ecological interactions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glaciers host a variety of cold-adapted taxa, many of which have not yet been described. Interactions among glacier organisms are even less clear. Understanding ecological interactions is crucial to unravelling the functioning of glacier ecosystems, particularly in light of current glacier retreat. Through a review of the existing literature, we aim to provide a first overview of the biodiversity, primary production, trophic networks, and matter flow of a glacier ecosystem. We use the Forni Glacier (Central Italian Alps) - one of the best studied alpine glaciers in the world - as a model system for our literature review and integrate additional original data. We reveal the importance of allochthonous organic matter inputs, of Cyanobacteria and eukaryotic green algae in primary production, and the key role of springtails (Vertagopus glacialis) on the glacier surface in sustaining populations of two apex terrestrial predators: Nebria castanea (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and Pardosa saturatior (Araneae: Lycosidae). The cryophilic tardigrade Cryobiotus klebelsbergi is the apex consumer in cryoconite holes. This short food web highlights the fragility of nodes represented by invertebrates, contrasting with structured microbial communities in all glacier habitats. Although further research is necessary to quantify the ecological interactions of glacier organisms, this review summarises and integrates existing knowledge about the ecological processes on alpine glaciers and supports the importance of glacier-adapted organisms in providing ecosystem services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoplankton populations in the natural environment interact with each other. Despite rising global concern with Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, which can produce the potent neurotoxin domoic acid, we still do not fully understand how other phytoplankton genera respond to the presence of Pseudo-nitzschia. Here, we used a 4-year high-resolution imaging dataset for 9 commonly found phytoplankton genera in Narragansett Bay, alongside environmental data, to identify potential interactions between phytoplankton genera and their response to elevated Pseudo-nitzschia abundance. Our results indicate that Pseudo-nitzschia tends to bloom either concurrently with or right after other phytoplankton genera. Such bloom periods coincide with higher water temperatures and lower salinity. Pseudo-nitzschia image abundance tends to increase the most from March-May and peaks during May-Jun, whereas the image-derived biovolume and width of Pseudo-nitzschia chains increase the most during Jan-Feb. For most phytoplankton genera, their relationship with Pseudo-nitzschia abundance is noticeably different from their relationship with Pseudo-nitzschia image features. Despite the complexity in the phytoplankton community, our analysis suggests several ecological indicators that may be used to determine the risk of harmful algal blooms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions between photosynthetic and heterotrophic microbes play a key role in global primary production. Understanding phototroph-heterotroph interactions remains challenging because these microbes reside in chemically complex environments. Here, we leverage a massively parallel droplet microfluidic platform that enables us to interrogate interactions between photosynthetic algae and heterotrophic bacteria in >100,000 communities across ∼525 environmental conditions with varying pH, carbon availability, and phosphorus availability. By developing a statistical framework to dissect interactions in this complex dataset, we reveal that the dependence of algae-bacteria interactions on nutrient availability is strongly modulated by pH and buffering capacity. Furthermore, we show that the chemical identity of the available organic carbon source controls how pH, buffering capacity, and nutrient availability modulate algae-bacteria interactions. Our study reveals the previously underappreciated role of pH in modulating phototroph-heterotroph interactions and provides a framework for thinking about interactions between phototrophs and heterotrophs in more natural contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiannual population cycles of small mammals are of interest within population biology. We propose an approach for multidimensional autoregressive (AR) time series and analyse monitoring data on grey-sided voles (Myodes rufocanus) in Japan to investigate one or possibly multiple multiannual cycles that drive population dynamics. Temperature, through modifying rodent communities, is found to be a key factor shaping population dynamics. Warmer areas are the main habitat for other rodent species resulting in low vole abundance/dominance, as opposed to higher vole dominance in colder areas-a pattern associated with the AR structure and population cycle. Vole populations in simple rodent communities exhibit an AR(2) cycle of 2-3 years. In areas with complex rodent communities, vole dynamics follows an AR(4) process and a combination of two cycles with different lengths. The AR structure varies in relatively small spatial scales, thus widening the scope of AR analyses needed. Historically, vole abundance increased in the late 1970s and decreased from the 1980s, with warm winters shown to be associated with the decline of vole abundance in the AR(4) populations. This significant association between the AR order, population dynamics, temperature and rodent community provides insights into the declining trends observed in rodent populations of the Northern Hemisphere.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The spread of Vespa velutina Lepeletier, 1836 (Asian hornet) in South Korea poses a threat to biodiversity and agriculture. Traditional species interaction models often fail to capture the complexity of invasive species dynamics. This study used association rule learning (ARL) and clustering analyses to explore the interactions of V. velutina with native Vespidae species in South Korea, with the aim of uncovering patterns of coexistence and competition.
