differentially methylated region

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation is environment-sensitive and can mediate stress responses. In long-lived trees, changing environments might cumulatively shape the methylome landscape over their lifetime. However, because high-resolution methylome studies usually focus on single environmental cues, it remains unclear to what extent the methylation responses are generic or stress-specific, and how this relates to their long-term stability. Here, we studied the methylome plasticity of a Populus nigra cv. \'Italica\' clone that is widespread across Europe. Adult trees from a variety of geographic locations were clonally propagated in a common garden experiment, and the ramets were exposed to cold, heat, drought, herbivory, rust infection, and salicylic acid treatments. Through comprehensive whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, we analyzed stress-induced and naturally occurring DNA methylation variants. Stress-induced methylation changes predominantly targeted transposable elements. When occurring in CG/CHG contexts, the same regions were often affected by multiple stresses, suggesting a generic response of the methylome. Drought stress caused a distinct CHH hypermethylation response in transposable elements, affecting entire TE superfamilies near drought-responsive genes. Methylation differences in CG/CHG contexts that were induced by stress treatments showed striking overlap with methylation differences observed between trees from distinct geographical locations. Thus, we revealed genomic hotspots of methylation change that are not stress-specific and that contribute to natural DNA methylation variation, and we identified specific transposable element superfamilies that respond to a specific stress with possible functional consequences. Our results underscore the importance of studying the effects of multiple stressors in a single experiment for recognizing general versus stress-specific methylome responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RUNX2 is a transcription factor crucial for bone formation. Mutant mice with varying levels of Runx2 expression display dosage-dependent skeletal abnormalities, underscoring the importance of Runx2 dosage control in skeletal formation. RUNX2 activity is regulated by several molecular mechanisms, including epigenetic modification such as DNA methylation. In this study, we investigated whether targeted repressive epigenome editing including hypermethylation to the Runx2-DMR/CpG island shore could influence Runx2 expression using Cas9-based epigenome-editing tools. Through the transient introduction of CRISPRoff-v2.1 and gRNAs targeting Runx2-DMR into MC3T3-E1 cells, we successfully induced hypermethylation of the region and concurrently reduced Runx2 expression during osteoblast differentiation. Although the epigenome editing of Runx2-DMR did not impact the expression of RUNX2 downstream target genes, these results indicate a causal relationship between the epigenetic status of the Runx2-DMR and Runx2 transcription. Additionally, we observed that hypermethylation of the Runx2-DMR persisted for at least 24 days under growth conditions but decreased during osteogenic differentiation, highlighting an endogenous DNA demethylation activity targeting the Runx2-DMR during the differentiation process. In summary, our study underscore the usefulness of the epigenome editing technology to evaluate the function of endogenous genetic elements and revealed that the Runx2-DMR methylation is actively regulated during osteoblast differentiation, subsequently could influence Runx2 expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation is a key epigenetic modification involved in gene regulation, contributing to both physiological and pathological conditions. For a more profound comprehension, it is essential to conduct a precise comparison of DNA methylation patterns between sample groups that represent distinct statuses. Analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) using computational approaches can help uncover the precise relationships between these phenomena. This paper describes a hybrid model that combines the beta-binomial Bayesian hierarchical model with a combination of ranking methods known as HBCR_DMR. During the initial phase, we model the actual methylation proportions of the CpG sites (CpGs) within the replicates. This modeling is achieved through beta-binomial distribution, with parameters set by a group mean and a dispersion parameter. During the second stage, we establish the selection of distinguishing CpG sites based on their methylation status, employing multiple ranking techniques. Finally, we combine the ranking lists of differentially methylated CpG sites through a voting system. Our analyses, encompassing simulations and real data, reveal outstanding performance metrics, including a sensitivity of 0.72, specificity of 0.89, and an F1 score of 0.76, yielding an overall accuracy of 0.82 and an AUC of 0.94. These findings underscore HBCR_DMR\'s robust capacity to distinguish methylated regions, confirming its utility as a valuable tool for DNA methylation analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic imprinting is essential for mammalian growth and embryogenesis. High-throughput bisulfite sequencing accompanied with parental haplotype-specific information allows analysis of imprinted genes and imprinting control regions (ICRs) on a large scale. Currently, although several allelic methylated regions (AMRs) detection software were developed, methods for detecting imprinted AMRs is still limited. Here, we developed a SNP-independent statistical approach, AIMER, to detect imprinting-like AMRs. By using the mouse frontal cortex methylome as input, we demonstrated that AIMER performs very well in detecting known germline ICRs compared with other methods. Furthermore, we found the putative parental AMRs AIMER detected could be distinguished from sequence-dependent AMRs. Finally, we found a novel germline imprinting-like AMR using WGBS data from 17 distinct mouse tissue samples. The results indicate that AIMER is a good choice for detecting imprinting-like (parent-of-origin-dependent) AMRs. We hope this method will be helpful for future genomic imprinting studies. The Python source code for our project is now publicly available on both GitHub (https://github.com/ZhaoLab-TMU/AIMER) and Gitee (https://gitee.com/zhaolab_tmu/AIMER).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The demethylation agent decitabine (DAC) is a pivotal non-intensive alternative treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, patient responses to DAC are highly variable, and predictive biomarkers are warranted. Herein, the DNA methylation landscape of patients treated with a DAC-based combination regimen was compared with that of patients treated with standard chemotherapy to develop a molecular approach for predicting clinical response to DAC.
