dystrophin-associated protein complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are a heterogeneous group of diseases of genetic origin characterized by progressive skeletal muscle degeneration and weakness. There are several types of MDs, varying in terms of age of onset, severity, and pattern of the affected muscles. However, all of them worsen over time, and many patients will eventually lose their ability to walk. In addition to skeletal muscle effects, patients with MDs may present cardiac and respiratory disorders, generating complications that could lead to death. Interdisciplinary management is required to improve the surveillance and quality of life of patients with an MD. At present, pharmacological therapy is only available for Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD)-the most common type of MD-and is mainly based on the use of corticosteroids. Other MDs caused by alterations in dystrophin-associated proteins (DAPs) are less frequent but represent an important group within these diseases. Pharmacological alternatives with clinical potential in patients with MDs and other proteins associated with dystrophin have been scarcely explored. This review focuses on drugs and molecules that have shown beneficial effects, mainly in experimental models involving alterations in DAPs. The mechanisms associated with the effects leading to promising results regarding the recovery or maintenance of muscle strength and reduction in fibrosis in the less-common MDs (i.e., with respect to DMD) are explored, and other therapeutic targets that could contribute to maintaining the homeostasis of muscle fibers, involving different pathways, such as calcium regulation, hypertrophy, and maintenance of satellite cell function, are also examined. It is possible that some of the drugs explored here could be used to affordably improve the muscular function of patients until a definitive treatment for MDs is developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell polarity mechanisms allow the formation of specialized membrane domains with unique protein compositions, signalling properties, and functional characteristics. By analyzing the localization of potassium channels and proteins belonging to the dystrophin-associated protein complex, we reveal the existence of distinct planar-polarized membrane compartments at the surface of C. elegans muscle cells. We find that muscle polarity is controlled by a non-canonical Wnt signalling cascade involving the ligand EGL-20/Wnt, the receptor CAM-1/Ror, and the intracellular effector DSH-1/Dishevelled. Interestingly, classical planar cell polarity proteins are not required for this process. Using time-resolved protein degradation, we demonstrate that -while it is essentially in place by the end of embryogenesis- muscle polarity is a dynamic state, requiring continued presence of DSH-1 throughout post-embryonic life. Our results reveal the unsuspected complexity of the C. elegans muscle membrane and establish a genetically tractable model system to study cellular polarity and membrane compartmentalization in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a devastating muscle disease caused by the absence of functional dystrophin. There are multiple ongoing clinical trials for DMD that are testing gene therapy treatments consisting of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors carrying miniaturized versions of dystrophin optimized for function, termed micro-dystrophins (μDys). Utrophin, the fetal homolog of dystrophin, has repeatedly been reported to be upregulated in human DMD muscle as a compensatory mechanism, but whether µDys displaces full-length utrophin is unknown. In this study, dystrophin/utrophin-deficient mice with transgenic overexpression of full-length utrophin in skeletal muscles were systemically administered low doses of either AAV6-CK8e-Hinge3-µDys (μDysH3) or AAV6-CK8e-μDys5 (μDys5). We used immunofluorescence to qualitatively assess the localization of μDys with transgenic utrophin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in quadriceps muscles. μDys protein resulting from both gene therapies co-localized at myofiber membranes with transgenic utrophin. We also confirmed the sarcolemmal co-localization of nNOS with μDys5, but not with transgenic utrophin expression or μDysH3. Transgenic utrophin expression and μDys proteins produced from both therapies stabilize the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex as observed by sarcolemmal localization of β-dystroglycan. This study suggests that µDys gene therapy will likely not inhibit any endogenous compensation by utrophin in DMD muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) type 2C/R5 results from