
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the range of Ixodes scapularis Say expands, host abundance and land use can play important roles in regions where ticks and their associated pathogens are emerging. Small mammal hosts serve as reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens, with Peromyscus leucopus Rafinesque often considered a primary reservoir. A sympatric species Peromyscus maniculatus Wagner is also a competent reservoir and is notoriously difficult to differentiate from P. leucopus. Anthropogenic land use can alter host and habitat availability, potentially changing tick exposure risk. We tested the hypotheses that tick infestation and pathogen prevalence differ between the two Peromyscus spp. and that host-seeking I. scapularis density and pathogen prevalence differ across land use and ecotone gradients. We live trapped small mammals and collected ticks across 3 land-use classifications and ecotones in Maine, an emergent area for tick-borne disease. We tested each small mammal and tick sample for Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Babesia microti. While both Peromyscus spp. serve as hosts for immature ticks, P. leucopus exhibited a higher tick infestation frequency and intensity. We did not detect any significant difference in pathogen infection prevalence between the two species. The density of I. scapularis nymphs and the density of infected nymphs did not differ significantly between land-use types, though did differ across ecotones. We also noted a significant north/south gradient, with higher tick densities and pathogen prevalence at the southern end of the study area. Our study highlights the potential variability in tick density and pathogen prevalence across fine spatial scales within an emerging region for tick-borne disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is limited knowledge about tick diversity in the Amazon region. Here, we survey small terrestrial mammals for tick infestation at the Rio Pardo settlement, Amazonas State, Brazil. Sampling included rainy and dry seasons and four ecotones (primary forest, forest in regeneration, field crops and households). Each animal was inspected for ticks, which, if present, were placed in 70% alcohol and identified. Parasitological indexes were calculated and the presence/absence of ticks on hosts was tested for possible associations with independent variables (ecotone, host sex, host order, host family, host age and season). A total of 208 small mammals were captured, 47 individuals (10 species) in the primary forest, 124 (15 species) in the forest in regeneration, 11 (7 species) in the field crops, and 26 (4 species) in the households. A total of 14 small mammals were infested by ticks (overall prevalence: 6.7%; 95% CI: 3.72 - 11.04%), which consisted of 51 specimens that were identified into four species, as follows: Amblyomma humerale (32 nymphs); Ixodes luciae (6 females); Amblyomma coelebs (1 nymph); and Ornithodoros mimon (1 larva). In addition, 11 larvae were retained as Amblyomma spp. Only host order showed association (P = 0.002) with tick infestation, with marsupials 5.5 times more infested than rodents. Our record of O. mimon on D. marsupialis is the first on this host species, and the first record of a Argasidae tick in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that actively screened free-living terrestrial small mammals and provided data on prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of tick infestations in the Brazilian Amazonas state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroclimate drives vegetation distributions, but fine-scale topographic variation can generate microclimate refugia for plant persistence in unsuitable areas. However, we lack quantitative descriptions of topography-driven microclimatic variation and how it shapes forest structure, diversity, and composition. We hypothesized that topographic variation and the presence of the forest overstory cause spatiotemporal microclimate variation affecting tree performance, causing forest structure, diversity, and composition to vary with topography and microclimate, and topography and the overstory to buffer microclimate. In a 20.2-ha inventory plot in the North American Great Plains, we censused woody stems ≥1 cm in diameter and collected detailed topographic and microclimatic data. Across 59-m of elevation, microclimate covaried with topography to create a sharp desiccation gradient, and topography and the overstory buffered understory microclimate. The magnitude of microclimatic variation mirrored that of regional-scale variation: with increasing elevation, there was a decrease in soil moisture corresponding to the difference across ~2.1° of longitude along the east-to-west aridity gradient and an increase in air temperature corresponding to the difference across ~2.7° of latitude along the north-to-south gradient. More complex forest structure and higher diversity occurred in moister, less-exposed habitats, and species occupied distinct topographic niches. Our study demonstrates how topographic and microclimatic gradients structure forests in putative climate-change refugia, by revealing ecological processes enabling populations to be maintained during periods of unfavorable macroclimate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Himalayan \'Ecotone\' temperate conifer forest is the cradle of life for human survival and wildlife existence. In spite of the importance of these areas, they have not been studied in depth. This study aimed to quantify the floristic structure, important value index (IVI), topographic and edaphic variables between 2019 and 2020 utilizing circular quadrant method (10 m x 10 m). The upper-storey layer consisted of 17 tree species belongs to 12 families and 9 orders. Middle-storey