electrostatic complementarity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome P450-1B1 is a majorly overexpressed drug-metabolizing enzyme in tumors and is responsible for inactivation and subsequent resistance to a variety of anti-cancer drugs, i.e., docetaxel, tamoxifen, and cisplatin. In the present study, a 3D quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) model has been constructed for the identification, design, and optimization of novel CYP1B1 inhibitors. The model has been built using a set of 148 selective CYP1B1 inhibitors. The developed model was evaluated based on certain statistical parameters including q2 and r2 which showed the acceptable predictive and descriptive capability of the generated model. The developed 3D-QSAR model assisted in understanding the key molecular fields which were firmly related to the selective CYP1B1 inhibition. A theoretic approach for the generation of new lead compounds with optimized CYP1B1 receptor affinity has been performed utilizing bioisosteric replacement analysis. These generated molecules were subjected to a developed 3D-QSAR model to predict the inhibitory activity potentials. Furthermore, these compounds were scrutinized through the activity atlas model, molecular docking, electrostatic complementarity, molecular dynamics, and waterswap analysis. The final hits might act as selective CYP1B1 inhibitors which could address the issue of resistance. This 3D-QSAR includes several chemically diverse selective CYP1B1 receptor ligands and well accounts for the individual ligand\'s inhibition affinities. These features of the developed 3D-QSAR model will ensure future prospective applications of the model to speed up the identification of new potent and selective CYP1B1 receptor ligands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cannabinoids regulate analgesia, which has aroused much interest in identifying new pharmacological therapies in the management of refractory pain. Voltage-gated Na+ channels (Navs) play an important role in inflammatory and neuropathic pain. In particular, Nav1.9 is involved in nociception and the understanding of its pharmacology has lagged behind because it is difficult to express in heterologous systems. Here, we utilized the chimeric channel hNav1.9_C4, that comprises the extracellular and transmembrane domains of hNav1.9, co-expressed with the ß1 subunit on CHO-K1 cells to characterize the electrophysiological effects of ACEA, a synthetic surrogate of the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide. ACEA induced a tonic block, decelerated the fast inactivation, markedly shifted steady-state inactivation in the hyperpolarized direction, decreasing the window current and showed use-dependent block, with a high affinity for the inactivated state (ki = 0.84 µM). Thus, we argue that ACEA possess a local anaesthetic-like profile. To provide a mechanistic understanding of its mode of action at the molecular level, we combined induced fit docking with Monte Carlo simulations and electrostatic complementarity. In agreement with the experimental evidence, our computer simulations revealed that ACEA binds Tyr1599 of the local anaesthetics binding site of the hNav1.9, contacting residues that bind cannabinol (CBD) in the NavMs channel. ACEA adopted a conformation remarkably similar to the crystallographic conformation of anandamide on a non-homologous protein, obstructing the Na+ permeation pathway below the selectivity filter to occupy a highly conserved binding pocket at the intracellular side. These results describe a mechanism of action, possibly involved in cannabinoid analgesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the recent promising results of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) as a psychotherapeutic agent and its history of misuse, little is known about its molecular mode of action. MDMA enhances monoaminergic neurotransmission in the brain and its valuable psychoactive effects are associated to a dual action on the 5-HT transporter (SERT). This drug inhibits the reuptake of 5-HT (serotonin) and reverses its flow, acting as a substrate for the SERT, which possesses a central binding site (S1) for antidepressants as well as an allosteric (S2) one. Previously, we characterized the spatial binding requirements for MDMA at S1. Here, we propose a structure-based mechanistic model of MDMA occupation and translocation across both binding sites, applying ensemble binding space analyses, electrostatic complementarity, and Monte Carlo energy perturbation theory. Computed results were correlated with experimental data (r = 0.93 and 0.86 for S1 and S2, respectively). Simulations on all hSERT available structures with Gibbs free energy estimations (ΔG) revealed a favourable and pervasive dual binding mode for MDMA at S2, i.e., adopting either a 5-HT or an escitalopram-like orientation. Intermediate ligand conformations were identified within the allosteric site and between the two sites, outlining an internalization pathway for MDMA. Among the strongest and more frequent interactions were salt bridges with Glu494 and Asp328, a H-bond with Thr497, a π-π with Phe556, and a cation-π with Arg104. Similitudes and differences with the allosteric binding of 5-HT and antidepressants suggest that MDMA may have a distinctive chemotype. Thus, our models may provide a framework for future virtual screening studies and pharmaceutical design and to develop hSERT allosteric compounds with a unique psychoactive MDMA-like profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is triggered by the closure of bilobed (D1 and D2) clamshell-like clefts upon binding glycine (Gly) and glutamate. There is evidence that cholinergic compounds modulate NMDAR-mediated currents via direct receptor-ligand interactions; however, molecular