ecological divergence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of microbial diversity over time and space is fundamental to the understanding of their ecology and evolution. The underlying processes driving these patterns are not fully resolved but can be studied using population genetic approaches. Here we investigated the population genetic structure of Gonyostomum semen, a bloom-forming phytoplankton species, across two continents. The species appears to be expanding in Europe, whereas similar trends are not observed in the USA. Our aim was to investigate if populations of Gonyostomum semen in Europe and in the USA are genetically differentiated, if there is population genetic structure within the continents, and what the potential drivers of differentiation are. To this end, we used a novel method based on single-amplified genomes combined with Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing that allows de novo genotyping of natural single-cell isolates without the need for culturing. We amplified over 900 single-cell genomes from 25 lake populations across Europe and the USA and identified two distinct population clusters, one in Europe and another in the USA. Low genetic diversity in European populations supports the hypothesized recent expansion of Gonyostomum semen on this continent. Geographic population structure within each continent was associated with differences in environmental variables that may have led to ecological divergence of population clusters. Overall, our results show that single-amplified genomes combined with Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing can be used to analyze microalgal population structure and differentiation based on single-cell isolates from natural, uncultured samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization is a process that typically leads to instantaneous reproductive isolation and has, therefore, been considered as one of the major evolutionary forces in the species-rich Hengduan Mountains (HM), yet this topic remains poorly studied in the region. Allium sikkimense and its relatives (about eight species) compose a natural diploid-polyploid complex with the highest diversity in the HM and adjacent areas. A combination of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA), plastome, transcriptome, and ploidy identification through chromosome counting and flow cytometry is employed to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships in this complex and to investigate the frequency and the evolutionary significance of polyploidy in the complex. The plastome failed to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of the different species in the A. sikkimense complex, and the phylogenetic tree based on nrDNA also has limited resolution. However, our study reveals a well-resolved phylogenetic framework for species in the A. sikkimense complex using more than 1,000 orthologous genes from the transcriptome data. Previously recognized morphospecies A. sikkimense are non-monophyletic and comprise at least two independently evolved lineages (i.e., cryptic species), each forming a clade with different diploid species in this complex. The embedded pattern of octoploid A. jichouense and tetraploid A. sp. nov. within different polyploid samples of A. sikkimense supports a possible scenario of budding speciation (via niche divergence). Furthermore, our results reveal that co-occurring species in the A. sikkimense complex usually have different ploidy levels, suggesting that polyploidy is an important process for reproductive isolation of sympatric Allium species. Phylogenetic network analyses suggested that the phylogenetic relationships of the A. sikkimense complex, allowing for reticulation events, always fit the dataset better than a simple bifurcating tree. In addition, the included or exserted filaments, which have long been used to delimit species, are highly unreliable taxonomically due to their extensive parallel and convergent evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological systems occurring in ecologically heterogeneous and spatially discontinuous habitats provide an ideal opportunity to investigate the relative roles of neutral and selective factors in driving lineage diversification. The grey mangroves (Avicennia marina) of Arabia occur at the northern edge of the species\' range and are subject to variable, often extreme, environmental conditions, as well as historic large fluctuations in habitat availability and connectivity resulting from Quaternary glacial cycles. Here, we analyse fully sequenced genomes sampled from 19 locations across the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Persian/Arabian Gulf (PAG) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the species in the region and to identify adaptive mechanisms of lineage diversification. Population structure and phylogenetic analyses revealed marked genetic structure correlating with geographic distance and highly supported clades among and within the seas surrounding the Arabian Peninsula. Demographic modelling showed times of divergence consistent with recent periods of geographic isolation and low marine connectivity during glaciations, suggesting the presence of (cryptic) glacial refugia in the Red Sea and the PAG. Significant migration was detected within the Red Sea and the PAG, and across the Strait of Hormuz to the Arabian Sea, suggesting gene flow upon secondary contact among populations. Genetic-environment association analyses revealed high levels of adaptive divergence and detected signs of multi-loci local adaptation driven by temperature extremes and hypersalinity. These results support a process of rapid diversification resulting from the combined effects of historical factors and ecological selection and reveal mangrove peripheral environments as relevant drivers of lineage diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: How geographical isolation and ecological divergence act together to promote plant diversity in mountainous regions remains largely unknown. In this study, we chose two genera comprising a small number of species distributed in the Sino-Himalayan region, Megacodon (Gentianaceae) and Beesia (Ranunculaceae), which both exhibit a fragmented distribution pattern and are found across a wide range of elevations. By summarizing their common patterns of speciation and/or divergence processes, we aim to understand how environmental changes accelerated lineage diversification in the Sino-Himalayan region through ancient allopatry and ecological divergence.
