
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After entering host cells by endocytosis, influenza A virus (IAV) is transported along microfilaments and then transported by dynein along microtubules (MTs) to the perinuclear region for genome release. Understanding the mechanisms of dynein-driven transport is significant for a comprehensive understanding of IAV infection. In this work, the roles of dynactin in dynein-driven transport of IAV were quantitatively dissected in situ using quantum dot-based single-virus tracking. It was revealed that dynactin was essential for dynein to transport IAV toward the nucleus. After virus entry, virus-carrying vesicles bound to dynein and dynactin before being delivered to MTs. The attachment of dynein to the vesicles was dependent on dynactin and its subunits, p150Glued and Arp1. Once viruses reached MTs, dynactin-assisted dynein initiates retrograde transport of IAV. Importantly, the retrograde transport of viruses could be initiated at both plus ends (32%) and other regions on MTs (68%). Subsequently, dynactin accompanied and assisted dynein to persistently transport the virus along MTs in the retrograde direction. This study revealed the dynactin-dependent dynein-driven transport process of IAV, enhancing our understanding of IAV infection and providing important insights into the cell\'s endocytic transport mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpesvirus assembly requires the cytoplasmic association of large macromolecular and membrane structures that derive from both the nucleus and cytoplasmic membrane systems. Results from the study of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in cells where it organizes a perinuclear cytoplasmic virus assembly compartment (cVAC) show a clear requirement for the minus-end-directed microtubule motor, dynein, for virus assembly. In contrast, the assembly of herpes simplex virus -1 (HSV-1) in epithelial cells where it forms multiple dispersed, peripheral assembly sites is only mildly inhibited by the microtubule-depolymerizing agent, nocodazole. Here, we make use of a neuronal cell line system in which HSV-1 forms a single cVAC and show that dynein and its co-factor dynactin localize to the cVAC, and dynactin is associated with membranes that contain the virion tegument protein pUL11. We also show that the virus membrane-associated structural proteins pUL51 and the viral envelope glycoprotein gE arrive at the cVAC by different routes. Specifically, gE arrives at the cVAC after retrieval from the plasma membrane, suggesting the need for an intact retrograde transport system. Finally, we demonstrate that inhibition of dynactin function profoundly inhibits cVAC formation and virus production during the cytoplasmic assembly phase of infection.IMPORTANCEMany viruses reorganize cytoplasmic membrane systems and macromolecular transport systems to promote the production of progeny virions. Clarifying the mechanisms by which they accomplish this may reveal novel therapeutic strategies and illustrate mechanisms that are critical for normal cellular organization. Here, we explore the mechanism by which HSV-1 moves macromolecular and membrane cargo to generate a virus assembly compartment in the infected cell. We find that the virus makes use of a well-characterized, microtubule-based transport system that is stabilized against drugs that disrupt microtubules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons pose a particular challenge to degradative processes like autophagy due to their long and thin processes. Autophagic vesicles (AVs) are formed at the tip of the axon and transported back to the soma. This transport is essential since the final degradation of the vesicular content occurs only close to or in the soma. Here, we established an in vivo live-imaging model in the rat optic nerve using viral vector mediated LC3-labeling and two-photon-microscopy to analyze axonal transport of AVs. Under basal conditions in vivo, 50% of the AVs are moving with a majority of 85% being transported in the retrograde direction. Transport velocity is higher in the retrograde than in the anterograde direction. A crush lesion of the optic nerve results in a rapid breakdown of retrograde axonal transport while the anterograde transport stays intact over several hours. Close to the lesion site, the formation of AVs is upregulated within the first 6 h after crush, but the clearance of AVs and the levels of lysosomal markers in the adjacent axon are reduced. Expression of p150Glued, an adaptor protein of dynein, is significantly reduced after crush lesion. In vitro, fusion and colocalization of the lysosomal marker cathepsin D with AVs are reduced after axotomy. Taken together, we present here the first in vivo analysis of axonal AV transport in the mammalian CNS using live-imaging. We find that axotomy leads to severe defects of retrograde motility and a decreased clearance of AVs via the lysosomal system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endocytic adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex binds dynactin as part of its noncanonical function, which is necessary for dynein-driven autophagosome transport along microtubules in neuronal axons. The absence of this AP-2-dependent transport causes neuronal morphology simplification and neurodegeneration. The mechanisms that lead to formation of the AP-2-dynactin complex have not been studied to date. However, the inhibition of mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) enhances the transport of newly formed autophagosomes by influencing the biogenesis and protein interactions of Rab-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP), another dynein cargo adaptor. We tested effects of mTORC1 inhibition on interactions between the AP-2 and dynactin complexes, with a focus on their two essential subunits, AP-2β and p150Glued. We found that the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin enhanced p150Glued-AP-2β complex formation in both neurons and non-neuronal cells. Additional analysis revealed that the p150Glued-AP-2β interaction was indirect and required integrity of the dynactin complex. In non-neuronal cells rapamycin-driven enhancement of the p150Glued-AP-2β interaction also required the presence of cytoplasmic linker protein 170 (CLIP-170), the activation of autophagy, and an undisturbed endolysosomal system. The rapamycin-dependent p150Glued-AP-2β interaction occurred on lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (Lamp-1)-positive organelles but without the need for autolysosome formation. Rapamycin treatment also increased the acidification and number of acidic organelles and increased speed of the long-distance retrograde movement of Lamp-1-positive organelles. Altogether, our results indicate that autophagy regulates the p150Glued-AP-2β interaction, possibly to coordinate sufficient motor-adaptor complex availability for effective lysosome transport.