environmental DNA

环境 DNA
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faecal contamination of freshwater and marine environments represents a significant risk for public health, recreational activity and food safety, and tools for evaluating complex multi-source contamination remain largely in the development phase. We evaluated the efficacy of the Fast Expectation Maximization (FEAST) microbial source tracking (MST) algorithm to apportion sources of faecal contamination among four mammalian species of interest in coastal waters in New Zealand. Using 16S ribosomal DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples from cows, fur seals, and sheep, as well as human wastewater, we aimed to differentiate and quantify the contribution of these sources in mixed faecal samples. Multivariate analysis confirmed significant differences in the microbial communities associated with each mammalian source, with specific bacterial classes indicative of different sources. The FEAST algorithm was tested using mixed DNA and mixed faecal samples, and we found that the algorithm correctly assigned the dominant source from all samples, but underestimated the dominant source\'s proportional contribution. This underestimation suggests the need for further refinement and validation to ensure accurate source apportionment in environmental samples where the faecal signal is likely to be a minor component. Despite these limitations, the findings of our study, in combination with the evidence from others who have tested the FEAST algorithm in environmental settings, indicates that it represents an advance on existing tools for microbial source tracking and may become a useful addition to the toolbox for environmental management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microeukaryotic plankton are essential to marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles, with coastal seas playing a critical role in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the diversity of microeukaryotic plankton, deciphering their community structure and succession patterns, and identifying the key factors influencing these dynamics remain central challenges in coastal ecology. In this study, we examine patterns of biodiversity, community structure, and co-occurrence using environmental DNA (eDNA)-based methods. Our results show a linear correlation between α-diversity and distance from the shore, with nutrient-related factors, especially inorganic nitrogen, being the primary determinants of the spatial distribution of plankton communities. Alternation of coastal habitat have shifted the succession patterns of coastal eukaryotic plankton communities from stochastic to deterministic processes. Additionally, our observations indicate that the topology and structure of eukaryotic plankton symbiotic patterns and networks are significantly influenced by environmental heterogeneity such as nutrients, which increase the vulnerability and decrease the stability of offshore ecological networks. Overall, our study demonstrates that the distribution of microeukaryotic plankton communities is influenced by factors related to environmental heterogeneity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological integrity assessment and degradation diagnosis are used globally to evaluate the health of water bodies and pinpoint critical stressors. However, current studies mainly focus on separate evaluation or diagnosis, leading to an inadequate exploration of the relationship between stressors and responses. Here, based on multiple data sets in an urban lake system, a synchronous evaluation-diagnosis model with quantitative stressor-response analysis was advanced, aiming to improve the accuracy of evaluation and diagnosis. The weights for key physicochemical stressors were quantitatively determined in the sequence of NDAVIadj > CODMn > TP > NH4+-N by the combination of generalized additive model and structural equation modeling, clarifying the most significant effects of aquatic vegetation on the degradation of fish assemblages. Then, sensitive biological metrics were screened by considering the distinct contributions of four key stressors to alleviate the possible deviation caused by common methods. Finally, ecological integrity was evaluated by summing the key physicochemical stressors and sensitive biological metrics according to the model-deduced weights instead of empirical weights. Our system\'s diagnosis and evaluation results achieved an accuracy of over 80% when predicting anthropogenic stress and biological status, which highlights the great potential of our multiple-level system for ecosystem management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Analyzing the correlation between planktonic eukaryotic communities (PECs) and aquatic physicochemical parameters (APPs) provides important references for predicting the impact of climate change and human activities on aquatic ecosystems.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the influence of seasons and APPs on PEC structures in lakes and rivers, we utilized high-throughput sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene to analyze PEC structures in a lake and seven rivers in the Chaohu Lake Basin and analyzed their correlations with APPs.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results revealed that PEC structure was significantly affected by season, with the highest α-diversity observed in summer. Furthermore, we identified several APPs, including water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphate, total phosphorus, trophic level index (TLI), nitrate, ammonia nitrogen, and total nitrogen, that significantly influenced PEC structures. Specifically, we found that Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Simocephalus serrulatus, Cryptomonas sp. CCAC_0109, Pedospumella encystans, Actinochloris sphaerica, Chlamydomonas angulosa, Gonyostomum semen, Skeletonema potamos, Chlamydomonas klinobasis, Pedospumella sp., and Neochlorosarcina negevensis were significantly correlated to TLI, while Limnoithona tetraspina, Theileria sp., and Pseudophyllomitus vesiculosus were significantly correlated to the water quality index (WQI). However, our random forest regression analysis using the top 100 species was unable to accurately predict the WQI and TLI.
