digital psychiatry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adverse events (AEs) are commonly reported in clinical studies using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA), an international standard for drug safety monitoring. However, the technical language of MedDRA makes it challenging for patients and clinicians to share understanding and therefore to make shared decisions about medical interventions. In this project, people with lived experience of depression and antidepressant treatment worked with clinicians and researchers to co-design an online dictionary of AEs associated with antidepressants, taking into account its ease of use and applicability to real-world settings.
    METHODS: Through a pre-defined literature search, we identified MedDRA-coded AEs from randomised controlled trials of antidepressants used in the treatment of depression. In collaboration with the McPin Foundation, four co-design workshops with a lived experience advisory panel (LEAP) and one independent focus group (FG) were conducted to produce user-friendly translations of AE terms. Guiding principles for translation were co-designed with McPin/LEAP members and defined before the finalisation of Clinical Codes (CCs, or non-technical terms to represent specific AE concepts). FG results were thematically analysed using the Framework Method.
    RESULTS: Starting from 522 trials identified by the search, 736 MedDRA-coded AE terms were translated into 187 CCs, which balanced key factors identified as important to the LEAP and FG (namely, breadth, specificity, generalisability, patient-understandability and acceptability). Work with the LEAP showed that a user-friendly language of AEs should aim to mitigate stigma, acknowledge the multiple levels of comprehension in \'lay\' language and balance the need for semantic accuracy with user-friendliness. Guided by these principles, an online dictionary of AEs was co-designed and made freely available ( ). The digital tool was perceived by the LEAP and FG as a resource which could feasibly improve antidepressant treatment by facilitating the accurate, meaningful expression of preferences about potential harms through a shared decision-making process.
    CONCLUSIONS: This dictionary was developed in English around AEs from antidepressants in depression but it can be adapted to different languages and cultural contexts, and can also become a model for other interventions and disorders (i.e., antipsychotics in schizophrenia). Co-designed digital resources may improve the patient experience by helping to deliver personalised information on potential benefits and harms in an evidence-based, preference-sensitive way.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Eating disorders (EDs) take a life every 52 minutes and treatments are ineffective for ∼50% of individuals. Though EDs are heterogeneous illnesses, current evidence-based treatments take a \"one-size-fits-all\" approach. Network-Informed Personalized Treatment is a new promising treatment for EDs, but clinician-patient-friendly software tools are needed to integrate this guidance system into routine treatment. Adoption is key for impact, necessitating the inclusion of clinicians in the software development. The current pilot assessed a new data-driven clinician-guidance therapeutic.
    UNASSIGNED: A two-part pilot was analyzed for quantitative (0-not at all to 10-extremely) and qualitative input on user perception through quantitative and open-ended prompted questions evaluating using personalizing ED treatment with the Awaken Digital Guide therapeutic.
    UNASSIGNED: Results demonstrated that clinicians in a focus group (N = 9) and clinician/patient dyads within implementation (N = 10) endorsed improved efficiency, effectiveness, self-awareness, and accuracy using Awaken Digital Guide compared to current treatment as suggested by quantitative and qualitative results. Both clinicians and patients rated the tool positively (6.8-9.6/5.8-8.6, respectively) with an average rating of good and excellent.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings suggest that ED-specialized clinicians desire data-driven guidance on personalizing ED treatment. Users perceive Awaken Digital Guide therapeutic with potential to increase collaboration, motivation, efficiency, and effectiveness of ED personalized treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digital psychiatry, defined as the application of health technologies to the prevention, assessment, and treatment of mental health illnesses, is a growing field. Interest in the clinical use of these technologies continues to grow. However, psychiatric trainees receive limited or no formal education on the topic.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to pilot a curriculum on digital psychiatry for a US-based psychiatry residency training program and examine the change in learner confidence regarding appraisal and clinical recommendation of digital mental health apps.
    METHODS: Two 60-minute sessions were presented through a web-based platform to postgraduate year 2-4 residents training in psychiatry at a US-based adult psychiatry residency program. Learner confidence was assessed using pre- and postsession surveys.
    RESULTS: Matched pre- and postsession quizzes showed improved confidence in multiple domains aligning with the course objectives. This included the structured appraisal of digital mental health apps (P=.03), assessment of a patient\'s digital health literacy (P=.01), formal recommendation of digital health tools (P=.03), and prescription of digital therapeutics to patients (P=.03). Though an improvement from baseline, mean ratings for confidence did not exceed \"somewhat comfortable\" on any of the above measures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows the feasibility of implementing a digital psychiatry curriculum for residents in multiple levels of training. We also identified an opportunity to increase learner confidence in the appraisal and clinical use of digital mental health apps through the use of a formal curriculum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limited awareness, social stigma, and access to mental health professionals hinder early detection and intervention of internet gaming disorder (IGD), which has emerged as a significant concern among young individuals. Prevalence estimates vary between 0.7% and 15.6%, and its recognition in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition underscores its impact on academic functioning, social isolation, and mental health challenges.