    RESULTS: Over 4 years (2020-2023), 304 traps were strategically placed across South Korea to collect data on Vespidae species. Our findings showed that Vespula flaviceps, Vespa crabro, and Vespula koreensis were the most frequently encountered species. V. velutina was also widespread, suggesting its successful integration into local ecosystems. The ARL analysis, using the \'apriori\' algorithm, identified significant co-occurrence patterns and potential interactions. The rules generated indicated both competitive and coexistent relationships with varying levels of association strength across different regions. Clustering analyses, including hierarchical and k-means clustering, grouped species based on their occurrence similarities. The distinct clusters formed in the analysis highlighted the unique ecological roles and interactions of V. velutina and other Vespidae species in South Korean ecosystems.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the successful establishment of V. velutina in diverse South Korean ecosystems and highlights its complex interactions with native species. These findings support the need for nuanced management strategies that consider the intricate ecological relationships of V. velutina. This approach is crucial for the effective management of invasive species and ecosystem conservation. © 2024 The Author(s). Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Causal multivariate time-series analysis, combined with network theory, provide a powerful tool for studying complex ecological interactions. However, these methods have limitations often underestimated when used in graphical modelling of ecological systems. In this opinion article, I examine the relationship between formal logic methods used to describe causal networks and their inherent statistical and epistemological limitations. I argue that while these methods offer valuable insights, they are restricted by axiomatic assumptions, statistical constraints and the incompleteness of our knowledge. To prove that, I first consider causal networks as formal systems, define causality and formalize their axioms in terms of modal logic and use ecological counterexamples to question the axioms. I also highlight the statistical limitations when using multivariate time-series analysis and Granger causality to develop ecological networks, including the potential for spurious correlations among other data characteristics. Finally, I draw upon Gödel\'s incompleteness theorems to highlight the inherent limits of fully understanding complex networks as formal systems and conclude that causal ecological networks are subject to initial rules and data characteristics and, as any formal system, will never fully capture the intricate complexities of the systems they represent. This article is part of the theme issue \'Connected interactions: enriching food web research by spatial and social interactions\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Almost half of Earth\'s surface is threatened by agriculture, which has extensively degraded ecosystems and resulted in significant biodiversity loss. Remnant ecosystems in fragmented agricultural landscapes are threatened by past and present grazing and land-clearing. Declines in native diversity are common in these ecosystems, and their restoration is a key conservation goal globally. Understanding the drivers of change in floristic condition, reflecting continuity in floristic composition towards native plant communities, is fundamental to inform effective restoration practice. Previous investigations have demonstrated abiotic and biotic drivers of floristic condition independently. However, few consider the combined influence of these drivers on floristic condition, or the interactions between them, which may mediate indirect effects (e.g. plant-soil interactions). Despite this, ecological interactions may underpin changes in floristic condition, and provide critical insights needed to inform restoration. Here, we use structural equation modelling to disentangle the relationships between plants, soils and grass and litter biomass (leaf litter and fine woody debris) to elucidate the direct and indirect drivers of floristic condition in some of the most degraded landscapes globally: the critically endangered box-gum grassy woodlands in south-eastern Australia. We identify divergent plant-soil interactions between native versus exotic plants to key soil properties including soil nitrate and phosphorus. Specifically, native plants were negatively associated with increasing soil fertility, which favored exotic species. We also found evidence of indirect effects on floristic condition, mediated through interactions between litter biomass, soils and the basal area of overstorey trees. Our findings highlight the major role of soils in shaping floristic condition through direct and indirect pathways, and the role of multivariate interactions in mediating these pathways in a highly degraded, critically endangered ecosystem. Effective restoration must therefore consider the multivariate direct and indirect drivers of ecological condition to maximise positive outcomes in these landscapes and those similar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of invasive species has become an increasing environmental problem in freshwater ecosystems due to the high economic and ecological impacts it has generated. This systematic review covers publications from 2010 to 2020, focusing on non-native invasive freshwater bivalves, a particularly relevant and widespread introduced taxonomic group in fresh waters. We collected information on the most studied species, the main objectives of the studies, their geographical location, study duration, and type of research. Furthermore, we focused