electroencephalography (EEG)

脑电图 (EEG)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global rise in lower limb amputation cases necessitates advancements in prosthetic limb technology to enhance the quality of life for affected patients. This review paper explores recent advancements in the integration of EEG and fNIRS modalities for smart lower prosthetic limbs for rehabilitation applications. The paper synthesizes current research progress, focusing on the synergy between brain-computer interfaces and neuroimaging technologies to enhance the functionality and user experience of lower limb prosthetics. The review discusses the potential of EEG and fNIRS in decoding neural signals, enabling more intuitive and responsive control of prosthetic devices. Additionally, the paper highlights the challenges, innovations, and prospects associated with the incorporation of these neurotechnologies in the field of rehabilitation. The insights provided in this review contribute to a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of smart lower prosthetic limbs and pave the way for more effective and user-friendly solutions in the realm of neurorehabilitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Over the last decades, error-related potentials (ErrPs) have repeatedly proven especially useful as corrective mechanisms in invasive and non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). However, research in this context exclusively investigated the distinction of discrete events into correct or erroneous to the present day. Due to this predominant formulation as a binary classification problem, classical ErrP-based BCIs fail to monitor tasks demanding quantitative information on error severity rather than mere qualitative decisions on error occurrence. As a result, fine-tuned and natural feedback control based on continuously perceived deviations from an intended target remains beyond the capabilities of previously used BCI setups.
    METHODS: To address this issue for future BCI designs, we investigated the feasibility of regressing rather than classifying error-related activity non-invasively from the brain.
    RESULTS: Using pre-recorded data from ten able-bodied participants in three sessions each and a multi-output convolutional neural network, we demonstrated the above-chance regression of ongoing target-feedback discrepancies from brain signals in a pseudo-online fashion. In a second step, we used this inferred information about the target deviation to correct the initially displayed feedback accordingly, reporting significant improvements in correlations between corrected feedback and target trajectories across feedback conditions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that continuous information on target-feedback discrepancies can be successfully regressed from cortical activity, paving the way to increasingly naturalistic, fine-tuned correction mechanisms for future BCI applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engaging in dialog requires interlocutors to coordinate sending and receiving linguistic signals to build a discourse based upon interpretations and perceptions interconnected with a range of emotions. Conversing in a foreign language may induce emotions such as anxiety which influence the quality communication. The neural processes underpinning these interactions are crucial to understanding foreign language anxiety (FLA). Electroencephalography (EEG) studies reveal that anxiety is often displayed via hemispheric frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA). To examine the neural mechanisms underlying FLA, we collected self-reported data on the listening and speaking sections of the Second language skill specific anxiety scale (L2AS) over behavioral, cognitive, and somatic domains and recorded EEG signals during participation in word chain turn-taking activities in first (L1, Chinese) and second (L2, English) languages. Regression analysis showed FAA for the L2 condition was a significant predictor primarily of the behavioral and somatic domains on the L2AS speaking section. The results are discussed along with implications for improving communication during L2 interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessments of stress can be performed using physiological signals, such as electroencephalograms (EEGs) and galvanic skin response (GSR). Commercialized systems that are used to detect stress with EEGs require a controlled environment with many channels, which prohibits their daily use. Fortunately, there is a rise in the utilization of wearable devices for stress monitoring, offering more flexibility. In this paper, we developed a wearable monitoring system that integrates both EEGs and GSR. The novelty of our proposed device is that it only requires one channel to acquire both physiological signals. Through sensor fusion, we achieved an improved accuracy, lower cost, and improved ease of use. We tested the proposed system experimentally on twenty human subjects. We estimated the power spectrum of the EEG signals and utilized five machine learning classifiers to differentiate between two levels of mental stress. Furthermore, we investigated the optimum electrode location on the scalp when using only one channel. Our results demonstrate the system\'s capability to classify two levels of mental stress with a maximum accuracy of 70.3% when using EEGs alone and 84.6% when using fused EEG and GSR data. This paper shows that stress detection is reliable using only one channel on the prefrontal and ventrolateral prefrontal regions of the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to develop a detection method based on morphological features of spike-wave (SW) patterns in the EEG of epilepsy patients and evaluate the effect of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (ctDCS) treatment. The proposed method is based on several simple features describing the shape of SW patterns and their synchronous occurrence on at least two EEG channels. High sensitivity, specificity and selectivity values were achieved for each patient and condition. ctDCS resulted in a significant reduction in the number of detected patterns, a decrease in spike duration and amplitude, and an increased spike mobility. The proposed method allows efficient identification of SW patterns regardless of brain condition, although the recruitment of patterns may be modified by ctDCS. This method can be useful in the clinical evaluation of ctDCS effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists are widely used to pharmacologically model schizophrenia and have been recently established in the treatment of treatment-resistant major depression demonstrating that the pharmacology of this substance class is complex. Cortical gamma oscillations, a rhythmic neuronal activity associated with cognitive processes, are increased in schizophrenia and deteriorated in depressive disorders and are increasingly used as biomarker in these neuropsychiatric diseases. The opposite use of NMDA receptor antagonists in schizophrenia and depression raises the question how their effects are in accordance with the observed disease pathophysiology and if these effects show a consequent sex-specificity. In this study in rats, we investigated the effects of subchronic (14 days) intraperitoneal injections of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 at a subanesthetic daily dose of 0.2 mg/kg on the behavioral phenotype of adult female and male rats and on pharmacologically induced gamma oscillations measured ex vivo from the hippocampus. We found that MK-801 treatment leads to impaired recognition memory in the novel object recognition test, increased stereotypic behavior and reduced grooming, predominantly in female rats. MK-801 also increased the peak power of hippocampal gamma oscillations induced by kainate or acetylcholine only in female rats, without affecting the peak frequency of the oscillations. The findings indicate that blockade of NMDA receptors enhances gamma oscillations predominantly in female rats and this effect is associated with behavioral changes in females. The results are in accordance with clinical electrophysiological findings and highlight the importance of hippocampal gamma oscillations as a biomarker in schizophrenia and depression.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a globally prevalent, severe chronic mental disorder, with cognitive dysfunction being one of its core symptoms. Notably, overweight is exceedingly common among individuals with SCZ, and overweight can also impact cognitive function. Therefore, the relationship between overweight and cognition in SCZ is a clinical issue that is in need of research attention.
