ectromelia virus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of CD4+ T cells in the induction of protective CD8+ T cells by mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccines is unknown. We used B6 or Tlr9 -/- mice depleted or not of CD4+ T cells and LNP vaccines loaded with mRNAs encoding the ectromelia virus (ECTV) MHC class I H-2 Kb-restricted immunodominant CD8+ T cell epitope TSYKFESV (TSYKFESV mRNA-LNPs) or the ECTV EVM158 protein, which contains TSYKFESV (EVM-158 mRNA-LNPs). Following prime and boost with 10 μg of either vaccine, Kb-TSYKFESV-specific CD8+ T cells fully protected male and female mice from ECTV at 29 (both mRNA-LNPs) or 90 days (EVM158 mRNA-LNPs) post boost (dpb) independently of CD4+ T cells. However, at 29 dpb with 1 μg mRNA-LNPs, males had lower frequencies of Kb-TSYKFESV-specific CD8+ T cells and were much less well protected than females from ECTV, also independently of CD4+ T cells. At 90 dpb with 1 μg EVM158 mRNA-LNPs, the frequencies of Kb-TSYKFESV-specific CD8+ T cells in males and females were similar, and both were similarly partially protected from ECTV, independently of CD4+ T cells. Therefore, at optimal or suboptimal doses of mRNA-LNP vaccines, CD4+ T cell help is unnecessary to induce protective anti-poxvirus CD8+ T cells specific to a dominant epitope. At suboptimal doses, protection of males requires more time to develop.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ectromelia virus (ECTV) is a causative agent of mousepox. It provides a suitable model for studying the immunobiology of orthopoxviruses, including their interaction with the host cell cytoskeleton. As professional antigen-presenting cells, dendritic cells (DCs) control the pericellular environment, capture antigens, and present them to T lymphocytes after migration to secondary lymphoid organs. Migration of immature DCs is possible due to the presence of specialized adhesion structures, such as podosomes or focal adhesions (FAs). Since assembly and disassembly of adhesive structures are highly associated with DCs\' immunoregulatory and migratory functions, we evaluated how ECTV infection targets podosomes and FAs\' organization and formation in natural-host bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDC). We found that ECTV induces a rapid dissolution of podosomes at the early stages of infection, accompanied by the development of larger and wider FAs than in uninfected control cells. At later stages of infection, FAs were predominantly observed in long cellular extensions, formed extensively by infected cells. Dissolution of podosomes in ECTV-infected BMDCs was not associated with maturation and increased 2D cell migration in a wound healing assay; however, accelerated transwell migration of ECTV-infected cells towards supernatants derived from LPS-conditioned BMDCs was observed. We suggest that ECTV-induced changes in the spatial organization of adhesive structures in DCs may alter the adhesiveness/migration of DCs during some conditions, e.g., inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are innate immune cells that play a pivotal role in inducing antiviral adaptive immune responses due to their extraordinary ability to prime and polarize naïve T cells into different effector T helper (Th) subsets. The two major subpopulations of cDCs, cDC1 (CD8α+ in mice and CD141+ in human) and cDC2 (CD11b+ in mice and CD1c+ in human), can preferentially polarize T cells toward a Th1 and Th2 phenotype, respectively. During infection with ectromelia virus (ECTV), an orthopoxvirus from the Poxviridae family, the timing and activation of an appropriate Th immune response contributes to the resistance (Th1) or susceptibility (Th2) of inbred mouse strains to the lethal form of mousepox. Due to the high plasticity and diverse properties of cDC subpopulations in regulating the quality of a specific immune response, in the present study we compared the ability of splenic cDC1 and cDC2 originating from different ECTV-infected mouse strains to mature, activate, and polarize the Th immune response during mousepox. Our results demonstrated that during early stages of mousepox, both cDC subsets from resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice were activated upon in vivo ECTV infection. These cells exhibited elevated levels of surface MHC class I and II, and co-stimulatory molecules and showed enhanced potential to produce cytokines. However, both cDC subsets from BALB/c mice displayed a higher maturation status than that of their counterparts from C57BL/6 mice. Despite their higher activation status, cDC1 and cDC2 from susceptible mice produced low amounts of Th1-polarizing cytokines, including IL-12 and IFN-γ, and the ability of these cells to stimulate the proliferation and Th1 polarization of allogeneic CD4+ T cells was severely compromised. In contrast, both cDC subsets from resistant mice produced significant amounts of Th1-polarizing cytokines and demonstrated greater capability in differentiating allogeneic T cells into Th1 cells compared to cDCs from BALB/c mice. Collectively, our results indicate that in the early stages of mousepox, splenic cDC subpopulations from the resistant mouse strain can better elicit a Th1 cell-mediated response than the susceptible strain can, probably contributing to the induction of the protective immune responses necessary for the control of virus dissemination and for survival from ECTV challenge.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The mouse-specific orthopoxvirus, ectromelia virus, is one of the best models that can be used to study key issues of pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of smallpox, and to develop measures to increase virulence, transmissibility, or the ability to overcome vaccine immunity. The aim of the work is to screen the antiviral activity of samples from Inonotus obliquus chaga and humic acid from brown coal in vitro against ectromelia virus.