    UNASSIGNED: These results provide valuable data for evaluating the impact of APPs on PEC and for protecting water resource in the Chaohu Lake Basin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tufa deposits in karst rivers are unique habitats created by mutual interactions between specific environmental and biotope features and inhabited by diatoms as a highly abundant and diverse algal group. This pilot study aimed to investigate the diversity of diatom communities on tufa depositing habitats and assess the Una River\'s ecological status using a comparative molecular and morphological approach for diatom identification. The 312 base pairs of the rbcL gene were barcoded and analyzed using MiSeq reads and amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) obtained by the DADA2 pipeline. The reference database Diat.barcode v7 was used for taxonomic assignment. The morphological identification of the diatoms was carried out in parallel. In total, the combined dataset revealed 46 taxa identified at genus rank, 125 on the subgenus, and 145 on combined taxonomy rank. The metabarcoding approach mostly leads to a lower number of identified taxa at species rank (58 in molecular vs. 119 in optical inventory), resulting in higher values of beta diversity and heterogeneity in diatom assemblages in samples obtained by morphological approach. Despite the high percentage of taxonomically not assigned diatom ASVs to the species rank, high Shannon diversity index values and a similar number of taxa per locations compared to the morphological approach were obtained. Taxa Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki, Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hustedt) H.Kobayasi, Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow, Diatoma vulgaris Bory, Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot, and Navicula tripunctata (O.F.Müller) Bory were identified at all locations in both inventories. Although limited consistency in the diatom abundances between the two inventory datasets was found, a similar grouping of samples was observed connected to the river\'s longitudinal gradient. The data obtained using molecular approach in most sites indicated a mostly lower ecological status (good or moderate) compared to the data obtained from the morphological approach (high, good, and moderate). The potential of environmental DNA (eDNA) diatom metabarcoding for water monitoring and diversity studies is undeniable, but to fully realize the benefits of these methods in the future, it is essential to standardize protocols and expand the reference database for species found in specific habitats, such as tufa deposits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) preserved in marine sediments is increasingly being used to study past ecosystems. However, little is known about how accurately marine biodiversity is recorded in sediment eDNA archives, especially planktonic taxa. Here, we address this question by comparing eukaryotic diversity in 273 eDNA samples from three water depths and the surface sediments of 24 stations in the Nordic Seas. Analysis of 18S-V9 metabarcoding data reveals distinct eukaryotic assemblages between water and sediment eDNA. Only 40% of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) detected in water were also found in sediment eDNA. Remarkably, the ASVs shared between water and sediment accounted for 80% of total sequence reads suggesting that a large amount of plankton DNA is transported to the seafloor, predominantly from abundant phytoplankton taxa. However, not all plankton taxa were equally archived on the seafloor. The plankton DNA deposited in the sediments was dominated by diatoms and showed an underrepresentation of certain nano- and picoplankton taxa (Picozoa or Prymnesiophyceae). Our study offers the first insights into the patterns of plankton diversity recorded in sediment in relation to seasonality and spatial variability of environmental conditions in the Nordic Seas. Our results suggest that the genetic composition and structure of the plankton community vary considerably throughout the water column and differ from what accumulates in the sediment. Hence, the interpretation of sedimentary eDNA archives should take into account potential taxonomic and abundance biases when reconstructing past changes in marine biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) is becoming prevalent as a novel method of ecological monitoring. Although eDNA can provide critical information on the distribution and biomass of particular taxa, the DNA sequences of an organism remain unaltered throughout its existence, which complicates the accurate identification of crucial events, including spawning. Therefore, we examined DNA methylation as a novel source of information from eDNA, considering that the methylation patterns in eggs and sperm released during spawning differ from those of somatic tissues. Despite its potential applications, little is known about eDNA methylation, including its stability and methods for detection and quantification. Therefore, we conducted tank experiments and performed methylation analysis targeting 18S rDNA through bisulphite amplicon sequencing. In the target region, eDNA methylation was not affected by degradation and was equivalent to the methylation rate of genomic DNA from somatic tissues. Unmethylated DNA, abundant in the ovaries, was detected in the eDNA released during fish spawning. These results indicate that eDNA methylation is a stable signal reflecting targeted gene methylation and further demonstrate that germ cell-specific methylation patterns can be used as markers for detecting fish spawning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More efficient methods for extensive biodiversity monitoring are required to support rapid measures to address the biodiversity crisis. While environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding and quantitative PCR (qPCR) methods offer advantages over traditional monitoring approaches, their large-scale application is limited by the time and labour required for developing assays and/or for analysis. CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) diagnostic technologies (Dx) may overcome some of these limitations, but they have been used solely with species-specific primers, restricting their versatility for biodiversity monitoring. