
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crucial role of aerobic energy production in sustaining eukaryotic life positions mitochondrial processes as key determinants of an animal\'s ability to withstand unpredictable environments. The advent of new techniques facilitating the measurement of mitochondrial function offers an increasingly promising tool for conservation approaches. Herein, we synthesize the current knowledge on the links between mitochondrial bioenergetics, ecophysiology and local adaptation, expanding them to the wider conservation physiology field. We discuss recent findings linking cellular bioenergetics to whole-animal fitness, in the current context of climate change. We summarize topics, questions, methods, pitfalls and caveats to help provide a comprehensive roadmap for studying mitochondria from a conservation perspective. Our overall aim is to help guide conservation in natural populations, outlining the methods and techniques that could be most useful to assess mitochondrial function in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a pivotal mechanism driving bacterial evolution, conferring adaptability within dynamic marine ecosystems. Among HGT mechanisms, conjugation mediated by type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) plays a central role in the ecological success of marine bacteria. However, the conditions promoting conjugation events in the marine environment are not well-understood. Roseobacters, abundant marine bacteria commonly associated with algae, possess a multitude of T4SSs. Many Roseobacters are heterotrophic bacteria that rely on algal secreted compounds to support their growth. These compounds attract bacteria, facilitating colonization and attachment to algal cells. Algae and their metabolites bring bacteria into close proximity, potentially promoting bacterial HGT. Investigation across various Roseobacters revealed that algal exudates indeed enhance plasmid transfer through conjugation. While algal exudates do not influence the transcription of bacterial conjugative machinery genes, they promote bacterial attachment, potentially stabilizing proximity and facilitating HGT. Notably, under conditions where attachment is less advantageous, the impact of algal exudates on conjugation is reduced. These findings suggest that algae enhance bacterial conjugation primarily by fostering attachment and highlight the importance of studying bacterial HGT within the context of algal-bacterial interactions.
    OBJECTIVE: This study explores how algal-bacterial interactions influence horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among marine bacteria. HGT, a key driver of bacterial evolution, is facilitated by conjugation mediated by type IV secretion systems (T4SSs). Through investigating Roseobacters, abundant marine bacteria often found to be associated with algae, the study reveals that algal exudates enhance plasmid transfer via conjugation. This enhancement is attributed to the promotion of bacterial attachment by algal compounds, emphasizing the role of algal-bacterial interactions in shaping genetic exchange within dynamic marine ecosystems. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for elucidating bacterial adaptability and evolution in the marine environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are a unique group of microorganisms that sense and navigate through the geomagnetic field by biomineralizing magnetic nanoparticles. MTB from the phylum Nitrospirota (previously known as Nitrospirae) thrive in diverse aquatic ecosystems. They are of great interest due to their production of hundreds of magnetite (Fe3O4) magnetosome nanoparticles per cell, which far exceeds that of other MTB. The morphological, phylogenetic, and genomic diversity of Nitrospirota MTB have been extensively studied. However, the metabolism and ecophysiology of Nitrospirota MTB are largely unknown due to the lack of cultivation techniques.
    METHODS: Here, we established a method to link the morphological, genomic, and metabolic investigations of an uncultured Nitrospirota MTB population (named LHC-1) at the single-cell level using nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) in combination with rRNA-based in situ hybridization and target-specific mini-metagenomics.
    RESULTS: We magnetically separated LHC-1 from a freshwater lake and reconstructed the draft genome of LHC-1 using genome-resolved mini-metagenomics. We found that 10 LHC-1 cells were sufficient as a template to obtain a high-quality draft genome. Genomic analysis revealed that LHC-1 has the potential for CO2 fixation and NO3- reduction, which was further characterized at the single-cell level by combining stable-isotope incubations and NanoSIMS analyses over time. Additionally, the NanoSIMS results revealed specific element distributions in LHC-1, and that the heterogeneity of CO2 and NO3- metabolisms among different LHC-1 cells increased with incubation time.