    METHODS: We used ectromelia virus, strain K-1 (reg. No V-142), obtained from the State Collection of Pathogens of Viral Infections and Rickettsioses of the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology \"Vector\"; Vero Е6 cell culture (No 70) from the Collection of cell cultures of the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology \"Vector\". Nine samples from chaga I. obliquus and humic acid from brown coal were used to evaluate the changes in the infectivity of the ectromelia virus on cell culture using 2 schemes of application of drugs and virus (preventive and therapeutic schemes), and to assess their cytotoxicity and antiviral activity.
    RESULTS: 50% cytotoxic concentration, 50% virus-inhibiting concentrations and selectivity index were determined for all samples. The studied samples were shown to be non-toxic to the monolayer of Vero cell culture in a dilution of 300 and more micrograms/ml, while demonstrated high antiviral activity against strain K-1 of ectromelia virus in two application schemes - preventive and curative.
    CONCLUSIONS: All samples tested for ectromelia virus in vitro can be considered promising for further development of drugs against diseases caused by orthopoxviruses.
    Введение. Специфичный для мыши ортопоксвирус – вирус эктромелии – является одной из лучших моделей, которую можно использовать для изучения основных вопросов патогенеза, профилактики и лечения оспы, а также разработки мер для повышения вирулентности, трансмиссивности или способности преодолевать вакцинный иммунитет. Целью работы является скрининг противовирусной активности образцов из чаги Inonotus obliquus и гуминовой кислоты из бурого угля in vitro в отношении вируса эктромелии. Материалы и методы. В работе использовали вирус эктромелии, штамм К-1 (рег. номер V-142), полученный из Государственной коллекции возбудителей вирусных инфекций и риккетсиозов ГНЦ ВБ «Вектор» Роспотребнадзора; культуру клеток Vero Е6 (шифр коллекционный 70), полученную из Коллекции культур клеток ГНЦ ВБ «Вектор» Роспотребнадзора. Для 9 образцов из чаги I. obliquus и гуминовой кислоты из бурого угля была проведена оценка изменения инфекционности вируса эктромелии на культуре клеток при использовании двух схем внесения препаратов и вируса (профилактической и лечебной), а также определение их цитотоксичности и противовирусной активности. Результаты. Для всех образцов были определены 50% цитотоксическая концентрация, 50% эффективные дозы и химиотерапевтические индексы образцов. Было показано, что исследуемые образцы не являются токсичными для монослоя культуры клеток Vero Е6 в разведении 300 мкг/мл и более, продемонстрировали высокую противовирусную активность в отношении штамма К-1 вируса эктромелии в двух схемах применения – профилактической и лечебной. Заключение. Все образцы, проверенные в отношении вируса эктромелии in vitro, могут рассматриваться как перспективные для дальнейшей разработки препаратов против заболеваний, вызываемых ортопоксвирусами.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ectromelia virus (ECTV) is the causative agent of mousepox in mice. In the past century, ECTV was a serious threat to laboratory mouse colonies worldwide. Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), which is widely used in virus detection, is an isothermal amplification method.