shrubs comprised of 23 species representing 14 families and 12 orders. A total of 43 species of herbs, grasses, and ferns were identified from the ground-storey layer, representing 25 families and 21 orders. Upper-storey vegetation structure was dominated by Pinus roxburghii (22.45 %) and middle-storey by Dodonaea viscosa (7.69 %). However, the ground layer vegetation was diverse in species composition (43 species) and distribution. The floral vegetation structure was encompassing of three floral communities which were diverse in IVI, such as, in Piro-Aial (Group 2), Pinus roxburghii (54.46 x 15.94) had the highest IVI value, followed by Pinus wallichiana (45.21 x 14.85) in Piwa-Quin (Group 3) and Ailanthus altissima (22.84 x 19.25) in Aial-Qugal (Group 1). However, the IVI values for Aesculus indica, Celtis australis, and Quercus incana in Aial-Qugal (Group 1) were not determined due to low detection rate. Nevertheless, eleven of these species showed 0 IVI values in Piro-Aial (Group 2) and Piwa-Quin (Group 3). CCA ordination biplot illustrated the significant differences among floral communities and its distribution, which impacted by temperature, rainfall, soil pH, altitude, and topographic features. Ward\'s agglomerative clustering finding reflected \'Ecotone\' temperate conifer forest is rich and diverse floristic structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Functional trait-based approaches are extensively applied to the study of mechanisms governing community assembly along environmental gradients. These approaches have been classically based on studying differences in mean values among species, but there is increasing recognition that alternative metrics of trait distributions should be considered to decipher the mechanisms determining community assembly and species coexistence. Under this framework, the main aim of this study is to unravel the effects of environmental conditions as drivers of plant community assembly in sub-Mediterranean ecotones.
    UNASSIGNED: We set 60 plots in six plant communities of a sub-Mediterranean forest in Central Spain, and measured key above- and belowground functional traits in 411 individuals belonging to 19 species, along with abiotic variables. We calculated community-weighted mean (CWM), skewness (CWS) and kurtosis (CWK) of three plant dimensions, and used maximum likelihood techniques to analyze how variation in these functional community traits was driven by abiotic factors. Additionally, we estimated the relative contribution of intraspecific trait variability and species turnover to variation in CWM.
    UNASSIGNED: The first three axes of variation of the principal component analyses were related to three main plant ecological dimensions: Leaf Economics Spectrum, Root Economics Spectrum and plant hydraulic architecture, respectively. Type of community was the most important factor determining differences in the functional structure among communities, as compared to the role of abiotic variables. We found strong differences among communities in their CWMs in line with their biogeographic origin (Eurosiberian vs Mediterranean), while differences in CWS and CWK indicate different trends in the functional structure among communities and the coexistence of different functional strategies, respectively. Moreover, changes in functional composition were primarily due to intraspecific variability.
    UNASSIGNED: We observed a high number of strategies in the forest with the different communities spreading along the acquisitive-conservative axis of resource-use, partly matching their Eurosiberian-Mediterranean nature, respectively. Intraspecific trait variability, rather than species turnover, stood as the most relevant factor when analyzing functional changes and assembly patterns among communities. Altogether, our data support the notion that ecotones are ecosystems where relatively minor environmental shifts may result in changes in plant and functional composition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rickettsiae of the spotted fever group (SFG) are zoonotic tick-borne pathogens. Small mammals are important hosts for the immature life stages of two of the most common tick species in Europe, Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus. These hosts and vectors can be found in diverse habitats with different vegetation types like grasslands and forests. To investigate the influence of environmental and individual factors on Rickettsia prevalence, this study aimed to analyse the prevalence of SFG rickettsiae in ticks and small mammals in different small-scale habitats in central Germany for the first time. Small mammals of ten species and ticks of two species were collected from grasslands and forests in the Hainich-Dün region, central Germany. After species identification, DNA samples from 1098 ticks and ear snips of 1167 small mammals were screened for Rickettsia DNA by qPCR targeting the gltA gene. Positive samples were retested by conventional PCR targeting the ompB gene and sequencing. Rickettsia DNA was detected in eight out of ten small mammal species. Small mammal hosts from forests (14.0%) were significantly more often infected than those from grasslands (4.4%) (p < 0.001). The highest prevalence was found in the mostly forest-inhabiting genus Apodemus (14.8%) and the lowest in Microtus (6.6%), which inhabits grasslands. The prevalence was higher in D. reticulatus (46.3%) than in the I. ricinus complex (8.6%). Adult ticks were more often infected than nymphs (p = 0.0199). All sequenced rickettsiae in I. ricinus complex ticks were R. helvetica, and the ones in D. reticulatus were R. raoultii. Unlike adults, questing nymphs have had only one blood meal, which explains the higher prevalence in I. ricinus adults. Interestingly, habitat type did