
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most remarkable adaptations to survive attacks from predators is to detach an appendage-a process known as autotomy. This occurs in a variety of animals, including lizards (tail), crabs (legs), and starfish (arms). There has been extensive investigation of the evolution, ecology, and biomechanical impact of autotomy,1,2,3 but little is known about neural mechanisms controlling autotomy in animals. However, evidence for the existence of a peptide that acts as an autotomy-promoting factor in starfish has been reported.4 While investigating in vivo effects of a sulfakinin/cholecystokinin-type neuropeptide (ArSK/CCK1) in the starfish Asterias rubens,5,6 we observed that this peptide triggered arm autotomy in some animals. Furthermore, when injection of ArSK/CCK1 was combined with mechanical clamping of an arm, autotomy of the clamped arm occurred in 85% of animals tested, with 46% also autotomizing one or more other arms. In contrast, no autotomy was observed in clamped animals that were injected with water (control). To examine the physiological relevance of these findings, we analyzed expression of ArSK/CCK1 in the autotomy plane, a specialized region at the base of the arms in A. rubens.7,8 In accordance with its in vivo effects, nerve fibers expressing ArSK/CCK1 were revealed in the tourniquet muscle, a band of muscle that mediates constriction of the arm during and after autotomy. We conclude that ArSK/CCK1 acts as an autotomy-promoting factor in starfish and as such it is the first neuropeptide to be identified as a regulator of autotomy in animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abatus is a genus of irregular brooding sea urchins to the Southern Ocean. Among the 11 described species, three shared morphological traits and present an infaunal lifestyle in the infralittoral from the Subantarctic province; A. cavernosus in Patagonia, A. cordatus in Kerguelen, and A. agassizii in Tierra del Fuego and South Shetlands. The systematic of Abatus, based on morphological characters and incomplete phylogenies, is complex and largely unresolved. This study evaluates the shape variation among these species using geometric morphometrics analysis (GM). For this, 72 individuals from four locations; South Shetlands, Kerguelen, Patagonia, and Falklands/Malvinas were photographed, and 37 landmarks were digitized. To evaluate the shape differences among species, a principal component analysis and a Procrustes ANOVA were performed. Our results showed a marked difference between the Falklands/Malvinas and the other localities, characterized by a narrower and more elongated shape and a significant influence of location in shape but not sex. Additionally, the effect of allometry was evaluated using a permutation test and a regression between shape and size, showing significant shape changes during growth in all groups. The possibility that the Falklands/Malvinas group shows phenotypic plasticity or represents a distinct evolutionary unit is discussed. Finally, GM proved to be a powerful tool to differentiate these species, highlighting its utility in systematic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stable transgenesis is a transformative tool in model organism biology. Although the sea urchin is one of the oldest animal models in cell and developmental biology, studies in this animal have largely relied on transient manipulation of wild animals, without a strategy for stable transgenesis. Here, we build on recent progress to develop a more genetically tractable sea urchin species, Lytechinus pictus, and establish a robust transgene integration method. Three commonly used transposons (Minos, Tol2 and piggyBac) were tested for non-autonomous transposition, using plasmids containing a polyubiquitin promoter upstream of a H2B-mCerulean nuclear marker. Minos was the only transposable element that resulted in significant expression beyond metamorphosis. F0 animals were raised to sexual maturity, and spawned to determine germline integration and transgene inheritance frequency, and to characterize expression patterns of the transgene in F1 progeny. The results demonstrate transgene transmission through the germline, the first example of a germline transgenic sea urchin and, indeed, of any echinoderm. This milestone paves the way for the generation of diverse transgenic resources that will dramatically enhance the utility, reproducibility and efficiency of sea urchin research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sox gene family, a collection of transcription factors widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom, plays a crucial role in numerous developmental processes. Echinoderms occupy a pivotal position in many research fields, such as neuroscience, sex determination and differentiation, and embryonic development. However, to date, no comprehensive study has been conducted to characterize and analyze Sox genes in echinoderms. In the present study, the evolution and expression of Sox family genes across 11 echinoderms were analyzed using bioinformatics methods. The results revealed a total of 70 Sox genes, with counts ranging from 5 to 8 across different echinoderms. