
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tilletia indica Mitra causes Karnal bunt (KB) in wheat by pathogenic dikaryophase. The present study is the first to provide the draft genomes of the dikaryon (PSWKBGD-3) and its two monosporidial lines (PSWKBGH-1 and 2) using Illumina and PacBio reads, their annotation and the comparative analyses among the three genomes by extracting polymorphic SSR markers. The trancriptome from infected wheat grains of the susceptible wheat cultivar WL711 at 24 h, 48h, and 7d after inoculation of PSWKBGH-1, 2 and PSWKBGD-3 were also isolated. Further, two transcriptome analyses were performed utilizing T. indica transcriptome to extract dikaryon genes responsible for pathogenesis, and wheat transcriptome to extract wheat genes affected by dikaryon involved in plant-pathogen interaction during progression of KB in wheat. A total of 54, 529, and 87 genes at 24hai, 48hai, and 7dai, respectively were upregulated in dikaryon stage while 21, 35, and 134 genes of T. indica at 24hai, 48hai, and 7dai, respectively, were activated only in dikaryon stage. While, a total of 23, 17, and 52 wheat genes at 24hai, 48hai, and 7dai, respectively were upregulated due to the presence of dikaryon stage only. The results obtained during this study have been compiled in a web resource called TiGeR ( http://backlin.cabgrid.res.in/tiger/ ), which is the first genomic resource for T. indica cataloguing genes, genomic and polymorphic SSRs of the three T. indica lines, wheat and T. indica DEGs as well as wheat genes affected by T. indica dikaryon along with the pathogenecity related proteins of T. indica dikaryon during incidence of KB at different time points. The present study would be helpful to understand the role of dikaryon in plant-pathogen interaction during progression of KB, which would be helpful to manage KB in wheat, and to develop KB-resistant wheat varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study compared the pathogenicity of monokaryotic (monokaryon) and dikaryotic (dikaryon) mycelia of the oil palm pathogen Ganoderma boninense via metabolomics approach. Ethyl acetate crude extracts of monokaryon and dikaryon were analysed by liquid chromatography quadrupole/time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (LC-Q/TOF-MS) coupled with multivariate data analysis using MetaboAnalyst. The mummichog algorithm was also used to identify the functional activities of monokaryon and dikaryon without a priori identification of all their secondary metabolites. Results revealed that monokaryon produced lesser fungal metabolites than dikaryon, suggesting that monokaryon had a lower possibility of inducing plant infection. These findings were further supported by the identified functional activities. Monokaryon exhibits tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan metabolism, which are important for fungal growth and development and to produce toxin precursors. In contrast, dikaryon exhibits the metabolism of cysteine and methionine, arginine and proline, and phenylalanine, which are important for fungal growth, development, virulence, and pathogenicity. As such, monokaryon is rendered non-pathogenic as it produces growth metabolites and toxin precursors, whereas dikaryon is pathogenic as it produces metabolites that are involved in fungal growth and pathogenicity. The LC-MS-based metabolomics approach contributes significantly to our understanding of the pathogenesis of Ganoderma boninense, which is essential for disease management in oil palm plantations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper addresses the stability of mycelial growth in fungi and differences between ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. Starting with general evolutionary theories of multicellularity and the role of sex, we then discuss individuality in fungi. Recent research has demonstrated the deleterious consequences of nucleus-level selection in fungal mycelia, favoring cheaters with a nucleus-level benefit during spore formation but a negative effect on mycelium-level fitness. Cheaters appear to generally be loss-of-fusion (LOF) mutants, with a higher propensity to form aerial hyphae developing into asexual spores. Since LOF mutants rely on heterokaryosis with wild-type nuclei, we argue that regular single-spore bottlenecks can efficiently select against such cheater mutants. We then zoom in on ecological differences between ascomycetes being typically fast-growing but short-lived with frequent asexual-spore bottlenecks and basidiomycetes being generally slow-growing but long-lived and usually without asexual-spore bottlenecks. We argue that these life history differences have coevolved with stricter nuclear quality checks in basidiomycetes. Specifically, we propose a new function for clamp connections, structures formed during the sexual stage in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes but during somatic growth only in basidiomycete dikaryons. During dikaryon cell division, the two haploid nuclei temporarily enter a monokaryotic phase, by alternatingly entering a retrograde-growing clamp cell, which subsequently fuses with the subapical cell to recover the dikaryotic cell. We hypothesize that clamp connections act as screening devices for nuclear quality, with both nuclei continuously testing each other for fusion ability, a test that LOF mutants will fail. By linking differences in longevity of the mycelial phase to ecology and stringency of nuclear quality checks, we propose that mycelia have a constant and low lifetime cheating risk, irrespective of their size and