electron tomography

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During infection, the giant phiKZ phage forms a specialized structure at the center of the host cell called the phage nucleus. This structure is crucial for safeguarding viral DNA against bacterial nucleases and for segregating the transcriptional activities of late genes. Here, we describe a morphological entity, the early phage infection (EPI) vesicle, which appears to be responsible for earlier gene segregation at the beginning of the infection process. Using cryo-electron microscopy, electron tomography (ET), and fluorescence microscopy with membrane-specific dyes, we demonstrated that the EPI vesicle is enclosed in a lipid bilayer originating, apparently, from the inner membrane of the bacterial cell. Our investigations further disclose that the phiKZ EPI vesicle contains both viral DNA and viral RNA polymerase (vRNAP). We have observed that the EPI vesicle migrates from the cell pole to the center of the bacterial cell together with ChmA, the primary protein of the phage nucleus. The phage DNA is transported into the phage nucleus after phage maturation, but the EPI vesicle remains outside. We hypothesized that the EPI vesicle acts as a membrane transport agent, efficiently delivering phage DNA to the phage nucleus while protecting it from the nucleases of the bacterium.
    OBJECTIVE: Our study shed light on the processes of phage phiKZ early infection stage, expanding our understanding of possible strategies for the development of phage infection. We show that phiKZ virion content during injection is packed inside special membrane structures called early phage infection (EPI) membrane vesicles originating from the bacterial inner cell membrane. We demonstrated the EPI vesicle fulfilled the role of the safety transport unit for the phage genome to the phage nucleus, where the phage DNA would be replicated and protected from bacterial immune systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the genesis and early-phase reactions of iron corrosion is essential for the early detection, mitigation and prevention of metal degradation. In this work, high-resolution 3D tomography of metallic iron oxidation was acquired using high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). In particular, dendritic capillaries (<0.5 nm) were observed during the initial oxidation of fresh nanoscale zero-valent iron due to the differential oxygen diffusion and iron atoms migration. This observation led to the proposal of a nanoscale \"pothole\" model for early-phase corrosion, wherein hollowing out of the metal nanoparticle and formation of nanovoids beneath the iron/oxide interface through Kirkendall effect. Coalescence of the nanocapillaries results in the ultimate collapse of metal structure and/or functional failure. Using nanoscale zero-valent iron as a research model, this work provides unprecedented insights into the nano- and atomic-scale mechanisms of iron oxidation, paving the way for advanced detection and prevention strategies for iron corrosion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malaria remains a major global threat, representing a severe public health problem worldwide. Annually, it is responsible for a high rate of morbidity and mortality in many tropical developing countries where the disease is endemic. The causative agent of malaria, Plasmodium spp., exhibits a complex life cycle, alternating between an invertebrate vector, which transmits the disease, and the vertebrate host. The disease pathology observed in the vertebrate host is attributed to the asexual development of Plasmodium spp. inside the erythrocyte. Once inside the red blood cell, malaria parasites cause extensive changes in the host cell, increasing membrane rigidity and altering its normal discoid shape. Additionally, during their intraerythrocytic development, malaria parasites incorporate and degrade up to 70 % of host cell hemoglobin. This mechanism is essential for parasite development and represents an important drug target. Blocking the steps related to hemoglobin endocytosis or degradation impairs parasite development and can lead to its death. The ultrastructural analysis of hemoglobin endocytosis on Plasmodium spp. has been broadly explored along the years. However, it is only recently that the proteins involved in this process have started to emerge. Here, we will review the most important features related to hemoglobin endocytosis and catabolism on malaria parasites. A special focus will be given to the recent analysis obtained through 3D visualization approaches and to the molecules involved in these mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electron tomography of frozen, hydrated samples allows structure determination of macromolecular complexes that are embedded in complex environments. Provided that the target complexes may be localised in noisy, three-dimensional tomographic reconstructions, averaging images of multiple instances of these molecules can lead to structures with sufficient resolution for de novo atomic modelling. Although many research groups have contributed image processing tools for these tasks, a lack of standardisation and interoperability represents a barrier for newcomers to the field. Here, we present an image processing pipeline for electron tomography data in RELION-5, with functionality ranging from the import of unprocessed movies to the automated building of atomic models in the final maps. Our explicit definition of metadata items that describe the steps of our pipeline has been designed for interoperability with other software tools and provides a framework for further standardisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-pressure freezing/freeze substitution has been used to preserve biological samples for ultrastructure study instead of chemical fixation. For most plant samples, the water content is too high and cannot be properly preserved during cryofixation. Additionally, the cell wall is a barrier that prevents the substitution of water with the resin. In this chapter, we will discuss modified high-pressure freezing and subsequent processing protocols based on our routinely used methodology for examining Arabidopsis seeds in transmission electron microscopy and electron tomography.