ecosystem engineers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theory questions the persistence of nonreciprocal interactions in which one plant has a positive net effect on a neighbor that, in return, has a negative net impact on its benefactor - a phenomenon known as antagonistic facilitation. We develop a spatially explicit consumer-resource model for belowground plant competition between ecosystem engineers, plants able to mine resources and make them available for any other plant in the community, and exploiters. We use the model to determine in what environmental conditions antagonistic facilitation via soil-resource engineering emerges as an optimal strategy. Antagonistic facilitation emerges in stressful environments where ecosystem engineers\' self-benefits from mining resources outweigh the competition with opportunistic neighbors. Among all potential causes of stress considered in the model, the key environmental parameter driving changes in the interaction between plants is the proportion of the resource that becomes readily available for plant consumption in the absence of any mining activity. Our results align with theories of primary succession and the stress gradient hypothesis. However, we find that the total root biomass and its spatial allocation through the root system, often used to measure the sign of the interaction between plants, do not predict facilitation reliably.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Branching stipe morphologies have evolved multiple times across the kelp (Laminariales) lineage, creating morphological forms that drive the complexity of kelp forest habitats. Although branching is likely a complicated developmental process, it has evolved repeatedly through kelp evolution and the processes facilitating the emergence of branched forms from unbranched ancestors remain unclear. Here I report on abnormally branched individuals (n = 9) from five kelp species found in British Columbia, Canada that had atypical bifurcations in their stipes, creating a single dichotomous branch. One of these species generally lacks branching entirely (Laminaria ephemera) while the other four exhibit some branching but typically lack this stipe bifurcation (Alaria marginata, Laminaria setchellii, Nereocystis luetkeana, Pterygophora californica). These unusually branched individuals exhibited replicated morphological subunits distal to the stipe bifurcation, including more blades, pneumatocysts, and sporophylls than is typical. This suggests that unbranched species possess an inherent developmental capacity for modularity with autonomy in the development of individual modules that may have helped to facilitate the widespread emergence of branched morphologies. Given the role of kelp forests in coastal environments, branching may influence habitat characteristics, potentially influencing community dynamics, and is thus a trait of particular evolutionary interest. These findings highlight the need for experiments that manipulate kelp development to better characterise the ontogenetic processes of these globally important taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of invasive species has become an increasing environmental problem in freshwater ecosystems due to the high economic and ecological impacts it has generated. This systematic review covers publications from 2010 to 2020, focusing on non-native invasive freshwater bivalves, a particularly relevant and widespread introduced taxonomic group in fresh waters. We collected information on the most studied species, the main objectives of the studies, their geographical location, study duration, and type of research. Furthermore, we focused on assessing the levels of ecological evidence presented, the type of interactions of non-native bivalves with other organisms and the classification of their impacts. A total of 397 publications were retrieved. The studies addressed a total of 17 species of non-native freshwater bivalves; however, most publications focused on the species Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha, which are recognised for their widespread distribution and extensive negative impacts. Many other non-native invasive bivalve species have been poorly studied. A high geographical bias was also present, with a considerable lack of studies in developing countries. The most frequent studies had shorter temporal periods, smaller spatial extents, and more observational data, were field-based, and usually evaluated possible ecological impacts at the individual and population levels. There were 94 publications documenting discernible impacts according to the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). However, 41 of these publications did not provide sufficient data to determine an impact. The most common effects of invasive bivalves on ecosystems were structural alterations, and chemical and physical changes, which are anticipated due to their role as ecosystem engineers. Despite a considerable number of studies in the field and advances in our understanding of some species over the past decade, long-term data and large-scale studies are still needed to understand better the impacts, particularly at the community and ecosystem levels and in less-studied geographic regions. The widespread distribution of several non-native freshwater bivalves, their ongoing introductions, and high ecological and economic impacts demand continued research. Systematic reviews such as this are essential for identifying knowledge gaps and guiding future research to enable a more complete understanding of the ecological implications of invasive bivalves, and the development of effective management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecosystem engineers