longevity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flammulina filiformis, as one of the most popular edible fungi in East Asia, is produced in an industrialized and standardized way. However, its monotonous variety and product convergence have seriously restricted the development of the industry. In this study, 11 cultivated strains and 13 wild strains of F. filiformis were collected from multiple regions of China and Japan and were performed genome sequencing. Together with genome data of six strains previously released, in total 23 dikaryons (formed by two monokaryons mating, can making fruiting body), 35 monokaryons (formed by protoplast-regenerating of dikaryon and isolating) were used for genetic diversity and population structure analysis based on the high-throughput genotyping. Firstly, a set of SNP markers with intrapopulation polymorphism including 849,987 bi-allelic SNPs were developed and basically covered all of 11 chromosomes with a high distribution density of 24.16 SNP markers per kb. The cultivated dikaryotic strains were divided into three subgroups, and their breeding history was made inferences, which is consistent with the available pedigree records. The wild dikaryotic strains were divided into two subgroups and showed varied contributions of genetic components with high genetic diversity. All the investigated dikaryons have a symmetric distribution pattern with their two constituent monokaryons in principal component analysis. Finally, we summarized the pedigree relationship diagram of F. filiformis main strains including six modules, and the genotypes of hybrids can be directly phased by the known parental allele according to it. This study provides a method to distinguish two sets of monokaryon haplotypes, and several valuable genetic resources of wild F. filiformis, and an effective strategy for guiding F. filiformis breeding based on the population structure and pedigree relationship in future.






  • 文章类型: Review
    In this review, I explore the pervasive but underappreciated role of local adaptation in fungi. It has been difficult historically to study local adaptation in fungi because of the limited understanding of fungal species and their traits, but new hope has been offered with technological advances in sequencing. The filamentous nature of fungi invalidates some assumptions made in evolution because of their ability to exist as multinucleate entities with genetically different nuclei sharing the same cytoplasm. Many insights on local adaptation have come from studying fungi, and much of the empirical evidence gathered about local adaptation in the context of host-pathogen interactions comes from studying fungal virulence genes, drug resistance, and environmental adaptation. Together, these insights paint a picture of the variety of processes involved in fungal local adaptation and their connections to the unusual cell biology of Fungi (multinucleate, filamentous habit), but there is much that remains unknown, with major gaps in our knowledge of fungal species, their phenotypes, and the ways by which they adapt to local conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lentinula edodes is a tetrapolar basidiomycete with two haploid nuclei in each cell during most of their life cycle. Understanding the two haploid nuclei genome structures and their interactions on growth and fruiting body development has significant practical implications, especially for commercial cultivars. In this study, we isolated and assembled the two haploid genomes from a commercial strain of L. edodes using Illumina, HiFi, and Hi-C technologies. The total genome lengths were 50.93 Mb and 49.80 Mb for the two monokaryons SP3 and SP30, respectively, with each assembled into 10 chromosomes with 99.63% and 98.91% anchoring rates, respectively, for contigs more than 100 Kb. Genome comparisons suggest that two haploid nuclei likely derived from distinct genetic ancestries, with ~30% of their genomes being unique or non-syntenic. Consistent with a tetrapolar mating system, the two mating-type loci A (matA) and B (matB) of L. edodes were found located on two different chromosomes. However, we identified a new but incomplete homeodomain (HD) sublocus at ~2.8 Mb from matA in both monokaryons. Our study provides a solid foundation for investigating the relationships among cultivars and between cultivars and wild strains and for studying how two genetically divergent nuclei coordinate to regulate fruiting body formation in L. edodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-to-cell fusion is a fundamental biological process across the tree of life. In filamentous fungi, somatic fusion (or anastomosis) is required for the normal development of their syncytial hyphal networks, and it can initiate non-sexual genetic exchange processes, such as horizontal genetic transfer and the parasexual cycle. Although these could be important drivers of the evolution of asexual fungi, this remains a largely unexplored possibility due to the lack of suitable resources for their study in these puzzling organisms. We thus aimed at the characterization of cell fusion in the important asexual fungus Verticillium dahliae via Conidial Anastomosis Tubes (CATs), which can be useful for the analysis of parasexuality. We optimized appropriate procedures for their highly reproducible quantification and live-cell imaging, which were used to characterize their physiology and cell biology, and to start elucidating their underlying genetic machinery. Formation of CATs was shown to depend on growth conditions and require functional Fus3 and Slt2 MAP kinases, as well as the NADPH