
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siderophore-antibiotic conjugates (SACs) are of past and current interest for delivering antibacterials into Gram-negative bacterial pathogens that express siderophore receptors. Studies of SACs are often multifaceted and involve chemical and biological approaches. Major goals are to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and uptake of novel SACs and use the resulting data to inform further mode-of-action studies and molecular design strategies. In this chapter, we describe four key methods that we apply when investigating the antimicrobial activity and uptake of novel SACs based on the siderophore enterobactin (Ent). These methods are based on approaches from the siderophore literature as well as established protocols for antimicrobial activity testing, and include assays for evaluating SAC antimicrobial activity, time-kill kinetics, siderophore competition, and bacterial cell uptake using 57Fe. These assays have served us well in characterizing our Ent-based conjugates and can be applied to study SACs that use other siderophores as targeting vectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterobactin is a high-affinity iron chelator produced and secreted by Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium to scavenge scarce extracellular Fe3+ as a micronutrient. EntC and EntB are the first two enzymes in the enterobactin biosynthetic pathway. Isochorismate, produced by EntC, is a substrate for EntB isochorismatase. By using a competing isochorismate-consuming enzyme (the E. coli SEPHCHC synthase MenD), we found in a coupled assay that residual EntB isochorismatase activity decreased as a function of increasing MenD concentration. In the presence of excess MenD, EntB isochorismatase activity was observed to decrease by 84%, indicative of partial EntC-EntB channeling (16%) of isochorismate. Furthermore, addition of glycerol to the assay resulted in an increase of residual EntB isochorismatase activity to approximately 25% while in the presence of excess MenD. These experimental outcomes supported the existence of a substrate channeling surface identified in a previously reported protein-docking model of the EntC-EntB complex. Two positively charged EntB residues (K21 and R196) that were predicted to electrostatically guide negatively charged isochorismate between the EntC and EntB active sites were mutagenized to determine their effects on substrate channeling. The EntB variants K21D and R196D exhibited a near complete loss of isochorismatase activity, likely due to electrostatic repulsion of the negatively charged isochorismate substrate. Variants K21A, R196A, and K21A/R196A retained partial EntB isochorismatase activity in the absence of EntC; in the presence of EntC, isochorismatase activity in all variants increased to near wild-type levels. The MenD competition assay of the variants revealed that while K21A channeled isochorismate as efficiently as wild-type EntB (~ 15%), the variants K21A/R196A and R196A exhibited an approximately 5-fold loss in observed channeling efficiency (~3%). Taken together, these results demonstrate that partial substrate channeling occurs between EntC and EntB via a leaky electrostatic tunnel formed upon dynamic EntC-EntB complex formation and that EntB R196 plays an essential role in isochorismate channeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Certain bacteria demonstrate the ability to target and colonize the tumor microenvironment, a characteristic that positions them as innovative carriers for delivering various therapeutic agents in cancer therapy. Nevertheless, our understanding of how bacteria adapt their physiological condition to the tumor microenvironment remains elusive. In this work, we employed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to examine the proteome of E. coli colonized in murine tumors. Compared to E. coli cultivated in the rich medium, we found that E. coli colonized in tumors notably upregulated the processes related to ferric ions, including the enterobactin biosynthesis and iron homeostasis. This finding indicated that the tumor is an iron-deficient environment to E. coli. We also found that the colonization of E. coli in the tumor led to an increased expression of lipocalin 2 (LCN2), a host protein that can sequester the enterobactin. We therefore engineered E. coli in order to evade the nutritional immunity provided by LCN2. By introducing the IroA cluster, the E. coli synthesizes the glycosylated enterobactin, which creates steric hindrance to avoid the LCN2 sequestration. The IroA-E. coli showed enhanced