electrical coupling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Granule cells in the hippocampus project axons to hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells where they form large mossy fiber terminals. We have reported that these terminals contain the gap junction protein connexin36 (Cx36) specifically in the stratum lucidum of rat ventral hippocampus, thus creating morphologically mixed synapses that have the potential for dual chemical/electrical transmission.
    METHODS: Here, we used various approaches to characterize molecular and electrophysiological relationships between the Cx36-containing gap junctions at mossy fiber terminals and their postsynaptic elements and to examine molecular relationships at mixed synapses in the brainstem.
    RESULTS: In rat and human ventral hippocampus, many of these terminals, identified by their selective expression of vesicular zinc transporter-3 (ZnT3), displayed multiple, immunofluorescent Cx36-puncta representing gap junctions, which were absent at mossy fiber terminals in the dorsal hippocampus. In rat, these were found in close proximity to the protein constituents of adherens junctions (i.e., N-cadherin and nectin-1) that are structural hallmarks of mossy fiber terminals, linking these terminals to the dendritic shafts of CA3 pyramidal cells, thus indicating the loci of gap junctions at these contacts. Cx36-puncta were also associated with adherens junctions at mixed synapses in the brainstem, supporting emerging views of the structural organization of the adherens junction-neuronal gap junction complex. Electrophysiologically induced long-term potentiation (LTP) of field responses evoked by mossy fiber stimulation was greater in the ventral than dorsal hippocampus.
    CONCLUSIONS: The electrical component of transmission at mossy fiber terminals may contribute to enhanced LTP responses in the ventral hippocampus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) account for approximately 80% of the inhibitory interneurons in the cerebellar cortex and are vital to cerebellar processing. MLIs are thought to primarily inhibit Purkinje cells (PCs) and suppress the plasticity of synapses onto PCs. MLIs also inhibit, and are electrically coupled to, other MLIs, but the functional significance of these connections is not known. Here, we find that two recently recognized MLI subtypes, MLI1 and MLI2, have a highly specialized connectivity that allows them to serve distinct functional roles. MLI1s primarily inhibit PCs, are electrically coupled to each other, fire synchronously with other MLI1s on the millisecond timescale in vivo, and synchronously pause PC firing. MLI2s are not electrically coupled, primarily inhibit MLI1s and disinhibit PCs, and are well suited to gating cerebellar-dependent behavior and learning. The synchronous firing of electrically coupled MLI1s and disinhibition provided by MLI2s require a major re-evaluation of cerebellar processing.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    iPSC-derived human β-like cells (BLC) hold promise for both therapy and disease modelling, but their generation remains challenging and their functional analyses beyond transcriptomic and morphological assessments remain limited. Here, we validate an approach using multicellular and single cell electrophysiological tools to evaluate BLCs functions. The Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) measuring the extracellular electrical activity revealed that BLCs are electrically coupled, produce slow potential (SP) signals like primary β-cells that are closely linked to insulin secretion. We also used high-resolution single-cell patch-clamp measurements to capture the exocytotic properties, and characterize voltage-gated sodium and calcium currents. These were comparable to those in primary β and EndoC-βH1 cells. The KATP channel conductance is greater than in human primary β cells which may account for the limited glucose responsiveness observed with MEA. We used MEAs to study the impact of the type 2 diabetes protective SLC30A8 allele (p.Lys34Serfs*50) and found that BLCs with this allele have stronger electrical coupling. Our data suggest that with an adapted approach BLCs from pioneer protocol can be used to evaluate the functional impact of genetic variants on β-cell function and coupling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the electrical characteristics and electrical coupling effect for monolithic 3-dimensional nonvolatile memory consisting of a feedback field-effect transistor (M3D-NVM-FBFET) were investigated using technology computer-aided design. The M3D-NVM-FBFET consists of an N-type FBFET with an oxide-nitride-oxide layer and a metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET) in the top and bottom tiers, respectively. For