disjunct distribution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The doryline ant genus Eburopone Borowiec, 2016 currently contains only one valid species, E.wroughtoni (Forel, 1910) from southern Africa, with a considerable number of undescribed species awaiting formal description in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. In the present paper, Eburoponeeasoanasp. nov. is described based on workers and dealate queens from a colony series collected in an evergreen forest on the Dak Lak Plateau of Vietnam (Ea So Nature Reserve, Dak Lak Province). The worker of the new species is morphologically clearly distinguished from E.wroughtoni by the combination of following characteristics: i) frontal line distinct, extending a little beyond mid-length of cranium; ii) anterior (frontoclypeal) margins of torulo-posttorular complex not forming conspicuous lobes protruding over anterior clypeal margin in full-face view; iii) mandibles when closed in full-face view forming only a little space between anterior clypeal margin and mandibles; iv) promesonotal suture faint and inconspicuous; v) abdominal segment III in dorsal view distinctly wider than long, with lateral margins only feebly convex. This represents the first discovery of the genus Eburopone in the Oriental realm, revealing the disjunct distribution of the genus. A partial sequence of the mitochondrial COI gene (658 bp) is provided as a DNA barcode for the new species. A worker-based key to the doryline genera of the Oriental realm is also provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tribe Hydrangeeae displays a unique, distinctive disjunct distribution encompassing East Asia, North America and Hawaii. Despite its complex trait variations and polyphyletic nature, comprehensive phylogenomic and biogeographical studies on this tribe have been lacking. To address this gap, we sequenced and characterized 28 plastomes of Hydrangeeae. Our study highlights the highly conserved nature of Hydrangeaceae chloroplast (cp) genomes in terms of gene content and arrangement. Notably, synapomorphic characteristics of tandem repeats in the conserved domain of accD were observed in the Macrophyllae, Chinenses, and Dichroa sections within the Hydrangeeae tribe. Additionally, we found lower expression of accD in these sections using structure prediction and quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Phylogenomic analyses revealed the subdivision of the Hydrangeeae tribe into two clades with robust support values. Consistent with polyphyletic relationships, sect. Broussaisia was identified as the basal group in the tribe Hydrangeeae. Our study also provides insights into the phylogenetic relationships of Hydrangea petiolaris in the Jeju and Ulleung Island populations, suggesting the need for further studies with more samples and molecular data. Divergence time estimation and biogeographical analyses suggested that the common ancestors of the tribe Hydrangeeae likely originated from North America and East Asia during the Paleocene period via the Bering Land Bridge, potentially facilitating migration within the tribe between these regions. In conclusion, this study enhances our understanding of the evolutionary history and biogeography of the tribe Hydrangeeae, shedding light on the dispersal patterns and origins of this intriguing plant group with its unique disjunct distribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demonstrating the process of transregional biogeography and mechanisms underlying evolutionary radiations is crucial to understanding biological evolution. Here, we use Hydrangeeae (Hydrangeaceae), a tribe with a unique disjunct distribution and complex trait variations, using a solid phylogenetic framework, to investigate how geographical and climatic factors interact with functional traits to trigger plant evolutionary radiations. We constructed the first highly supported and dated phylogenetic framework using 79 protein-coding genes obtained from 81 plastomes, representing 63 species and all major clades, and found that most extant species originated from asynchronous diversification of two lineages undergoing repeated expansion and retraction, at middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere between East Asia and North America, during the Eocene to Pleistocene (driven by geologic and climatic dynamics). In accordance with these drivers, interactions of flora between central-eastern China and Japan occurred frequently after the Late Tertiary. We found that resource limitation and range fragmentation probably accelerated the diversification of Hydrangeeae, which supports the resource-use hypothesis. Our study sheds light on the evolutionary radiation and assembly of flora within East Asia, and the East Asian-North American disjunction, through integration of phylogenomic and biogeographic data with functional trait and ecological data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eriophyoidea is a group of phytoparasitic mites with poorly resolved phylogeny. Previous studies inferred Eriophyidae s.l. as the largest molecular clade of Eriophyoidea, and Nothopodinae as the basal divergence of Eriophyidae s.l. We investigate the morphology and molecular phylogeny of Nothopoda todeican. sp. (Nothopodinae, Nothopodini), associated with a disjunct Afro-Australasian fern Todea barbara (Osmundaceae) from South Africa. Our analyses (1) determine new