resistance to LCN2 and significantly improved the anti-tumor activity in mice. Moreover, the mice cured by the IroA-E. coli treatment became resistant to the tumor re-challenge, indicating the establishment of immunological memory. Overall, our study underscores the crucial role of bacteria\'s ability to acquire ferric ions within the tumor microenvironment for effective cancer therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipocalin-2 (LCN2), an effector molecule of the innate immune system that is small enough to be tagged as a reporter molecule, can be coupled with the ferric ion through a siderophore such as enterobactin (Ent). Mintbody (modification-specific intracellular antibody) can track a posttranslational protein modification in epigenetics. We constructed plasmids expressing the LCN2 hybrid of mintbody to examine the potential of LCN2 as a novel reporter for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cells expressing the LCN2 hybrid of mintbody showed proper expression and localization of the hybrid and responded reasonably to Ent, suggesting their potential for in vivo study by MRI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbes synthesize and secrete siderophores, that bind and solubilize precipitated or otherwise unavailable iron in their microenvironments. Gram (-) bacterial TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors capture the resulting ferric siderophores to begin the uptake process. From their similarity to fepA, the structural gene for the Escherichia coli ferric enterobactin (FeEnt) receptor, we identified four homologous genes in the human and animal ESKAPE pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae (strain Kp52.145). One locus encodes IroN (locus 0027 on plasmid pII), and three other loci encode other FepA orthologs/paralogs (chromosomal loci 1658, 2380, and 4984). Based on the crystal structure of E. coli FepA (1FEP), we modeled the tertiary structures of the K. pneumoniae FepA homologs and genetically engineered individual Cys substitutions in their predicted surface loops. We subjected bacteria expressing the Cys mutant proteins to modification with extrinsic fluorescein maleimide (FM) and used the resulting fluorescently labeled cells to spectroscopically monitor the binding and transport of catecholate ferric siderophores by the four different receptors. The FM-modified FepA homologs were nanosensors that defined the ferric catecholate uptake pathways in pathogenic strains of K. pneumoniae. In Kp52.145, loci 1658 and 4984 encoded receptors that primarily recognized and transported FeEnt; locus 0027 produced a receptor that principally bound and transported FeEnt and glucosylated FeEnt (FeGEnt); locus 2380 encoded a protein that bound ferric catecholate compounds but did not detectably transport them. The sensors also characterized the uptake of iron complexes, including FeGEnt, by the hypervirulent, hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae strain hvKp1.
    Both commensal and pathogenic bacteria produce small organic chelators, called siderophores, that avidly bind iron and increase its bioavailability. Klebsiella pneumoniae variably produces four siderophores that antagonize host iron sequestration: enterobactin, glucosylated enterobactin (also termed salmochelin), aerobactin, and yersiniabactin, which promote colonization of different host tissues. Abundant evidence links bacterial iron acquisition to virulence and infectious diseases. The data we report explain the recognition and transport of ferric catecholates and other siderophores, which are crucial to iron acquisition by K. pneumoniae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens is a growing concern worldwide due to its impact on the treatment of bacterial infections. The \"Trojan Horse\" strategy has been proposed as a potential solution to overcome drug resistance caused by permeability issues.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of our research was to investigate the bactericidal activity and mechanism of action of the \"Trojan Horse\" strategy using enterobactin conjugated with Ciprofloxacin and Fosfomycin against the antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli strain OQ866153.
    METHODS: Enterobactin, a mixed ligand of E. coli OQ866153, was conjugated with Ciprofloxacin and Fosfomycin individually to aid active absorption via specific enterobactin binding proteins (FepABCDG). The effectiveness of the conjugates was assessed by measuring their bactericidal activity against E. coli OQ866153, as well as their ability to inhibit DNA gyrase enzyme and biofilm formation.