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the identified Sox genes could be categorized into seven distinct classes: the SoxB1 class, SoxB2 class, SoxC class, SoxD class, SoxE class, SoxF class and SoxH class. Notably, the SoxB1, SoxB2, and SoxF genes were ubiquitously present in all the echinoderms studied, which suggests that these genes may be conserved in echinoderms. The spatiotemporal expression patterns observed for Sox genes in the three echinoderms indicated that various Sox members perform distinct functional roles. Notably, SoxB1 is likely involved in echinoderm ovary development, while SoxH may play a crucial role in testis development in starfish and sea cucumber. In general, the present investigation provides a molecular foundation for exploring the Sox gene in echinoderms, providing a valuable resource for future phylogenetic and genomic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell-free aqueous extract from the coelomic fluid of Holothuria tubulosa was prepared and examined for its glucose-lowering effect on HepG2 cells in vitro. In particular, employing a combination of cytochemical, flow cytometric, PCR, and protein blot techniques, we evaluated its role on glucose internalization and storage and on the upregulation and surface translocation of the two glucose transporters GLUT-2 and -4. The changes in expression, synthesis, and/or activation of the GLUT2-related transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha (HNF1α) and the GLUT-4-translocation regulatory factors insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and AKT were also studied. Our results showed the improved glucose response by HepG2 cells, leading to an evident increase in glucose consumption/uptake and glycogen storage upon exposure. Moreover, the extract induced molecular reprogramming involving the upregulation of (i) IRS1 gene expression, (ii) the transcription and translation levels of HNF1α, AKT, and GLUT-4, (iii) the phosphorylation level of AKT, (iv) the synthesis of GLUT-2 protein, and (v) the translocation of GLUT-2 and -4 transporters onto the plasma membrane. Cumulatively, our results suggest that the coelomic fluid extract from H. tubulosa can be taken into consideration for the development of novel treatment agents against diabetes mellitus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we investigated the effects of PVC microplastics (PVC-MPs) using two different animal models: the brittle star Ophiactis virens, and the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. This is the first study using an environmental relevant sample of PVC-MPs obtained through mechanical fragmentation of a common PVC plumbing pipe. Exposure experiments on brittle star were performed on the adult stage for a duration of 14 days, while those on African clawed frog were performed on the embryogenic developmental stage according to the standardized FETAX protocol (Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus). For both models, different endpoints were analysed: mortality, developmental parameters, behavioural assays and histological analyses on target organs by optical and electronic microscopy. Results showed that the concentration of 0.1 μg mL-1 PVC do not cause any adverse effects in both models (common NOEC concentration), while exposure to 1 μg mL-1 PVC adversely affected at least one species (common LOEC concentration). In particular arm regeneration efficiency was the most affected parameters in O. virens leading to a significantly lower differentiation pattern at 1 μg mL-1 PVC. On the contrary, in X. laevis larvae histopathological analyses and behavioural tests were the most susceptible endpoints, exhibiting several abnormal figures and different swimming speed at 10 μg mL-1 PVC. Histopathological analyses revealed a higher abundance of degenerating cells, pyknotic nuclei and cellular debris in the gut of exposed larvae in respect to control. The comparative analyses performed in this work allowed to characterize the specificity of action of the PVC-MPs on the two species, underlining the importance of exploring a large spectrum of endpoints to offer adequate protection in the emerging fields of microplastic research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regeneration is one of the most fascinating and yet least understood biological processes. Echinoderms, one of the closest related invertebrate groups to humans, can contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of regenerative processes. Among echinoderms, sea cucumbers have the ability to grow back most of their body parts following injury, including the intestine and nervous tissue. The cellular and molecular events underlying these abilities in sea cucumbers have been most extensively studied in the species Holothuria glaberrima. However, research into the regenerative abilities of this species has been impeded due to the lack of adequate