
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The eye lens is a transparent, ellipsoid tissue in the anterior chamber that is required for the fine focusing of light onto the retina to transmit a clear image. The focusing function of the lens is tied to tissue transparency, refractive index, and biomechanical properties. The stiffness and elasticity or resilience of the human lens allows for shape changes during accommodation to focus light from objects near and far. It has long been hypothesized that changes in lens biomechanical properties with age lead to the loss of accommodative ability and the need for reading glasses with age. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that influence lens biomechanical properties and/or change with age remain unclear. Studies of lens stiffness and resilience in mouse models with genetic defects or at advanced age inform us of the cytoskeletal, structural, and morphometric parameters that are important for biomechanical stability. In this review, we will explore whether: 1) tissue level changes, including the capsule, lens volume, and nucleus volume, 2) cellular level alterations, including cell packing, suture organization, and complex membrane interdigitations, and 3) molecular scale modifications, including the F-actin and intermediate filament networks, protein modifications, lipids in the cell membrane, and hydrostatic pressure, influence overall lens biomechanical properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ephrin-B-EphB signaling can promote pain through ligand-receptor interactions between peripheral cells, like immune cells expressing ephrin-Bs, and EphB receptors expressed by DRG neurons. Previous studies have shown increased ephrin-B2 expression in peripheral tissues like synovium of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis patients, indicating the clinical significance of this signaling. The primary goal of this study was to understand how ephrin-B2 acts on mouse and human DRG neurons, which express EphB receptors, to promote pain and nociceptor plasticity. We hypothesized that ephrin-B2 would promote nociceptor plasticity and hyperalgesic priming through MNK-eIF4E signaling, a critical mechanism for nociceptive plasticity induced by growth factors, cytokines and nerve injury. Both male and female mice developed dose-dependent mechanical hypersensitivity in response to ephrin-B2, and both sexes showed hyperalgesic priming when challenged with PGE2 injection either to the paw or the cranial dura. Acute nociceptive behaviors and hyperalgesic priming were blocked in mice lacking MNK1 (Mknk1 knockout mice) and by eFT508, a specific MNK inhibitor. Sensory neuron-specific knockout of EphB2 using Pirt-Cre demonstrated that ephrin-B2 actions require this receptor. In Ca2+-imaging experiments on cultured DRG neurons, ephrin-B2 treatment enhanced Ca2+ transients in response to PGE2 and these effects were absent in DRG neurons from MNK1-/- and EphB2-PirtCre mice. In experiments on human DRG neurons, ephrin-B2 increased eIF4E phosphorylation and enhanced Ca2+ responses to PGE2 treatment, both blocked by eFT508. We conclude that ephrin-B2 acts directly on mouse and human sensory neurons to induce nociceptor plasticity via MNK-eIF4E signaling, offering new insight into how ephrin-B signaling promotes pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    C. elegans are exposed to a variety of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria species in their natural environment. Correspondingly, C. elegans has evolved an ability to discern between nutritive and infectious bacterial food sources. Here we show that C. elegans can learn to avoid the pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens 15 (PF15), and that this learned avoidance behavior is passed on to progeny for four generations, as we previously demonstrated for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA14) and Pseudomonas vranovensis, using similar mechanisms, including the involvement of both the TGF-β ligand DAF-7 and Cer1 retrotransposon-encoded virus-like particles. PF15 small RNAs are both necessary and sufficient to induce this transgenerational avoidance behavior. Unlike PA14 or P. vranovensis, PF15 does not use P11, Pv1, or a small RNA with maco-1 homology for this avoidance; instead, an unrelated PF15 small RNA, Pfs1, that targets the C. elegans vab-1 Ephrin receptor gene is necessary and sufficient for learned avoidance, suggesting the evolution of yet another bacterial sRNA/C. elegans gene target pair involved in transgenerational inheritance of pathogen avoidance. As VAB-2 Ephrin receptor ligand and MACO-1 knockdown also induce PF15 avoidance, we have begun to understand the genetic pathway involved in small RNA targeted pathogenic avoidance. Moreover, these data show that axon guidance pathway genes (VAB-1 and VAB-2) have previously unknown adult roles in regulating neuronal function. C. elegans may have evolved multiple bacterial specificity-encoded small RNA-dependent mechanisms to avoid different pathogenic bacteria species, thereby providing progeny with a survival advantage in a dynamic environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone homeostasis is a complex process in which some Eph kinase receptors and their ephrin ligands