mutations in the γ-sarcoglycan (SGCG) gene and is characterized by muscle weakness and progressive wasting. Loss of functional γ-sarcoglycan protein in the dystrophin-associated protein complex destabilizes the sarcolemma, leading to eventual myofiber death. The SGCG knockout mouse (SGCG -/-) has clinical-pathological features that replicate the human disease, making it an ideal model for translational studies. We designed a self-complementary rAAVrh74 vector containing a codon-optimized human SGCG transgene driven by the muscle-specific MHCK7 promoter (SRP-9005) to investigate adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated SGCG gene transfer in SGCG -/- mice as proof of principle for LGMD 2C/R5. Gene transfer therapy resulted in widespread transgene expression in skeletal muscle and heart, improvements in muscle histopathology characterized by decreased central nuclei and fibrosis, and normalized fiber size. Histopathologic improvements were accompanied by functional improvements, including increased ambulation and force production and resistance to injury of the tibialis anterior and diaphragm muscles. This study demonstrates successful systemic delivery of the hSGCG transgene in SGCG -/- mice, with functional protein expression, reconstitution of the sarcoglycan complex, and corresponding physiological and functional improvements, which will help establish a minimal effective dose for translation of SRP-9005 gene transfer therapy in patients with LGMD 2C/R5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) is a highly organized multiprotein complex that plays a pivotal role in muscle fiber structure integrity and cell signaling. The complex is composed of three distinct interacting subgroups, intracellular peripheral proteins, transmembrane glycoproteins, and extracellular glycoproteins subcomplexes. Dystrophin protein nucleates the DAPC and is important for connecting the intracellular actin cytoskeletal filaments to the sarcolemma glycoprotein complex that is connected to the extracellular matrix via laminin, thus stabilizing the sarcolemma during muscle fiber contraction and relaxation. Genetic mutations that lead to lack of expression or altered expression of any of the DAPC proteins are associated with different types of muscle diseases. Hence characterization of this complex in healthy and dystrophic muscle might bring insights into its role in muscle pathogenesis. This review highlights the role of mass spectrometry in characterizing the DAPC interactome as well as post-translational glycan modifications of some of its components such as α-dystroglycan. Detection and quantification of dystrophin using targeted mass spectrometry are also discussed in the context of healthy versus dystrophic skeletal muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with cardiomyopathy of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) are at risk of developing life-threatening arrhythmias, but the mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to determine the role of ion channels controlling cardiac excitability in the mechanisms of arrhythmias in DMD patients.
    To test whether dystrophin mutations lead to defective cardiac NaV1.5-Kir2.1 channelosomes and arrhythmias, we generated iPSC-CMs from two hemizygous DMD males, a heterozygous female, and two unrelated control males. We conducted studies including confocal microscopy, protein expression analysis, patch-clamping, non-viral piggy-bac gene expression, optical mapping and contractility assays.
    Two patients had abnormal ECGs with frequent runs of ventricular tachycardia. iPSC-CMs from all DMD patients showed abnormal action potential profiles, slowed conduction velocities, and reduced sodium (INa) and inward rectifier potassium (IK1) currents. Membrane NaV1.5 and Kir2.1 protein levels were reduced in hemizygous DMD iPSC-CMs but not in heterozygous iPSC-CMs. Remarkably, transfecting just one component of the dystrophin protein complex (α1-syntrophin) in hemizygous iPSC-CMs from one patient restored channelosome function, INa and IK1 densities, and action potential profile in single cells. In addition, α1-syntrophin expression restored impulse conduction and contractility and prevented reentrant arrhythmias in hiPSC-CM monolayers.
    We provide the first demonstration that iPSC-CMs reprogrammed from skin fibroblasts of DMD patients with cardiomyopathy have a dysfunction of the NaV1.5-Kir2.1 channelosome, with consequent reduction of cardiac excitability and conduction. Altogether, iPSC-CMs from patients with DMD cardiomyopathy have a NaV1.5-Kir2.1 channelosome dysfunction, which can be rescued by the scaffolding protein α1-syntrophin to restore excitability and prevent arrhythmias.