genomic resources. Here, we report the first draft genome assembly of H. glaberrima and demonstrate its value for future genetic studies. Using only short sequencing reads, we assembled the genome into 89,105 scaffolds totaling 1.1 gigabases with an N50 of 25 kilobases. Our BUSCO assessment of the genome resulted in 894 (91.4%) complete and partial genes from 978 genes queried. We incorporated transcriptomic data from several different life history stages to annotate 51,415 genes in our final assembly. To demonstrate the usefulness of the genome, we fully annotated the melanotransferrin (Mtf) gene family, which have a potential role in the regeneration of the sea cucumber intestine. Using these same data, we extracted the mitochondrial genome, which showed high conservation to that of other holothuroids. Thus, these data will be a critical resource for ongoing studies of regeneration and other studies in sea cucumbers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is unclear how animals with radial symmetry control locomotion without a brain. Using a combination of experiments, mathematical modeling, and robotics, we tested the extent to which this control emerges in sea stars (Protoreaster nodosus) from the local control of their hundreds of feet and their mechanical interactions with the body. We discovered that these animals compensate for an experimental increase in their submerged weight by recruiting more feet that synchronize in the power stroke of the locomotor cycle during their bouncing gait. Mathematical modeling of the mechanics of a sea star replicated this response to loading without a central controller. A robotic sea star was found to similarly recruit more actuators under higher loads through purely decentralized control. These results suggest that an array of biological or engineered actuators are capable of cooperative transport where the actuators are dynamically recruited by the mechanics of the body. In particular, the body\'s vertical oscillations serve to recruit feet in greater numbers to overcome the weight to propel the body forward. This form of distributed control contrasts the conventional view of animal locomotion as governed by the central nervous system and offers inspiration for the design of engineered devices with arrays of actuators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a growing threat to coastal habitats, and is likely to exacerbate the impacts of other stressors. Kelp forests are dominant habitats on temperate reefs but are declining due to ocean warming and overgrazing. We tested the independent and interactive effects of ALAN (dark versus ALAN) and warming (ambient versus warm) on grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Within these treatments, urchins were fed either \'fresh\' kelp or \'treated\' kelp. Treated kelp (Ecklonia radiata) was exposed to the same light and temperature combinations as urchins. We assessed photosynthetic yield, carbon and nitrogen content and C : N ratio of treated kelp to help identify potential drivers behind any effects on urchins. Grazing increased with warming and ALAN for urchins fed fresh kelp, and increased with warming for urchins fed treated kelp. Gonad index was higher in ALAN/ambient and dark/warm treatments compared to dark/ambient treatments for urchins fed fresh kelp. Kelp carbon content was higher in ALAN/ambient treatments than ALAN/warm treatments at one time point. This indicates ocean warming and ALAN may increase urchin grazing pressure on rocky reefs, an important finding for management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A challenge for evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) biology is to expand the breadth of research organisms used to investigate how animal diversity has evolved through changes in embryonic development. New experimental systems should couple a relevant phylogenetic position with available molecular tools and genomic resources. As a phylum of the sister group to chordates, echinoderms extensively contributed to our knowledge of embryonic patterning, organ development and cell-type evolution. Echinoderms display a variety of larval forms with diverse shapes, making them a suitable group to compare the evolution of embryonic developmental strategies. However, because of the laboratory accessibility and the already available techniques, most studies focus on sea urchins and sea stars mainly. As a comparative approach, the field would benefit from including information on other members of this group, like the sea cucumbers (holothuroids), for which little is known on the molecular basis of their development. Here, we review the spawning and culture methods, the available morphological and molecular information, and the current state of genomic and transcriptomic resources on sea cucumbers. With the goal of making this system accessible to the broader community, we discuss how sea cucumber embryos and larvae can be a powerful system to address the open questions in evo-devo, including understanding the origins of bilaterian structures.