on assessing the levels of ecological evidence presented, the type of interactions of non-native bivalves with other organisms and the classification of their impacts. A total of 397 publications were retrieved. The studies addressed a total of 17 species of non-native freshwater bivalves; however, most publications focused on the species Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha, which are recognised for their widespread distribution and extensive negative impacts. Many other non-native invasive bivalve species have been poorly studied. A high geographical bias was also present, with a considerable lack of studies in developing countries. The most frequent studies had shorter temporal periods, smaller spatial extents, and more observational data, were field-based, and usually evaluated possible ecological impacts at the individual and population levels. There were 94 publications documenting discernible impacts according to the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). However, 41 of these publications did not provide sufficient data to determine an impact. The most common effects of invasive bivalves on ecosystems were structural alterations, and chemical and physical changes, which are anticipated due to their role as ecosystem engineers. Despite a considerable number of studies in the field and advances in our understanding of some species over the past decade, long-term data and large-scale studies are still needed to understand better the impacts, particularly at the community and ecosystem levels and in less-studied geographic regions. The widespread distribution of several non-native freshwater bivalves, their ongoing introductions, and high ecological and economic impacts demand continued research. Systematic reviews such as this are essential for identifying knowledge gaps and guiding future research to enable a more complete understanding of the ecological implications of invasive bivalves, and the development of effective management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperparasitism is defined as the interaction where one parasite is infected by another parasite. In bat flies (Streblidae and Nycteribiidae), both hyperparasites and microparasites (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and arthropods such as mites) have been documented. Fungi belonging to the order Laboulbeniales are microscopic parasites of a wide diversity of arthropod hosts. Three genera exclusively target bat flies: Arthrorhynchus, which parasitizes species within Nycteribiidae in the Eastern Hemisphere, while genus Gloeandromyces and Nycteromyces parasitize Streblidae in the Western Hemisphere. Among the hyperparasitic arthropods, mites of family Neothrombidiidae, particularly the monospecific genus Monunguis, are known to parasitize bat flies. Here we present the first records of the hyperparasites Monunguis streblida and Gloeandromyces pageanus f. polymorphus parasitizing Streblidae bat flies in Colombia and a summary of these hyperparasitic interactions in the Neotropics. We detected fungi and mites parasitizing bat flies that were collected in the Magdalena River Basin, Colombia, in field expeditions in 2018, 2022, and 2023. We identified 17 bat flies and two species of hyperparasites, specifically M. streblida and the fungi Gloeandromyces. Our search for reports of these interactions in the Neotropics revealed that seven species of Trichobius (Streblidae) are parasitized by M. streblida, whereas Paratrichobius longicrus (Streblidae) is parasitized by Gloeandromyces pageanus f. polymorphus. These interactions have been reported in 11 countries, but our records are the first of M. streblida and Laboulbeniales fungi parasitizing bat flies in Colombia. So far, a total of 14 species of fungi and one species of mite have been associated with 19 species of bat flies, which in turn, are linked to 15 species of Neotropical bats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Direct and indirect ecological interactions, environmental factors, and the phenology of host plants can shape the way mites interact. These relationships interfere with species occurrence and consequently alter the structure and stability of the intraplant community. As predatory mites act as regulators of herbivorous mites, we hypothesized that these mites may occupy a central position in a network of interactions among mite species associated with mango trees, and the occurrence of these species is mediated by environmental variables and the phenological stage of the host plant. We evaluated the global structure of the interaction network of mites associated with individual Mangifera indica plants and analyzed the interspecific relationships of the species using an undirected Bayesian network approach. Additionally, we observed a correlation between mite population density and plant phenological stage. Environmental variables, such as average monthly temperature, monthly precipitation, and average monthly relative humidity at different sampling date were used in the correlation analysis. The modularity at the mite-plant network level showed a low specialization index H2 = 0.073 (generalist) and high robustness (R = 0.93). Network analysis revealed that Amblyseius largoensis, Bdella ueckermanni, Parapronematus acaciae, and Tuckerella ornata occupied central positions in the assembly of mites occurring on mango trees. Environmental variables, average monthly temperature, and monthly precipitation were correlated with the occurrence of Brachytydeus formosa, Cisaberoptus kenyae, Oligonychus punicae, T. ornata, and Vilaia pamithus. We also observed a correlation between the plant phenological stage and population densities of Neoseiulus houstoni, O. punicae, P. acaciae, and V. pamithus.





