
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Castration is the most common surgical procedure in domesticated equids; surgical techniques used and perioperative management vary considerably.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify and chart the current evidence on perioperative complications associated with different methods of surgical castration in domesticated equids.
    METHODS: Joanna Briggs Institute systematic scoping review.
    METHODS: CAB Abstracts, Medline and Embase databases were searched using terms related to equine castration complications. Two authors independently and blindly screened publications against eligibility criteria. Data on study methods, perioperative management, surgical techniques, and perioperative complications were extracted. Surgical techniques were grouped into categories depending on technique; open, closed or half-closed, and whether the parietal tunic was open or closed at the end of surgery.
    RESULTS: The search identified 1871 publications; 71 studies met the final inclusion criteria. The data reported 76 734 castrations, most of which were open or closed, with the vaginal tunic remaining open at the end of surgery. Twenty-five studies reported information regarding surgical techniques and perioperative management, allowing detailed charting and comparisons, of which analgesia and antimicrobial usage varied notably. Eighteen different complications were reported, with swelling or oedema being the most common. Evisceration was most commonly reported in draught breeds and Standardbreds, and the risk appeared low if the parietal tunic was closed at the end of surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Grey literature and studies not available in English were not included. Existing studies varied greatly in perioperative management, surgical techniques and reporting of outcomes, making evidence consolidation problematic.
    CONCLUSIONS: A lack of consensus regarding complication definitions creates uncertainty and discrepancies between complication rates associated with different surgical techniques and perioperative management. The implementation of standardised systems for describing surgical techniques and complications is recommended for future studies. A number of studies did not follow current recommendations for perioperative analgesia and use of antimicrobials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small millets are nutri-rich, climate-resilient food and fodder crops. They include finger millet, proso millet, foxtail millet, little millet, kodo millet, browntop millet, and barnyard millet. They are self-pollinated crops and belong to the family Poaceae. Hence, to widen the genetic base, the creation of variation through artificial hybridization is a prerequisite. Floral morphology, size, and anthesis behavior cause major hindrances in recombination breeding through hybridization. Manual emasculation of florets is practically very difficult; therefore, the contact method of hybridization is widely followed. However, the success rate of obtaining true F1s is 2% to 3%. In finger millet, hot water treatment (52°C) for 3 to 5 min causes temporal male sterility. Chemicals such as maleic hydrazide, gibberellic acid, and ethrel at different concentrations aid in inducing male sterility in finger millet. Partial-sterile (PS) lines developed at the Project Coordinating Unit, Small Millets, Bengaluru are also in use. The percent seed set in crosses derived from PS lines ranged from 27.4 to 49.4, with an average of 40.10%. In proso millet, little millet, and browntop millet, apart from contact method, hot water treatment, hand emasculation, and the USSR method of hybridization are also followed. A newly developed modified crossing method known as the Small Millets University of Agricultural Sciences Bengaluru (SMUASB) method in proso and little millets has a success rate of 56% to 60% in obtaining true hybrids. Hand emasculation and pollination under the greenhouse and growth chamber in foxtail millet with a success rate of 75% seed set is suggested. In barnyard millet, hot water treatment (48°C to 52°C) for 5 min followed by the contact method is often practiced. Kodo millet being cleistogamous, mutation breeding is widely followed to create variation. Most commonly, hot water treatment is followed in finger millet and barnyard millet, SMUASB in proso, and little millet. Although no specific method is suitable for all small millets, it is essential to identify a trouble-free technique that produces maximum crossed seeds in all the small millets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peter Abelard (1079-1142) is still considered one of the giants of philosophy, theology, and psychology, and the unsurpassed master of dialectical debate. Born in Le Pallet, near Nantes, Abelard became an academic and wandering cleric of great fame, founder of several schools that attracted students from all countries, arousing the admiration of his contemporaries and the profound envy of his colleagues. Around 1115, Abelard became master of the school of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. Shortly after, the canon Fulbert asked him to take his niece, the equally famous and highly cultured Héloïse d\'Argenteuil (1092-1164), as a pupil. Thus a relationship began, celebrated for centuries to come, characterized by burning sexual and intellectual passion, by the famous correspondence, which will be the archetype of sentimental education and the template of romantic love letters, bythe birth of a son and consequent marriage, and by the cowardly revenge of Fulbert, who, together with a band of servants, mutilated \"those parts of my body with which I had done what was the cause of their pain,\" as Abelard wrote. While this unclear self-description has suggested to contemporaries and to posterity that Abelard was castrated, we aim to question this belief by analyzing in-depth this historical-andrological clinical case to understand if there is any evidence that could suggest that Abelard was instead the victim of an even more brutal punishment: penectomy. Signs and symptoms gleaned from the personal writings and historical perspectives of Abelard and his time are used here to provide a possible answer to a thousand-year-old question: what makes a man … a man?






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In animal-pollinated plants, direct and indirect selection for large and small flowers in predominantly outcrossing and selfing species, respectively, is a common consequence of pollen limitation (PL). However, many hermaphroditic species show a mixed-mating system known as delayed selfing, which provides reproductive assurance (RA) only when outcrossing is not realized. Although RA is expected to reduce pollinator-mediated selection towards larger flowers, the consequences of delayed selfing for selection on flower size in mixed-mating species remain overlooked. We investigated whether RA weakens selection on flower size in Tuberaria guttata, a mixed-mating annual herb.
    We related pollinator visitation rates to flower size and measured seed production in emasculated, hand cross-pollinated and intact (control) flowers in three natural populations. For each population, we estimated variation in PL and RA across individuals differing in flower size and phenotypic selection on this trait.