    This study aimed to uncover digital phenotypes for the early detection of IGD among adolescents in learning settings. By leveraging sensor data collected from student tablets, the overarching objective is to incorporate these digital indicators into daily school activities to establish these markers as a mental health screening tool, facilitating the early identification and intervention for IGD cases.
    A total of 168 voluntary participants were engaged, consisting of 85 students with IGD and 83 students without IGD. There were 53% (89/168) female and 47% (79/168) male individuals, all within the age range of 13-14 years. The individual students learned their Korean literature and mathematics lessons on their personal tablets, with sensor data being automatically collected. Multiple regression with bootstrapping and multivariate ANOVA were used, prioritizing interpretability over predictability, for cross-validation purposes.
    A negative correlation between IGD Scale (IGDS) scores and learning outcomes emerged (r166=-0.15; P=.047), suggesting that higher IGDS scores were associated with lower learning outcomes. Multiple regression identified 5 key indicators linked to IGD, explaining 23% of the IGDS score variance: stroke acceleration (β=.33; P<.001), time interval between keys (β=-0.26; P=.01), word spacing (β=-0.25; P<.001), deletion (β=-0.24; P<.001), and horizontal length of strokes (β=0.21; P=.02). Multivariate ANOVA cross-validated these findings, revealing significant differences in digital phenotypes between potential IGD and non-IGD groups. The average effect size, measured by Cohen d, across the indicators was 0.40, indicating a moderate effect. Notable distinctions included faster stroke acceleration (Cohen d=0.68; P=<.001), reduced word spacing (Cohen d=.57; P=<.001), decreased deletion behavior (Cohen d=0.33; P=.04), and longer horizontal strokes (Cohen d=0.34; P=.03) in students with potential IGD compared to their counterparts without IGD.
    The aggregated findings show a negative correlation between IGD and learning performance, highlighting the effectiveness of digital markers in detecting IGD. This underscores the importance of digital phenotyping in advancing mental health care within educational settings. As schools adopt a 1-device-per-student framework, digital phenotyping emerges as a promising early detection method for IGD. This shift could transform clinical approaches from reactive to proactive measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mental healthcare workforce shortage in Nigeria poses a major obstacle to mental health services scale-up. Digital psychiatry may provide a veritable platform to bridge treatment gaps.
    UNASSIGNED: To provide an overview of quantity and range of peer-reviewed publications on digital psychiatry in Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: A comprehensive literature search encompassed all original, peer-reviewed research articles on digital psychiatry in Nigeria. PubMed, Google Scholar, and a direct exploration of relevant journal article reference lists were utilised. Inclusion criteria covered peer-reviewed original articles conducted in Nigeria between January 2013 and January 2023, regardless of quality. Exclusions comprised case reports, reviews, dissertations, and abstracts.
    UNASSIGNED: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines were adhered to, while methodological framework of Arksey and O\'Malley was used to describe the review.
    UNASSIGNED: Fourteen studies meeting inclusion criteria exhibited two primary research areas: implementation and intervention. Most studies focused on intervention strategies, showcasing efficacy of digital devices in enhancing outcomes in depression and clinic appointments. Implementation studies indicated favorable acceptance by both clients and healthcare practitioners.
    UNASSIGNED: Digital technology seems acceptable to Nigerian patients and clinicians. Policies to operationalise provision of digital healthcare services will have positive impact in addressing unmet mental health needs. Finally, the quality of the evidence from majority of studies has to be enhanced, and additional studies are required to uncover gaps in some regions of the country.
    UNASSIGNED: This research demonstrates that, despite some drawbacks, digital methods of providing mental healthcare are practical in Nigeria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) bear the greater share of the global mental health burden but are ill-equipped to deal with it because of severe resource constraints leading to a large treatment gap. The remote provision of mental health services by digital means can effectively augment conventional services in LMICs to reduce the treatment gap. Digital psychiatry in LMICs has always lagged behind high-income countries, but there have been encouraging developments in the last decade. There is increasing research on the efficacy of digital psychiatric interventions. However, the evidence is not adequate to conclude that digital psychiatric interventions are invariably effective in LMICs. A striking development has been the rise in mobile and smartphone ownership in LMICs, which has driven the increasing use of mobile technologies to deliver mental health services. An innovative use of mobile technologies has been to optimize task-shifting, which involves delivering mental healthcare services in community settings using non-specialist health professionals. Emerging evidence from LMICs shows that it is possible to use digital tools to train non-specialist workers effectively and ensure that the psychosocial interventions they deliver are efficacious. Despite these promising developments, many barriers such as service costs, underdeveloped infrastructure, lack of trained professionals, and significant disparities in access to digital services impede the progress of digital psychiatry in LMICs. To overcome these barriers, digital psychiatric services in LMICs should address contextual factors influencing the delivery of digital services, ensure collaboration between different stakeholders, and focus on reducing the digital divide.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 global pandemic exposed gaps in the treatment of common physical and mental disorders that had to do with things like lockdowns, poor convenience, fear of contracting COVID, and economic constraints. Hence, to address these treatment gaps while also limiting exposure to the COVID-19 infection, telemedicine in the form of telephone and internet consultations has increasingly become the recourse around the world. Our center adopted this trend and also launched a telepsychiatry initiative in order to better cater to the needs of patients with pre-existing mental health disorders and to ensure regular follow-ups and compliance with prescription regiments.
    OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to assess the level of patient satisfaction with the online psychiatric services/telepsychiatry.
    METHODS: The sample consisted of 100 patients with pre-existing mental health disorders. This was a cross-sectional study lasting 6 months. The DigiDoc app by Hospital Information Software (HIS) software, which is used to manage a patients appointment schedule, relevant clinical and lab details, along with follow-up prescriptions, was used to follow the selected patients for the purpose of this study. This software also provides a digital platform for video calls for online consultation. The Client Satisfaction Questionnaires-8 (CSQ-8) was employed to collect patient data for analysis.
    RESULTS: The mean total CSQ-8 score of the study sample was 21.015.80 (832), which corresponds to a low-to-moderate level of satisfaction with online psychiatric services/telepsychiatry. Most patients (45%) reported low satisfaction levels, followed by 37% who reported moderate levels of satisfaction. Only 18% of patients reported higher satisfaction with telepsychiatry.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the psychiatrists ability to provide adequate professional advice and psychoeducation through online psychiatric services, patients level of satisfaction proved moderate-to-low. This suggests a need to design standard protocols and guidelines in the search and provision of consultation services on online psychiatric service platforms that could help enhance patients levels of satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic involved a prolonged period of collective trauma and stress during which substantial increases in mental health concerns, like depression and anxiety, were observed across the population. In this context, CHAMindWell was developed as a web-based intervention to improve resilience and reduce symptom severity among a public health care system\'s patient population.
    OBJECTIVE: This program evaluation was conducted to explore participants\' engagement with and outcomes from CHAMindWell by retrospectively examining demographic information and mental health symptom severity scores throughout program participation.
    METHODS: We examined participants\' symptom severity scores from repeated, web-based symptom screenings through Computerized Adaptive Testing for Mental Health (CAT-MH) surveys, and categorized participants into symptom severity-based tiers (tier 1=asymptomatic to mild; tier 2=moderate; and tier 3=severe). Participants were provided tier-based mindfulness resources, treatment recommendations, and referrals. Logistic regressions were conducted to evaluate associations between demographic variables and survey completion. The McNemar exact test and paired sample t tests were performed to evaluate changes in the numbers of participants in tier 1 versus tier 2 or 3 and changes in depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder severity scores between baseline and follow-up.
    RESULTS: The program enrolled 903 participants (664/903, 73.5% female; 556/903, 61.6% White; 113/903, 12.5% Black; 84/903, 9.3% Asian; 7/903, 0.8% Native; 36/903, 4% other; and 227/903, 25.1% Hispanic) between December 16, 2020, and March 17, 2022. Of those, 623 (69%) completed a baseline CAT-MH survey, and 196 completed at least one follow-up survey 3 to 6 months after baseline. White racial identity was associated with completing baseline CAT-MH (odds ratio [OR] 1.80, 95% CI 1.14-2.84; P=.01). Participants\' odds of having symptom severity below the clinical threshold (ie, tier 1) were significantly greater at follow-up (OR 2.60, 95% CI 1.40-5.08; P=.001), and significant reductions were observed across symptom domains over time.
    CONCLUSIONS: CHAMindWell is associated with reduced severity of mental health symptoms. Future work should aim to address program engagement inequities and attrition and compare the impacts of CHAMindWell to a control condition to better characterize its effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nonadherence to pharmaceutical antidepressant treatment is common among patients with depression. Digitalized follow-up (ie, self-monitoring systems through mobile apps) has been suggested as an effective adjunct to conventional antidepressant treatment to increase medical adherence, improve symptoms of depression, and reduce health care resource use.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine patients\' experience of digitalized follow-up using a mobile app as an adjunct to treatment concurrent with a new prescription, a change of antidepressant, or a dose increase.
    METHODS: This was a qualitative, descriptive study. Patients at 2 psychiatric outpatient clinics were recruited at the time of changing antidepressant medication. After using a mobile app (either a commercial app or a public app) for 4-6 weeks with daily registrations of active data, such as medical intake and questions concerning general mental health status, individual semistructured interviews were conducted. Recorded data were transcribed and then analyzed using content analysis.
    RESULTS: In total, 13 patients completed the study. The mean age was 35 (range 20-67) years, 8 (61.5%) were female, and all reported high digital literacy. Overall, the emerging themes indicated that the patients found the digital app to be a valuable adjunct to antidepressant treatment but with potential for improvement. Both user adherence and medical adherence were positively affected by a daily reminder and the app\'s ease of use. User adherence was negatively affected by the severity of depression. The positive experience of visually presented data as graphs was a key finding, which was beneficial for self-awareness, the patient-physician relationship, and user adherence. Finally, the patients had mixed reactions to the app\'s content and requested tailored content.
    CONCLUSIONS: The patients identified several factors addressing both medical adherence and user adherence to a digital app when using it for digitalized follow-up concurrent with the critical time related to changes in antidepressant medication. The findings highlight the need for rigorous evidence-based empirical studies to generate sustainable research results.





