electronic data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Journey to 9 Plus (J9) is an integrated reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health approach to care that has at its core the goal of decreasing the rate of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in rural Haiti. For the maximum effectiveness of this program, it is necessary that the data system be of the highest quality. OpenMRS, an electronic medical record (EMR) system, has been in place since 2013 throughout a tertiary referral hospital, the Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais, in Haiti and has been expanded for J9 data collection and reporting. The J9 program monthly reports showed that staff had limited time and capacity to perform double charting, which contributed to incomplete and inconsistent reports. Initial evaluation of the quality of EMR data entry showed that only 18% (58/325) of the J9 antenatal visits were being documented electronically at the start of this quality improvement project.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to improve the electronic documentation of outpatient antenatal care from 18% (58/325) to 85% in the EMR by J9 staff from November 2020 to September 2021. The experiences that this quality improvement project team encountered could help others improve electronic data collection as well as the transition from paper to electronic documentation within a burgeoning health care system.
    METHODS: A continuous quality improvement strategy was undertaken as the best approach to improve the EMR data collection at Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais. The team used several continuous quality improvement tools to conduct this project: (1) a root cause analysis using Ishikawa and Pareto diagrams, (2) baseline evaluation measurements, and (3) Plan-Do-Study-Act improvement cycles to document incremental changes and the results of each change.
    RESULTS: At the beginning of the quality improvement project in November 2020, the baseline data entry for antenatal visits was 18% (58/325). Ten months of improvement strategies resulted in an average of 89% (272/304) of antenatal visits documented in the EMR at point of care every month.
    CONCLUSIONS: The experiences that this quality improvement project team encountered can contribute to the transition from paper to electronic documentation within burgeoning health care systems. Essential to success was having a strong and dedicated nursing leadership to transition from paper to electronic data and motivated nursing staff to perform data collection to improve the quality of data and thus, the reports on patient outcomes. Engaging the nursing team closely in the design and implementation of EMR and quality improvement processes ensures long-term success while centering nurses as key change agents in patient care systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the expanding digitisation of individual health data, informed consent for the collection and use of health data is seldom explicitly sought in public sector clinics in South Africa. This study aims to identify perceptions of informed consent practices for health data capture, access, and use in Gauteng and the Western Cape provinces of South Africa. Data collection from September to December 2021 included in-depth interviews with healthcare providers (n = 12) and women (n = 62) attending maternity services. Study findings suggest that most patients were not aware that their data were being used for purposes beyond the individualised provision of medical care. Understanding the concept of anonymised use of electronic health data was at times challenging for patients who understood their data in the limited context of paper-based folders and booklets. When asked about preferences for electronic data, patients overwhelmingly were in favour of digitisation. They viewed electronic access to their health data as facilitating rapid and continuous access to health information. Patients were additionally asked about preferences, including delivery of health information, onward health data use, and recontacting. Understanding of these use cases varied and was often challenging to convey to participants who understood their health data in the context of information inputted into their paper folders. Future systems need to be established to collect informed consent for onward health data use. In light of perceived ties to the care received, these systems need to ensure that patient preferences do not impede the content nor quality of care received.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Children with medical complexity (CMC) are individuals with complex chronic conditions who have substantial health care needs, functional limitations, and significant use of health care. By nature of their health status, they have many care providers across multiple settings, making information sharing critical to their health and safety. Connecting2gether (C2), a web- and mobile-based patient-facing platform, was codeveloped with families to support and empower parental caregivers, improve information sharing, and facilitate care delivery. C2 also provided a live platform coach to conduct parental feedback and coaching sessions, which included answering questions, providing advice on usage, and addressing technological issues.
    OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to understand the experience of parental caregivers using the C2 platform and the role of the live platform coach. This study is a subset of a larger study assessing the feasibility of C2 in the care of CMC.
    METHODS: Parental caregivers (n=33) participated in biweekly sessions to provide feedback and receive real-time platform use support from a trained research team member acting as a live platform coach. Parental caregivers were asked about the utility and usability of C2\'s features. Questions, platform issues, and feedback were recorded on a standardized electronic data collection tool. A thematic analysis was performed to analyze parental comments, and codes were categorized into key themes. The number of comments corresponding with each code was quantified.