    Pollinator visitation increased and RA decreased with flower size in all populations. Increasing RA diminished but did not fully alleviate PL, because of early-acting inbreeding depression. In the least-visited and most pollen-limited population, RA increased seed production by >200 %, intensely counteracting the strong pollinator-mediated selection for larger corollas. In the most-visited population, however, RA increased seed production by an average of only 9 %. This population exhibited the largest fraction of individuals that showed a decrease in seed production due to selfing and the weakest pollinator-mediated selection on flower size.
    The results suggest that the balance between the extent of RA and outcrossing contributes to determine flower size in mixed-mating systems. Pollinator-mediated selection favours larger flowers by increasing outcrossed seeds, but the benefits of RA greatly lessen this effect, especially under severe conditions of pollen limitation. Our findings also indicate that a mixed-mating system can represent an \'evolutionary trap\' under an adequate pollinator supply.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Barley is naturally an inbreeding hermaphrodite plant so that each generation resembles its parental generation. New variation can be introduced by crossing parents that complement each other for desirable or target characteristics but requires human intervention to ensure that all the resulting seeds are hybrids of the two parents. That means that plants selected to be female parents have to be emasculated and are then fertilized with pollen from plants selected to be male parents. Here we describe how to emasculate and pollinate barley plants with a method that can be used either in the glasshouse or in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice is a crop feeding half of the world\'s population. With the continuous raise of yield potential via genetic improvement, rice breeding has entered an era where multiple genes conferring complex traits must be efficiently manipulated to increase rice yield further. Recurrent selection is a sound strategy for manipulating multiple genes and it has been successfully performed in allogamous crops. However, the difficulties in emasculation and hand pollination had obstructed efficient use of recurrent selection in autogamous rice. Here, we report development of the dwarf male-sterile rice that can facilitate recurrent selection in rice breeding. We adopted RNAi technology to synergistically regulate rice plant height and male fertility to create the dwarf male-sterile rice. The RNAi construct pTCK-EGGE, targeting the OsGA20ox2 and OsEAT1 genes, was constructed and used to transform rice via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The transgenic T0 plants showing largely reduced plant height and complete male-sterile phenotypes were designated as the dwarf male-sterile plants. Progenies of the dwarf male-sterile plants were obtained by pollinating them with pollens from the wild-type. In the T1 and T2 populations, half of the plants were still dwarf male-sterile; the other half displayed normal plant height and male fertility which were designated as tall and male-fertile plants. The tall and male-fertile plants are transgene-free and can be self-pollinated to generate new varieties. Since emasculation and hand pollination for dwarf male-sterile rice plants is no longer needed, the dwarf male-sterile rice can be used to perform recurrent selection in rice. A dwarf male-sterile rice-based recurrent selection model has been proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plant hormone auxin is a vital component for plant reproduction as it regulates the development of both male and female reproductive organs, including ovules and gynoecia. Furthermore, auxin plays important roles in the development and growth of seeds and fruits. Auxin responses can be detected in ovules shortly after fertilization, and it has been suggested that this accumulation is a prerequisite for the developmental reprogramming of the ovules to seeds, and of the gynoecium to a fruit. However, the roles of auxin at the final stages of ovule development, and the sources of auxin leading to the observed responses in ovules after fertilization have remained elusive. Here we have characterized the auxin readout in Arabidopsis ovules, at the pre-anthesis, anthesis and in the immediate post-fertilization stages, using the R2D2 auxin sensor. In addition we have mapped the expression of auxin biosynthesis and conjugation genes, as well as that of auxin transporting proteins, during the same developmental stages. These analyses reveal specific spatiotemporal patterns of the different auxin homeostasis regulators. Auxin biosynthesis genes and auxin transport proteins define a pre-patterning of vascular cell identity in the pre-anthesis funiculus. Furthermore, our data suggests that auxin efflux from the ovule is restricted in an anther-dependent manner, presumably to synchronize reproductive organ development and thereby optimizing the chances of successful fertilization. Finally, de novo auxin biosynthesis together with reduced auxin conjugation and transport result in an enhanced auxin readout throughout the sporophytic tissues of the ovules soon after fertilization. Together, our results suggest a sophisticated set of regulatory cascades that allow successful fertilization and the subsequent transition of the female reproductive structures into seeds and fruits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A protocol to produce synthetic oats by introducing alien genetic variations into cultivated oats is proposed based on suitable genetic relationships between Avena species. Furthermore, artificial hybridization procedures between different ploidy species are explained. Amphiploids can be produced by rescuing aborted embryos and treating the F1 hybrids with colchicine to overcome sterility between interspecific plants. Furthermore, I present the cytological methods for observing somatic and meiotic chromosomes in the treated hybrids.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The aim of the study is to highlight genital dog bites in male infant and children in developing countries and their management. We managed three cases (9 months, 5 years, and 8 years) of genital dog bite between January 1997 and July 2008. Two had unprovoked stray dog bites and the third was bitten by his pet dog when disturbed during eating. Extent of injury varied from small-lacerated wound to near emasculation. Primary repair was done after thorough washing and debridement under antibiotic cover. In the 9-month-old male infant who was near emasculated, scrotum was closed with the available skin and a small penile stump was reconstructed after meatoplasty. Immunization against tetanus and rabies was done for all cases. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, and the wound healed primarily in all cases. Parents of the infant were asked for feminizing genitoplasty but they refused so they were advised for hormonal replacement and penile reconstruction at adolescence. Male children are the most common victims of genital dog bites. These injuries can be repaired primarily with good outcome provided strict cleaning, debridement, wound repair, antibiotic cover, and immunization is applied.





