endoscopic hemostasis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peptic ulcer bleeding is the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which has a high mortality risk. The standard therapy for acute peptic ulcer bleeding combines medication administration and endoscopic therapies. Both pharmacologic and endoscopic therapies have developed continuously in the past few decades. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) already reached a high efficacy in ulcer healing and have been widely used in the past few decades. Endoscopic hemostasis, which includes local epinephrine injection, heater probe coagulation, use of hemostatic clips, and/or band ligation, is highly effective with an overall hemostatic success rate of 85%-90%. However, 10%-20% of patients could not be cured by the current standard combination treatment. Recurrent ulcer bleeding, despite an initial successful hemostasis, is also a big problem for longer hospitalization stays, higher mortality, and higher complication rates, especially for malignant ulcer bleeding. How to manage all types of peptic ulcer bleeding and how to prevent early recurrent peptic ulcer bleeding remain unresolved clinical problems. Recently, several novel medications and endoscopic methods have been developed. Potassium competitive acid blockers have shown a stronger and longer acid suppression than PPI. Hemostatic powder spray and hemostatic gel emulsion are novel hemostatic weapons with emerging evidence, which are potential missing pieces of the puzzle. This literature review will go through the development of endoscopic hemostasis to the prospects of novel endoscopic treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastric endoscopic mucosal resection is challenging due to the slippery mucosa, abundant blood vessels, and the presence of mucus. We developed gel immersion endoscopy to secure the visual field, even in a blood-filled gastrointestinal lumen in 2016. Clear gel with appropriate viscosity, instead of water, can prevent rapid mixture with blood and facilitate identification of the culprit vessel. We further optimized the gel for endoscopic treatment, and the resultant product, Viscoclear (Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory) was first released in Japan in 2020. The viscosity of this gel has been optimized to maximize endoscopic visibility without compromising the ease of its irrigation. The aim of this study is to clarify the effectiveness of gel immersion endoscopic mucosal resection for small-sized early gastric neoplasms. Seven lesions in seven patients were treated by gel immersion endoscopic mucosal resection. The size of all lesions was under 10 mm. The median procedure time was 4.5 min. Intraoperative bleeding occurred in four of seven lesions immediately after snare resection and was easily controlled by endoscopic hemostatic forceps during the gel immersion endoscopy. The R0 resection rate was 100%. In conclusion, gel immersion endoscopic mucosal resection may be a straightforward, rapid, and safe technique for resecting superficial gastric neoplasms <10 mm in diameter.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (ANVUGIB) is a common medical emergency in clinical practice. While the incidence has significantly reduced, the mortality rates have not undergone a similar reduction in the last few decades, thus presenting a significant challenge. This editorial outlines the key causes and risk factors of ANVUGIB and explores the current standards and recent updates in risk assessment scoring systems for predicting mortality and endoscopic treatments for achieving hemostasis. Since ANUVGIB predominantly affects the elderly population, the impact of comorbidities may be responsible for the poor outcomes. A thorough drug history is important due to the increasing use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants in the elderly. Early risk stratification plays a crucial role in deciding the line of management and predicting mortality. Emerging scoring systems such as the ABC (age, blood tests, co-morbidities) score show promise in predicting mortality and guiding clinical decisions. While conventional endoscopic therapies remain cornerstone approaches, novel techniques like hemostatic powders and over-the-scope clips offer promising alternatives, particularly in cases refractory to traditional modalities. By integrating validated scoring systems and leveraging novel therapeutic modalities, clinicians can enhance patient care and mitigate the substantial morbidity and mortality associated with ANVUGIB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The hemostatic mechanism of endoscopic detachable snare ligation (EDSL) for colonic diverticular hemorrhage (CDH) is similar to that of endoscopic band ligation, which is effective and safe. However, because reports on EDSL are scarce, we conducted a two-center cohort study to evaluate its effectiveness.
    METHODS: This study analyzed 283 patients with CDH treated with EDSL at two Japanese hospitals between July 2015 and November 2021. Patient characteristics and clinical outcomes were retrospectively evaluated. A Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to evaluate the cumulative probability of rebleeding after EDSL. A Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was performed to compare the effects of complete and incomplete ligation on rebleeding.