erroneous sequences (KF782375, KF782475, KF782586) wrongly assigned to Nothopodinae instead of Phyllocoptinae, (2) confirm the basal position of Nothopodinae in Eriophyoidea s.l., (3) question the monophyly of the Colopodacini and Nothopodini tribes, and (4) show the nested position of African fern-associated Nothopoda within a clade dominated by Asian nothopodines from angiosperms, which implies (a) a secondary association of nothopodines with ferns and (b) no relation between geography (continents) and the phylogenetic relationships of Nothopodinae species. Finally, we obtained a first complete mitochondrial genome for Nothopodinae and revealed a new gene order in the mitogenome of N. todeican. sp., notably deviating from those in other investigated eriophyoids. Our results contribute to resolving the phylogeny of Eriophyoidea and provide an example of an integrative study of a new taxon belonging to an economically important group of acariform mites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Phylogenomics have been widely used to resolve ambiguous and controversial evolutionary relationships among plant species and genera, and the identification of unique indels in plastomes may even help to understand the evolution of some plant families. Menispermum L. (Menispermaceae) consists of three species, M. dauricum DC., M. canadense L., and M. mexicanum Rose, which are disjuncly distributed among East Asia, Eastern North America and Mexico. Taxonomists continue to debate whether M. mexicanum is a distinct species, a variety of M. dauricum, or simply a synonym of M. canadense. To date, no molecular systematics studies have included this doubtful species in phylogenetic analyses.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we examined phylogenomics and phylogeography of Menispermum across its entire range using 29 whole plastomes of Menispermaceae and 18 ITS1&ITS2 sequences of Menispermeae. We reconstructed interspecific relationships of Menispermum and explored plastome evolution in Menispermaceae, revealing several genomic hotspot regions for the family.
    UNASSIGNED: Phylogenetic and network analyses based on whole plastome and ITS1&ITS2 sequences show that Menispermum clusters into two clades with high support values, Clade A (M. dauricum) and Clade B (M. canadense + M. mexicanum). However, M. mexicanum is nested within M. canadense and, as a result, we support that M. mexicanum is a synonym of M. canadense. We also identified important molecular variations in the plastomes of Menispermaceae. Several indels and consequently premature terminations of genes occur in Menispermaceae. A total of 54 regions were identified as the most highly variable plastome regions, with nucleotide diversity (Pi) values > 0.05, including two coding genes (matK, ycf1), four introns (trnK intron, rpl16 intron, rps16 intron, ndhA intron), and 48 intergenic spacer (IGS) regions. Of these, four informative hotspot regions (trnH-psbA, ndhF-rpl32, trnK-rps16, and trnP-psaJ) should be especially useful for future studies of phylogeny, phylogeography and conservation genetics of Menispermaceae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several cryptic avian species have been validated by recent integrative taxonomic efforts in the Sino-Himalayan mountains, indicating that avian diversity in this global biodiversity hotspot may be underestimated. In the present study, we investigated species limits in the genus Tarsiger, the bush robins, a group of montane forest specialists with high species richness in the Sino-Himalayan region. Based on comprehensive sampling of all 11 subspecies of the six currently recognized species, we applied an integrative taxonomic approach by combining multilocus, acoustic, plumage and morphometric analyses. Our results reveal that the isolated north-central Chinese populations of Tarsiger cyanurus, described as the subspecies albocoeruleus but usually considered invalid, is distinctive in genetics and vocalisation, but only marginally differentiated in morphology. We also found the Taiwan endemic T. indicus formosanus to be distinctive in genetics, song and morphology from T. i. indicus and T. i. yunnanensis of the Sino-Himalayan mountains. Moreover, Bayesian species delimitation using BPP suggests that both albocoeruleus and formosanus merit full species status. We propose their treatment as \'Qilian Bluetail\' T. albocoeruleus and \'Taiwan Bush Robin\' T. formosanus, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parallelodromia gen. nov. is described with the inclusion of two new species from South Africa (P. glenlyonensis sp. nov. and P. hantamica sp. nov.) and a new species (P. turkmenistanica sp. nov.) from Turkmenistan. The genus is fully illustrated along with a discussion of its unusual disjunct geographic distribution and its phylogenetic relationship within the Tachydromiinae tribe Drapetidini.