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of designing species-specific CRISPR-Dx assays in silico within a short metabarcoding fragment using a general primer set, a methodology we term \'ampliscanning\', for 18 of the 22 amphibian species in Switzerland. We sub-selected nine species, including three classified as regionally endangered, to test the methodology using eDNA sampled from ponds at nine sites. We compared the ampliscanning detections to data from traditional monitoring at these sites. Ampliscanning was successful at detecting target species with different prevalences across the landscape. With only one visit, we detected more species per site than three traditional monitoring visits (visual and acoustic detections by trained experts), in particular more elusive species and previously undocumented but expected populations. Ampliscanning detected 25 species/site combinations compared to 12 with traditional monitoring. Sensitivity analyses showed that larger numbers of field visits and PCR replicates are more important for reliable detection than many technical replicates at the CRISPR-Dx assay level. Given the reduced sampling and analysis effort, our results highlight the benefits of eDNA and CRISPR-Dx combined with universal primers for large-scale monitoring of multiple endangered species across landscapes to inform conservation measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the aquaculture system of ornamental fish, the interaction between bacterial microbiota and ciliate protozoa can prevent or promote disease outbreaks, and different physicochemical conditions will affect the relationships between them. We investigated the interaction between bacterial microbiota and the parasite Tetrahymena pyriformis when infecting Poecilia reticulata (guppy) under different physicochemical conditions. The abundance of T. pyriformis in water, the relative abundance of bacterial species, and histopathological observation were studied or monitored using environmental DNA (eDNA) extraction technology, the qPCR method, and 16s rRNA sequencing, respectively. The morphological identification and phylogenetic analysis of T. pyriformis were carried out. The infected guppy tissue was also stained by the hematoxylin and eosin methods. The results showed: (1) the bacterial communities of water samples were mainly composed of species assigned to Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, and Tabrizicola and Puniceicoccaceae were positively correlated with fish mortality, T. pyriformis abundance, and temperature. (2) Arcicella and Methyloversatilis universalis with different correlations between ciliates appeared in different treatment groups, the result of which proved that environmental factors affected the interaction between bacteria and T. pyriformis. (3) Lower temperatures and a higher pH were more beneficial for preventing disease outbreaks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-induced global alterations have worsened the severe decrease in fish biodiversity in rivers. To successfully reduce the pace of reduction in fish diversity, it is crucial to prioritize the understanding of how human activities impact the processes that shape and maintain fish diversity. Traditional fish survey methods are based on catch collection and morphological identification, which is often time-consuming and ineffective. Hence, these methods are inadequate for conducting thorough and detailed large-scale surveys of fish ecology. The rapid progress in molecular biology techniques has transformed environmental DNA (eDNA) technique into a highly promising method for studying fish ecology. In this work, we conducted the first systematic study of fish diversity and its formation and maintenance mechanism in the Xishuangbanna section of the Lancang River using eDNA metabarcoding. The eDNA metabarcoding detected a total of 159 species of freshwater fishes spanning 13 orders, 34 families, and 99 genera. The fishes in the order cypriniformes were shown to be overwhelmingly dominant. At different intensities of anthropogenic activity, we found differences in fish community composition and assembly. The analysis of the Sloan\'s neutral community model fitting revealed that stochastic processes were the dominant factor in the shaping of fish communities in the Xishuangbanna section of the Lancang River. We have further confirmed this result by using the phylogenetic normalized stochasticity ratio. Furthermore, our findings indicate that as human activities get more intense, the influence of stochastic processes on the shaping of fish communities decreases, while the influence of deterministic processes eventually becomes more prominent. Finally, we discovered that salinity positively correlated with fish community changes in the high-intensity anthropogenic sample sites, but all environmental factors had little effect on fish community changes in the low-intensity and moderate-intensity anthropogenic sample sites. Our study not only validated the potential application of eDNA metabarcoding for monitoring fish diversity in tropical rivers, but also revealed how fish communities respond to human activities. This knowledge will serve as a solid foundation for the protection of fish resources in tropical rivers.