influence infection probability in small mammals, but did not in ticks. A possible explanation may be the high prevalence in Apodemus flavicollis and A. sylvaticus which were more abundant in the forest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Permafrost degradation by global warming is expected to alter the hydrological processes, which results in changes in vegetation species composition and gives rise to community succession. Ecotones are sensitive transition areas between ecosystem boundaries, attract particular interest due to their ecological importance and prompt responses to the environmental variables. However, the characteristics of soil microbial communities and extracellular enzymes along the forest-wetland ecotone in high-latitude permafrost region remain poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated the variations of soil bacterial and fungal community structures and soil extracellular enzymatic activities of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers in five different wetland types along environmental gradients, including Larix gmelinii swamp (LY), Betula platyphylla swamp (BH), Alnus sibirica var. hirsute swamp (MCY), thicket swamp (GC), and tussock swamp (CC). The relative abundances of some dominant bacterial (Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia) and fungal (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) phyla differed significantly among different wetlands, while bacterial and fungal alpha diversity was not strongly affected by soil depth. PCoA results showed that vegetation type, rather than soil depth explained more variation of soil microbial community structure. β-glucosidase and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activities were significantly lower in GC and CC than in LY, BH, and MCY, while acid phosphatase activity was significantly higher in BH and GC than LY and CC. Altogether, the data suggest that soil moisture content (SMC) was the most important environmental factor contributing to the bacterial and fungal communities, while extracellular enzymatic activities were closely related to soil total organic carbon (TOC), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and total phosphorus (TP).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies have focused on vegetation across forest edges to study impacts of edges created by human activities on forest structure and composition, or patterns of vegetation at inherent natural edges. Our objective was to create a database of plant-related variables across different types of edges from various studies (mainly from across Canada, but also in Brazil and Belize) to facilitate edge research. We compiled data on vegetation along more than 300 transects perpendicular to forest edges adjacent to clear-cuts, burned areas, bogs, lakes, barrens, insect disturbances, and riparian areas from 24 studies conducted over the past three decades. Data were compiled for more than 400 plant species and forest structure variables (e.g., trees, logs, canopy cover). All data were collected with a similar sampling design of quadrats along transects perpendicular to forest edges, but with varying numbers of transects and quadrats, and distances from the edge. The purpose for most of the studies was either to determine the distance of edge influence (edge width) or to explore the pattern of vegetation along the edge to interior gradient. We provide data tables for the cover of plant species and functional groups, the species and size of live and dead trees, the density of saplings, maximum height of functional groups and shrub species, and the cover of functional groups at different heights (vertical distribution of vegetation). The Forest Edge Research Network (FERN) database provides extensive data on many variables that can be used for further study including meta-analyses and can assist in answering questions important to conservation efforts (e.g., how is distance of edge influence from created edges affected by different factors?). We plan to expand this database with subsequent studies from the authors and we invite others to contribute to make this a more global database. The data are released under a CC0 license. When using these data, we ask that you cite this data paper and any relevant publications listed in our metadata file. We also encourage you to contact the first author if you are planning to use or contribute to this database.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Simplified, reductionist approaches to curriculum design and delivery are pervasive in science education. In ecological curricula-particularly in, but not limited to K-12-biomes, ecosystems, habitats, and other units of study are simplified and presented as static, easily identified and described entities. Characteristics, components, and representative phenomena of each are taught, and student learning of these things is evaluated. However, this approach minimizes the complexity and dynamic nature of environments whether natural, human built, or some hybrid of the two. In this paper, I make a case for studying environments and environmental issues in all of their spatial, temporal, and compositional complexity from the very earliest ages as a way to increase environmental literacy among individuals as well as in the population as a whole. This, in effect, will cultivate learners with a better, more nuanced understanding of the natural world and will lead to citizens, professionals, and policymakers who are more inclined, have more efficacious intellectual tools, and who are better able to address the environmental issues and crises such as climate change, sea-level rise, wildfires, epidemics and pandemics, drought, and crop failure, that are becoming more common and more critical in the 21st century.