    METHODS: This study enrolled 77 patients with SCZ, including 36 overweight and 41 non-overweight patients. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess symptom severity, while cognitive functions were evaluated using the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Electroencephalography (EEG) testing was performed, with power spectral analysis conducted across various frequency bands (δ, θ, α, β, low γ, and high γ).
    RESULTS: Compared to non-overweight SCZ patients, those overweight exhibited significantly lower RBANS total and index scores in immediate memory, visuospatial/constructional abilities, and delayed memory. EEG spectral analysis revealed that overweight SCZ patients demonstrated significantly lower oscillation power ratios in the β, low γ, and high γ frequency bands compared to their non-overweight counterparts. Correlation analyses indicated a significant positive relationship between β wave activity and RBANS total scores among overweight SCZ patients, suggesting that reduced β power correlates with more severe cognitive dysfunction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that overweight SCZ patients experience more severe cognitive impairments in a resting state than those who are not overweight, with significant differences in EEG spectrum observed in the β and γ frequency bands. Additionally, our study establishes a correlation between various EEG spectrum dimensions and cognition. This research highlights the effects of overweight on cognition in individuals with SCZ. Additionally, employing EEG technology to study cognitive function in overweight SCZ patients can offer valuable electrophysiological insights.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intersection of neuroscience and technology hinges on the development of wearable devices and electrodes that can augment brain networks to improve cognitive capabilities such as learning and concentration. The capacity to enhance networks associated with these functions above baseline capabilities, holds the potential to benefit numerous individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine if electromagnetic field exposure modeled from physiological data would increase instances of flow in participants playing a computer game. The flow state refers to a subjective state of optimal performance experienced by individuals during a variety of tasks. For this study, participants (n = 39, 18-65 years, nfemale = 20) played the arcade game Snake for two ten-minute periods (each with a ten-minute rest period immediately following). For one of the trials, an electromagnetic field was applied bilaterally to the temporal lobes, with the other serving as the control. Brain activity was measured using quantitative electroencephalography, flow experience was measured using the Flow Short Scale and game play scores were also recorded. Results showed deceased beta 1 (12-16 Hz) activity in the left cuneus [t = 4.650, p < 0.01] and left precuneus [t = 4.603, p < 0.01], left posterior cingulate [t = 4.521, p < 0.05], insula [t = 4.234, p < 0.05], and parahippocampal gyrus [t = 4.113, p < 0.05] for trials when the field was active, compared to controls during rest periods. Results from the Flow Short Scale showed a statistically significant difference in mean \"concentration ease\" scores across electromagnetic field conditions, irrespective of difficulty [t = 2.131, p < 0.05]. In the EMF exposure trials, there was no discernible experience effect; participants with prior experience in the game Snake did not exhibit significantly better performance compared to those without prior experience. This anticipated effect was observed in control conditions. The comparable performance observed between novices and experienced players in the EMF condition indicate a noteworthy learning curve for novices. In all, these results provide evidence supporting the ability of EMF patterned from amygdaloid firing (6-20 Hz) to elicit neurological correlates of flow in brain regions previously reported in the literature, facilitate concentration, and subtly improve game scores. The possibility for wearable devices to support learning, concentration, and focus are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction An EEG is an important tool in the diagnosis of neurological diseases. Performing an EEG on children can be challenging due to their tendency to not cooperate for the recommended duration. We aim to optimize the duration of EEG recording in children by finding the optimal duration of recording. Materials and methods A single-center prospective observational study was done after appropriate ethical clearance. Children aged 0-14 were recruited and examined, and the recommended EEG was done. Data were collected and analyzed. Results Of the 112 EEGs analyzed, 29 EEGs were normal, i.e., no diagnostic anomaly was noticed. In the remaining 83 EEGs, if the duration of the EEG was reduced to 20 minutes, it resulted in missing the diagnostic anomaly in 20 cases (24.1%; 95% CI: 11.2%-26.2%). Reducing the duration of the EEG recording to 10 minutes resulted in missing 63 of the diagnostic anomalies (75.9%; 95% CI: 46.6%-65.6%). Of the 86 drug-induced EEGs, 22 were normal (25.6%; 95% CI: 16.8%-36.1%). Of the 24 routine EEGs, seven were normal (29.2%; 95% CI: 12.6%-51.1%). Of the two sleep-deprived EEGs, neither was normal (0.0%; 95% CI: 0.0%-84.1%). Conclusion In our study, we observed that optimization of the duration of EEG recording can be done to 20 minutes in all populations. We also observed that if we find a diagnostic abnormality early during EEG recording, then continuation of the EEG may not be necessary to make a valid report. Having said so, having a negative EEG may not necessarily rule out a diagnosis. We did not find the superiority of any of the EEG protocols over others, as their yield was comparable.