oxidase NoxA, whereas the GPCR Ste2 and the mating-type protein MAT1-2-1 were dispensable. We show that nuclei and other organelles can migrate through CATs, which often leads to the formation of transient dikaryons. Their nuclei have possible windows of opportunity for genetic interaction before degradation of one by a presumably homeostatic mechanism. We establish here CAT-mediated fusion in V. dahliae as an experimentally convenient system for the cytological analysis of fungal non-sexual genetic interactions. We expect that it will facilitate the dissection of sexual alternatives in asexual fungi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basidiomycete Pleurotus sapidus produced a dye-decolorizing peroxidase (PsaPOX) with alkene cleavage activity, implying potential as a biocatalyst for the fragrance and flavor industry. To increase the activity, a daughter-generation of 101 basidiospore-derived monokaryons (MK) was used. After a pre-selection according to the growth rate, the activity analysis revealed a stable intraspecific variability of the strains regarding peroxidase and alkene cleavage activity of PsaPOX. Ten monokaryons reached activities up to 2.6-fold higher than the dikaryon, with MK16 showing the highest activity. Analysis of the PsaPOX gene identified three different enzyme variants. These were co-responsible for the observed differences in activities between strains as verified by heterologous expression in Komagataella phaffii. The mutation S371H in enzyme variant PsaPOX_high caused an activity increase alongside a higher protein stability, while the eleven mutations in variant PsaPOX_low resulted in an activity decrease, which was partially based on a shift of the pH optimum from 3.5 to 3.0. Transcriptional analysis revealed the increased expression of PsaPOX in MK16 as reason for the higher PsaPOX activity in comparison to other strains producing the same PsaPOX variant. Thus, different expression profiles, as well as enzyme variants, were identified as crucial factors for the intraspecific variability of the PsaPOX activity in the monokaryons.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stripe rust of wheat, caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici, is a major threat to wheat production worldwide with an estimated yearly loss of US $1 billion. The recent advances in long-read sequencing technologies and tailored-assembly algorithms enabled us to disentangle the two haploid genomes of Pst. This provides us with haplotype-specific information at a whole-genome level. Exploiting this novel information, we perform whole-genome comparative genomics of two P. striiformis f.sp. tritici isolates with contrasting life histories. We compare one isolate of the old European lineage (PstS0), which has been asexual for over 50 years, and a Warrior isolate (PstS7 lineage) from a novel incursion into Europe in 2011 from a sexual population in the Himalayan region. This comparison provides evidence that long-term asexual evolution leads to genome expansion, accumulation of transposable elements, and increased heterozygosity at the single nucleotide, structural, and allele levels. At the whole-genome level, candidate effectors are not compartmentalized and do not exhibit reduced levels of synteny. Yet we were able to identify two subsets of candidate effector populations. About 70% of candidate effectors are invariant between the two isolates, whereas 30% are hypervariable. The latter might be involved in host adaptation on wheat and explain the different phenotypes of the two isolates. Overall, this detailed comparative analysis of two haplotype-aware assemblies of P. striiformis f.sp. tritici is the first step in understanding the evolution of dikaryotic rust fungi at a whole-genome level.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A barrier to cost-efficient biomanufacturing is the instability of engineered genetic elements, such as plasmids. Instability can also manifest at the whole-genome level, when fungal dikaryons revert to parental species due to nuclear segregation during cell division. Here, we show that by encapsulating Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Pichia stipitis dikaryons in an alginate matrix, we can limit cell division and preserve their expanded metabolic capabilities. As a proxy to cellulosic ethanol production, we tested the capacity of such cells to carry out ethanologenic fermentation of glucose and xylose, examining substrate use, ploidy, and cell viability in relation to planktonic fusants, as well as in relation to planktonic and encapsulated cell cultures consisting of mixtures of these species. Glucose and xylose consumption and ethanol production by encapsulated dikaryons were greater than planktonic controls. Simultaneous co-fermentation did not occur; rather the order and kinetics of glucose and xylose catabolism by encapsulated dikaryons were similar to cultures where the two species were encapsulated together. Over repeated cycles of fed-batch culture, encapsulated S. cerevisiae-P. stipitis fusants exhibited a dramatic increase in genomic stability, relative to planktonic fusants. Encapsulation also increased the stability of antibiotic-resistance plasmids used to mark each species and preserved a fixed ratio of S. cerevisiae to P. stipitis cells in mixed cultures. Our data demonstrate how encapsulating cells in an extracellular matrix restricts cell division and, thereby, preserves the stability and biological activity of entities ranging from genomes to plasmids to mixed populations, each of which can be essential to cost-efficient biomanufacturing.