    RESULTS: The initial hemostasis success and early rebleeding rates were 97.9% and 11.0%, respectively. The time to hemostasis after identification of the bleeding site and total procedure time were 9 min and 44 min, respectively. Red blood cell transfusion was required for 32.9% of patients. The median hospital length of stay after EDSL was 5 days. The complete ligation rate of the early rebleeding group was significantly lower than that of the group without early rebleeding (P < 0.01). The 1-year cumulative rebleeding rate with EDSL was 28.2%. Complete ligation was associated with decreased cumulative rebleeding after EDSL (P < 0.01). One patient experienced colonic diverticulitis; however, colonic perforation was not observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Complete ligation is associated with reduced short-term and long-term rebleeding. EDSL could be valuable for CDH because of its low rebleeding rate and the absence of serious adverse events.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) with combined portal vein resection sometimes causes left-sided portal hypertension, which can be a problem. An appropriate treatment strategy for hemorrhagic ectopic varices due to left-sided portal hypertension after PD has not yet been determined. We report a case of repeated variceal rupture around the pancreatojejunostomy site. A 65-year-old woman with a history of PD for pancreatic head cancer was admitted with a chief complaint of bloody stools. She was diagnosed with pancreatojejunostomy variceal rupture, and an endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection was performed. As rebleeding occurred 2 weeks after the first treatment, endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection was repeated, and hemostasis was achieved. Additionally, she had esophageal, colonic, and gastrojejunostomy varices, and the future risk of these variceal ruptures was considered very high. Hence, a splenectomy was performed to prevent rebleeding or other variceal ruptures. Endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection is a useful treatment for hemorrhagic varices around the pancreatojejunostomy site. It is also necessary to understand portal vein hemodynamics and provide appropriate additional treatment in cases of recurrent variceal rupture due to left-sided portal hypertension after PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We herein describe the use of red dichromatic imaging for judging the effectiveness of PuraStat for achieving endoscopic hemostasis of bleeding during endoscopic sphincterotomy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Polyglycolic acid sheets and fibrin glue are routinely used in surgical procedures. Their usefulness in gastrointestinal endoscopy is mainly to prevent complications (bleeding, delayed perforation, stenosis, etc.) associated with procedures such as endoscopic submucosal dissection and endoscopic mucosal resection, with most reports on iatrogenic and secondary conditions. However, there are few reports on primary gastrointestinal diseases. Herein, we report three cases of gastrointestinal bleeding that were successfully treated with endoscopic hemostasis by sealing the lesions with polyglycolic acid sheets and fibrin glue. Case 1 was of an 83-year-old woman with a rare duodenal perforation that was treated with omental plugging who experienced subsequent bleeding from the greater omentum. Case 2 was of a 73-year-old woman with an acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer that was difficult to treat even after performing standard endoscopic hemostasis techniques; however, surgery was avoided by sealing. Case 3 was that of an 89-year-old woman with a stercoral ulcer, treated curatively using a combination of sealing and argon plasma coagulation right from presentation based on the lessons learned from Cases 1 and 2. Endoscopic hemostasis using a polyglycolic acid sheet and fibrin glue may be a new treatment option for gastrointestinal bleeding particularly in refractory or rare causes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We herein describe a 49-year-old man with severe heart failure due to fulminant myocarditis who underwent left ventricular assist device implantation and received clopidogrel and warfarin as antithrombotic agents. The patient developed anemia secondary to chronic bleeding gastric hyperplastic polyps, necessitating endoscopic mucosal resection. Despite attempts to manage post-endoscopic mucosal resection bleeding from a gastric ulcer by endoscopic hemostasis using hemostatic forceps, local hemostatic agents, and polyglycolic acid sheets, the bleeding persisted. Hemostasis of the refractory bleeding was finally achieved by endoscopic hand-suturing of the ulcer. One month later, the ulcer was almost completely scarred. This case has important clinical value in that it demonstrates the efficacy of endoscopic hand-suturing even in challenging cases such as refractory bleeding gastric ulcers in patients with left ventricular assist devices.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Among all patients with gastric cancer, 40% admit to the hospitals due to cancer-related complications. The most common complications of gastric cancer are bleeding (22-80%), malignant gastric outlet obstruction (26-60%), and perforation (less than 5%). The main treatment methods for gastric cancer complicated by bleeding are various forms of endoscopic hemostasis, transarterial embolization and external beam radiotherapy. Surgical treatment is possible in case of ineffective management. However, surgical algorithm is not standardized. Malignant gastric outlet stenosis requires decompression: endoscopic stenting, palliative gastroenterostomy. Surgical treatment is also possible (gastrectomy, proximal or distal resection of the stomach). The main problem for patients with complicated gastric cancer is the lack of standardized algorithms and abundance of potential surgical techniques. The aim of our review is to systematize available data on the treatment of complicated gastric cancer and to standardize existing methods.
    Из общего числа пациентов с раком желудка 40% госпитализаций происходят в результате осложнений. Наиболее частым осложнением рака желудка являются кровотечение (22—80%), прогрессирующий опухолевый стеноз (26—60%) и перфорация (<5%). Основными методами лечения рака желудка, осложненного кровотечением, являются различные формы эндоскопического гемостаза, трансартериальная эмболизация сосудов, питающих опухоль, внешняя паллиативная лучевая терапия. В случае неэффективности возможно хирургическое лечение, алгоритм которого не стандартизирован. При развитии злокачественного стеноза выходного отдела желудка применяются декомпрессионные методы: эндоскопическое стентирование опухолевого канала, формирование паллиативного гастроэнтероанастомоза. Кроме того, возможно и хирургическое лечение в объеме гастрэктомии, проксимальной или дистальной резекции желудка. Основной проблемой пациентов с осложненными формами рака желудка является отсутствие стандартизированных алгоритмов и обилие хирургических техник, которые могут быть применены. Цель нашего обзора — систематизация имеющихся данных в отношении лечения пациентов с осложненными формами рака желудка и стандартизация существующих методик.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bleeding from gastric cancer may lead to severe anemia and hypovolemic shock, and can be a life-threatening condition in affected patients; thus, achieving hemostasis is essential to improving their clinical course. While endoscopic hemostasis is recommended as the hemostatic modality of first choice, endoscopic hemostasis involving the endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) technique is also being used, though under-reported. An 85-year-old man diagnosed with bleeding from gastric cancer was raced to our hospital for hemostasis. Emergency esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) revealed a 45 mm-sized elevated lesion involving the coagula due to dripping bleeding from the surface of the posterior wall of the gastric lower body. EMR was performed without any technical difficulty, and hemostasis was achieved immediately. The patient was discharged without rebleeding. This case appears to support the usefulness of EMR as an emergency endoscopic hemostatic modality for severe bleeding from early gastric cancer.





