
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transfer RNAs (tRNA) are essential small non-coding RNAs that enable the translation of genomic information into proteins in all life forms. The principal function of tRNAs is to bring amino acid building blocks to the ribosomes for protein synthesis. In the ribosome, tRNAs interact with messenger RNA (mRNA) to mediate the incorporation of amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain following the rules of the genetic code. Accurate interpretation of the genetic code requires tRNAs to carry amino acids matching their anticodon identity and decode the correct codon on mRNAs. Errors in these steps cause the translation of codons with the wrong amino acids (mistranslation), compromising the accurate flow of information from DNA to proteins. Accumulation of mutant proteins due to mistranslation jeopardizes proteostasis and cellular viability. However, the concept of mistranslation is evolving, with increasing evidence indicating that mistranslation can be used as a mechanism for survival and acclimatization to environmental conditions. In this review, we discuss the central role of tRNAs in modulating translational fidelity through their dynamic and complex interplay with translation factors. We summarize recent discoveries of mistranslating tRNAs and describe the underlying molecular mechanisms and the specific conditions and environments that enable and promote mistranslation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rules of the genetic code are implemented by the unique features that define the amino acid identity of each transfer RNA (tRNA). These features, known as \"identity elements,\" mark tRNAs for recognition by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs), the enzymes responsible for ligating amino acids to tRNAs. While tRNA identity elements enable stringent substrate selectivity of ARSs, these enzymes are prone to errors during amino acid selection, leading to the synthesis of incorrect aminoacyl-tRNAs that jeopardize the fidelity of protein synthesis. Many error-prone ARSs have evolved specialized domains that hydrolyze incorrectly synthesized aminoacyl-tRNAs. These domains, known as editing domains, also exist as free-standing enzymes and, together with ARSs, safeguard protein synthesis fidelity. Here, we discuss how the same identity elements that define tRNA aminoacylation play an integral role in aminoacyl-tRNA editing, synergistically ensuring the correct translation of genetic information into proteins. Moreover, we review the distinct strategies of tRNA selection used by editing enzymes and ARSs to avoid undesired hydrolysis of correctly aminoacylated tRNAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) constitute a sophisticated molecular exchange mechanism highly regarded for their potential as a next-generation platform for compound delivery. However, identifying sustainable and biologically safe sources of EVs remains a challenge. This work explores the emergence of novel sources of plant and bacterial-based EVs, such as those obtained from food industry by-products, known as BP-EVs, and their potential to be used as safer and biocompatible nanocarriers, addressing some of the current challenges of the field. These novel sources exhibit remarkable oral bioavailability and biodistribution, with minimal cytotoxicity and a selective targeting capacity toward the central nervous system, liver, and skeletal tissues. Additionally, we review the ease of editing these recently uncovered nanocarrier-oriented vesicles using common EV editing methods, examining the cargo-loading processes applicable to these sources, which involve both passive and active functionalization methods. While the primary focus of these novel sources of endogenous EVs is on molecule delivery to the central nervous system and skeletal tissue based on their systemic target preference, their use, as reviewed here, extends beyond these key applications within the biotechnological and biomedical fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The world of publication can seem intimidating and closed to the newcomer. How then does one even begin to get a foot in the door? In this paper, the authors draw from the literature and their recent lived experience as editorial interns to consider this challenge under the theme of access, and how it overlaps with the various components of academic publication. The main three components of the publication \'machine\' are discussed in this article, authoring, reviewing, and editing. These are preceded by the first, and arguably foundational, interaction with academic journal publishing-reading. Without reading articles across different journals, and even in different disciplines, understanding the breadth of scholarship and its purpose is impossible. The subsequent components of authoring, reviewing, and editing, which are all enhanced by ongoing familiarity with current literature through further reading, are considered in further detail in the remainder of this article, with practical advice provided as to how to gain access and experience in each of these areas, for example, writing non-research article manuscripts, engaging in collaborative peer review, and applying for editorial opportunities (with perseverance) when the opportunity presents itself. Medical education publication can seem daunting and closed to entry-level academics. This article is written to dispel this view, and challenges the notion that the world of publication is reserved for experts only. On the contrary, newcomers to the field are essential for academic publications to retain relevance, dynamism, and innovation particularly in the face of the changing landscape of medical education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A tool for precise, target-specific, efficient and affordable genome editing, it is a dream for many researchers, from those who do basic research to those who use it for applied research. Since 2012, we have the tool that almost fulfils such requirements; it is based on CRISPR/Cas systems. However, even CRISPR/Cas has limitations and obstacles that might surprise its users. In this review, we focus on the most frequently used variant, CRISPR/Cas9 from Streptococcus pyogenes, and highlight the key factors affecting its mutagenesis outcomes. Firstly, factors affecting the CRISPR/Cas9 activity, such as the effect of the target sequence, chromatin state or Cas9 variant, and how long it remains in place after cleavage. Secondly, factors affecting the follow-up DNA repair mechanisms include mostly the cell type and cell cycle phase, but also, for example, the type of DNA ends produced by Cas9 cleavage (blunt/staggered). Moreover, we note some differences