    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this study provides the first metabolic measurements of individual Nitrospirota MTB cells to decipher their ecophysiological traits. The procedure constructed in this study provides a promising strategy to simultaneously investigate the morphology, genome, and ecophysiology of uncultured microbes in natural environments. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban areas experience higher temperatures compared to rural areas and as such, are increasingly considered places of acclimatization and adaptation to warming. Small ectotherms, such as insects, whose body temperature rises with habitat temperature, are directly affected by temperature changes. Thus, warming could have a profound effect on insect behavior and physiology. To test if the urban heat island effect drives higher thermal tolerance and activity changes, we used globally distributed and abundant insects-ants. We measured the heat and cold tolerance of 14 ant species distributed across urban and peri-urban areas. As thermal traits are often correlated with ant foraging, we measured foraging activity during three consecutive years across eight sites. Contrary to our prediction, ants exposed to the urban heat island effect did not have a higher heat tolerance than peri-urban ants. Instead, cold tolerance varied across habitats, with ants from the cooler, peri-urban habitats being able to tolerate lower temperatures. We recorded the same pattern of invariant heat and higher cold tolerance for ants in the canopy, compared to ground nesting ants. Ant activity was almost 10 times higher in urban sites and best predicted by cold, not heat tolerance. These unexpected results suggest that we need to rethink predictions about urban heat islands increasing insect heat tolerance in urban habitats, as cold tolerance might be a more plastic or adaptable trait, particularly in the temperate zone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a pervasive factor that has shaped the evolution of life on Earth. Ambient levels of UVR mediate key biological functions but can also cause severe lethal and sublethal effects in a wide range of organisms. Furthermore, UVR is a powerful modulator of the effects of other environmental factors on organismal physiology, such as temperature, disease, toxicology and pH, among others. This is critically important in the context of global change, where understanding the effects of multiple stressors is a key challenge for experimental biologists. Ecological physiologists rarely afford UVR discussion or include UVR in experimental design, even when it is directly relevant to their study system. In this Commentary, we provide a guide for experimental biologists to better understand if, when, and how UVR can be integrated into experimental designs to improve the ecological realism of their experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body temperature (Tb) variation and environmental temperature gradients are more intense in small individuals because their body size allows for a more intimate relationship between Tb and the environment. To contribute to a methodological consensus on the ecophysiology of small ectotherms, we aimed to investigate whether different approaches and methodological techniques affect the measurement of critical temperatures in a small lizard (Coleodactylus meridionalis, Sphaerodactylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil, and subsequently its vulnerability assessment. We measured two metrics of thermal physiology: critical thermal minimum (CTmin) and critical thermal maximum (CTmax). In total, four types of temperature measurements (protocols) were defined. In the first protocol, we estimated CTmax/CTmin without heating/cooling rate by directly measuring the lizard\'s midbody temperature. In the other three protocols, we used a ramping assay with a heating/cooling rate to estimate CTmax/CTmin in the chamber (height: 11.3 cm), substrate, and Tb of the lizard, respectively. In total 116 individuals of Coleodactylus meridionalis were collected, of which 177 CTmax and 131 CTmin were performed. C. meridionalis showed a mean CTmax of 41 °C and a mean CTmin of 8.9 °C when considering the Tb protocol, which is intermediate compared to the other protocols. The substrate temperature protocol was the closest to Tb, and for this, the best method for the small lizards using an infrared thermometer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Soil endemics have long fascinated botanists due to the insights they can provide about plant ecology and evolution. Often, these species have unique foliar nutrient composition patterns that reflect potential physiological adaptations to these harsh soil types. However, understanding global nutritional patterns to unique soil types can be complicated by the influence of recent and ancient evolutionary events. Our goal was to understand whether plant specialization to unique soils is a stronger determinant of plant nutrient composition than climate or evolutionary constraints.
    METHODS: We worked on gypsum soils. We analyzed whole-plant nutrient composition (leaves, stems, coarse roots and fine roots) of 36 native species of gypsophilous lineages from the Chihuahuan Desert (North America) and the Iberian Peninsula (Europe) regions, including widely distributed gypsum endemics, as specialists, and narrowly distributed endemics and non-endemics, as non-specialists. We evaluated the impact of evolutionary events and soil composition on the whole-plant composition, comparing the three categories of gypsum plants.
    RESULTS: Our findings reveal nutritional convergence of widely distributed gypsum endemics. These taxa displayed higher foliar Sulfur and higher whole-plant Magnesium than their non-endemic relatives, irrespective of geographic location or phylogenetic history. Sulfur and Magnesium concentrations were mainly explained by non-phylogenetic variation among species related to gypsum specialization. Other nutrient concentrations were determined by more ancient evolutionary events. For example, Caryophyllales usually displayed high foliar Calcium, whereas Poaceae did not. In contrast, plant concentrations of Phosphorus was mainly explained by species-specific physiology not related to gypsum specialization or evolutionary constraints.