appear to be involved. In the present study, we address this issue by examining, both in vitro and in vivo, the role of EphB2 and EphB3 in mesenchymal stromal/stem cell (MSC) differentiation into bone tissue. This was first evaluated by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) and histological staining in MSCs cultured in specific mediums revealing that although EphB2-/- MSCs mainly expressed pro-adipogenic transcription factors, EphB3-/- MSCs showed abundant osteogenic transcripts, such as Runx2, Msx2, and Sp7. To clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms, we found that the lack of EphB3 signaling alters the genetic profile of differentiating MSCs, reducing the expression of many inhibitory molecules and antagonists of the BMP signaling pathway, and increasing Bmp7 expression, a robust bone inductor. Then, to confirm the osteogenic role of EphB3 in vivo, we studied the condition of 2 mouse models of induced bone loss (ovariectomy or long-term glucocorticoid treatment). Interestingly, in both models, both WT and EphB2-/- mice equally developed the disease but EphB3-/- mice did not exhibit the typical bone loss, nor an increase in urine Ca2+ or blood serum CTX-1. This phenotype in EphB3-KO mice could be due to their significantly higher proportions of osteoprogenitor cells and preosteoblasts, and their lower number of osteoclasts, as compared with WT and EphB2-KO mice. Thus, we conclude that EphB3 acts as a negative regulator of the osteogenic differentiation, and its absence prevents bone loss in mice subjected to ovariectomy or dexamethasone treatment.
    Osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people, mostly women. Our work shows that the EphB3 receptor restricts bone formation, and its absence prevents bone loss in osteoporotic mice. The bone protection observed in EphB3-deficient mice is due to the presence of more bone-forming cells and fewer bone-degrading cells. Molecularly, we found that when there’s no EphB3 in mesenchymal stem cells, some bone-promoting genes are increased while many inhibitors are reduced. Therefore, this receptor could become a key target for new therapies that would help to improve the quality of life for those suffering from bone diseases. We’re really excited to share our findings with a broad audience, including patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, and the life sciences industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the moment a cell is on the path to malignant transformation, its interaction with other cells from the microenvironment becomes altered. The flow of molecular information is at the heart of the cellular and systemic fate in tumors, and various processes participate in conveying key molecular information from or to certain cancer cells. For instance, the loss of tight junction molecules is part of the signal sent to cancer cells so that they are no longer bound to the primary tumors and are thus free to travel and metastasize. Upon the targeting of a single cell by a therapeutic drug, gap junctions are able to communicate death information to by-standing cells. The discovery of the importance of novel modes of cell-cell communication such as different types of extracellular vesicles or tunneling nanotubes is changing the way scientists look at these processes. However, are they all actively involved in different contexts at the same time or are they recruited to fulfill specific tasks? What does the multiplicity of modes mean for the overall progression of the disease? Here, we extend an open invitation to think about the overall significance of these questions, rather than engage in an elusive attempt at a systematic repertory of the mechanisms at play.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases, inhibition of nerve regeneration, cancer progression and other diseases. Therefore, EphA4 inhibition has potential therapeutic value. Selective EphA4 kinase inhibitors are not available, but we identified peptide antagonists that inhibit ephrin ligand binding to EphA4 with high specificity. One of these peptides is the cyclic APY-d3 (βAPYCVYRβASWSC-NH2), which inhibits ephrin-A5 ligand binding to EphA4 with low nanomolar binding affinity and is highly protease resistant. Here we describe modifications of APY-d3 that yield two different key derivatives with greatly increased half-lives in the mouse circulation, the lipidated APY-d3-laur8 and the PEGylated APY-d3-PEG4. These two derivatives inhibit ligand induced EphA4 activation in cells with sub-micromolar potency. Since they retain high potency and specificity for EphA4, lipidated and PEGylated APY-d3 derivatives represent new tools for discriminating EphA4 activities in vivo and for preclinical testing of EphA4 inhibition in animal disease models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor neuron loss. Importantly, non-neuronal cell types such as astrocytes also play significant roles in disease pathogenesis. However, mechanisms of astrocyte contribution to ALS remain incompletely understood. Astrocyte involvement suggests that transcellular signaling may play a role in disease. We examined contribution of transmembrane signaling molecule ephrinB2 to ALS pathogenesis, in particular its role in driving motor neuron damage by spinal cord