early childhood trauma

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early childhood trauma has been linked to neurocognitive and emotional processing deficits in older children, yet much less is known about these associations in young children. Early childhood is an important developmental period in which to examine relations between trauma and executive functioning/emotion reactivity, given that these capacities are rapidly developing and are potential transdiagnostic factors implicated in the development of psychopathology. This cross-sectional study examined associations between cumulative trauma, interpersonal trauma, and components of executive functioning, episodic memory, and emotion reactivity, conceptualized using the RDoC framework and assessed with observational and performance-based measures, in a sample of 90 children (ages 4-7) admitted to a partial hospital program. Children who had experienced two or more categories of trauma had lower scores in episodic memory, global cognition, and inhibitory control as measured in a relational (but not computerized) task, when compared to children with less or no trauma. Interpersonal trauma was similarly associated with global cognition and relational inhibitory control. Family contextual factors did not moderate associations. Findings support examining inhibitory control in both relationally significant and decontextualized paradigms in early childhood, and underscore the importance of investigating multiple neurocognitive and emotional processes simultaneously to identify potential targets for early intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding and processing life experiences are essential in the treatment of personality disorders to promote personal recovery and psychological wellbeing. In this qualitative case report, drafted in co-creation between the client, clinical psychologist, and art therapist, individual treatment consisted of two psychotherapeutic interventions, \"An Empowering Story\" and life-story-focused art therapy, in 12 parallel sessions for 24 weeks. Hilda, 68 years of age, had been diagnosed with an unspecified personality disorder and various traits of borderline personality disorder. She experienced emotional exhaustion following long-term mental health problems rooted in a traumatic early childhood. This affected her ability to manage her emotions and social relations, resulting in the sense that her life had no meaning. Hilda was invited to reconstruct her life experiences, divided into the past, turning point, and present/future, in a written and a painted life story. This allowed for the integration of traumatic as well as positive memories, enhanced self-compassion, and meaning making. She developed self-reflection and integration of internal conflicts leading to a better emotional balance and self-understanding. Art therapy emphasizes bottom-up regulatory processes, while narrative psychology supports top-down regulatory processes. The combined approach effectively integrated bottom-up, experiential, sensory experiences with top-down, cognitive emotion-regulation processes. The results suggest that psychotherapeutic interventions involving a multi-pronged, complementary, and thus more holistic approach can support personal recovery in personality disorders.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The author provides an overview of the psychodynamics of addiction, diverging from outdated conceptualizations such as orality and regression, and emphasizing the clinical relevance of the self-medication hypothesis. Rado and Bion paved the way for Khantzian\'s self-medication hypothesis by describing the drug user\'s need to escape unpleasure and seek self- containment. The author reviews research corroborating the relevance of the self-medication hypothesis and other relevant constructs such as self-deceptive attempts at adaptation, inability to prioritize self-care or delay gratification, excessive hedonism and novelty seeking, and impulsivity. Adverse childhood experiences, abuse and neglect are known to cause epigenetic changes altering gene expression, which may endure throughout life and be transmitted intergenerationally. Effective psychotherapeutic interventions have the potential to reverse DNA methylation and other epigenetic changes triggered by trauma and co-morbid psychopathology. Lastly, this editorial also introduces the psychodynamically informed clinical recommendations of Baurer and Gottdiener, further described in separate articles in this issue of Psychodynamic Psychiatry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) is a 90-item caregiver-report measure of childhood traumatic stress and abuse-related experiences in children, ages three to twelve years old.
    UNASSIGNED: The objective of this review is to examine the current empirical evidence (n = 22) regarding the psychometric properties of the TSCYC.
    UNASSIGNED: A variety of study designs were reviewed for psychometric evidence supporting the reliability and validity of the TSCYC.
    UNASSIGNED: The psychometric evidence for the TSCYC indicates it is a reliable scale. However, evidence of validity is moderate and focuses on older children.