    RESULTS: The Fe+3-enterobactin-Ciprofloxacin conjugate effectively inhibited the DNA gyrase enzyme (Docking score = -8.597 kcal/mol) and resulted in a lower concentration (25 μg/ml) required to eliminate supercoiled DNA plasmids compared to the parent drug (35 μg/ml; Docking score = -6.264 kcal/mol). The Fe+3-Enterobactin-Fosfomycin conjugate showed a higher inhibition percentage (100%) of biofilm formation compared to Fosfomycin (21.58%) at a concentration of 2 mg/ml, with docking scores of -5.481 and -3.756 kcal/mol against UDP-N acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase MurA.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that the \"Trojan Horse\" strategy using enterobactin conjugated with Ciprofloxacin and Fosfomycin can effectively overcome permeability issues caused by efflux proteins and enhance the bactericidal activity of these drugs against antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siderophores are secondary metabolites utilized by bacteria to acquire iron (Fe), an essential transition metal nutrient. Fe levels in the host environment are tightly regulated and can be further restricted to starve invading bacterial pathogens in a host-defense process known as nutritional immunity. To survive and colonize the Fe-limited host environment, bacteria produce siderophores and express cognate siderophore transport machinery. These active transport pathways present an opportunity for selective and efficient drug delivery into bacterial cells, motivating decades of research on synthetic siderophore-antibiotic conjugates (SACs) as a Trojan-horse strategy for the development of targeted antibiotics.Enterobactin (Ent) is a triscatecholate siderophore produced and utilized by many Gram-negative bacteria, including all Escherichia coli and Salmonella species. Within these species, pathogenic strains cause a variety of human diseases including urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, and sepsis. Infections caused by these Gram-negative pathogens can be difficult to treat because of the impermeability of the outer membrane (OM). This impermeability can be overcome by utilizing siderophores as drug delivery vectors for targeting Gram-negative pathogens. Ent is a promising delivery vector because it undergoes active transport across the OM mediated by the Ent uptake machinery after scavenging Fe(III) from the extracellular environment. Despite the well-elucidated chemistry and biology of Ent, its use for SAC development was hampered by the lack of an appropriate functional group for cargo attachment. Our laboratory addressed this need by designing and synthesizing monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds. Over the past decade, we have used these scaffolds to explore Ent-based SACs with a variety of drug warheads, including β-lactam and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and Pt(IV) prodrugs. Investigations of the antibacterial activities of these conjugates and their cellular fates have informed our design principles and revealed approaches to achieving enhanced antibacterial potency and pathogen-targeted activity. Collectively, our studies of Ent-drug conjugates have provided discoveries, understanding, and invaluable insights for future design and evaluation of SACs.In this Account, we present the story of our work on Ent-drug conjugates that began about ten years ago with the development of monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds and the design and synthesis of various conjugates based on these scaffolds. We describe the antibacterial activity profiles and uptake pathways of Ent-drug conjugates harboring traditional antibiotics and repurposed platinum anticancer agents as well as studies that address cellular targets and fates. Finally, we discuss other applications of monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds, including a siderophore-based immunization strategy. We intend for this Account to inspire further investigations into the fundamental understanding and translational applications of siderophores and siderophore-drug conjugates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing new antibiotics and delivery strategies is of critical importance for treating infections caused by Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. Hijacking bacterial iron uptake machinery, such as that of the siderophore enterobactin (Ent), represents one promising approach toward these goals. Here, we report a novel Ent-inspired siderophore-antibiotic conjugate (SAC) employing an alternative siderophore moiety as the delivery vector and demonstrate the potency of our SACs harboring the β-lactam antibiotic ampicillin (Amp) against multiple