerden, die objektiven Befunde und der Behandlungsverlauf werden in den Fallberichten detailliert geschildert. Unter den Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats spielen die Wirbelsäulenleiden, insbesondere die Hyperkyphose und die Skoliose eine bedeutende Rolle. Die Vielfalt der beschriebenen Repositionstechniken spricht dafür, dass die meisten Frakturen, die man erkannte und behandelte, disloziert waren. Posttraumatischer Tetanus ist aufgrund der Entwicklung von Opisthotonus in mehreren Verlaufsbeobachtungen sicher identifizierbar. Keine andere chirurgische Intervention wird von Hippokrates so oft und so detailliert beschrieben wie die Trepanation. Man kann daraus mit einiger Sicherheit schließen, dass perforierende Verletzungen der Schädelkalotte eine häufige Herausforderung im Alltag des chirurgisch tätigen Arztes der klassischen Antike waren.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Public health disease surveillance can guide a range of decisions related to the protection of populations. Economic analysis can be used to assess how surveillance for specific diseases can substitute for or complement other public health interventions and how to structure surveillance most efficiently. Assessing the value and costs of different disease surveillance options as part of broader disease prevention and control efforts is important for both using available resources efficiently to protect populations and communicating the need for additional resources as appropriate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health information management is a vital and constructive component of the health system, refers to the process of producing and collecting, organising and storing, analysing, disseminating and using information. The aim of this study was to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the information management system in epidemic infectious diseases in Iran, specifically focusing on the registration, reporting, quality, confidentiality, and security of infectious disease data. This assessment was conducted from the perspective of policymakers and experts responsible for data registration and reporting. After examining the processes of registering and reporting infectious disease data and interviewing experts, a researcher-designed questionnaire was prepared to evaluate the infectious disease information management system. To assess the content validity of the Content Validity Index and Content Validity Ratio Index, a questionnaire was utilized. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach\'s alpha. By employing purposeful sampling and adhering to the inclusion criteria, 150 participants were included in the study. Questionnaires were distributed via email, WhatsApp, or Telegram to employees at various levels of Iran\'s health and treatment systems who were responsible for registering and reporting infectious disease data. The study encompassed 100 participants who successfully concluded the research. The results highlight that the key strength of healthcare data registration lies in its ability to \"depict the epidemic curve during outbreaks of infectious diseases.\" Conversely, a notable weakness was the \"insufficient collaboration from non-academic sectors (e.g., clinics, private laboratories) in registering and reporting infectious diseases. The present study\'s findings suggest that the issue lies not in the framework itself, but rather in the execution and functionality of the strategies. We can cultivate a repository of reliable and beneficial data by incorporating initiatives like training programs, enforcing regulations with consequences for inadequate data documentation, offering both material and motivational rewards, and streamlining all data collection and reporting systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Zoonotic sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix brasiliensis has become the main subcutaneous mycosis in Brazil. Minas Gerais (MG) is located in southeast Brazil and since 2015 has experienced an epidemic of zoonotic sporotrichosis.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to reconstruct the epidemiological scenario of sporotrichosis from S. brasiliensis in recent epizooty in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MRBH), MG.
    METHODS: A total of 95 Sporothrix spp. isolates (Sporothirx brasiliensis n = 74, S. schenckii n = 11 and S. globosa n = 10) were subjected to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) genotyping and mating-type analysis to determine genetic diversity and population structure. Of these, 46 S. brasiliensis isolates were recovered from animals (cats n = 41 and dogs n = 5) from MRBH.
