emotion dysregulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sexual offenses encompass a diverse array of behaviors across various contexts, affecting numerous individuals. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending among adolescents, there is still a limited understanding of this population. To contribute further to the literature in this field, the present study was conducted to compare a group of male adolescents convicted of sexual offenses with a control group in terms of reflective functioning (RF), emotion regulation (ER) strategies, and emotion dysregulation (ED).
    METHODS: 60 male adolescents aged 12 to 18 years (M = 16.90; SD = 0.97) who had been convicted of at least one serious sexual offense were recruited from male adolescents referred by juvenile courts to the Legal Medicine Organization in Mashhad, Iran, and compared with a control group of non-offending adolescents consisting of 60 male adolescents aged 12 to 18 years (M = 16.97; SD = 0.82) who were attending school. The groups were matched on age and education level.
    RESULTS: A comparison between these two groups revealed that adolescents with a history of sexual offending exhibited poorer RF capacity, greater use of suppression as an ER strategy, and higher scores in all ED domains (p\'s < 0.001) except non-acceptance of emotional responses compared with the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that RF, ER strategies, and ED need to be considered as important psychological factors in understanding and treating adolescents with a history of sexual offending.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to regulate emotions is vital to successful social interactions. This study explores whether visual attention bias is associated with emotion dysregulation (ED) in early childhood. Parental reports of child ED (Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and Temper Tantrum Scale) were examined in relation to child visual attention bias whilst viewing emotional faces. Results indicated that the level of eye gaze fixation towards emotional images and faces was associated with ED when social function (measured with the Social Responsiveness Scale), gender, age, and attention problems (measured from the CBCL subscale), were adjusted. The modifying effect on visual attention bias was evaluated using interaction analysis in the generalized linear model. The level of visual attention bias, indicated by the proportion of eye gaze fixation time on areas of interest (AOIs) in images displaying unpleasant emotions (such as anger), was inversely associated with the level of externalising problem behaviours (p = .014). Additionally, the association of eye gaze fixation time for AOIs displaying negative emotional cues with the level of externalising problem behaviours varied by age (p = .04), with younger children (aged < 70 months) demonstrating a stronger association than older children (aged ≥ 70 months). Findings suggest that young children with greater ED symptoms look less at unpleasant emotional cues. However, this relationship is attenuated as children become older. Further research to identify objective biomarkers that incorporate eye-tracking tasks may support prediction of ED-related mental health issues in the early years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    School refusal behaviors in adolescents have deleterious immediate and long-term consequences and are associated with mental ill-health such as anxiety and depression. Understanding factors that place youth at higher risk of school refusal behavior may assist in developing effective management approaches. We investigated parental and adolescent factors that may be associated with school refusal behaviors by specifically focusing on the role of parental and adolescent emotion dysregulation, their anxiety and depression, and parental rearing style. First, we hypothesized that adolescents with school refusal behaviors, as well as their parents, will report higher levels of emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and depression compared to their counterparts without school refusal behaviors. Furthermore, we hypothesized that multivariate models testing the role of parental and child factors concurrently will show that parental (emotion dysregulation, anxiety and depression, and rearing styles) and adolescent (emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and depression) factors are associated with school refusal behaviors. One hundred and six adolescents aged 12 to 18 years and their parents completed an online questionnaire measuring both parental and adolescent emotion dysregulation, anxiety, depression, parental rearing styles, and adolescents\' school refusal behaviors. Adolescents with school refusal behaviors reported greater anxiety and depression, with their parents showing greater emotion dysregulation. Multivariate analyses showed that parental emotion dysregulation and adolescent age were associated with school refusal behaviors independently. Future management for school refusal behaviors should consider age-tailored approaches by incorporating training for parental emotion regulation skills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between early life trauma, hormonal sensitivity, and psychiatric disorders across female-reproductive life events, with a focus on the neurobiological mechanisms.
    RESULTS: Childhood trauma significantly increases the risk of subsequent mood disorders during periods of intense hormonal fluctuation such as premenstrual, pregnancy, postpartum, and perimenopause. Neurobiological changes resulting from early trauma influence emotion regulation, which emerges as a key predisposing, exacerbating, and perpetuating factor to hormonal sensitivity and subsequent psychiatric symptoms. We identified altered stress response and allopregnanolone imbalance, bias in cognitive processing of emotions, neuroimage correlates and sleep disturbances as potential underlying neurobiological mechanisms. This review integrates cumulative findings supporting a theoretical framework linking early life trauma to hormonal sensitivity and mood disorders. We propose that some women might be more susceptible to such hormonal fluctuations because of emotion dysregulation following significant early life trauma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we explored explanations for the link between self-compassion and psychological well-being among a sample of adult childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors in the United States (n = 335). Informed by Neff\'s self-compassion theory, we hypothesized that the relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being would be partially explained by a reduction in emotional dysregulation and trauma-related shame. We tested a parallel multiple mediation model with (a) emotion dysregulation and (b) trauma-related shame as the mediators. As hypothesized, we found a significant positive relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being among the sample of CSA survivors. Emotional dysregulation and trauma-related shame were both significant mediators of this relationship. However, self-compassion had a significant direct effect even after accounting for the two mediators, which suggests partial mediation. Our results provide further support for the link between self-compassion and psychological well-being and identify reductions in both emotional dysregulation and trauma-related shame as potential mechanisms for this relationship. This study also has implications for clinical practice and prevention efforts that integrate self-compassion, emotion regulation, and trauma-related shame as salient areas of focus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the sparse but rapidly growing literature concerning the relationship between psychopathy and emotion