electron transfer dissociation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are common vectors for emerging gene therapies due to their lack of pathogenicity in humans. Here, we present our investigation of the viral proteins (i.e., VP1, VP2, and VP3) of the capsid of AAVs via top-down mass spectrometry (MS). These proteins, ranging from 59 to 81 kDa, were chromatographically separated using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and characterized in the gas-phase by high-resolution Orbitrap Fourier transform MS. Complementary ion dissociation methods were utilized to improve the overall sequence coverage. By reducing the overlap of product ion signals via proton transfer charge reduction on the Orbitrap Ascend BioPharma Tribrid mass spectrometer, the sequence coverage of each VP was significantly increased, reaching up to ∼40% in the case of VP3. These results showcase the improvements in the sequencing of proteins >30 kDa that can be achieved by manipulating product ions via gas-phase reactions to obtain easy-to-interpret fragmentation mass spectra.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tyrosine sulfation, an understudied but crucial post-translational modification, cannot be directly detected in conventional nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) due to the extreme sulfate lability. Here, we report the detection of sulfate-retaining fragments from LC-electron capture dissociation (ECD) and nanoLC-electron transfer higher energy collision dissociation (EThcD). Sulfopeptide candidates were identified by Proteome Discoverer and MSFragger analysis of nanoLC-HCD MS/MS data and added to inclusion lists for LC-ECD or nanoLC-EThcD MS/MS. When this approach failed, targeted LC-ECD with fixed m/z isolation windows was performed. For the plasma protein fibrinogen, the known pyroglutamylated sulfopeptide QFPTDYDEGQDDRPK from the beta chain N-terminus was identified despite a complete lack of sulfate-containing fragment ions. The peptide QVGVEHHVEIEYD from the gamma-B chain C-terminus was also identified as sulfated or phosphorylated. This sulfopeptide is not annotated in Uniprot but was previously reported. MSFragger further identified a cysteine-containing peptide from the middle of the gamma chain as sulfated and deamidated. NanoLC-EThcD and LC-ECD MS/MS confirmed the two former sulfopeptides via sulfate-retaining fragment ions, whereas an unexpected fragmentation pattern was observed for the third sulfopeptide candidate. Manual interpretation of the LC-ECD spectrum revealed two additional isobaric identifications: a trisulfide-linked cysteinyl-glycine or a carbamidomethyl-dithiothreiotol covalent adduct. Synthesis of such adducts confirmed the latter identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibodies are one of the most formidable molecular weapons available to our immune system. Their high specificity against a target (antigen) and capability of triggering different immune responses (e.g., complement system activation and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity) make them ideal drugs to fight many different human diseases. Currently, both monoclonal antibodies and more complex molecules based on the antibody scaffold are used as biologics. Naturally, such highly heterogeneous molecules require dedicated analytical methodologies for their accurate characterization. Mass spectrometry (MS) can define the presence and relative abundance of multiple features of antibodies, including critical quality attributes. The combination of small and large variations within a single molecule can only be determined by analyzing intact antibodies or their large (25 to 100 kDa) subunits. Hence, top-down (TD) and middle-down (MD) MS approaches have gained popularity over the last decade. In this Young Scientist Feature we discuss the evolution of TD and MD MS analysis of antibodies, including the new frontiers that go beyond biopharma applications. We will show how this field is now moving from the \"quality control\" analysis of a known, single antibody to the high-throughput investigation of complex antibody repertoires isolated from clinical samples, where the ultimate goal is represented by the complete gas-phase sequencing of antibody molecules without the need of any a priori knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic RNAs are routinely modified during their synthesis to ensure proper drug uptake, stability, and efficacy. Phosphorothioate (PS) RNA, molecules in which one or more backbone phosphates are modified with a sulfur atom in place of standard nonbridging oxygen, is one of the most common modifications because of ease of synthesis and pharmacokinetic benefits. Quality assessment of RNA synthesis, including modification incorporation, is essential for drug selectivity and performance, and the synthetic nature of the PS linkage incorporation often reveals impurities. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of PS RNA via tandem mass spectrometry (MS). We show that activated ion-negative electron transfer dissociation MS/MS is especially useful in diagnosing PS incorporation, producing diagnostic a- and z-type ions at PS linkage sites, beyond the standard d- and w-type ions. Analysis using resonant and beam-type collision-based activation reveals that, overall, more intense sequence ions and base-loss ions result when a PS modification is present. Furthermore, we report increased detection of b- and x-type product ions at sites of PS incorporation, in addition to the standard c- and y-type ions. This work reveals that the gas-phase chemical stability afforded by sulfur alters RNA dissociation and necessitates inclusion of additional product ions for MS/MS of PS RNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein arginine methylations are important post-translational modifications (PTMs) in eukaryotes, regulating many biological processes. However, traditional collision-based mass spectrometry methods inevitably cause neutral losses of methylarginines, preventing the deep mining of biologically important sites. Herein we developed an optimized mass spectrometry workflow based on electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) with supplemental activation for proteomic profiling of arginine methylation in human cells. Using symmetric dimethylarginine (sDMA) as an example, we show that the ETD-based optimized workflow significantly improved the identification and site localization of sDMA. Quantitative proteomics identified 138 novel sDMA sites as potential PRMT5 substrates in HeLa cells. Further biochemical studies on SERBP1, a newly identified PRMT5 substrate, confirmed the coexistence of sDMA and asymmetric dimethylarginine in the central RGG/RG motif, and loss of either methylation caused increased the recruitment of SERBP1 to stress granules under oxidative stress. Overall, our optimized workflow not only enabled the identification and localization of extensive, nonoverlapping sDMA sites in human cells but also revealed novel PRMT5 substrates whose sDMA may play potentially important