    CONCLUSIONS: Plant specialization to a unique soil may strongly influence plant nutritional strategies, as we described for gypsophilous lineages. Taking a whole-plant perspective (all organs) within a phylogenetic framework has enabled us to gain a better understanding of plant adaptation to unique soils when studying taxa from distinct regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive radiation involves diversification along multiple trait axes, producing phenotypically diverse, species-rich lineages. Theory generally predicts that multi-trait evolution occurs via a \'stages\' model, with some traits saturating early in a lineage\'s history, and others diversifying later. Despite its multidimensional nature, however, we know surprisingly little about how different suites of traits evolve during adaptive radiation. Here, we investigated the rate, pattern, and timing of morphological and physiological evolution in the anole lizard adaptive radiation from the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Rates and patterns of morphological and physiological diversity are largely unaligned, corresponding to independent selective pressures associated with structural and thermal niches. Cold tolerance evolution reflects parapatric divergence across elevation, rather than niche partitioning within communities. Heat tolerance evolution and the preferred temperature evolve more slowly than cold tolerance, reflecting behavioral buffering, particularly in edge-habitat species (a pattern associated with the Bogert effect). In contrast to the nearby island of Puerto Rico, closely related anoles on Hispaniola do not sympatrically partition thermal niche space. Instead, allopatric and parapatric separation across biogeographic and environmental boundaries serves to keep morphologically similar close relatives apart. The phenotypic diversity of this island\'s adaptive radiation accumulated largely as a by-product of time, with surprisingly few exceptional pulses of trait evolution. A better understanding of the processes that guide multidimensional trait evolution (and nuance therein) will prove key in determining whether the stages model should be considered a common theme of adaptive radiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contemporary symbioses in extreme environments can give an insight into mechanisms that stabilize species interactions during environmental change. The intertidal sea anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, engages in a nutritional symbiosis with microalgae similar to tropical coral, but withstands more intense environmental fluctuations during tidal inundations. In this study, we compare baseline symbiotic traits and their sensitivity to thermal stress within and among anemone aggregations across the intertidal using a laboratory-based tank experiment to better understand how fixed genotypic and plastic environmental effects contribute to the successful maintenance of this symbiosis in extreme habitats. High intertidal anemones had lower baseline symbiont-to-host cell ratios under control conditions, but their symbionts had higher baseline photosynthetic efficiency compared to low intertidal anemone symbionts. Symbiont communities were identical across all samples, suggesting that shifts in symbiont density and photosynthetic performance could be an acclimatory mechanism to maintain symbiosis in different environments. Despite lower baseline symbiont-to-host cell ratios, high intertidal anemones maintained greater symbiont-to-host cell ratios under heat stress compared with low intertidal anemones, suggesting greater thermal tolerance of high intertidal holobionts. However, the thermal tolerance of clonal anemones acclimatized to different zones was not explained by tidal height alone, indicating additional environmental variables contribute to physiological differences. Host genotype significantly influenced anemone weight, but only explained a minor proportion of variation among symbiotic traits and their response to thermal stress, further implicating environmental history as the primary driver of holobiont tolerance. These results indicate that this symbiosis is highly plastic and may be able to acclimatize to climate change over ecological timescales, defying the convention that symbiotic organisms are more susceptible to environmental stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frost tolerance has evolved many times independently across flowering plants. However, conservation of several frost tolerance mechanisms among distant relatives suggests that apparently independent entries into freezing climates may have been facilitated by repeated modification of existing traits (\'precursor traits\'). One possible precursor trait for freezing tolerance is drought tolerance, because palaeoclimatic data suggest plants were exposed to drought before frost and several studies have demonstrated shared physiological and genetic responses to drought and frost stress. Here, we combine ecophysiological experiments and comparative analyses to test the hypothesis that drought tolerance acted as a precursor to frost tolerance in cool-season grasses (Pooideae). Contrary to our predictions, we measured the highest levels of frost tolerance in species with the lowest ancestral drought tolerance, suggesting that the two stress responses evolved independently in different lineages. We further show that drought tolerance is more evolutionarily labile than frost tolerance. This could limit our ability to reconstruct the order in which drought and frost responses evolved relative to each other. Further research is needed to determine whether our results are unique to Pooideae or general for flowering plants.