    RESULTS: In this study, a probe-based RPA detection method was established for rapid and sensitive detection of ECTV.Primers were designed for the highly conserved region of the crmD gene, the main core protein of recessive poxvirus, and standard plasmids were constructed. The lowest detection limit of the ECTV RT- RPA assay was 100 copies of DNA mol-ecules per reaction. In addition, the method showed high specificity and did not cross-react with other common mouse viruses.Therefore, the practicability of the RPA method in the field was confirmed by the detection of 135 clinical samples. The real-time RPA assay was very similar to the ECTV real-time PCR assay, with 100% agreement.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this RPA assay offers a novel alternative for the simple, sensitive, and specific identification of ECTV, especially in low-resource settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent spread of the monkeypox virus among humans has heightened concerns regarding orthopoxvirus infections. Consequently, conducting a comprehensive study on the immunobiology of the monkeypox virus is imperative for the development of effective therapeutics. Ectromelia virus (ECTV) closely resembles the genetic and disease characteristics of monkeypox virus, making it a valuable research tool for studying orthopoxvirus-host interactions. Guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs), highly expressed interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), have antagonistic effects against various intracellular pathogenic microorganisms. Our previous research has shown that GBP2 has a mild but statistically significant inhibitory effect on ECTV infection. The presence of a significant number of molecules in the poxvirus genome that encode the host immune response raises questions about whether it also includes proteins that counteract the antiviral activity of GBP2. Using IP/MS and co-IP technology, we discovered that the poly(A) polymerase catalytic subunit (PAPL) protein of ECTV is a viral regulatory molecule that interacts with GBP2. Further studies have shown that PAPL antagonizes the antiviral activity of GBP2 by reducing its protein levels. Knocking out the PAPL gene of ECTV with the CRISPR/Cas9 system significantly diminishes the replication ability of the virus, indicating the indispensable role of PAPL in the replication process of ECTV. In conclusion, our study presents preliminary evidence supporting the significance of PAPL as a virulence factor that can interact with GBP2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of pathogen co-infection detected in a half-fed Ixodes persulcatus tick taken from a human in the south of the Far East was studied. Research was carried out on PEK, Vero, and Vero-E6 cell lines, outbred mice, and chicken embryos using ELISA, PCR, IMFA, plaque formation, and electron microscopy. The tick contained an antigen and a genetic marker of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). The patient had post-vaccination antibodies in a titer of 1:200, as a result of which, obviously, an antibody-dependent elimination of TBEV occurred. The tick-borne co-isolate also contained an unknown pathogen (Kiparis-144 virus), which, in our opinion, was a trigger for the activation of chronic infection in suckling white mice. In the laboratory co-isolate, ectromelia virus was present, as evidenced by paw edema during the intradermal infection of mice, characteristic rashes on the chorioallantoic envelope of chicken embryos, and typical plaques on Vero-E6. The Kiparis-144 virus was not pathogenic for white mice and chicken embryos, but it successfully multiplied in the PEK, Vero, and Vero-E6 lines. Viral co-infection was confirmed by electron microscopy. Passaging on mice contributed to an increase in the virulence of the co-isolate, whose titer increased by 10,000 times by the fifth passage, which poses an epidemiological danger.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Following the successful eradication of smallpox, mass vaccination against this disease was discontinued in 1980. The unvaccinated population continues to be at risk of infection due to military use of variola virus or exposure to monkeypox virus in Africa and non-endemic areas. In cases of these diseases, rapid diagnosis is of great importance, since the promptness and effectiveness of therapeutic and quarantine measures depend on it. The aim of work is to develop a kit of reagents for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for fast and highly sensitive detection of orthopoxviruses (OPV) in clinical samples.
    The efficiency of virus detection was evaluated by single-stage ELISA in the cryolisate of CV-1 cell culture samples infected with vaccinia, cowpox, rabbitpox, and ectromelia viruses, as well as in clinical samples of infected rabbits and mice.
    The method of rapid ELISA was shown to allow the detection of OPV in crude viral samples in the range of 5.0 1025.0 103 PFU/ml, and in clinical samples with a viral load exceeding 5 103 PFU/ml.
    The assay involves a minimum number of operations and can be performed within 45 minutes, which makes it possible to use it in conditions of a high level of biosecurity. Rapid ELISA method was developed using polyclonal antibodies, which significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of manufacturing a diagnostic system.