regulation, taking stock of accumulating knowledge in a systematic review and meta-analysis of the existing results is needed. We performed a systematic search (up to May 30, 2024) following PRISMA guidelines of five scientific databases (PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science). Also, gray literature was searched. After removing the duplicates, a total of 8.786 records were screened, and 73 articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria used for systematic review. The meta-analytic procedure was performed on 55 identified studies consistent with the criteria adopted, which overall comprised 29.856 individuals. The current systematic and meta-analysis review has clarified the association between impairments of emotional regulation abilities and facets of psychopathy. More specifically, analyses indicated that emotional dysregulation is associated with overall levels of psychopathic traits, as well as with both the lifestyle and affective components of psychopathy, which suggests the utility of assessing these features when designing interventions focused on modulating negative emotional states and enhancing regulation of impulsive behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a paucity of research that explores associations between emotion dysregulation and the expression and severity of core and co-occurring characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially in autistic youth with co-occurring intellectual disability (ID). This study explored the interplay between developmental characteristics and emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and specific subtypes of RRBs that are elevated in autistic youth with co-occurring ID. Generalized additive models demonstrated that age, sex, language level, dysregulation, and anxiety showed unique patterns of association with subtypes of RRBs in a sample of 150 autistic youth with co-occurring ID who are non-speaking or minimally verbal. More specifically, higher anxiety levels were significantly associated with elevations in repetitive sensory motor behaviors (RSMB), self-injurious behaviors (SIB), insistence on sameness (IS), and unusual interests (UI). While emotion dysregulation was a significant predictor of UI, it demonstrated positive, albeit not significant, associations with the intensity of SIB and RSMB. Language level was a significant predictor of RSMB, such that the intensity of RSMB was higher for individuals who were non-speaking relative to those who spoke in single words. These findings provide preliminary insights into patterns of associations between emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and specific subdomains of RRBs in autistic youth with ID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional seizures (FS) are classified as conversion disorders in the DSM-5 and dissociative disorders in the ICD-11, showing a multifactorial psychopathology with various psychiatric comorbidities, such as depression and anxiety. Several studies have found a correlation between FS and personality disorders, mainly those in cluster B. Within this cluster, borderline personality disorder (BPD) or borderline personality traits are the most prevalent in FS. Emotion dysregulation is a hallmark of BPD and is commonly reported in individuals with FS. Cluster C personality disorders, such as avoidant or obsessive-compulsive disorders, have also been reported in FS. In this review, we aim to evaluate the relationship between FS and personality disorders. Assessing personality disorders in the context of FS is relevant for determining the most appropriate intervention. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered the first-line approach to treating FS. Among various CBT strategies, dialectical behavior therapy, which specifically targets emotion dysregulation, may be helpful for individuals with BPD. Future research should assess the advantages of systematically evaluating personality disorders in FS to address specific treatment planning and evaluate its effectiveness on seizure recurrence, psychological comorbidities, and quality of life.
    UNASSIGNED: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPEROFILES/509286_STRATEGY_20240203.pdf, identifier CRD42024509286.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the efficacy of an intervention, training to reconnect with emotional awareness therapy (TREAT) at improving alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, anxiety, depression, anger and global positive and negative affect in participants with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
    METHODS: Outpatient brain injury rehabilitation center PARTICIPANTS: : Adult participants, who were on average 11.37 years post-complicated mild to severe TBI and also had elevated alexithymia (n=44), who were randomized to immediate treatment (TREAT; n=20) or waitlist control (WLC=24).
    METHODS: Randomized, waitlist control trial with 3-month follow-up.
    METHODS: Eight session, structured training program that teaches emotional awareness and discrete labeling of emotions.
    METHODS: Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS), Difficulty with Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9); State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS); and Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC).
    RESULTS: Thirty-four participants completed the study per protocol. Compared to WLC participants (n=16) who had not yet received the intervention, TREAT participants (n=18) had significantly less alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, anxiety, and depression (all p\'s<.05) within approximately one week of completing the intervention. Before/after results from the pooled sample (n=34) showed significant improvements, immediately and 3 months after the intervention, on all outcomes except the STAXI and the Positive Affect subscale of the PANAS. On the PGIC, a noticeable change in global emotional function and quality of life was reported by 80%. Intent-to-Treat (ITT) analyses (n=38) revealed similar results to the per protocol sample.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings support the efficacy of TREAT for reducing alexithymia and emotion dysregulation in individuals with chronic TBI. While outcomes were also promising for anxiety and depression, more research using attention-control designs are warranted to control for the attention received during treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on dual combustible and electronic nicotine use among Latinx persons is needed to better understand patterns of use because this group is an established tobacco disparities population. Negative emotional symptoms and related processes (e.g., reactive transdiagnostic vulnerabilities) have been among the most prominent factors linked to the onset, maintenance, and relapse of smoking. As such, the current study sought to compare levels of mental health symptoms among combustible users compared to dual combustible and electronic users among Latinx persons who smoke. The current sample consisted of 297 adult Latinx daily cigarette smokers (Mage = 35.90 years; SD = 8.87; age range 18-61; 36.4% female), of which 92 reported current dual use of an e-cigarette (Mage = 33.34 years; SD = 7.75; age range 19-60; 28.3% female). Differences in anxiety, depression, anxiety sensitivity, emotion dysregulation, and distress tolerance were examined, and we hypothesized that dual users would showcase higher mental health problems. Results indicated that adult Latinx dual users evidenced greater levels of anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, anxiety sensitivity, and lower levels of distress tolerance compared to combustible users. The current study sheds light on the clinical importance of affective differences among dual versus combustible Latinx smokers.