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution area of the tufted ghost crab Ocypode cursor includes two widely separate sub-areas, i.e. the tropical and subtropical Atlantic coasts of Africa and Macaronesia, and the central-eastern Mediterranean basin. The current disjunct distribution of the species is possibly the remnant of a previous wider and continuous distribution area that was fragmented during the Pleistocene, with the disappearance of the species from the temperate Atlantic Ocean and the western Mediterranean basin, and its survival in the warmer areas of the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Such disjunction is thus compatible with an ancient isolation between the Mediterranean and Atlantic populations of the species, which could in fact constitute two well-characterized independent evolutionary lineages, or even two cryptic species. Unexpectedly, the sequencing of a fragment of the mtDNA COI gene from Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocypode cursor allopatric populations showed the cohesion of the species throughout its distribution range, and the nesting of Mediterranean populations within the single Atlantic population studied. This pattern is hereby tentatively ascribed to an incomplete lineage sorting due to the large population sizes of both the Atlantic and Mediterranean subpopulations of the species. The current westward expansion of the species in the Mediterranean Sea originating from the Levantine basin, due to ongoing regional sea warming, follows a typical phalanx dispersal mode.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Hydrangea section Cornidia consists of 26 currently accepted species and a yet undefined number of new species and erroneously synonymized taxa. This clade consists of (sub)tropical lianas occurring from northern Mexico to southern Chile and Argentina, and one species from Southeast Asia. Currently, no molecular phylogenetic hypothesis is available that includes more than a few species of this section. Hence, a resolved and well-sampled molecular phylogenetic hypothesis may help to enforce taxonomic decisions. In this study, we present a phylogenetic framework based on sequences from two low copy nuclear genes from a comprehensive taxon sampling of H. section Cornidia and a selection of outgroups. Our phylogenetic reconstructions prove the non-monophyly of the traditionally recognized subsections Monosegia and Polysegia and their corresponding series, Speciosae and Aphananthae, and Synstyleae and Chorystyleae, respectively. Three morphologically defined species were recovered with high support as monophyletic, namely, Hydrangea panamensis, Hydrangea serratifolia, and Hydrangea tarapotensis. However, statistical support for some shallow nodes did not allow to refute, with high support, the monophyly of several of the herein recognized species for which more than one individual could be analyzed. Based on the obtained phylogenetic framework, we reconstructed the evolution of selected reproductive characters. Hydrangea section Cornidia is the only genus section for which dioecism has been extensively documented. Our character reconstruction of sexual dimorphism shows that dioecism is the ancestral state in this section and that this was reversed to monoecy in Hydrangea seemannii and Hydrangea integrifolia. Character reconstruction for the enlarged marginal flowers recovered their presence as the ancestral character state in H. section Cornidia, although at least three internal lineages independently lost them; thus, losses were reconstructed to be more likely than gain. With respect to the flower color, more species exhibit white than red flowers, and white is reconstructed as the ancestral state. Cornidia also shows an unusual disjunct geographic distribution between Asia and Central Mesoamerica-South America, as it is not present in the USA and Canada. The origin of Cornidia is reconstructed to be the New World with higher probability, and the presence of one species in Asia is likely due to long-distance dispersal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperate woody plants in the Northern Hemisphere have long been known to exhibit high species richness in East Asia and North America and significantly lower diversity in Europe, but the causes of this pattern remain debated. Here, we quantify the roles of dispersal, niche evolution, and extinction in shaping the geographic diversity of the temperate woody plant family Juglandaceae (walnuts and their relatives). Integrating evidence from molecular, morphological, fossil, and (paleo)environmental data, we find strong support for a Boreotropical origin of the family with contrasting evolutionary trajectories between the temperate subfamily Juglandoideae and the tropical subfamily Engelhardioideae. Juglandoideae rapidly evolved frost tolerance when the global climate shifted to ice-house conditions from the Oligocene, with diversification at high latitudes especially in Europe and Asia during the Miocene. Subsequent range contraction at high latitudes and high levels of extinction in Europe driven by global cooling led to the current regional disparity in species diversity. Engelhardioideae showed temperature conservatism while adapting to increased humidity, tracking tropical climates to low latitudes since the middle Eocene with comparatively little diversification, perhaps due to high competition in the tropical zone. The biogeographic history of Juglandaceae shows that the North Atlantic land bridge and Europe played more critical roles than previously thought in linking the floras of East Asia and North America, and showcases the complex interplay among climate change, niche evolution, dispersal, and extinction that shaped the modern disjunct pattern of species richness in temperate woody plants. [Boreotropical origin; climatic niche evolution; disjunct distribution; dispersal; diversity anomaly; extinction; Juglandaceae.].