    An ling di endikasyon siyans, I byen konmen pou sèvi mannyè ki senp pou désiné pwogwam etidyé, épi pou enstwi moun. An sé pwogwam etidyé ki ka gadé ecology épi lòt sijé, patikiliéman an K-12, flè èk pyébwa spèsyal, sistèm ecology, plas ko diféwan zannimo ka abité natiwèlman, épi lòt bagay moun ka etidyé, yo ka fè yo pli senp, èk yo ka pwézanté yo adan yon mannyè ki paka chanjé. Mannyè-a yo yé, épi bagay ki ka fèt an ling di yo, sé sa titja ka moutwé, èk sé lésisyon sala pou étidyan ki ka jwenn évalwé. Mannyè sala paka gadé kouman bagay konpliké èk mannyé biten anviwonnman toujou ka chanjé, memsi I natiwèl oben I fèt p.a. lanmen nonm, oben an konbinasyon toulédé. Sa ékwiven-a ka di, sé pou étidyé anviwonnman épi tout zafè anviwonnman an menm mannyè-a i konpliké dépi an tan avan, pou tout moun sa endiké pli asou anviwonnman. Sa ki kay wivé sé, la kay ni étidyan ki ni pli bon konnésans an bagay natiwèl, sitwayen, nonm di métyé, épi moun ki sa pwan disizyon, ki kay pli pawé pou adwésé pwòblèm èk wéponn kèstyon anlè anviwonman. Pwòblèm kon tan-an ki ka chanjé, lanmè-a ki an moutan, difé sovaj, maladi adan épidenmi èk panndenmi, tan sèk, plan ki paka lévé, etc. Sé pwòblèm sala ka vini pli konmen épi pli kwitik an ventéyen syèk sala. This abstract is in Creole (Kwéyòl) as spoken in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Kwéyòl was chosen because it is itself a language borderland, at least in its origins—primarily derived from African, French, and Kalinago languages with significant additions from English and Spanish. Many Creoles are spoken but are not as commonly written languages. The Konmité Pou Etid Kwéyòl was instrumental the linguistic research of Dominican Kwéyòl. Marcel Djamala Fontaine played a significant role in the promotion of the language and constructed Dominica’s diksyonnè: Kwéyòl-Annglé, English-Creole dictionary (1991), the first Dominican Creole/English dictionary. AfroFrench Creole is also spoken in Martinique, Guadaloupe, St. Lucia, St. Martin, Haiti, and the Seychelles. Creole translation generously supplied by Herbert Seignoret (Director of Academic Advising, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, the City College of New York), and Kennedy Boots Samuel (Lecturer at Sir Arthur Lewis College and former director of the Folk Research Center, St. Lucia).
    Los enfoques simplificados y reduccionistas del diseño y el desarrollo del currículo son omnipresentes en la educación científica. Particularmente en los planes de estudio sobre ecología, sin delimitarnos a K-12, los biomas, ecosistemas, hábitats y otras unidades de estudio se simplifican y se presentan como entidades estáticas, fáciles de identificar y de describir. Se enseñan las características, los componentes y los fenómenos representativos de cada uno, y se evalúa el aprendizaje de estos elementos por parte de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, este enfoque minimiza la complejidad y la naturaleza dinámica de los entornos, ya sean entornos naturales, construidos por humanos o los híbridos que presentan componentes de los dos. En este artículo, propongo el estudio de los entornos y los problemas ambientales en toda su complejidad espacial, temporal y compositiva; la cual debe ser abordada desde las edades más tempranas como una forma de aumentar la alfabetización ambiental entre los individuos y la población en general. Esto, en efecto, hará que los alumnos adquieran una comprensión mejor y más matizada del mundo natural y contribuirá a la formación de ciudadanos, profesionales y legisladores más preparados, con herramientas intelectuales más eficaces y más capaces de abordar los problemas y las crisis ambientales tales como, cambio climático, aumento del nivel del mar, incendios forestales, epidemias y pandemias, sequías, pérdidas de las cosechas, etc. que son cada vez más comunes y críticas en el siglo XXI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drylands are key contributors to interannual variation in the terrestrial carbon sink, which has been attributed primarily to broad-scale climatic anomalies that disproportionately affect net primary production (NPP) in these ecosystems. Current knowledge around the patterns and controls of NPP is based largely on measurements of aboveground net primary production (ANPP), particularly in the context of altered precipitation regimes. Limited evidence suggests belowground net primary production (BNPP), a major input to the terrestrial carbon pool, may respond differently than ANPP to precipitation, as well as other drivers of environmental change, such as nitrogen deposition and fire. Yet long-term measurements of BNPP are rare, contributing to uncertainty in carbon cycle assessments. Here, we used 16 years of annual NPP measurements to investigate responses of ANPP and BNPP to several environmental change drivers across a grassland-shrubland transition zone in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. ANPP was positively correlated with annual precipitation across this landscape; however, this relationship was weaker within sites. BNPP, on the other hand, was weakly correlated with precipitation only in Chihuahuan Desert shrubland. Although NPP generally exhibited similar trends among sites, temporal correlations between ANPP and BNPP within sites were weak. We found chronic nitrogen enrichment stimulated ANPP, whereas a one-time prescribed burn reduced ANPP for nearly a decade. Surprisingly, BNPP was largely unaffected by these factors. Together, our results suggest that BNPP is driven by a different set of controls than ANPP. Furthermore, our findings imply belowground production cannot be inferred from aboveground measurements in dryland ecosystems. Improving understanding around the patterns and controls of dryland NPP at interannual to decadal scales is fundamentally important because of their measurable impact on the global carbon cycle. This study underscores the need for more long-term measurements of BNPP to improve assessments of the terrestrial carbon sink, particularly in the context of ongoing environmental change.