pathogenic Gram-negative bacterial strains. We establish the ability of N,N\',N\'\'-(nitrilotris(ethane-2,1-diyl))tris(2,3-dihydroxybenzamide) (TRENCAM, hereafter TC), a synthetic mimic of Ent, to facilitate drug delivery across the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative pathogens. Conjugation of Amp to a new monofunctionalized TC scaffold affords TC-Amp, which displays markedly enhanced antibacterial activity against the gastrointestinal pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (STm) compared with unmodified Amp. Bacterial uptake, antibiotic susceptibility, and microscopy studies with STm show that the TC moiety facilitates TC-Amp uptake by the OM receptors FepA and IroN and that the Amp warhead inhibits penicillin-binding proteins. Moreover, TC-Amp achieves targeted activity, selectively killing STm in the presence of a commensal lactobacillus. Remarkably, we uncover that TC-Amp and its Ent-based predecessor Ent-Amp achieve enhanced antibacterial activity against diverse Gram-negative ESKAPE pathogens that express Ent uptake machinery, including strains that possess intrinsic β-lactam resistance. TC-Amp and Ent-Amp exhibit potency comparable to that of the FDA-approved SAC cefiderocol against Gram-negative pathogens. These results demonstrate the effective application of native and appropriately designed nonnative siderophores as vectors for drug delivery across the OM of multiple Gram-negative bacterial pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of inert, biocompatible chelation methods is required to harness the emerging positron emitting radionuclide 45Ti for radiopharmaceutical applications. Herein, we evaluate the Ti(IV)-coordination chemistry of four catechol-based, hexacoordinate chelators using synthetic, structural, computational, and radiochemical approaches. The siderophore enterobactin (Ent) and its synthetic mimic TREN-CAM readily form mononuclear Ti(IV) species in aqueous solution at neutral pH. Radiolabeling studies reveal that Ent and TREN-CAM form mononuclear complexes with the short-lived, positron-emitting radionuclide 45Ti(IV), and do not transchelate to plasma proteins in vitro and exhibit rapid renal clearance in naïve mice. These features guide efforts to target the 45Ti isotope to prostate cancer tissue through the design, synthesis, and evaluation of Ent-DUPA, a small molecule conjugate composed of a prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeting peptide and a monofunctionalized Ent scaffold. The [45Ti][Ti(Ent-DUPA)]2- complex forms readily at room temperature. In a tumor xenograft model in mice, selective tumor tissue accumulation (8±5 %, n=5), and low off-target uptake in other organs is observed. Overall, this work demonstrates targeted imaging with 45Ti(IV), provides a foundation for advancing the application of 45Ti in nuclear medicine, and reveals that Ent can be repurposed as a 45Ti-complexing cargo for targeted nuclear imaging applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing threat of bacterial infections coupled with the dwindling arsenal of effective antibiotics has heightened the urgency for innovative strategies to combat bacterial pathogens, particularly Gram-negative strains, which pose a significant challenge due to their outer membrane permeability barrier. In this study, we repurpose clinically approved anticancer agents as targeted antibacterials. We report two new siderophore-platinum(IV) conjugates, both of which consist of an oxaliplatin-based Pt(IV) prodrug (oxPt(IV)) conjugated to enterobactin (Ent), a triscatecholate siderophore employed by Enterobacteriaceae for iron acquisition. We demonstrate that l/d-Ent-oxPt(IV) (l/d-EOP) are selectively delivered into the Escherichia coli cytoplasm, achieving targeted antibacterial activity, causing filamentous morphology, and leading to enhanced Pt uptake by bacterial cells but reduced Pt uptake by human cells. d-EOP exhibits enhanced potency compared to oxaliplatin and l-EOP, primarily attributed to the intrinsic antibacterial activity of its non-native siderophore moiety. To further elucidate the antibacterial activity of Ent-Pt(IV) conjugates, we probed DNA damage caused by l/d-EOP and the previously reported cisplatin-based conjugates l/d-Ent-Pt(IV) (l/d-EP). A comparative analysis of these four conjugates reveals a correlation between antibacterial activity and the ability to induce DNA damage. This work expands the scope of Pt cargos targeted to the cytoplasm of Gram-negative bacteria via Ent conjugation, provides insight into the cellular consequences of Ent-Pt(IV) conjugates in E. coli, and furthers our understanding of the potential of Pt-based therapeutics for antibacterial applications.