    UNASSIGNED: Clinicians may utilize the TSCYC to support a PTSD diagnosis in children. Further psychometric exploration would strengthen the body of evidence for younger children (ages 3-5) who have had traumatic experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article discusses risk factors for adults who have suffered early childhood trauma, specifically focusing on emotional abuse, and discusses the negative long-term consequences from childhood trauma such as depression, anxiety, stress, and neuroticism personality. This research study predicts that those who report emotional abuse will have higher sores for depression, anxiety, stress, and neuroticism personality compared to those who reported only physical, only sexual, or combined physical and sexual abuse. Using the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, 748 college students participated in an on-line survey at a Southeastern university. As predicted, this study found those who reported emotional abuse had higher scores for depression, anxiety, stress, and neuroticism personality compared to those who reported only physical, only sexual, or combined physical and sexual abuse. Studies show emotional abuse may be the most damaging form of maltreatment causing adverse developmental consequences equivalent to, or more severe than, those of other forms of abuse (Hart et al. 1996). Therefore, this article discusses the need for public awareness campaigns to raise public and community awareness and evidenced based treatments that help with the psychological consequences resulting from emotional abuse.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children\'s executive function (EF) may be negatively affected by their exposure to traumatic events. However, few investigations have examined the relations between EF and the associated developmental outcomes of young children exposed to trauma. Likewise, although growing evidence highlights intergenerational associations between caregiver and child EF, these associations remain unexplored among preschool-aged children exposed to trauma. The current study used a multimethod approach to test the direct and indirect associations of children\'s trauma symptomatology, caregiver and child EF, and children\'s concurrent behavioral and cognitive functioning in a sample of trauma-exposed, preschool-aged children (N = 109; Mage = 52.11 months, SD = 12.19) and their caregivers. Results indicated positive associations between children\'s trauma symptomatology and their behavior problems, positive associations between caregiver and child performance on tasks of EF, and positive associations between children\'s EF and a latent factor of cognitive functioning indicated by children\'s performance on standardized tests of IQ and receptive vocabulary. However, the hypothesized indirect effects of caregiver and child EF were not supported. Implications for clinical interventions with young children and families exposed to trauma are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The period from birth to age six represents a time of significant risk for exposure to trauma. Following trauma exposure, children may experience significant negative and lasting psychological, cognitive, and physical effects. Over the last two decades, the demand for and availability of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for children under the age of six who have experienced trauma has dramatically increased. Three of the most well-supported and widely disseminated EBTs for early childhood trauma are Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, and Child-Parent Psychotherapy. Increasingly, clinicians are receiving training in more than one EBT. This paper provides an overview of each intervention; presents clinicians with various child, caregiver, and environmental factors to consider when deciding amongst these three EBTs; and applies these considerations to three composite cases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In animals, adverse early experience alters oxytocinergic and glucocorticoid activity and maternal behavior in adulthood. This preliminary study explored associations among childhood trauma (loss of a parent or sexual abuse in childhood), maternal self-efficacy, and leukocyte gene expression (mRNA) of oxytocin and glucocorticoid receptors (OXTR and NR3C1) in mothers of infants.
    62 mothers (20 with early life trauma) with healthy 3-month old infants reported maternal self-efficacy, depression, infant temperament, and overall social support; the effects of early trauma on these measures were assessed. Of these, 35 mothers (14 with early trauma) underwent blood draws after 2 infant feeding times; their OXTR and NR3C1 mRNA was compared to a control group of 25 no-infant women without early trauma, and also was examined for associations with self-efficacy.
    OXTR mRNA was increased in mothers of infants versus no-infant controls (p < 0.0003), and mothers with greatest prior maternal experience had higher OXTR than those with less experience (0-2 vs. 3+ older children, p < 0.033). Mothers with early trauma and less maternal experience had lower OXTR mRNA than no-trauma mothers (p < 0.029) and lower NR3C1 mRNA than controls (p < 0.004). Mothers with depression also had lower NR3C1 than other mothers (p < 0.003) but did not differ in OXTR. Mothers with early trauma also reported their support network to be less helpful and more upsetting and unpredictable than other mothers (p < 0.035-p < 0.005). Regarding maternal behavior, in mothers with early trauma, helpful support networks increased self-reported nurturing self-efficacy when babies were not fussy but decreased it with fussy babies (p < 0.05). Support was unrelated to self-efficacy in no-trauma mothers. Similarly, among mothers with low OXTR or NR3C1 (-1SD, most having early trauma and lower maternal experience), greater support was associated with lower self-efficacy (p < 0.05), while mothers with high OXTR or NR3C1 (+1SD) tended to have higher self-efficacy with greater support.
    These preliminary findings need confirmation in a larger sample but suggest that childhood trauma influences maternal behavior and both OXTR and NR3C1 pathways in mothers of infants, and that both depression and prior maternal experience may be other important factors. Effects on maternal behavior appear to require more complex modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The regulation of strong emotions is an essential skill for traumatized patients. The present instrument was developed for the measurement of the self-soothing ability in traumatized patients.
    METHODS: The psychometric properties of the SBS were investigated in a clinical sample of patients with childhood trauma (N = 143). In addition, the study explored the factorial structure, internal consistency, retest reliability, convergent validity, and responsiveness of the instrument.
    RESULTS: Results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated a two-factor structure: \'self-soothing\' and \'impulse control\', explaining 55% of the variance. The total score showed a good internal consistency (α = .83) and re-test reliability (rtt = .87) as well as good validity and responsiveness.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 7-item SBS is a suitable instrument for the measurement of self-soothing ability in traumatized patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Problem analysis conducted by a university-based research partner can provide communities with data-driven options to address the local drivers of serious youth and gang violence. Situated in Worcester, Massachusetts, this article describes how subsequent to early childhood trauma being identified as a potential driver of adolescent and young adult violence; problem analysis using local data confirmed that being the victim or witness of a traumatic incident before the age of 12 years was significantly correlated with involvement in violence in adolescence or young adulthood. Although there is a robust literature on the relationship between early childhood trauma and later delinquency, local decision makers did not consider this knowledge actionable until the research partner used the city\'s own police records to demonstrate the extent of the problem in the city. Rigorous problem analysis, conducted collaboratively between practitioners and an academic research partner, helped to compel local change and ensured that strategies addressed the right risk factors and directed service to the appropriate target population.