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial polarity is critical for proper functions of epithelial tissues, tumorigenesis, and metastasis. The evolutionarily conserved transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb) is a key regulator of epithelial polarity. Both Crb protein and its transcripts are apically localized in epithelial cells. However, it remains not fully understood how they are targeted to the apical domain. Here, using Drosophila ovarian follicular epithelia as a model, we show that epithelial polarity is lost and Crb protein is absent in the apical domain in follicular cells (FCs) in the absence of Diamond (Dind). Interestingly, Dind is found to associate with different components of the dynactin-dynein complex through co-IP-MS analysis. Dind stabilizes dynactin and depletion of dynactin results in almost identical defects as those observed in dind-defective FCs. Finally, both Dind and dynactin are also required for the apical localization of crb transcripts in FCs. Thus our data illustrate that Dind functions through dynactin/dynein-mediated transport of both Crb protein and its transcripts to the apical domain to control epithelial apico-basal (A/B) polarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neuromuscular disease that has a strong genetic component. Deleterious variants in the DCTN1 gene are known to be a cause of ALS in diverse populations. DCTN1 encodes the p150 subunit of the molecular motor dynactin which is a key player in the bidirectional transport of cargos within cells. Whether DCTN1 mutations lead to the disease through either a gain or loss of function mechanism remains unresolved. Moreover, the contribution of non-neuronal cell types, especially muscle tissue, to ALS phenotypes in DCTN1 carriers is unknown. Here we show that gene silencing of Dctn1, the Drosophila main orthologue of DCTN1, either in neurons or muscles is sufficient to cause climbing and flight defects in adult flies. We also identify Dred, a protein with high homology to Drosophila Dctn1 and human DCTN1, that on loss of function also leads to motoric impairments. A global reduction of Dctn1 induced a significant reduction in the mobility of larvae and neuromuscular junction (NMJ) deficits prior to death at the pupal stage. RNA-seq and transcriptome profiling revealed splicing alterations in genes required for synapse organisation and function, which may explain the observed motor dysfunction and synaptic defects downstream of Dctn1 ablation. Our findings support the possibility that loss of DCTN1 function can lead to ALS and underscore an important requirement for DCTN1 in muscle in addition to neurons.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Chromosome biorientation on the mitotic spindle is prerequisite to errorless genome inheritance. CENP-E (kinesin 7) and Dynein-Dynactin (DD), microtubule motors with opposite polarity, promote biorientation from the kinetochore corona, a polymeric structure whose assembly requires MPS1 kinase. The corona\'s building block consists of ROD, Zwilch, ZW10, and the DD adaptor Spindly (RZZS). How CENP-E and DD are scaffolded and mutually coordinated in the corona remains unclear. Here, we report near-complete depletion of RZZS and DD from kinetochores after depletion of CENP-E and the outer kinetochore protein KNL1. With inhibited MPS1, CENP-E, which we show binds directly to RZZS, is required to retain kinetochore RZZS. An RZZS phosphomimetic mutant bypasses this requirement. With active MPS1, CENP-E is dispensable for corona expansion, but strictly required for physiological kinetochore accumulation of DD. Thus, we identify the corona as an integrated scaffold where CENP-E kinesin controls DD kinetochore loading for coordinated bidirectional transport of chromosome cargo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynein is the primary minus-end-directed microtubule motor protein. To achieve activation, dynein binds to the dynactin complex and an adaptor to form the \"activated dynein complex.\" The protein Lis1 aids activation by binding to dynein and promoting its association with dynactin and the adaptor. Ndel1 and its paralog Nde1 are dynein- and Lis1-binding proteins that help control dynein localization within the cell. Cell-based assays suggest that Ndel1-Nde1 also work with Lis1 to promote dynein activation, although the underlying mechanism is unclear. Using purified proteins and quantitative binding assays, here we found that the C-terminal region of Ndel1 contributes to dynein binding and negatively regulates binding to Lis1. Using single-molecule imaging and protein biochemistry, we observed that Ndel1 inhibits dynein activation in two distinct ways. First, Ndel1 disfavors the formation of the activated dynein complex. We found that phosphomimetic mutations in the C-terminal domain of Ndel1 increase its ability to inhibit dynein-dynactin-adaptor complex formation. Second, we observed that Ndel1 interacts with dynein and Lis1 simultaneously and sequesters Lis1 away from its dynein-binding site. In doing this, Ndel1 prevents Lis1-mediated dynein activation. Together, our work suggests that in vitro, Ndel1 is a negative regulator of dynein activation, which contrasts with cellular studies where Ndel1 promotes dynein activity. To reconcile our findings with previous work, we posit that Ndel1 functions to scaffold dynein and Lis1 together while keeping dynein in an inhibited state. We speculate that Ndel1 release can be triggered in cellular settings to allow for timed dynein activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a recent study, Chaaban and Carter use cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and an innovative data-processing pipeline to determine the first high-resolution structure of the dynein-dynactin-BICDR1 complex assembled on microtubules. The structure of the complex reveals novel stoichiometry and provides new mechanistic insight into dynein function and mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytoplasmic dynein-1 is activated by dynactin and a cargo adaptor for processive transport along microtubules. Dynein\'s motility can be visualized at the single-molecule level using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Our understanding of the motile behavior of the dynein/dynactin complex has been aided by advances in recombinant expression, in particular for dynein. Here, I describe the purification of recombinant dynein and cargo adaptors, and endogenous dynactin and detail a protocol for the single-molecule motility assay. In this assay, microtubules are first immobilized on a coverslip. A fluorescently labeled dynein/dynactin/cargo adaptor complex is then added, allowing for the measurement of key motility parameters as the complex walks along the microtubule.