the memory simulation, the programming and erasing voltages were applied at 18 and -18 V for 1 μs, respectively. The memory window of the M3D-NVM-FBFET was 1.98 V. As the retention simulation was conducted for 10 years, the memory window decreased from 1.98 to 0.83 V. For the M3D-NVM-FBFET, the electrical coupling that occurs through an electrical signal in the bottom-tier transistor was investigated. As the thickness of the interlayer dielectric (TILD) decreases from 100 to 10 nm, the change in the VTH increases from 0.16 to 0.87 V and from 0.15 to 0.84 V after the programming and erasing operations, respectively. M3D-NVM-FBFET circuits with a thin TILD of 50 nm or less need to be designed considering electrical coupling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stromal-derived factor 1α/chemokine receptor 4 (SDF-1α/CXCR4) axis contributes to myocardial protection after myocardial infarction (MI) by recruiting endogenous stem cells into the ischemic tissue. However, excessive inflammatory macrophages are also recruited simultaneously, aggravating myocardial damage. More seriously, the increased inflammation contributes to abnormal cardiomyocyte electrical coupling, leading to inhomogeneities in ventricular conduction and retarded conduction velocity. It is highly desirable to selectively recruit the stem cells but block the inflammation. In this work, SDF-1α-encapsulated Puerarin (PUE) hydrogel (SDF-1α@PUE) is capable of enhancing endogenous stem cell homing and simultaneously polarizing the recruited monocyte/macrophages into a repairing phenotype. Flow cytometry analysis of the treated heart tissue shows that endogenous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, hemopoietic stem cells, and immune cells are recruited while SDF-1α@PUE efficiently polarizes the recruited monocytes/macrophages into the M2 type. These macrophages influence the preservation of connexin 43 (Cx43) expression which modulates intercellular coupling and improves electrical conduction. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the improved \"soil\", the recruited stem cells mediate an improved cardiac function by preventing deterioration, promoting neovascular architecture, and reducing infarct size. These findings demonstrate a promising therapeutic platform for MI that not only facilitates heart regeneration but also reduces the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) are among the many neuronal populations in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) where there is evidence for electrical coupling between cell pairs linked by gap junctions composed of connexin36 (Cx36). Understanding the organization of this coupling in relation to autonomic functions of spinal sympathetic systems requires knowledge of how these junctions are deployed among SPNs. Here, we document the distribution of immunofluorescence detection of Cx36 among SPNs identified by immunolabelling of their various markers, including choline acetyltransferase, nitric oxide and peripherin in adult and developing mouse and rat. In adult animals, labelling of Cx36 was exclusively punctate and dense concentrations of Cx36-puncta were distributed along the entire length of the spinal thoracic intermediolateral cell column (IML). These puncta were also seen in association with SPN dendritic processes in the lateral funiculus, the intercalated and central autonomic areas and those within and extending medially from the IML. All labelling for Cx36 was absent in spinal cords of Cx36 knockout mice. High densities of Cx36-puncta were already evident among clusters of SPNs in the IML of mouse and rat at postnatal days 10-12. In Cx36BAC::eGFP mice, eGFP reporter was absent in SPNs, thus representing false negative detection, but was localized to some glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic terminals. Some eGFP+ terminals were found contacting SPN dendrites. These results indicate widespread Cx36 expression in SPNs, further supporting evidence of electrical coupling between these cells, and suggest that SPNs are innervated by neurons that themselves may be electrically coupled.