astrocytes. In symptomatic SOD1G93A mice (a well-established ALS model), ephrinB2 expression was dramatically increased in ventral horn astrocytes. Reducing ephrinB2 in the cervical spinal cord ventral horn via viral-mediated shRNA delivery reduced motor neuron loss and preserved respiratory function by maintaining phrenic motor neuron innervation of diaphragm. EphrinB2 expression was also elevated in human ALS spinal cord. These findings implicate ephrinB2 upregulation as both a transcellular signaling mechanism in mutant SOD1-associated ALS and a promising therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proper growth and branching of dendrites are crucial for adequate central nervous system (CNS) functioning. The neuronal dendritic geometry determines the mode and quality of information processing. Any defects in dendrite development will disrupt neuronal circuit formation, affecting brain function. Besides cell-intrinsic programmes, extrinsic factors regulate various aspects of dendritic development. Among these extrinsic factors are extracellular molecular signals which can shape the dendrite architecture during early development. This review will focus on extrinsic factors regulating dendritic growth during early neuronal development, including neurotransmitters, neurotrophins, extracellular matrix proteins, contact-mediated ligands, and secreted and diffusible cues. How these extracellular molecular signals contribute to dendritic growth has been investigated in developing nervous systems using different species, different areas within the CNS, and different neuronal types. The response of the dendritic tree to these extracellular molecular signals can result in growth-promoting or growth-limiting effects, and it depends on the receptor subtype, receptor quantity, receptor efficiency, the animal model used, the developmental time windows, and finally, the targeted signal cascade. This article reviews our current understanding of the role of various extracellular signals in the establishment of the architecture of the dendrites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dendritic spines are highly dynamic structures that play important roles in neuronal plasticity. The morphologies and the numbers of dendritic spines are highly variable, and this diversity is correlated with the different morphological and physiological features of this neuronal compartment. Dendritic spines can change their morphology and number rapidly, allowing them to adapt to plastic changes. Neurotrophic factors play important roles in the brain during development. However, these factors are also necessary for a variety of processes in the postnatal brain. Neurotrophic factors, especially members of the neurotrophin family and the ephrin family, are involved in the modulation of long-lasting effects induced by neuronal plasticity by acting on dendritic spines, either directly or indirectly. Thereby, the neurotrophic factors play important roles in processes attributed, for example, to learning and memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Efferocytosis is a process that removes apoptotic cells and cellular debris. Clearance of these cells alleviates neuroinflammation, prevents the release of inflammatory molecules, and promotes the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines to help maintain tissue homeostasis. The underlying mechanisms by which this occurs in the brain after injury remain ill-defined.
    METHODS: We used GFP bone marrow chimeric knockout (KO) mice to demonstrate that the axon guidance molecule EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase is involved in suppressing MERTK in the brain to restrict efferocytosis of resident microglia and peripheral-derived monocyte/macrophages.
    RESULTS: Single-cell RNAseq identified MERTK expression, the primary receptor involved in efferocytosis, on monocytes, microglia, and a subset of astrocytes in the damaged cortex following brain injury. Loss of EphA4 on infiltrating GFP-expressing immune cells improved functional outcome concomitant with enhanced efferocytosis and overall protein expression of p-MERTK, p-ERK, and p-Stat6. The percentage of GFP+ monocyte/macrophages and resident microglia engulfing NeuN+ or TUNEL+ cells was significantly higher in KO chimeric mice. Importantly, mRNA expression of Mertk and its cognate ligand Gas6 was significantly elevated in these mice compared to the wild-type. Analysis of cell-specific expression showed that p-ERK and p-Stat6 co-localized with MERTK-expressing GFP + cells in the peri-lesional area of the cortex following brain injury. Using an in vitro efferocytosis assay, co-culturing pHrodo-labeled apoptotic Jurkat cells and bone marrow (BM)-derived macrophages, we demonstrate that efferocytosis efficiency and mRNA expression of Mertk and Gas6 was enhanced in the absence of EphA4. Selective inhibitors of ERK and Stat6 attenuated this effect, confirming that EphA4 suppresses monocyte/macrophage efferocytosis via inhibition of the ERK/Stat6 pathway.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings implicate the ERK/Stat6/MERTK axis as a novel regulator of apoptotic debris clearance in brain injury that is restricted by peripheral myeloid-derived EphA4 to prevent the resolution of inflammation.