between using CRISPR/Cas9 in plants, yeasts and animals, as knowledge from individual kingdoms is not fully transferable. Awareness of these factors can increase the likelihood of achieving the expected results of plant genome editing, for which we provide detailed guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamic interaction of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) with their target RNAs contributes to the diversity of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes that are involved in a myriad of biological processes. Identifying the RNP components at high resolution and defining their interactions are key to understanding their regulation and function. Expressing fusions between an RBP of interest and an RNA editing enzyme can result in nucleobase changes in target RNAs, representing a recent addition to experimental approaches for profiling RBP/RNA interactions. Here, we have used the MS2 protein/RNA interaction to test four RNA editing proteins for their suitability to detect target RNAs of RBPs in planta. We have established a transient test system for fast and simple quantification of editing events and identified the hyperactive version of the catalytic domain of an adenosine deaminase (hADARcd) as the most suitable editing enzyme. Examining fusions between homologs of polypyrimidine tract binding proteins (PTBs) from Arabidopsis thaliana and hADARcd allowed determining target RNAs with high sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, almost complete editing of a splicing intermediate provided insight into the order of splicing reactions and PTB dependency of this particular splicing event. Addition of sequences for nuclear localisation of the fusion protein increased the editing efficiency, highlighting this approach\'s potential to identify RBP targets in a compartment-specific manner. Our studies have established the editing-based analysis of interactions between RBPs and their RNA targets in a fast and straightforward assay, offering a new system to study the intricate composition and functions of plant RNPs in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hearing loss stands as the most prevalent sensory deficit among humans, posing a significant global health challenge. Projections indicate that by 2050, approximately 10% of the world\'s population will grapple with disabling hearing impairment. While approximately half of congenital hearing loss cases have a genetic etiology, traditional interventions such as hearing aids and cochlear implants do not completely restore normal hearing. The absence of biological treatment has prompted significant efforts in recent years, with a strong focus on gene therapy to address hereditary hearing loss. Although several studies have exhibited promising recovery from common forms of genetic deafness in mouse models, existing challenges must be overcome to make gene therapy applicable in the near future. Herein, we summarize the primary gene therapy strategies employed over past years, provide an overview of the recent achievements in preclinical studies for genetic hearing loss, and outline the current key obstacles to cochlear gene therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) links isoleucine to cognate tRNA via the Ile-AMP intermediate. Non-cognate valine is often mistakenly recognized as the IleRS substrate; therefore, to maintain the accuracy of translation, IleRS hydrolyzes Val-AMP within the synthetic site (pre-transfer editing). As this activity is not efficient enough, Val-tRNAIle is formed and hydrolyzed in the distant post-transfer editing site. A strictly conserved synthetic site residue Gly56 was previously shown to safeguard Ile-to-Val discrimination during aminoacyl (aa)-AMP formation. Here, we show that the Gly56Ala variant lost its specificity in pre-transfer editing, confirming that this residue ensures the selectivity of all synthetic site reactions. Moreover, we found that the Gly56Ala mutation affects IleRS interaction with aa-tRNA likely by disturbing tRNA-dependent communication between the two active sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have garnered considerable interest for their potential to aid non-native English-speaking researchers. These models can function as personal, round-the-clock English tutors, akin to how Prometheus in Greek mythology bestowed fire upon humans for their advancement. LLMs can be particularly helpful for non-native researchers in writing the Introduction and Discussion sections of manuscripts, where they often encounter challenges. However, using LLMs to generate text for research manuscripts entails concerns such as hallucination, plagiarism, and privacy issues; to mitigate these risks, authors should verify the accuracy of generated content, employ text similarity detectors, and avoid inputting sensitive information into their prompts. Consequently, it may be more prudent to utilize LLMs for editing and refining text rather than generating large portions of text. Journal policies concerning the use of LLMs vary, but transparency in disclosing artificial intelligence tool usage is emphasized. This paper aims to summarize how LLMs can lower the barrier to academic writing in English, enabling researchers to concentrate on domain-specific research, provided they are used responsibly and cautiously.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proofreading (editing) of mischarged tRNAs by cytoplasmic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), whose impairment causes neurodegeneration and cardiac diseases, is of high significance for protein homeostasis. However, whether mitochondrial translation needs fidelity and the significance of editing by mitochondrial aaRSs have been unclear. Here, we show that mammalian cells critically depended on the editing of mitochondrial threonyl-tRNA synthetase (mtThrRS, encoded by Tars2), disruption of which accumulated Ser-tRNAThr and generated a large abundance of Thr-to-Ser misincorporated peptides in vivo. Such infidelity impaired mitochondrial translation and oxidative phosphorylation, causing oxidative stress and cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Notably, reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging by N-acetylcysteine attenuated this abnormal cell proliferation. A mouse model of heart-specific defective mtThrRS editing was established. Increased ROS levels, blocked cardiomyocyte proliferation, contractile dysfunction, dilated cardiomyopathy, and cardiac fibrosis were observed. Our results elucidate that mitochondria critically require a high level of translational accuracy at Thr codons and highlight the cellular dysfunctions and imbalance in tissue homeostasis caused by mitochondrial mistranslation.





