diffusion approximation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigate conditions for the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas in finite populations with assortment of players by group founders and general payoff functions for cooperation and defection within groups. Using a diffusion approximation in the limit of a large population size that does not depend on the precise updating rule, we show that the first-order effect of selection on the fixation probability of cooperation when represented once can be expressed as the difference between time-averaged payoffs with respect to effective time that cooperators and defectors spend in direct competition in the different group states. Comparing this fixation probability to its value under neutrality and to the corresponding fixation probability for defection, we deduce conditions for the evolution of cooperation. We show that these conditions are generally less stringent as the level of assortment increases under a wide range of assumptions on the payoffs such as additive, synergetic or discounted benefits for cooperation, fixed cost for cooperation and threshold benefit functions. This is not necessarily the case, however, when payoffs in pairwise interactions are multiplicatively compounded within groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many phenotypic traits have a polygenic genetic basis, making it challenging to learn their genetic architectures and predict individual phenotypes. One promising avenue to resolve the genetic basis of complex traits is through evolve-and-resequence experiments, in which laboratory populations are exposed to some selective pressure and trait-contributing loci are identified by extreme frequency changes over the course of the experiment. However, small laboratory populations will experience substantial random genetic drift, and it is difficult to determine whether selection played a roll in a given allele frequency change. Predicting how much allele frequencies change under drift and selection had remained an open problem well into the 21st century, even those contributing to simple, monogenic traits. Recently, there have been efforts to apply the path integral, a method borrowed from physics, to solve this problem. So far, this approach has been limited to genic selection, and is therefore inadequate to capture the complexity of quantitative, highly polygenic traits that are commonly studied. Here we extend one of these path integral methods, the perturbation approximation, to selection scenarios that are of interest to quantitative genetics. In particular, we derive analytic expressions for the transition probability (i.e., the probability that an allele will change in frequency from x , to y in time t ) of an allele contributing to a trait subject to stabilizing selection, as well as that of an allele contributing to a trait rapidly adapting to a new phenotypic optimum. We use these expressions to characterize the use of allele frequency change to test for selection, as well as explore optimal design choices for evolve-and-resequence experiments to uncover the genetic architecture of polygenic traits under selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we investigate a finite population undergoing evolution through an island model with partial dispersal and without mutation, where generations are discrete and non-overlapping. The population is structured into D demes, each containing N individuals of two possible types, A and B, whose viability coefficients, sA and sB, respectively, vary randomly from one generation to the next. We assume that the means, variances and covariance of the viability coefficients are inversely proportional to the number of demes D, while higher-order moments are negligible in comparison to 1/D. We use a discrete-time Markov chain with two timescales to model the evolutionary process, and we demonstrate that as the number of demes D approaches infinity, the accelerated Markov chain converges to a diffusion process for any deme size N≥2. This diffusion process allows us to evaluate the fixation probability of type A following its introduction as a single mutant in a population that was fixed for type B. We explore the impact of increasing the variability in the viability coefficients on this fixation probability. At least when N is large enough, it is shown that increasing this variability for type B or decreasing it for type A leads to an increase in the fixation probability of a single A. The effect of the population-scaled variances, σA2 and σB2, can even cancel the effects of the population-scaled means, μA and μB. We also show that the fixation probability of a single A increases as the deme-scaled migration rate increases. Moreover, this probability is higher for type A than for type B if the population-scaled geometric mean viability coefficient is higher for type A than for type B, which means that μA-σA2/2>μB-σB2/2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rate at which beneficial alleles fix in a population depends on the probability of and time to fixation of such alleles. Both of these quantities can be significantly impacted by population subdivision and limited gene flow. Here, we investigate how limited dispersal influences the rate of fixation of beneficial de novo mutations, as well as fixation time from standing genetic variation. We investigate this for a population structured according to the island model of dispersal allowing us to use the diffusion