    RESULTS: Using ddRAD-seq, chloroplast genome sequences, and specific molecular markers, we studied the phylogenetic relationships, population structure, and historical biogeography of Beesia and Megacodon. Both genera began to diverge from the late Miocene onwards, with ancient allopatry at lower elevations formed narrow-range species or relict populations. Mantel tests between genetic distance and climatic, elevational, or geographic distance revealed an isolation-by-distance pattern in Beesia and Megacodon stylophorus. Megacodon showed two clades occupying entirely different altitudinal ranges, whereas Beesia calthifolia exhibited a genetic divergence pattern along an elevation gradient. Furthermore, we conducted morphological measurements on Beesia calthifolia and found that different elevational groups had distinct leaf shapes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The regional disjunctions of plant groups in the Sino-Himalayan region are drastic and closely related to several biogeographic boundaries. As a consequence of major geological and climate change, ecological divergence when different elevations are colonized often happens simultaneously within plant groups. Although habitat fragmentation and parapatric ecological divergence each spur speciation to different extents, a combined effect of these two factors is a common phenomenon in the Sino-Himalayan region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological divergence without geographic isolation, as an early speciation process that may lead finally to reproductive isolation through natural selection, remains a captivating topic in evolutionary biology. However, the pattern of genetic divergence underlying this process across the genome may vary between species and mating systems. Here, we present evidence that Brachypodium stacei, an annual and highly selfing grass model species, has undergone sympatric ecological divergence without geographic isolation. Genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analyses together with lab experiments mimicking the two opposite environmental conditions suggest that diploid B. stacei populations have diverged sympatrically in two slopes characterized by distinct biomes at Evolution Canyon I (ECI), Mount Carmel, Israel. Despite ongoing gene flow, primarily facilitated by seed dispersal, the level of gene flow has progressively decreased over time. This local adaptation involves the scattered divergence of many unlinked loci across the total genome that include both coding genes and noncoding regions. Additionally, we have identified significant differential expressions of genes related to the ABA signaling pathway and contrasting metabolome composition between the arid- vs. forest-adapted B. stacei populations in ECI. These results suggest that multiple small loci involved in environmental responses act additively to account for ecological adaptations by this selfing species in contrasting environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deciphering the role of climate adaptation in generating genetic divergence and hence speciation is a central question in evolution. Comparisons of genomes of closely related species spanning selective climate gradients are particularly informative in discerning the signatures of selection and thereby providing valuable information concerning the role of climate adaptation in speciation. Here we re-sequenced 99 genomes of the two sister eel-goby species Odontamblyopus lacepedii and O. rebecca, which are endemic to tidal mudflats spanning contrasting latitude gradients, to estimate the influence of divergent climate selection on shaping genome-wide patterns of divergence. The results indicated that genome-wide differentiation between the two species was evident (genome-wide FST = 0.313). Against a background of high baseline genomic divergence, 588 and 1202 elevated divergent loci were detected to be widespread throughout their genomes, as opposed to focused within small islands of genomic regions. These patterns of divergence may arise from divergent climate selection in addition to genetic drift acting through past glacial segregation (1.46 million years ago). We identified several candidate genes that exhibited elevated divergence between the two species, including genes associated with substance metabolism, energy production, and response to environmental cues, all putative candidates closely linked to thermal adaptation expected from the latitude gradient. Interestingly, several candidates related to gamete recognition and time of puberty, and also exhibited elevated divergence, indicating their possible role in pre-zygote isolation and speciation of the two species. Our results would expand our knowledge on the roles of latitude climate adaptation and genetic drift in generating and maintaining biodiversity in marine teleosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eastern Neotropical South America, the Cerrado, a large savanna vegetation, and the Atlantic Forest harbour high biodiversity levels, and their habitats are rather different from each other. The biomes have intrinsic evolutionary relationships, with high lineage exchange that can be attributed, in part, to a large contact zone between them. The genomic study of ecotypes, i.e. populations adapted to divergent habitats, can be a model to study the genomic signatures of ecological divergence. Here, we investigated two ecotypes of the tree Plathymenia reticulata, one from the Cerrado and the other from the Atlantic Forest, which have a hybrid zone in the ecotonal zone of Atlantic Forest-Cerrado.
    The ecotypes were sampled in the two biomes and their ecotone. The evolutionary history of the divergence of the species was analysed with double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. The genetic structure and the genotypic composition of the hybrid zone were determined. Genotype-association analyses were performed, and the loci under putative selection and their functions were investigated.
    High divergence between the two ecotypes was found, and only early-generation hybrids were found in the hybrid zone, suggesting a partial reproductive barrier. Ancient introgression between the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest was not detected. The soil and climate were associated with genetic divergence in Plathymenia ecotypes and outlier loci were found to be associated with the stress response, with stomatal and root development and with reproduction.
