
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural populations are subject to selection caused by a range of biotic and abiotic factors in their native habitats. Identifying these agents of selection and quantifying their effects is key to understanding how populations adapt to local conditions. We performed a factorial reciprocal-transplant experiment using locally adapted ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana at their native sites to distinguish the contributions of adaptation to soil type and climate. Overall adaptive differentiation was strong at both sites. However, we found only very small differences in the strength of selection on local and non-local soil, and adaptation to soil type at most constituted only a few per cent of overall adaptive differentiation. These results indicate that local climatic conditions rather than soil type are the primary driver of adaptive differentiation between these ecotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resource partitioning is central to the incredible productivity of microbial communities, including gigatons in annual methane emissions through syntrophic interactions. Previous work revealed how a sulfate reducer (Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Dv) and a methanogen (Methanococcus maripaludis, Mm) underwent evolutionary diversification in a planktonic context, improving stability, cooperativity, and productivity within 300-1000 generations. Here, we show that mutations in just 15 Dv and 7 Mm genes within a minimal assemblage of this evolved community gave rise to co-existing ecotypes that were spatially enriched within a few days of culturing in a fluidized bed reactor. The spatially segregated communities partitioned resources in the simulated subsurface environment, with greater lactate utilization by attached Dv but partial utilization of resulting H2 by low affinity hydrogenases of Mm in the same phase. The unutilized H2 was scavenged by high affinity hydrogenases of planktonic Mm, producing copious amounts of methane. Our findings show how a few mutations can drive resource partitioning amongst niche-differentiated ecotypes, whose interplay synergistically improves productivity of the entire mutualistic community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chicken production, both in the local and commercial sectors, contributes significantly to human livelihood and food security. Precise use of diverse genetic resources is primary in breeding programs. The study analyzed the genetic diversity and population structure of commercial chickens and indigenous chicken ecotypes from three different agro-ecological zones (Semi-Deciduous Rainforest Zone, Guinea Savannah, and Coastal Savannah) using SilicoDArT and SNP markers, utilizing whole-genome sequencing and phenotypic data. Phenotypic data were collected from 72 indigenous chicken ecotypes across the three AEZs, and 32 commercial birds kept at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). DNA samples used for sequencing were obtained from 88 chickens (62 indigenous chicken ecotypes and 26 commercial chickens). A total of 54,995 SilicoDArT and 85,396 SNPs markers were generated from DArTseq genotyping. After filtering, 44,784 SilicoDArT and 58,353 SNP were used for genetic diversity and population structure analysis. Both markers showed high reproducibility and call rate. Polymorphic information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.00 to 0.50, while ≥ 50 % showed PIC values more than the median. Furthermore, we obtained FST values, Nei\'s genetic distance, dendrogram analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA) of commercial and indigenous chickens. The FST and Nei\'s genetic distance showed that there is high genetic diversity between the commercial chickens and the indigenous chicken ecotypes. However, there was low genetic diversity among the indigenous chicken ecotypes. The PCA analysis indicated a clear separation between the commercial and indigenous chicken ecotypes, while no clear separation was observed between the indigenous chicken ecotypes. The phenotypic data and the dendrogram indicated that naked and frizzle genes do not markedly alter the genetics of indigenous and commercial birds, and their influence on economic traits may be solely determined by the prevailing environmental conditions. The results indicate that there is high genetic differentiation between commercial and indigenous chickens based on SilicoDArT and SNP markers. The indigenous chickens from the agro-ecological zones have low genetic diversity and might have a common origin. Naked neck and frizzle genes do not markedly alter the genetic performance of birds in terms of economic traits. Therefore, the superiority of birds carrying these genes in economic traits may be solely due to environmental variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agriculture is vital for global food security, and irrigation is essential for improving crop yields. However, irrigation can pose challenges such as mineral scarcity and salt accumulation in the soil, which negatively impact plant growth and crop productivity. While numerous studies have focused on enhancing plant tolerance to high salinity, research targeting various ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana has been relatively limited. In this study, we aimed to identify salt-tolerant ecotypes among the diverse wild types of Arabidopsis thaliana and elucidate their characteristics at the molecular level. As a result, we found that Catania-1 (Ct-1), one of the ecotypes of Arabidopsis, exhibits greater salt tolerance compared to Col-0. Specifically, Ct-1 exhibited less damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS) than Col-0, despite not accumulating antioxidants like anthocyanins. Additionally, Ct-1 accumulated more potassium ions (K+) in its shoots and roots than Col-0 under high salinity, which is crucial for water balance and preventing dehydration. In contrast, Ct-1 plants were observed to accumulate slightly lower levels of Na+ than Col-0 in both root and shoot tissues, regardless of salt treatment. These findings suggest that Ct-1 plants achieve high salinity resistance not by extruding more Na+ than Col-0, but rather by absorbing more K+ or releasing