approximation, which we complement with simulations. We find that fixation may take on average fewer generations under limited dispersal than under panmixia when selection is moderate. This is especially the case if adaptation occurs from de novo recessive mutations, and dispersal is not too limited (such that approximately FST<0.2). The reason is that mildly limited dispersal leads to only a moderate increase in effective population size (which slows down fixation), but is sufficient to cause a relative excess of homozygosity due to inbreeding, thereby exposing rare recessive alleles to selection (which accelerates fixation). We also explore the effect of metapopulation dynamics through local extinction followed by recolonization, finding that such dynamics always accelerate fixation from standing genetic variation, while de novo mutations show faster fixation interspersed with longer waiting times. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the detection of sweeps, suggesting that limited dispersal mitigates the expected differences between the genetic signatures of sweeps involving recessive and dominant alleles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To concisely describe how genetic variation, at individual loci or across whole genomes, changes over time, and to follow transitory allelic changes, we introduce a quantity related to entropy, that we term pseudoentropy. This quantity emerges in a diffusion analysis of the mean time a mutation segregates in a population. For a neutral locus with an arbitrary number of alleles, the mean time of segregation is generally proportional to the pseudoentropy of initial allele frequencies. After the initial time point, pseudoentropy generally decreases, but other behaviours are possible, depending on the genetic diversity and selective forces present. For a biallelic locus, pseudoentropy and entropy coincide, but they are distinct quantities with more than two alleles. Thus for populations with multiple biallelic loci, the language of entropy suffices. Then entropy, combined across loci, serves as a concise description of genetic variation. We used individual based simulations to explore how this entropy behaves under different evolutionary scenarios. In agreement with predictions, the entropy associated with unlinked neutral loci decreases over time. However, deviations from free recombination and neutrality have clear and informative effects on the entropy\'s behaviour over time. Analysis of publicly available data of a natural D. melanogaster population, that had been sampled over seven years, using a sliding-window approach, yielded considerable variation in entropy trajectories of different genomic regions. These mostly follow a pattern that suggests a substantial effective population size and a limited effect of positive selection on genome-wide diversity over short time scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the diffusion approximation of the neutral Wright-Fisher model, the expected time until fixation or loss of a neutral allele is proportional to the initial entropy of the distribution of the allele in the population. No explanation is known for this coincidence. In this paper, we show that the rate of entropy dissipation is proportional to the number of segregating alleles. Since the final fixed state has zero entropy, the expected lifetime of segregating alleles is proportional to the initial entropy in the system. We show that classical formulae on the average time to loss of segregating alleles and the expected time to fixation of the last segregating allele stem from these properties of the diffusion process. We also extend our results to the case of population size changing in time. The dissipation of heterozygosity and entropy shows that superlinear population growth leads to infinite expected fixation times, i.e., neutral alleles in fast-growing populations could segregate forever without ever becoming fixed or disappearing by genetic drift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work we present a systematic mathematical approximation scheme that exposes the way that information, about the evolutionary forces of selection and random genetic drift, is encoded within gene-frequency trajectories. We determine approximate, time-dependent, gene-frequency trajectory statistics, assuming additive selection. We use the probability of fixation to test and illustrate the approximation scheme introduced. For the case where the strength of selection and the effective population size have constant values, we show how a standard diffusion approximation result, for the probability of fixation, systematically emerges when increasing numbers of approximate trajectory statistics are taken into account. We then provide examples of how time-dependent parameters influence gene-frequency statistics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming almost every industry, including agriculture, food processing, health care, oil and gas, environmental protection, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, home automation, and safety. Cost-effective, small-sized batteries are often used to power IoT devices being deployed with limited energy capacity. The limited energy capacity of IoT devices makes them vulnerable to battery depletion attacks designed to exhaust the energy stored in the battery rapidly and eventually shut down the device. In designing and deploying IoT devices, the battery and device specifications should be chosen in such a way as to ensure