bases are unknown. Here, we first propose a mechanistic structure-based explanation for the observed ACh-induced submaximal potentiation of NMDA-elicited currents in striatal neurons by predicting competitive inhibition with Gly. Then, the model was validated, in principle, by confirming that the coapplication of Gly and ACh significantly reduces these neuronal currents. Finally, we delineate the interplay of ACh with the NMDAR by a combination of computational strategies. Crystallographic ACh-bound complexes were studied, revealing a similar ACh binding environment on the GluN1 subunit of the NMDAR. We illustrate how ACh can occupy X-ray monomeric open, dimeric \"semiopen\" cleft conformations obtained by molecular dynamics and a full-active cryo-EM NMDAR structure, explaining the suboptimal NMDAR electrophysiological activity under the \"Venus Flytrap model\". At an evolutionary biology level, the binding mode of ACh coincides with that of the homologous ornithine-bound periplasmic LAO binding protein complex. Our computed results indicate an analogous mechanism of action, inasmuch as ACh may stabilize the GluN1 subunit \"semiclosed\" conformations by inducing direct and indirect D1-to-D2 interdomain bonds. Additionally, an alternative binding site was detected, shared by the known NMDAR allosteric modulators. Experimental and computed results strongly suggest that ACh acts as a Gly-competitive, submaximal potentiating agent of the NMDAR, possibly constituting a novel chemotype for multitarget-directed drug development, e.g., to treat Alzheimer\'s, and it may lead to a new understanding of glutamatergic neurotransmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an anti-tuberculosis target, DprE1 contains two flexible loops (Loop I and Loop II) which have never been exploited for developing DprE1 inhibitors. Here Leu317 in Loop II was discovered as a new functional site to combat drug-resistance in Mycobacterium strains. Based on TCA1, LZDT1 was designed to optimize the hydrophobic interaction with Leu317. A subsequent biochemical and cellular assay displayed increased potency of LZDT1 in inhibiting DprE1 and killing drug-sensitive/-resistant Mycobacterium strains. The improved activity of LZDT1 and its analogue LZDT2 against multidrug resistant tuberculosis was particularly highlighted. For LZDT1, its enhanced interaction with Leu317 also impaired the drug-insensitivity of DprE1 caused by Cys387 mutation. A new nonbenzothiazole lead (LZDT10) with reduced Cys387-dependence was further produced by optimizing interactions with Leu317, improvement directions for LZDT10 were discussed as well. Our research underscores the value of potential functional sites in disordered loops, and affords a feasible way to develop these functional sites into opportunities for drug-resistance management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HIV-1 Gag polyprotein plays essential roles during the late stage of the HIV-1 replication cycle, and has recently been identified as a promising therapeutic target. The N-terminal portion of the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein encodes the myristoylated matrix (MA) protein, which functions in the trafficking of the structural proteins to the plasma membrane (PM) and facilitation of envelope incorporation into budding virus. Numerous host cell proteins interact with the MA portion of the Gag polyprotein during this process. One such factor is the ubiquitous calcium-binding protein calmodulin (CaM), which interacts preferentially with myristoylated proteins, thereby regulating cell physiology. The exact role of this interaction is poorly understood to date. Atomic resolution structures revealed the nature of the CaM-MA interaction for clade B isolates. In this study, we expanded our knowledge and characterized biophysically and computationally the CaM interaction with MA from other HIV-1 clades and discovered differences in the CaM recognition as compared to the prototypical clade B MA, with significant alterations in the interaction with the MA protein from clade C. Structural investigation and in silico mutational analysis revealed that HIV-1 MA protein from clade C, which is responsible for the majority of global HIV-1 infections, interacts with lower affinity and altered kinetics as compared to the canonical clade B. This finding may have implications for additional altered interaction networks as compared to the well-studied clade B. Our analysis highlights the importance of expanding investigations of virus-host cell factor interaction networks to other HIV-1 clades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) proteins, which hydrolyze the sugar chains in cell-wall peptidoglycan (PG), play key roles in prokaryotic cell elongation, division, and escape from dormancy to vegetative growth. Like other bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) expresses multiple Rpfs, none of which is individually essential. This redundancy has left unclear the distinct functions of the different Rpfs. To explore the distinguishing characteristics of the five Mtb Rpfs, we determined the crystal structure of the RpfE catalytic domain. The protein adopts the characteristic Rpf fold, but the catalytic cleft is narrower compared to Mtb RpfB. Also in contrast to RpfB, in which the substrate-binding surfaces are negatively charged, the corresponding RpfE catalytic pocket and predicted peptide-binding sites are more positively charged at neutral pH. The complete reversal of the electrostatic potential of the substrate-binding site suggests that the different Rpfs function optimally at different pHs or most efficiently hydrolyze different micro-domains of PG. These studies provide insights into the molecular determinants of the evolution of functional specialization in Rpfs.