    RESULTS: A total of 166 parental feedback and coaching sessions were conducted, with an average of 5 sessions per parental caregiver (range 1-7). There were 33 (85%) parental caregivers that participated in at least one coaching session. Technical issues and difficulties navigating C2 were addressed in real time during the sessions to encourage platform engagement. Four key themes were identified: (1) live platform coach, (2) barriers to platform usage and technical challenges, (3) platform requests and modifications, and (4) parent partnership and empowerment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parental caregivers describe C2 as a valuable tool, acting as a facilitator for enhanced care coordination and communication. Parental caregiver feedback showed that the live platform coach was a critical tool in educating on platform use and addressing technological concerns. Further study of the use of the C2 platform and its role in the care of CMC is needed to understand the possible benefits and cost-effectiveness of this technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare-associated foodborne outbreaks (HA-FBOs) can cause significant morbidity and mortality, affecting particularly vulnerable hospital populations. Electronic records of food served in healthcare facilities (HCFs) could be useful for timely investigations of HA-FBOs. We explored the availability and usability of electronic food menu data to support investigations of HA-FBOs through a survey among 35 HCFs in Germany (n = 13) and in Italy (n = 22). Large variability was reported in the storage time of menu data (from no storage up to 10 years) and their formats, including paper, electronic (PDF, Word, Excel), or fully searchable databases (15/22 in Italian HCFs, 3/13 in German HCFs). Food products that may present a risk to vulnerable persons - including deli salads, raw/fermented sausage products, soft cheese, smoked fish or frozen berries - were offered on the menu of all HCFs in Germany, and one-third of the Italian HCFs. The usability of electronic food menu data for the prevention or investigation of HA-FBOs may be suboptimal in a large number of HCFs in Germany, as well as in some HCFs in Italy. Standardised collection for use of electronic food menu data might help discover the association between illnesses and food eaten during outbreak investigations. Hospital hygienists, food safety and public health authorities should collaborate to increase implementation of food safety guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There are 15,632 nursing homes (NHs) in the United States. NHs continue to receive significant policy attention due to high costs and poor outcomes of care. One strategy for improving NH care is use of health information technology (HIT). A central concept of this study is HIT maturity, which is used to identify adoption trends in HIT capabilities, use and integration within resident care, clinical support, and administrative activities. This concept is guided by the Nolan stage theory, which postulates that a system such as HIT moves through a series of measurable stages. HIT maturity is an important component of the rapidly changing NH landscape, which is being affected by policies generated to protect residents, in part because of the pandemic.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify structural disparities in NH HIT maturity and see if it is moderated by commonly used organizational characteristics.
    METHODS: NHs (n=6123, >20%) were randomly recruited from each state using Nursing Home Compare data. Investigators used a validated HIT maturity survey with 9 subscales including HIT capabilities, extent of HIT use, and degree of HIT integration in resident care, clinical support, and administrative activities. Each subscale had a possible HIT maturity score of 0-100. Total HIT maturity, with a possible score of 0-900, was calculated using the 9 subscales (3 x 3 matrix). Total HIT maturity scores equate 1 of 7 HIT maturity stages (stages 0-6) for each facility. Dependent variables included HIT maturity scores. We included 5 independent variables (ie, ownership, chain status, location, number of beds, and occupancy rates). Unadjusted and adjusted cumulative odds ratios were calculated using regression models.
    RESULTS: Our sample (n=719) had a larger proportion of smaller facilities and a smaller proportion of larger facilities than the national nursing home population. Integrated clinical support technology had the lowest HIT maturity score compared to resident care HIT capabilities. The majority (n=486, 60.7%) of NHs report stage 3 or lower with limited capabilities to communicate about care delivery outside their facility. Larger NHs in metropolitan areas had higher odds of HIT maturity. The number of certified beds and NH location were significantly associated with HIT maturity stage while ownership, chain status, and occupancy rate were not.
    CONCLUSIONS: NH structural disparities were recognized through differences in HIT maturity stage. Structural disparities in this sample appear most evident in HIT maturity, measuring integration of clinical support technologies for laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology services. Ongoing assessments of NH structural disparities is crucial given 1.35 million Americans receive care in these facilities annually. Leaders must be willing to promote equal opportunities across the spectrum of health care services to incentivize and enhance HIT adoption to balance structural disparities and improve resident outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Discovery Critical Care Research Network Program for Resilience and Emergency Preparedness (Discovery PREP) partnered with a third-party technology vendor to design and implement an electronic data capture tool that addressed multisite data collection challenges during public health emergencies (PHE) in the United States. The basis of the work was to design an electronic data capture tool and to prospectively gather data on usability from bedside clinicians during national health system stress queries and influenza observational studies.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to describe the lessons learned in the design and implementation of a novel electronic data capture tool with the goal of significantly increasing the nation\'s capability to manage real-time data collection and analysis during PHE.