biological functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are protein biotherapeutics with a proven efficacy toward fighting life-threatening diseases. Their exceptional healing potential drives the annual increase in the number of novel mAbs and other antibody-like molecules entering clinical trials and the number of approved mAb-based drugs. Mass spectrometry (MS) offers high selectivity and specificity for the potentially unambiguous identification and comprehensive structural characterization of proteins, including at the proteoform level. It is thus not surprising that MS-based approaches are playing a central role in the biopharma laboratories, complementing and advancing traditional biotherapeutics characterization workflows. A combination of MS approaches is required to comprehensively characterize mAbs\' structures: the commonly employed bottom-up MS approaches are efficiently complemented with mass measurements at the intact and subunit (middle-up) levels, together with product ion analysis following gas-phase fragmentation of precursor ions performed at the intact (top-down) and subunit (middle-down) levels. Here we overview our group\'s contribution to increasing the efficiency of these approaches and the development of the novel strategies over the past decade. Our particular focus has been on the top-down and middle-down MS methods that utilize electron transfer dissociation (ETD) for gas-phase protein ion fragmentation. Several approaches pioneered by our group, particularly an ETD-based middle-down approach, constitute a part of commercial software solutions for the mAb\'s characterization workflows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) represent a family of proteins that lack secondary or tertiary structure. IDPs are hubs in interaction networks, participate in liquid-liquid phase separation processes, and drive the formation of proteinaceous membrane-less organelles. Their unfolded structure makes them particularly prone to post-translational modifications (PTMs) that play key functional modulatory roles.
    We discuss different analytical approaches to study phosphorylation of IDPs starting from methods for IDP enrichment (strong acid extractions and heat-based pre-fractionation), strategies to enrich and map phosphopeptides/proteins, and mass spectrometry-based tools to study the phosphorylation-dependent conformational alterations of IDPs (limited proteolysis, HDX, chemical cross-linking, covalent labeling, and ion mobility).
    There is a growing interest in IDPs and their PTMs since they are involved in several diseases. The intrinsic disorder could be exploited to facilitate purification and synthetic production of IDPs taking full advantage of those structural mass-spectrometry-based methods that can be used to investigate IDPs and their phospho-dependent conformational alterations. The diffusion and implementation of mass spectrometers with ion mobility devices and electron transfer dissociation capabilities could be key-elements for increasing information on IDP biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Native state hydrogen exchange (HX) methods provide high-resolution structural data on the rare and transient opening motions in proteins under native conditions. Mass spectrometry-based HX methods (HX-MS) have gained popularity because of their ability to delineate population distributions, which allow a direct determination of the mechanism of inter conversion of the partially folded states under native conditions. Various technological advancements have provided further impetus to the development of HX-MS-based experiments to study protein folding. Classical HX-MS studies use proteolytic digestion to produce fragments of the protein subsequent to HX in solution, in order to obtain structural data. New chemical fragmentation methods, which achieve the same result as proteolysis and cause minimal change to the HX pattern in the protein, provide an attractive alternative to proteolysis. Moreover, when used in conjunction with proteolysis, chemical fragmentation methods have significantly increased the structural resolution afforded by HX-MS studies, even bringing them at par with the single amino acid resolution observed in NMR-based measurements. Experiments based on one such chemical fragmentation method, electron transfer dissociation (ETD), are described in this chapter. The ETD HX-MS method is introduced using data from a protein which is inherently resistant to proteolytic digestion as example of how such an experiment can provide high-resolution structural data on the folding-unfolding transitions of the protein under native conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electron-based dissociation (ExD) produces uncluttered mass spectra of intact proteins while preserving labile post-translational modifications. However, technical challenges have limited this option to only a few high-end mass spectrometers. We have developed an efficient ExD cell that can be retrofitted in less than an hour into current LC/Q-TOF instruments. Supporting software has been developed to acquire, process, and annotate peptide and protein ExD fragmentation spectra. In addition to producing complementary fragmentation, ExD spectra enable many isobaric leucine/isoleucine and isoaspartate/aspartate pairs to be distinguished by side-chain fragmentation. The ExD cell preserves phosphorylation and glycosylation modifications. It also fragments longer peptides more efficiently to reveal signaling cross-talk between multiple post-translational modifications on the same protein chain and cleaves disulfide bonds in cystine knotted proteins and intact antibodies. The ability of the ExD cell to combine collisional activation with electron fragmentation enables more complete sequence coverage by disrupting intramolecular electrostatic interactions that can hold fragments of large peptides and proteins together. These enhanced capabilities made possible by the ExD cell expand the size of peptides and proteins that can be analyzed as well as the analytical certainty of characterizing their post-translational modifications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    O-GlcNAcylation, the addition of a single N-acetylglucosamine residue to serine and threonine residues of cytoplasmic, nuclear, or mitochondrial proteins, is a widespread regulatory posttranslational modification. It is involved in the response to nutritional status and stress, and its dysregulation is associated with diseases ranging from Alzheimer\'s to diabetes. Although the modification was first detected over 35 years ago, research into the function of O-GlcNAcylation has accelerated dramatically in the last 10 years owing to the development of new enrichment and mass spectrometry techniques that facilitate its analysis. This article summarizes methods for O-GlcNAc enrichment, key mass spectrometry instrumentation advancements, particularly those that allow modification site localization, and software tools that allow analysis of data from O-GlcNAc-modified peptides.