    Supported by National Institutes of Health R01 HL122352 grant; \'la Caixa\' Banking Foundation (HR18-00304); Fundación La Marató TV3: Ayudas a la investigación en enfermedades raras 2020 (LA MARATO-2020); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/FEDER/FSE; Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme GA-965286 to JJ; the CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation), and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship 19POST34380706s to JVEN. Israel Science Foundation to OB and MA [824/19]. Rappaport grant [01012020RI]; and Niedersachsen Foundation [ZN3452] to OB; US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) to OB and TH [2019039]; Dr. Bernard Lublin Donation to OB; and The Duchenne Parent Project Netherlands (DPPNL 2029771) to OB. National Institutes of Health R01 AR068428 to DM and US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant [2013032] to DM and OB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a muscle wasting disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin. Gene therapy using micro-dystrophin (MD) transgenes and recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors hold great promise. To overcome the limited packaging capacity of rAAV vectors, most MD do not include dystrophin carboxy-terminal (CT) domain. Yet, the CT domain is known to recruit α1- and β1-syntrophins and α-dystrobrevin, a part of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC), which is a signaling and structural mediator of muscle cells. In this study, we explored the impact of inclusion of the dystrophin CT domain on ΔR4-23/ΔCT MD (MD1), in DMDmdx rats, which allows for relevant evaluations at muscular and cardiac levels. We showed by LC-MS/MS that MD1 expression is sufficient to restore the interactions at a physiological level of most DAPC partners in skeletal and cardiac muscles, and that inclusion of the CT domain increases the recruitment of some DAPC partners at supra-physiological levels. In parallel, we demonstrated that inclusion of the CT domain does not improve MD1 therapeutic efficacy on DMD muscle and cardiac pathologies. Our work highlights new evidences of the therapeutic potential of MD1 and strengthens the relevance of this candidate for gene therapy of DMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a devastating genetic disorder that leads to compromised cellular membranes, caused by the absence of membrane-bound dystrophin protein. Muscle membrane leakage results in disrupted intracellular homeostasis, protein degradation, and muscle wasting. Improving muscle membrane integrity may delay disease progression and extend the lifespan of DMD patients. Here, we demonstrate that exosomes, membranous extracellular vesicles, can elicit functional improvements in dystrophic mice by improving muscle membrane integrity. Systemic administration of exosomes from different sources induced phenotypic rescue and mitigated pathological progression in dystrophic mice without detectable toxicity. Improved membrane integrity conferred by exosomes inhibited intracellular calcium influx and calcium-dependent activation of calpain proteases, preventing the degradation of the destabilized dystrophin-associated protein complex. We show that exosomes, particularly myotube-derived exosomes, induced functional improvements and alleviated muscle deterioration by stabilizing damaged muscle membrane in dystrophic mice. Our findings suggest that exosomes may have therapeutic implications for DMD and other diseases with compromised membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of central vision loss and severe blindness among the elderly population. Recently, we reported on the association of the SGCD gene (encoding for δ-sarcoglycan) polymorphisms with AMD. However, the functional consequence of Sgcd alterations in retinal degeneration is not known. Herein, we characterized changes in the retina of the Sgcd knocked-out mouse (KO, Sgcd-/-). At baseline, we analyzed the retina structure of three-month-old wild-type (WT, Sgcd+/+) and Sgcd-/- mice by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, assessed the Sgcd-protein complex (α-, β-, γ-, and ε-sarcoglycan, and sarcospan) by immunofluorescence (IF) and Western blot (WB), and performed electroretinography. Compared to the WT, Sgcd-/- mice are five times more likely to have retinal ruptures. Additionally, all the retinal layers are significantly thinner, more so in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). In addition, the number of nuclei in the KO versus the WT is ever so slightly increased. WT mice express Sgcd-protein partners in specific retinal layers, and as expected, KO mice have decreased or no protein expression, with a significant increase in the α subunit. At three months of age, there were no significant differences in the scotopic electroretinographic responses, regarding both a- and b-waves. According to our data, Sgcd-/- has a phenotype that is compatible with retinal degeneration.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutation of the gene encoding γ-sarcoglycan (SGCG), an integral membrane protein responsible for maintaining the integrity of the muscle cell sarcolemma, results in Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD), a congenital disease with no current treatment options. This member of the sarcoglycan glycoprotein family is a vital component of the Dystrophin Complex, which together facilitate normal muscle function. However, very little is known about the structure and dynamics of these proteins, and of membrane glycoproteins in general. This is due to a number of factors, including their complexity, heterogeneity and highly-specific native environments. The expression, purification, and structural study of membrane proteins is further impeded by their hydrophobic nature and consequent propensity to aggregate in aqueous solutions. Here, we report the first successful expression and purification of milligram quantities of full-length recombinant SGCG, utilizing fusion protein-guided overexpression to inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. Purification of SGCG from the fusion protein, TrpΔLE, was facilitated using chemical cleavage. Cleavage products were then isolated by size-exclusion chromatography. Successful purification of the protein was confirmed using SDS-PAGE and mass spectroscopy. Finally, solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of uniformly 15N-labeled SGCG in detergent environments was performed, yielding the first spectra of the full-length membrane glycoprotein, SGCG. These results represent the initial structural studies of SGCG, laying the foundation for further investigation on the interaction and dynamics of other integral membrane proteins. More specifically, this data allows for opportunities in the future for enhanced treatment modalities and cures for LGMD.