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioblastoma (GBM) tumor microenvironment (TME) is a highly heterogeneous and complex system, which in addition to cancer cells, consists of various resident brain and immune cells as well as cells in transit through the tumor such as marrow-derived immune cells. The TME is a dynamic environment which is heavily influenced by alterations in cellular composition, cell-to-cell contact and cellular metabolic products as well as other chemical factors, such as pH and oxygen levels. Emerging evidence suggests that GBM cells appear to reprogram their the TME, and hijack microenvironmental elements to facilitate rapid proliferation, invasion, migration, and survival thus generating treatment resistance. GBM cells interact with their microenvironment directly through cell-to-cell by interaction mediated by cell-surface molecules, or indirectly through apocrine or paracrine signaling via cytokines, growth factors, and extracellular vehicles. The recent discovery of neuron-glioma interfaces and neurotransmitter-based interactions has uncovered novel mechanisms that favor tumor cell survival and growth. Here, we review the known and emerging evidence related to the communication between GBM cells and various components of its TME, discuss models for studying the TME and outline current studies targeting components of the TME for therapeutic purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes are increasingly shown to operate as an isopotential syncytium in brain function. Protoplasmic astrocytes acquire this ability to functionally go beyond the single-cell level by evolving into a spongiform morphology, cytoplasmically connecting into a syncytium, and expressing a high density of K+ conductance. However, none of these cellular/functional features exist in neonatal newborn astrocytes, which imposes a basic question of when a functional syncytium evolves in the developing brain. Our results show that the spongiform morphology of individual astrocytes and their spatial organization all reach stationary levels by postnatal day (P) 15 in the hippocampal CA1 region. Functionally, astrocytes begin to uniformly express a mature level of passive K+ conductance by P11. We next used syncytial isopotentiality measurement to monitor the maturation of the astrocyte syncytium. In uncoupled P1 astrocytes, the substitution of endogenous K+ by a Na+ -electrode solution ([Na+ ]p ) resulted in the total elimination of the physiological membrane potential (VM ), and outward K+ conductance as predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) equation. As more astrocytes are coupled to each other through gap junctions during development, the [Na+ ]p -induced loss of physiological VM and the outward K+ conductance is progressively compensated by the neighboring astrocytes. By P15, a stably established syncytial isopotentiality (-73 mV), and a fully compensated outward K+ conductance appeared in all [Na+ ]p -recorded astrocytes. Thus, in view of the developmental timeframe wherein a singular syncytium is anatomically and functionally established for intra-syncytium K+ equilibration, an astrocyte syncytium becomes fully operational at P15 in the mouse hippocampus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A monolithic three-dimensional integrated static random access memory containing a feedback field effect transistor (M3D-FBFET-SRAM) was proposed. The M3D-FBFET-SRAM cell consists of one metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and one FBFET, and each transistor is located on the top tier and one on the bottom tier in a monolithic 3D integration, respectively. The electrical characteristics and operation of the NFBFET in the M3D-FBFET-SRAM cell were investigated using a TCAD simulator. For SRAM operation, the optimum doping profile of the NFBFET was used for non-turn-off characteristics. For the M3D-FBFET-SRAM cell, the operation of the SRAM and electrical coupling occurring between the top and bottom tier transistor were investigated. As the thickness of interlayer dielectric decreases, the reading \'ON\' current decreases. To prevent performance degradation, two ways to compensate for current level were suggested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cholinergic interneurons (CINs) are essential elements of striatal circuits and functions. Although acetylcholine signaling via muscarinic receptors (mAChRs) has been well studied, more recent data indicate that postsynaptic nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) located on striatal GABAergic interneurons (GINs) are equally critical. One example is that CIN stimulation induces large disynaptic inhibition of striatal projection neurons (SPNs) mediated by nAChR activation of GINs. Although these circuits are ideally positioned to modulate striatal output, the neurons involved are not definitively identified because of an incomplete mapping of CINs-GINs interconnections. Here, we show that CINs modulate four GINs populations via an intricate mechanism involving co-activation of presynaptic and postsynaptic mAChRs and nAChRs. Using optogenetics, we demonstrate the participation of tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing GINs in the disynaptic inhibition of SPNs via heterotypic electrical coupling with neurogliaform interneurons. Altogether, our results highlight the importance of CINs in regulating GINs microcircuits via complex synaptic/heterosynaptic mechanisms.