less K+. Ct-1 exhibited higher nitrate (NO3-) levels than Col-0 under high salinity conditions, which is associated with enhanced retention of K+ ions. Additionally, genes involved in NO3- transport and uptake, such as NRT1.5 and NPF2.3, showed higher transcript levels in Ct-1 compared to Col-0 when exposed to high salinity. However, Ct-1 did not demonstrate significantly greater resistance to osmotic stress compared to Col-0. These findings suggest that enhancing plant tolerance to salt stress could involve targeting the cellular processes responsible for regulating the transport of NO3- and K+. Overall, our study sheds light on the mechanisms of plant salinity tolerance, emphasizing the importance of K+ and NO3- transport in crop improvement and food security in regions facing salinity stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to characterise three Ghanaian local chicken ecotypes, namely, Interior Savannah, Forest, and Coastal Savannah, based on morphological data and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. Morphological data including body weight, shank length, body girth, back length, thigh length, beak length, comb length, and wattle length were collected from 250 local chickens. DNA isolated from blood of 1,440 local chickens was used for SNP genotyping with the Affymetrix chicken 600k SNP chip. Principal component analysis showed that Forest and Coastal Savannah birds were closely related. Generally, all three ecotypes exhibited high genetic diversity, especially birds from the Interior Savannah zone. Morphological characterisation showed that ecotype (p = 0.016) and sex (p = 0.000) had significant effects on body weight. Birds of the Interior Savannah ecotype were the heaviest (p = 0.004), with mean weights of 1.23 kg for females and 1.40 kg for males. Sex also had a strong significant effect on most of the morphological measurements, but the sex * ecotype interaction effect was not significant. Very few of the feather phenotypes previously reported to be associated with heat resistance-frizzle (2%) and naked neck (1.6%)-were found in the studied populations. It is concluded that the three local ecotypes are genetically diverse but with similar morphological features and the information provided would be useful for future selection decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An intricate interplay between evolutionary and demographic processes has frequently resulted in complex patterns of genetic and phenotypic diversity in alpine lineages, posing serious challenges to species delimitation and biodiversity conservation planning. Here we integrate genomic data, geometric morphometric analyses and thermal tolerance experiments to explore the role of Pleistocene climatic changes and adaptation to alpine environments on patterns of genomic and phenotypic variation in diving beetles from the taxonomically complex Agabus bipustulatus species group. Genetic structure and phylogenomic analyses revealed the presence of three geographically cohesive lineages, two representing trans-Palearctic and Iberian populations of the elevation-generalist A. bipustulatus and another corresponding to the strictly-alpine A. nevadensis, a narrow-range endemic taxon from the Sierra Nevada mountain range in southeastern Iberia. The best-supported model of lineage divergence, along with the existence of pervasive genetic introgression and admixture in secondary contact zones, is consistent with a scenario of population isolation and connectivity linked to Quaternary climatic oscillations. Our results suggest that A. nevadensis is an alpine ecotype of A. bipustulatus, whose genotypic, morphological and physiological differentiation likely resulted from an interplay between population isolation and local altitudinal adaptation. Remarkably, within the Iberian Peninsula, such ecotypic differentiation is unique to Sierra Nevada populations and has not been replicated in other alpine populations of A. bipustulatus. Collectively, our study supports fast ecotypic differentiation and incipient speciation processes within the study complex and points to Pleistocene glaciations and local adaptation along elevational gradients as key drivers of biodiversity generation in alpine environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plant Arabidopsis thaliana is a model system used by researchers through much of plant research. Recent efforts have focused on discovering the genomic variation found in naturally occurring ecotypes isolated from around the world. These ecotypes have come from diverse climates and therefore have faced and adapted to a variety of abiotic and biotic stressors. The sequencing and comparative analysis of these genomes can offer insight into the adaptive strategies of plants. While there are a large number of ecotype genome sequences available, the majority were created using short-read technology. Mapping of short-reads containing structural variation to a reference genome bereft of that variation leads to incorrect mapping of those reads, resulting in a loss of genetic information and introduction of false heterozygosity. For this reason, long-read de novo sequencing of genomes is required to resolve structural variation events. In this article, we sequenced the genomes of eight natural variants of A. thaliana using nanopore sequencing. This resulted in highly contiguous assemblies with >95% of the genome contained within five contigs. The sequencing results from this study include five ecotypes from relict and African populations, an area of untapped genetic diversity. With this study, we increase the knowledge of diversity we have across A. thaliana ecotypes and contribute to ongoing production of an A. thaliana pan-genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Agricultural Research Centre of Mabegondo (Xunta de Galicia, A Coruña, Spain) conserves one of the most important collections of phytogenetic resources of ecotypes and natural populations of grassland species from northwestern Spain, among them populations of ryegrass (Lolium spp.), one of the most cultivated forage grasses in the world. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the diversity among commercial cultivars and natural ryegrass populations with phenotypic traits and molecular markers.