    RESULTS: Our study describes the high interspecific differentiation power of AFLP-based genotyping between the main phylogenetic Sporothrix groups. S. brasiliensis presents high genetic variability and pronounced population structure with geographically focused outbreaks in Brazil. The genetic groups include older genotypes from the prolonged epidemic in Southeast (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), South (Rio Grande do Sul), Northeast (Pernambuco) and new genotypes from the MRBH. Furthermore, we provide evidence of heterothallism mating strategy in pathogenic Sporothrix species. Genotypes originating in Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco carry the predominant MAT1-2 idiomorph as opposed to genotypes from Rio Grande do Sul, which have the MAT1-1 idiomorph. We observed an overwhelming occurrence of MAT1-1 among MRBH isolates.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides clear evidence of the predominance of a genetic group profile circulating in animals in Minas Gerais, independent of that disseminated from Rio de Janeiro. Our data can help us understand the genetic population processes that drive the evolution of this fungus in Minas Gerais and contribute to future mitigation actions for this ongoing epidemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Unpredictable events, such as the outbreak of infectious diseases and humanitarian crises, are putting a strain on health care systems. As a result, African countries will need to prepare themselves with appropriate strategies to withstand such occurrences. Therefore, the purpose of this scoping review was to map available evidence about what type and what components of health systems are needed to help countries cope with health emergencies and to foster health system resilience in the WHO African Region.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic search was performed independently in Scopus and PubMed electronic databases as well as grey literature. Studies were selected based on set eligibility criteria based on the Joanna Brigg\'s Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews. The key findings were focused on health system resilience and were mapped based on the WHO\'s core health system components. Our data were tabulated, and a narrative synthesis was conducted.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 28 studies were included in this scoping review, mostly conducted in the WHO African Region and region of the Americas. Studies focused on a variety of strategies, such as the continuous delivery of essential services, the strengthening of the health workforce, including community health care workers, community engagement, the provision of protective mechanisms for the health workforce, and flexible leadership and governance measures.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that strategies to improve health system resilience must include all areas of the healthcare delivery process, including primary care. A resilient health system should be ready for a crisis and have adaptable policies in place to offer adequate response at all levels, as well as post-recovery planning. Such health systems should also seek for continuous improvement. More research is needed to assess the efficacy of initiatives for improving health system resilience, particularly in vulnerable African health systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2), a significant pathogen in the global swine industry, causes Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVAD), contributing to substantial economic losses. This study investigates the genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics of PCV2 in Vietnam from 2007 to 2023. We sequenced and analyzed 47 PCV2 genomes isolated from swine farms across Vietnam between 2022 and 2023, revealing predominant circulation of PCV2d (80.85%) followed by PCV2b (19.15%). Phylogenetic analysis identified PCV2 genotypes PCV2a, PCV2b, PCV2d, PCV2g, and PCV2h circulating in Vietnam, with PCV2d emerging as the most prevalent genotype. Comparison with historical data highlighted genotype shifts from PCV2b to PCV2d in 2014. Interestingly, PCV2h genotype was mainly observed between 2008 and 2012 but have not been detected since 2014. Regional analysis indicated varied PCV2 epidemiological patterns between northern and southern Vietnam. Amino acid substitutions within the capsid protein were identified, predominantly in antigenic regions critical for immune recognition. Positive selection analysis identified multiple sites under evolutionary pressure, indicating ongoing adaptation of Vietnamese PCV2 strains. These findings enhance understanding of PCV2 dynamics in Vietnam and underscore the importance of continuous surveillance and adaptive management strategies in controlling PCV2-associated diseases in swine populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A detailed clinical-epidemiological analysis of feline sporotrichosis was conducted, and 288 cases reported between the years 2007 and 2018 were analyzed. The studied cases primarily involved mongrel cats (240/260), males (212/282), and adults (121/200). The main objectives were to identify the risk factors, calculate the monthly incidence rates, and establish a predictive model using the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) approach. The statistical analysis revealed significant associations (p < 0.05) between prolonged lesion evolution times and factors such as respiratory signs, prior treatments, and lesion contact. Empirical treatment was identified as a significant risk factor for disease progression. Moreover, the number of cases demonstrated an increasing trend over the study period, with annual peaks noted in disease incidence. The SARIMA model proved to be an effective tool for forecasting the incidence of sporotrichosis, offering robust support for epidemiological surveillance and facilitating targeted public health interventions in endemic regions. The predictive accuracy of the developed model underscored its utility in enhancing disease monitoring and supporting proactive health measures for the effective management of sporotrichosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically significant, emerging viral disease of Cattle and Buffaloes. This study aimed to investigate the causes of high mortality in a recent LSD epidemic in India. We examined 1618 animals across seventy outbreaks and conducted post-mortem on 48 cattle out of 513 clinically suspected LSD cases. The morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates recorded were 31.70%, 2.97 and 9.37% respectively. Disease stages were categorized as early (20.81%), mid (42.02%), and late (37.17%) and the distribution of skin lesions was classified as mild (34.14%), moderate (39.39%), and severe (26.47%). Post-mortem findings revealed systemic infection with necrotic and ulcerative nodules on multiple internal organs. Histologically, necrotizing vasculitis and mononuclear cell infiltration with intracytoplasmic inclusions were observed in various organs. The highest viral load was found in skin nodules/scabs, trachea, tongue, and lymph nodes. The viral load was significantly higher in mid- and late-stages of skin nodules and internal organs; whereas, blood from early-stage showed high viral load. The expression of Th1-type and Th2-type cytokines varied significantly across different stages of the disease. The downregulation of the apoptotic intrinsic and upregulation of the extrinsic pathway genes, suggesting that the latter plays a role in LSDV infection. Genetic analysis revealed that the LSD virus (LSDV) isolates were derived from a Kenyan ancestral strain with unique nucleotide changes in RPO30 and P32 gene. In conclusion, the high mortality in the recent Indian LSD epidemic can be attributed to a newly identified, highly virulent strain of LSDV causing systemic infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mixing groups gathered in the enclosed space form a complex contact network due to face-to-face interaction, which affects the status and role of different groups in social communication. The intricacies of epidemic spreading in mixing groups are intrinsically complicated. Multiple interactions and transmission add to the difficulties of understanding and forecasting the spread of infectious diseases in mixing groups. Despite the critical relevance of face-to-face interactions in real-world situations, there is a significant lack of comprehensive study addressing the unique issues of mixed groups, particularly those with complex face-to-face interactions. We introduce a novel model employing an agent-based approach to elucidate the nuances of face-to-face interactions within mixing groups. In this paper, we apply a susceptible-infected-susceptible process to mixing groups and integrate a temporal network within a specified time window to distinguish between individual movement patterns and epidemic spreading dynamics. Our findings highlight the significant impact of both the relative size of mixing groups and the groups\' mixing patterns on the trajectory of disease spread within the mixing groups. When group sizes differ significantly, high inter-group contact preference limits disease spread. However, if the minority reduces their intra-group preferences while the majority maintains high inter-group contact, disease spread increases. In balanced group sizes, high intra-group contact preferences can limit transmission, but asymmetrically reducing any group\'s intra-group preference can lead to increased spread.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Epidemic Diseases Act (EDA) was enacted in February 1897 by the Government of India to prevent and control the spread of the plague. Since then, the Act has become a key legal tool for the control of epidemics/pandemics in India. We attempted to understand the international and domestic pressures that led to the adoption of the EDA in three ways. First, we analyse the legislative structure (Bombay Municipal Act of 1888, Indian Railways Act of 1890, and Act I of 1870) that dealt with infectious or contagious diseases in colonial India before the EDA came into force. Second, we focus on the linkages between international and domestic pressures that necessitated the adoption of the EDA. Third, we analyse the discussions of the Council of the Governor General of India on the bill titled \'A Bill to Provide for the better prevention of the spread of Dangerous Epidemic Diseases\', which later became the Epidemic Diseases Act No. III of 1897. We situate the EDA in an international context of International Sanitary Conferences, quarantine, trade concerns, and pilgrimage to Mecca in order to understand the pressures that impacted British epidemic policy formation in colonial India.