influence the structure and function of soil food webs through non-trophic interactions. The activity of large soil animals, such as earthworms, has a significant impact on the soil microarthropod community. However, the influence of millipedes on soil microarthropod communities remains largely unknown. In this microcosm experiment, we examined the effects of adding, removing, and restricting millipede activity on Acari and Collembola communities in litter and soil by conducting two destructive sampling sessions on days 10 and 30, respectively. At the time of the first sampling event (10 d), Acari and Collembola abundance was shown to increase and the alpha diversity went higher in the treatments with millipedes. At the time of the second sampling event (30 d), millipedes significantly reduced the Collembola abundance and alpha diversity. The results were even more pronounced as the millipedes moved through the soil, which caused the collembolans to be more inclined to inhabit the litter, which in turn resulted in the increase in the abundance and diversity of Acari in the soil. The rapid growth of Collembola in the absence of millipedes significantly inhibited the abundance of Acari. The presence of millipedes altered the community structure of Acari and Collembola, leading to a stronger correlation between the two communities. Changes in these communities were driven by the dominant taxa of Acari and Collembola. These findings suggest that millipedes, as key ecosystem engineers, have varying impacts on different soil microarthropods. This study enhances our understanding of biological interactions and offers a theoretical foundation for soil biodiversity conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhodoliths built by crustose coralline algae (CCA) are ecosystem engineers of global importance. In the Arctic photic zone, their three-dimensional growth emulates the habitat complexity of coral reefs but with a far slower growth rate, growing at micrometers per year rather than millimeters. While climate change is known to exert various impacts on the CCA\'s calcite skeleton, including geochemical and structural alterations, field observations of net growth over decade-long timescales are lacking. Here, we use a temporally explicit model to show that rising ocean temperatures over nearly 100 years were associated with reduced rhodolith growth at different depths in the Arctic. Over the past 90 years, the median growth rate was 85 μm year-1 but each °C increase in summer seawater temperature decreased growth by a mean of 8.9 μm (95% confidence intervals = 1.32-16.60 μm °C-1, p < .05). The decrease was expressed for rhodolith occurrences in 11 and 27 m water depth but not at 46 m, also having the shortest time series (1991-2015). Although increasing temperatures can spur plant growth, we suggest anthropogenic climate change has either exceeded the population thermal optimum for these CCA, or synergistic effects of warming, ocean acidification, and/or increasing turbidity impair rhodolith growth. Rhodoliths built by calcitic CCA are important habitat providers worldwide, so decreased growth would lead to yet another facet of anthropogenic habitat loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terrestrial crustaceans are represented by approximately 4,900 species from six main lineages. The diversity of terrestrial taxa ranges from a few genera in Cladocera and Ostracoda to about a third of the known species in Isopoda. Crustaceans are among the smallest as well as the largest terrestrial arthropods. Tiny microcrustaceans (Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda) are always associated with water films, while adult stages of macrocrustaceans (Isopoda, Amphipoda, Decapoda) spend most of their lives in terrestrial habitats, being independent of liquid water. Various adaptations in morphology, physiology, reproduction, and behavior allow them to thrive in virtually all geographic areas, including extremely arid habitats. The most derived terrestrial crustaceans have acquired highly developed visual and olfactory systems. The density of soil copepods is sometimes comparable to that of mites and springtails, while the total biomass of decapods on tropical islands can exceed that of mammals in tropical rainforests. During migrations, land crabs create record-breaking aggregations and biomass flows for terrestrial invertebrates. The ecological role of terrestrial microcrustaceans remains poorly studied, while omnivorous macrocrustaceans are important litter transformers and soil bioturbators, occasionally occupying the position of the top predators. Notably, crustaceans are the only group among terrestrial saprotrophic animals widely used by humans as food. Despite the great diversity and ecological impact, terrestrial crustaceans, except for woodlice, are often neglected by terrestrial ecologists. This review aims to narrow this gap discussing the diversity, abundance, adaptations to terrestrial lifestyle, trophic relationships and ecological functions, as well as the main methods used for sampling terrestrial crustaceans.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    BACKGROUND: Many arthropods rely on their gut microbiome to digest plant material, which is often low in nitrogen but high in complex polysaccharides. Detritivores, such as millipedes, live on a particularly poor diet, but the identity and nutritional contribution of their microbiome are largely unknown. In this study, the hindgut microbiota of the tropical millipede Epibolus pulchripes (large, methane emitting) and the temperate millipede Glomeris connexa (small, non-methane emitting), fed on an identical diet, were studied using comparative metagenomics and metatranscriptomics.