    RESULTS: Eleven polymorphic microsatellites loci were used to analyze 58 ecotypes and 10 cultivars (680 DNA samples in total) differentiating 673 genotypes. Two main groups were detected by the Structure analysis, one related to Lolium perenne and a second to Lolium multiflorum. The first group showed two subgroups and the second three. The cluster of L. multiflorum showed two subgroups not related with the third cluster including commercial varieties, one from the Canary Islands (with Lolium rigidum included) and a second one from northwestern Spain, which presented specific agromorphological characteristics, such as lower FES (number of days from 1 January, when three heads per plant were flowering per plot), CRE (growth in flowering, in g of dry matter), and AIN (number of inflorescences per plant).
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first time that a large amount of data on ryegrass from the Iberian Peninsula has been analyzed, obtaining a clear genetic differentiation of the autochthonous varieties from the commercial varieties analyzed. In addition, the genetic structure found in the ecotypes was related to the phenotypic variation analyzed. Being of interest in the conservation of biodiversity and in obtaining better adapted varieties of ryegrasses, due to their specific phenotypic traits, such as a lower FES, CRE and AIN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cancer initiation, progression, and immune evasion depend on the tumor microenvironment (TME). Thus, understanding the TME immune architecture is essential for understanding tumor metastasis and therapy response. This study aimed to create an immune cell states (CSs) atlas using bulk RNA-seq data enriched by eco-type analyses to resolve the complex immune architectures in the TME.
    UNASSIGNED: We employed EcoTyper, a machine-learning (ML) framework, to study the real-world prognostic significance of immune CSs and multicellular ecosystems, utilizing molecular data from 1,610 patients with multiple malignancies who underwent immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy within the ORIEN Avatar cohort, a well-annotated real-world dataset.
    UNASSIGNED: Our analysis revealed consistent ICI-specific prognostic TME carcinoma ecotypes (CEs) (including CE1, CE9, CE10) across our pan-cancer dataset, where CE1 being more lymphocyte-deficient and CE10 being more proinflammatory. Also, the analysis of specific immune CSs across different cancers showed consistent CD8+ and CD4+ T cell CS distribution patterns. Furthermore, survival analysis of the ORIEN ICI cohort demonstrated that ecotype CE9 is associated with the most favorable survival outcomes, while CE2 is linked to the least favorable outcomes. Notably, the melanoma-specific prognostic EcoTyper model confirmed that lower predicted risk scores are associated with improved survival and better response to immunotherapy. Finally, de novo discovery of ecotypes in the ORIEN ICI dataset identified Ecotype E3 as significantly associated with poorer survival outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings offer important insights into refining the patient selection process for immunotherapy in real-world practice and guiding the creation of novel therapeutic strategies to target specific ecotypes within the TME.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadmium (Cd) contamination poses a significant threat to agricultural soils and food safety, necessitating effective remediation strategies. Salix species, with their high coverage and Cd accumulating capacity, hold promise for remediation efforts. The rhizosphere microbiome is crucial for enhancing Cd accumulating capacity for Salix. However, the mechanisms by how Salix interacts with its rhizosphere microbiome to enhance Cd extraction remains poorly understood. In this study, we compared the remediation performance of two Salix ecotypes: 51-3 (High Cd-accumulating Ecotype, HAE) and P646 (Low Cd-accumulating Ecotype, LAE). HAE exhibited notable advantages over LAE, with 10.80 % higher plant height, 43.80 % higher biomass, 20.26 % higher Cd accumulation in aboveground tissues (93.09 μg on average), and a superior Cd translocation factor (1.97 on average). Analysis of the rhizosphere bacterial community via 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed that HAE harbored a more diverse bacterial community with a distinct composition compared to LAE. Indicator analysis identified 84 genera specifically enriched in HAE, predominantly belonging to Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes, including beneficial microbes such as Streptomyces, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas. Network analysis further elucidated three taxa groups specifically recruited by HAE, which were highly correlated with functional genes that associated with biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, glycan biosynthesis and metabolism, and metabolism of cofactors and vitamins. These functions contribute to enhancing plant growth, Cd uptake, and resistance to Cd in Salix. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of the rhizosphere microbiome in facilitating Cd extraction and provide insights into microbiome-based strategies for sustainable agricultural practices.