    METHODS: A multiyear and multiphase design approach was taken to create an electronic data capture tool, which was used to pilot rapid data capture during a simulated PHE. Following the pilot, the study team retrospectively assessed the feasibility of automating the data captured by the electronic data capture tool directly from the electronic health record. In addition to user feedback during semistructured interviews, the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was used as a basis to evaluate the usability and performance of the electronic data capture tool.
    RESULTS: Participants included Discovery PREP physicians, their local administrators, and data collectors from tertiary-level academic medical centers at 5 different institutions. User feedback indicated that the designed system had an intuitive user interface and could be used to automate study communication tasks making for more efficient management of multisite studies. SUS questionnaire results classified the system as highly usable (SUS score 82.5/100). Automation of 17 (61%) of the 28 variables in the influenza observational study was deemed feasible during the exploration of automated versus manual data abstraction. The creation and use of the Project Meridian electronic data capture tool identified 6 key design requirements for multisite data collection, including the need for the following: (1) scalability irrespective of the type of participant; (2) a common data set across sites; (3) automated back end administrative capability (eg, reminders and a self-service status board); (4) multimedia communication pathways (eg, email and SMS text messaging); (5) interoperability and integration with local site information technology infrastructure; and (6) natural language processing to extract nondiscrete data elements.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of the electronic data capture tool in multiple multisite Discovery PREP clinical studies proved the feasibility of using the novel, cloud-based platform in practice. The lessons learned from this effort can be used to inform the improvement of ongoing global multisite data collection efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic and transform current manual data abstraction approaches into reliable, real time, and automated information exchange. Future research is needed to expand the ability to perform automated multisite data extraction during a PHE and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is a global emphasis on expanding data collection for joint replacement procedures beyond implant attributes and progression to revision surgery. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are increasingly considered as an important measure of surgical outcomes from a patient\'s perspective. However, a major limitation preventing wider use of PROMs data in national data collection has been the inability to systematically collect and share electronic information with relevant stakeholders in a comprehensive and financially sustainable manner.
    OBJECTIVE: This study reports on the development of an electronic data capture and reporting system by a national registry for the collection of PROMs and the processes used to identify and overcome barriers to implementation and uptake. The study also aims to provide a cost breakdown of establishing and maintaining a nationwide electronic PROMs program.
    METHODS: Between 2018 and 2020, 3 governance and advisory committees were established to develop and implement a PROMs pilot program nested within a nationwide joint replacement registry. The program involved electronic collection of preoperative and 6-month postoperative data for hip, knee, or shoulder replacement surgery from 44 Australian hospitals. Resource requirements for the program included a project manager, software developers, data manager, and statistician. An online platform was tested, refined, and implemented for electronic PROMs collection with scalability considered for future expansion to all Australian hospitals and additional data fields. Technical capabilities included different access for multiple user types, patient registration, automatic reminders via SMS text messages and email, online consent, and patient outcome real-time dashboards accessible for different user groups (surgeons, patients, hospitals, and project stakeholders).
    RESULTS: During the PROMs pilot period there were 19,699 primary procedures undertaken with 10,204 registered procedures in the electronic system. This equated to 51.80% of people who had a joint replacement at participating hospitals during this period. Patient registration and data collection were efficient (20-30 seconds and 10-12 minutes, respectively). Engagement with the reporting dashboards (as a proportion of those who viewed their dashboard) varied by user group: 197/277 (71.1%) hospital administrators, 68/129 (52.7%) project stakeholders, 177/391 (45.3%) surgeons, and 1138/8840 patients (12.9%). Cost analysis determined an overall cost per patient of Aus $7-15 (approximately US $5-12) for 2 PROMs collections per joint replacement procedure once the program was established.