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vacuoles in plant cells are the most prominent organelles that harbor distinctive features, including lytic function, storage of proteins and sugars, balance of cell volume, and defense responses. Despite their dominant size and functional versatility, the nature and biogenesis of vacuoles in plants per se remain elusive and several models have been proposed. Recently, we used the whole-cell 3D electron tomography (ET) technique to study vacuole formation and distribution at nanometer resolution and demonstrated that small vacuoles are derived from multivesicular body maturation and fusion. Good sample preparation is a critical step to get high-quality electron tomography images. In this chapter, we provide detailed sample preparation methods for high-resolution ET in Arabidopsis thaliana root cells, including high-pressure freezing, subsequent freeze-substitution fixation, embedding, and serial sectioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics have been an emerging global concern, with hazardous effects on plant, animal, and human health. Their small size makes it easier for them to spread to various ecosystems and enter the food chain; they are already widely found in aqueous environments and within aquatic life, and have even been found within humans. Much research has gone into understanding micro-/nanoplastic sources and environmental fate, but less work has been done to understand their degradation. Photocatalytic degradation is a promising green technique that uses visible or ultraviolet light in combination with photocatalyst to degrade plastic particles. While complete degradation, reducing plastics to small molecules, is often the goal, partial degradation is more common. We examined microscale polyethylene (PE) (125-150µm in diameter) and nanoscale polystyrene (PS) (∼300 nm in diameter) spheres both before and after degradation using multiple imaging techniques, especially electron tomography in addition to conventional electron microscopy. Electron tomography is able to image the 3D exterior and interior of the nanoplastics, enabling us to observe within aggregates and inside degraded spheres, where we found potentially open interior structures after degradation. These structures may result from differences in degradation and aggregation behavior between the different plastic types, with our work finding that PE MPs typically cracked into sharp fragments, while PS nanoplastics often fragmented into smoother, more curved shapes. These and other differences, along with interior and 3D surface images, provide new details on how the structure and aggregation of PE MPs and PS nanoplastics changes when degraded, which could influence how the resulting worn particles are collected or treated further.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen responsible for an acute musculoskeletal disease in humans. Replication of the viral RNA genome occurs in specialized membranous replication organelles (ROs) or spherules, which contain the viral replication complex. Initially generated by RNA synthesis-associated plasma membrane deformation, alphavirus ROs are generally rapidly endocytosed to produce type I cytopathic vacuoles (CPV-I), from which nascent RNAs are extruded for cytoplasmic translation. By contrast, CHIKV ROs are poorly internalized, raising the question of their fate and functionality at the late stage of infection. Here, using in situ cryogenic-electron microscopy approaches, we investigate the outcome of CHIKV ROs and associated replication machinery in infected human cells. We evidence the late persistence of CHIKV ROs at the plasma membrane with a crowned protein complex at the spherule neck similar to the recently resolved replication complex. The unexpectedly heterogeneous and large diameter of these compartments suggests a continuous, dynamic growth of these organelles beyond the replication of a single RNA genome. Ultrastructural analysis of surrounding cytoplasmic regions supports that outgrown CHIKV ROs remain dynamically active in viral RNA synthesis and export to the cell cytosol for protein translation. Interestingly, rare ROs with a homogeneous diameter are also marginally internalized in CPV-I near honeycomb-like arrangements of unknown function, which are absent in uninfected controls, thereby suggesting a temporal regulation of this internalization. Altogether, this study sheds new light on the dynamic pattern of CHIKV ROs and associated viral replication at the interface with cell membranes in infected cells.IMPORTANCEThe Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus that requires specialized membranous replication organelles (ROs) for its genome replication. Our knowledge of this viral cycle stage is still incomplete, notably regarding the fate and functional dynamics of CHIKV ROs in infected cells. Here, we show that CHIKV ROs are maintained at the plasma membrane beyond the first viral cycle, continuing to grow and be dynamically active both in viral RNA replication and in its export to the cell cytosol, where translation occurs in proximity to ROs. This contrasts with the homogeneous diameter of ROs during internalization in cytoplasmic vacuoles, which are often associated with honeycomb-like arrangements of unknown function, suggesting a regulated mechanism. This study sheds new light on the dynamics and fate of CHIKV ROs in human cells and, consequently, on our understanding of the Chikungunya viral cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of nucleocytoplasmic transport of proteins and messenger RNA has been the focus of advanced microscopic approaches. Recently, it has been possible to identify and visualize individual pre-ribosomal particles on their way through the nuclear pore complex using both electron and light microscopy. In this review, we focused on the transport of pre-ribosomal particles in the nucleus on their way to and through the pores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the coding sequence of huntingtin protein. Initially, it predominantly affects medium-sized spiny neurons (MSSNs) of the corpus striatum. No effective treatment is still available, thus urging the identification of potential therapeutic targets. While evidence of mitochondrial structural alterations in HD exists, previous studies mainly employed 2D approaches and were performed outside the strictly native brain context. In this study, we adopted a novel multiscale approach to conduct a comprehensive 3D in situ structural analysis of mitochondrial disturbances in a mouse model of HD. We investigated MSSNs within brain tissue under optimal structural conditions utilizing state-of-the-art 3D imaging technologies, specifically FIB/SEM for the complete imaging of neuronal somas and Electron Tomography for detailed morphological examination, and image processing-based quantitative analysis. Our findings suggest a disruption of the mitochondrial network towards fragmentation in HD. The network of interlaced, slim and long mitochondria observed in healthy conditions transforms into isolated, swollen and short entities, with internal cristae disorganization, cavities and abnormally large matrix granules.