    RESULTS: The results showed that the microbial load in E. pulchripes is much higher and more diverse than in G. connexa. The microbial communities of the two species differed significantly, with Bacteroidota dominating the hindguts of E. pulchripes and Proteobacteria (Pseudomonadota) in G. connexa. Despite equal sequencing effort, de novo assembly and binning recovered 282 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from E. pulchripes and 33 from G. connexa, including 90 novel bacterial taxa (81 in E. pulchripes and 9 in G. connexa). However, despite this taxonomic divergence, most of the functions, including carbohydrate hydrolysis, sulfate reduction, and nitrogen cycling, were common to the two species. Members of the Bacteroidota (Bacteroidetes) were the primary agents of complex carbon degradation in E. pulchripes, while members of Proteobacteria dominated in G. connexa. Members of Desulfobacterota were the potential sulfate-reducing bacteria in E. pulchripes. The capacity for dissimilatory nitrate reduction was found in Actinobacteriota (E. pulchripes) and Proteobacteria (both species), but only Proteobacteria possessed the capacity for denitrification (both species). In contrast, some functions were only found in E. pulchripes. These include reductive acetogenesis, found in members of Desulfobacterota and Firmicutes (Bacillota) in E. pulchripes. Also, diazotrophs were only found in E. pulchripes, with a few members of the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria expressing the nifH gene. Interestingly, fungal-cell-wall-degrading glycoside hydrolases (GHs) were among the most abundant carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) expressed in both millipede species, suggesting that fungal biomass plays an important role in the millipede diet.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results provide detailed insights into the genomic capabilities of the microbial community in the hindgut of millipedes and shed light on the ecophysiology of these essential detritivores. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body size is considered the most important trait in ecology, and as such, helps to understand the species-environment interactions. We explored the relationship between body traits and environmental variables along a gradient range using the polychaete Phragmatopoma caudata, with well-defined and diversified morphological structures. Measurements of five traits (body length, opercular crown, branchiae, tentacles and building organ sizes) were taken at nine sites along the Southwestern Atlantic coast and their relationships to temperature, salinity, tidal range, waves height, and dissolved oxygen were assessed. Our results demonstrate that traits were influenced by the environmental gradient and temperature was the main factor that drives this variation in body traits, while the other variables showed a minor influence on this. The approach showed patterns of variation of body traits in a macroscale context, increasing the understanding of its relationships with environmental variables and eventual shifts in the distribution in the future climate scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foundation species facilitate communities, modulate energy flow, and define ecosystems, but their ecological roles after death are frequently overlooked. Here, we reveal the widespread importance of their dead structures as unique, interacting components of ecosystems that are vulnerable to global change. Key metabolic activity, mobility, and morphology traits of foundation species either change or persist after death with important consequences for ecosystem functions, biodiversity, and subsidy dynamics. Dead foundation species frequently mediate ecosystem stability, resilience, and transitions, often through feedbacks, and harnessing their structural and trophic roles can improve restoration outcomes. Enhanced recognition of dead foundation species and their incorporation into habitat monitoring, ecological theory, and ecosystem forecasting can help solve the escalating conservation challenges of the Anthropocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptations to temperature and food resources, which can be affected by gut microbiota, are two main adaptive strategies allowing soil fauna to survive in their habitats, especially for cold-blooded animals. Earthworms are often referred to as ecosystem engineers because they make up the biggest component of the animal biomass found in the soil. They are considered as an important indicator in the triangle of soil quality, health and functions. However, the roles of gut microbiota in the environmental adaptation of earthworms at a large scale remain obscure. We explored the gut bacterial communities and their functions in the environmental adaptation of two widespread earthworm species (Eisenia nordenskioldi Eisen and Drawida ghilarovi Gates) in Northeast China (1661 km). Based on our findings, the alpha diversity of gut bacterial communities decreased with the increase of latitude, and the gut bacterial community composition was shaped by both mean annual temperature (MAT) and cellulose. Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Planctomycetes, recognized as the predominant cellulose degraders, were keystone taxa driving gut bacterial interactions. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Planctomycetes were influenced by MAT and cellulose, and had higher contributions to gut total cellulase activity. The optimal temperature for total cellulase in the gut of E. nordenskioldi (25-30 °C) was lower than that of D ghilarovi (40 °C). The gut microbiota-deleted earthworms had the lowest cellulose degradation rate (1.07 %). The cellulose was degraded faster by gut bacteria from the host they were derived, indicating the presence of home field advantage of cellulose decomposition. This study provides a foundation for understanding the biotic strategies adopted by earthworms when they enter a new habitat, with gut microbiota being central to food digestion and environmental adaptability.