    CONCLUSIONS: Successful implementation of an orthopedic PROMs program with planned scalability for a broader national rollout requires significant funding and staffing resources. However, this expenditure can be considered worthwhile, given that collection and reporting of PROMs can drive health care improvement processes. Further consideration of strategies to improve stakeholder engagement with electronic reporting dashboards (particularly for patients and surgeons) will be critical to the ongoing success of a national PROMs program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patient-centered measurement (PCM) aims to improve the overall quality of care through the collection and sharing of patient values, outcomes, and perspectives. However, the use of PCM in care team decisions remains limited. Integrated knowledge translation (IKT) offers a collaborative, adaptive approach to explore best practices for incorporating PCM into primary care practices by involving knowledge users, including patients and providers, in the exploratory process.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to test the feasibility of using patient-generated data in team-based care; describe the use of these data for team-based mental health care; and summarize patient and provider care experiences with PCM.
    METHODS: We conducted a multi-method exploratory study in a rural team-based primary care clinic using IKT to co-design, implement, and evaluate the use of PCM in team-based mental health care. Care pathways, workflows, and quality improvement activities were adjusted iteratively to improve integration efforts. Patient and provider experiences were evaluated using individual interviews relating to the use of PCM and patient portals in practice. All meeting notes, interview summaries, and emails were analyzed to create a narrative evaluation.
    RESULTS: During co-design, a care workflow was developed to incorporate electronically collected patient-generated data from the patient portal into the electronic medical record, and customized educational tools and resources were added. During implementation, care pathways and patient workflows for PCM were developed. Patients found portal use easy, educational, and validating, but data entries were not used during care visits. Providers saw the portal as extra work, and the lack of portal and electronic medical record integration was a major barrier. The IKT approach was invaluable for addressing workflow changes and understanding the ongoing barriers to PCM use and quality improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although the culture toward using PCM is changing, the use of PCM during care has not been successful. Patients felt validated and supported through portal use and could be empowered to bring these data to their visits. Training, modeling, and adaptable PCM methods are required before PCM can be integrated into routine care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relevant legislation ensures confidentiality and has paved the way for data handling and sharing. However, the industry remains uncertain regarding big data handling and sharing practices for improved healthcare delivery and medical research.
    A semi-qualitative cross-sectional study was used which entailed analysing miners\' personal health records from 2014 to 2018. Data were accessed from the audiometry medical surveillance database (n = 480), the hearing screening database (n = 24,321), and the occupational hygiene database (n = 15,769). Ethical principles were applied to demonstrate big data protection and sharing.
    Some audiometry screening and occupational hygiene records were incomplete and/or inaccurate (N = 4675). The database containing medical disease and treatment records could not be accessed. Ethical challenges included a lack of clarity regarding permission rights when sharing big data, and no policy governing the divulgence of miners\' personal and medical records for research.
    This case study illustrates how research can be effectively, although not maliciously, obstructed by the strict protection of employee medical data. Clearly communicated company policies should be developed for the sharing of workers\' records in the mining industry to improve HCPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using electronic data for cardiovascular risk stratification could help in prioritising healthcare access and optimise cardiovascular prevention.
    To determine whether assessment of absolute cardiovascular risk (Australian absolute cardiovascular disease risk (ACVDR)) and short-term ischaemic risk (History, ECG, Age, Risk factors, and Troponin (HEART) score) is possible from available data in Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and My Health Record (MHR) of patients presenting with acute cardiac symptoms to a Rapid Access Cardiology Clinic (RACC).
    Audit of EMR and MHR on 200 randomly selected adults who presented to RACC between 1 March 2017 and 4 February 2020. The main outcomes were the proportion of patients for which ACVDR score and HEART score could be calculated.
    Mean age was 55.2 ± 17.8 years and 43% were female. Most (85%) were referred from emergency for chest pain (52%). Forty-six percent had hypertension, 35% obesity, 20% diabetes mellitus, 17% ischaemic heart disease and 18% were current smokers. There was no significant difference in MHR accessibility with age, gender and number of comorbidities. An ACVDR score could be estimated for 17.5% (EMR) and 0% (MHR) of patients. None had complete data to estimate HEART score in either EMR or MHR. Most commonly missing variables for ACVDR score were blood pressure (MHR) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (EMR), and for HEART score the missing variables were body mass index and comorbidities (MHR and EMR).
    Significant gaps are apparent in electronic medical data capture of key variables to perform cardiovascular risk assessment. Medical data capture should prioritise the collection of clinically important data to help address gaps in cardiovascular management.