    Введение. Массовая вакцинация против натуральной оспы была прекращена в 1980 г. вследствие успешной ликвидации заболевания. В то же время возможность применения вируса натуральной оспы в военных или террористических целях, а также заболевания, вызываемые вирусом оспы обезьян в африканском регионе, а в последнее время и в неэндемичных районах других континентов, остаются угрозой для невакцинированного населения. В случаях возникновения этих заболеваний большое значение имеет быстрая диагностика, поскольку от неё зависит скорость и в конечном счёте эффективность лечебных и карантинных мероприятий. Цель создание набора реагентов для иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА), позволяющего быстро и с высокой чувствительностью выявлять ортопоксвирусы (ОПВ) в клинических образцах. Материалы и методы. Методом одностадийного ИФА оценивали эффективность выявления вирусов в криолизатах образцов культуры клеток CV-1, инфицированных вирусами осповакцины, оспы коров, оспы кроликов и эктромелии, а также в клинических образцах инфицированных кроликов и мышей. Результаты. Показано, что ускоренный вариант ИФА позволяет обнаруживать ОПВ в неочищенных вирусных образцах в диапазоне 5,0 1025,0 103 БОЕ/мл, а в клинических пробах при вирусной нагрузке, превышающей 5 103 БОЕ/мл. Заключение. Анализ включает минимальное число операций и может быть выполнен в течение 45 мин, что позволяет использовать его в условиях повышенного уровня биобезопасности. Ускоренный ИФА изготовлен с использованием поликлональных антител, что значительно упрощает производство диагностической системы и снижает его стоимость.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) and mixed lineage kinase domain-like pseudokinase (MLKL) are proteins that are critical for necroptosis, a mechanism of programmed cell death that is both activated when apoptosis is inhibited and thought to be antiviral. Here, we investigated the role of RIPK3 and MLKL in controlling the Orthopoxvirus ectromelia virus (ECTV), a natural pathogen of the mouse. We found that C57BL/6 (B6) mice deficient in RIPK3 (Ripk3-/-) or MLKL (Mlkl-/-) were as susceptible as wild-type (WT) B6 mice to ECTV lethality after low-dose intraperitoneal infection and were as resistant as WT B6 mice after ECTV infection through the natural footpad route. Additionally, after footpad infection, Mlkl-/- mice, but not Ripk3-/- mice, endured lower viral titers than WT mice in the draining lymph node (dLN) at three days postinfection and in the spleen or in the liver at seven days postinfection. Despite the improved viral control, Mlkl-/- mice did not differ from WT mice in the expression of interferons or interferon-stimulated genes or in the recruitment of natural killer (NK) cells and inflammatory monocytes (iMOs) to the dLN. Additionally, the CD8 T-cell responses in Mlkl-/- and WT mice were similar, even though in the dLNs of Mlkl-/- mice, professional antigen-presenting cells were more heavily infected. Finally, the histopathology in the livers of Mlkl-/- and WT mice at 7 dpi did not differ. Thus, the mechanism of the increased virus control by Mlkl-/- mice remains to be defined. IMPORTANCE The molecules RIPK3 and MLKL are required for necroptotic cell death, which is widely thought of as an antiviral mechanism. Here we show that C57BL/6 (B6) mice deficient in RIPK3 or MLKL are as susceptible as WT B6 mice to ECTV lethality after a low-dose intraperitoneal infection and are as resistant as WT B6 mice after ECTV infection through the natural footpad route. Mice deficient in MLKL are more efficient than WT mice at controlling virus loads in various organs. This improved viral control is not due to enhanced interferon, natural killer cell, or CD8 T-cell responses. Overall, the data indicate that deficiencies in the molecules that are critical to necroptosis do not necessarily result in worse outcomes following viral infection and may improve virus control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the work was an experimental evaluation of the characteristics of the kit for the rapid immunochemical detection of orthopoxviruses (OPV). The kit is based on the method of one-stage dot-immunoassay on flat protein arrays using gold conjugates and a silver developer. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against the vaccinia virus were used as capture and detection reagents. The sensitivity of detection of OPV and the specificity of the analysis were assessed using culture crude preparations (monkeypox virus, vaccinia virus, rabbitpox virus, cowpox virus, and ectromelia virus), a suspension from a crust from a human vaccination site as well as blood and tissue suspensions of infected rabbits. It has been shown that the assay using the kit makes it possible to detect OPV within 36 min at a temperature of 18-40 °C in unpurified culture samples of the virus and clinical samples in the range of 103-104 PFU/mL. Tests of the kit did not reveal cross-reactivity with uninfected cell cultures and viral pathogens of exanthematous infections (measles, rubella and chicken pox). The kit can be used to detect or exclude the presence of a virus threat in samples and can be useful in various aspects of biosecurity. The simplicity of analysis, the possibility of visual accounting the and interpretation of the results make it possible to use the test in laboratories with a high level of biological protection and in out-of-laboratory conditions.