    The high genomic, ecological and morphophysiological divergence between ecotypes, coupled with partial reproductive isolation, indicate that the ecotypes represent two species and should be managed as different evolutionary lineages. We advise that the forest species should be re-evaluated and restated as vulnerable. Our results provide insights into the genomic mechanisms underlying the diversification of species across savanna and forest habitats and the evolutionary forces acting in the species diversification in the Neotropics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of ecological mechanisms influencing organisms\' phenotypic variation is a central subject of evolutionary biology. In this study, we characterized morphological, plumage colour and acoustic variation in cactus wrens Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus throughout its distribution. We assessed whether Gloger\'s, Allen\'s and Bergmann\'s ecogeographical rules, and the acoustic adaptation hypothesis relate to geographical trait variation. We analysed specimen coloration in belly and crown plumage, beak shape and structural song characteristics. We tested whether the subspecific classification or the peninsular/mainland groups mirrored the geographical variation in phenotypes and whether ecological factors were associated with patterns of trait variation. Our results suggest that colour, beak shape and acoustic traits varied across the range, in agreement with two lineages described by genetics. The simple versions of Gloger\'s and Allen\'s rules are related to variations in colour traits and morphology. Conversely, patterns of phenotypic variation did not support Bergmann\'s rule. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis supported song divergence for frequency-related traits. Phenotypic variation supports the hypothesis of two taxa: C. affinis in the Baja California peninsula and C. brunneicapillus in the mainland. The ecological factors are associated with phenotypic trait adaptations, suggesting that divergence between lineages could result from ecological divergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current and past climatic changes can shift plant climatic niches, which may cause spatial overlap or separation between related taxa. The former often leads to hybridization and introgression, which may generate novel variation and influence the adaptive capacity of plants. An additional mechanism facilitating adaptations to novel environments and an important evolutionary driver in plants is polyploidy as the result of whole genome duplication. Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush) is a landscape-dominating foundational shrub in the western United States which occupies distinct ecological niches, exhibiting diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. Tetraploids have a large impact on the species\' landscape dominance as they occupy a preponderance of the arid spectrum of A. tridentata range. Three distinct subspecies are recognized, which co-occur in ecotones - the transition zone between two or more distinct ecological niches - allowing for hybridization and introgression. Here we assess the genomic distinctiveness and extent of hybridization among subspecies at different ploidies under both contemporary and predicted future climates. We sampled five transects throughout the western United States where a subspecies overlap was predicted using subspecies-specific climate niche models. Along each transect, we sampled multiple plots representing the parental and the potential hybrid habitats. We performed reduced representation sequencing and processed the data using a ploidy-informed genotyping approach. Population genomic analyses revealed distinct diploid subspecies and at least two distinct tetraploid gene pools, indicating independent origins of the tetraploid populations. We detected low levels of hybridization (2.5%) between the diploid subspecies, while we found evidence for increased admixture between ploidy levels (18%), indicating hybridization has an important role in the formation of tetraploids. Our analyses highlight the importance of subspecies co-occurrence within these ecotones to maintain gene exchange and potential formation of tetraploid populations. Genomic confirmations of subspecies in the ecotones support the subspecies overlap predicted by the contemporary climate niche models. However, future mid-century projections of subspecies niches predict a substantial loss in range and subspecies overlap. Thus, reductions in hybridization potential could affect new recruitment of genetically variable tetraploids that are vital to this species\' ecological role. Our results underscore the importance of ecotone conservation and restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lowland Amazon rainforest houses some of the greatest tree diversity on Earth. While the vast majority of these species are rare, a small number are common and widespread and thus considered to play a disproportionate role in many of the global ecosystem services provided by the Amazon. However, the extent to which dominant Amazonian tree species actually include multiple clades, each on their own unique evolutionary trajectory, is unknown. Here we investigate the extent to which lineage divergence may be occurring within Protium subserratum (Burseraceae), a common and widespread tree species that is monophyletic with populations exhibiting genotypic and phenotypic differences associated with soil and geography. Utilizing a combination of phylogenomic and population genomic methods with sampling from across the range, we found that P. subserratum contains at least eight distinct clades. Specialization onto white-sand soils has evolved independently at least twice within the species; however, phenotype is not correlated with soil type. Finally, cryptic diversity at the base of the Andes is associated with elevational shifts. Together these results lend support to the hypothesis that common and widespread Amazon tree species may not represent evolutionary cohesive units. Instead, these dominant species may more commonly represent species complexes, undergoing evolutionary transitions on a trajectory to become multiple range-restricted, specialist species.