a long lifetime of the device. This paper proposes diffusion approximation as a mathematical framework for modelling the energy depletion process in IoT batteries. We applied diffusion or Brownian motion processes to model the energy depletion of a battery of an IoT device. We used this model to obtain the probability density function, mean, variance, and probability of the lifetime of an IoT device. Furthermore, we studied the influence of active power consumption, sleep time, and battery capacity on the probability density function, mean, and probability of the lifetime of an IoT device. We modelled ghost energy depletion attacks and their impact on the lifetime of IoT devices. We used numerical examples to study the influence of battery depletion attacks on the distribution of the lifetime of an IoT device. We also introduced an energy threshold after which the device\'s battery should be replaced in order to ensure that the battery is not completely drained before it is replaced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:漫射光断层扫描(DOT)为大脑皮层上与神经元活动相关的血液动力学变化成像提供了一种相对方便的方法。由于获得新生儿解剖图像的实际挑战,解剖框架通常是由适合年龄的地图集模型创建的,根据头部几何形状的测量结果对受试者进行个性化。这项工作研究了使用地图集而不是新生儿自己的解剖模型引起的近似误差。 方法。我们考虑使用两种方法对频域(FD)DOT进行数值模拟,蒙特卡罗模拟和有限元方法的扩散逼近,并观察1)振幅和相移测量的对数的变化,和2)相应的内部头部敏感度(雅可比人),由于不同的分段解剖结构。通过将来自新生儿数据库的165个图谱模型注册到被选择为参考模型的一个个体的头部几何形状来对不同的分割进行采样。在注册之前,我们通过将脑脊液分为两个生理上合理的层来完善脑脊液(CSF)的分割。 主要结果。在绝对点,在解剖变异上发现了灰质或脑外组织吸收系数的显着变化。在差异成像中,在Jacobian的近似误差的模拟测量中,可以清楚地检测到大脑吸收的局部10%的小增加,尽管注册模型中大脑成熟的范围很广。 意义。在DOT差异成像中,可能会在孕龄几周内选择个体水平的图谱模型,如果没有完全适合年龄的地图集。可以潜在地实现近似误差方法以提高基于图谱的成像的精度。所提出的CSF分割算法在其他基于模型的成像模态中也可以是有用的。FDJacobian的计算现在可以在广泛使用的MonteCarloeXtreme软件中使用。 .
    Objective.Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) provides a relatively convenient method for imaging haemodynamic changes related to neuronal activity on the cerebral cortex. Due to practical challenges in obtaining anatomical images of neonates, an anatomical framework is often created from an age-appropriate atlas model, which is individualized to the subject based on measurements of the head geometry. This work studies the approximation error arising from using an atlas instead of the neonate\'s own anatomical model.Approach.We consider numerical simulations of frequency-domain (FD) DOT using two approaches, Monte Carlo simulations and diffusion approximation via finite element method, and observe the variation in (1) the logarithm of amplitude and phase shift measurements, and (2) the corresponding inner head sensitivities (Jacobians), due to varying segmented anatomy. Varying segmentations are sampled by registering 165 atlas models from a neonatal database to the head geometry of one individual selected as the reference model. Prior to the registration, we refine the segmentation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by separating the CSF into two physiologically plausible layers.Main results.In absolute measurements, a considerable change in the grey matter or extracerebral tissue absorption coefficient was found detectable over the anatomical variation. In difference measurements, a small local 10%-increase in brain absorption was clearly detectable in the simulated measurements over the approximation error in the Jacobians, despite the wide range of brain maturation among the registered models.Significance.Individual-level atlas models could potentially be selected within several weeks in gestational age in DOT difference imaging, if an exactly age-appropriate atlas is not available. The approximation error method could potentially be implemented to improve the accuracy of atlas-based imaging. The presented CSF segmentation algorithm could be useful also in other model-based imaging modalities. The computation of FD Jacobians is now available in the widely-used Monte Carlo eXtreme software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conformist and anti-conformist cultural transmission have been studied both empirically, in several species, and theoretically, with population genetic models. Building upon standard, infinite-population models (IPMs) of conformity, we introduce finite-population models (FPMs) and study them via simulation and a diffusion approximation. In previous IPMs of conformity, offspring observe the variants of n adult role models, where n is often three. Numerical simulations show that while the short-term behavior of the FPM with n=3 role models is well approximated by the IPM, stable polymorphic equilibria of the IPM become effective equilibria of the FPM at which the variation persists prior to fixation or loss, and which produce plateaus in curves for fixation probabilities and expected times to absorption. In the FPM with n=5 role models, the population may switch between two effective equilibria, which is not possible in the IPM, or may cycle between frequencies that are not effective equilibria, which is possible in the IPM. In all observed cases of \'equilibrium switching\' and \'cycling\' in the FPM, model parameters exceed O(1/N), required for the diffusion approximation, resulting in an over-estimation of the actual times to absorption. However, in those cases with n=5 role models that have one effective equilibrium and stable fixation states, even if conformity coefficients exceed O(1/N), the diffusion approximation matches closely the numerical simulations of the FPM. This suggests that the robustness of the diffusion approximation depends not only on the magnitudes of coefficients, but also on the qualitative behavior of the conformity model.