    Twenty-five non-M3 AML patients were enrolled and subjected to DNA methylation sequencing and profiling to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) and genes of interest. Moreover, the effects of a DAC-based regimen on apoptosis and gene expression were explored using Kasumi-1 and K562 cells.
    Overall, we identified 541 DMRs that were specifically responsive to DAC, among which 172 DMRs showed hypomethylation patterns upon treatment and were aligned with the promoter regions of 182 genes. In particular, GNAS was identified as a critical DAC-responsive gene, with in vitro GNAS downregulation leading to reduced cell apoptosis induced by DAC and cytarabine combo treatment.
    We found that GNAS is a DAC-sensitive gene in AML and may serve as a prognostic biomarker to assess the responsiveness of patients with AML to DAC-based therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation plays a key role in sex determination and differentiation in vertebrates. However, there are few studies on DNA methylation involved in chicken gonad development, and most focused on male hypermethylated regions (MHM). It is unclear whether there are specific differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in chicken embryonic gonads regulating sex determination and differentiation. Here, the DNA methylation maps showed that the difference of DNA methylation level between sexes was much higher at embryonic day 10 (E10) than that at embryonic day 6 (E6), and the significant differentially methylated regions at both stages were mainly distributed on the Z chromosome, including MHM1 and MHM2. The results of bisulphite sequencing PCR (BSP) and qRT-PCR showed hypomethylation of female MHM and upregulation of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) whose promoter in the MHM region was consistent with the sequencing results, and similar results were in brain and muscle. In female sex-reversed gonads, the methylation pattern of MHM remained unchanged, and the expression levels of the three candidate lncRNAs were significantly decreased compared with those in females, but were significantly increased compared to males. The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results also showed that these lncRNAs were highly expressed in female embryonic gonads. The results of methyltransferase inhibitor and dual-luciferase reporter assay suggest that lncRNA expression may be regulated by DNA methylation within their promoters. Therefore, we speculated that MHM may be involved in cell-autonomous sex identity in chickens, and that lncRNAs regulated by MHM may be involved in female sexual differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic imprinting plays critical roles during the development of mammalian species and underlying epigenetic mechanisms frequently involve long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). The paternal transcription of the antisense Igf2r RNA noncoding (Airn) is responsible for paternal silencing of the mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (Igf2r) gene and maternal Igf2r expression. Although the corresponding maternal DNA methylation imprint is conserved in humans and pigs, the orthologous AIRN lncRNA has been identified in humans but not in pigs. Here, we aimed to examine imprinted allelic expression of the porcine AIRN lncRNA along with a corresponding differentially methylated region (DMR) and to analyze allelic expression of AIRN and IGF2R in pigs. By comparing parthenogenetic and control porcine embryos, we identified a maternally methylated DMR and a significantly higher expression of AIRN lncRNA in control embryos (P < 0.05) indicating its paternal expression. Further analyses revealed that the expression of AIRN lncRNA was enriched in the pig brain and its subregions, and it was monoallelically expressed; whereas, IGF2R was expressed biallelically suggesting an absence of allele-specific transcriptional regulation. Our findings will lead to further investigations into the role of the imprinted porcine AIRN lncRNA during pig development.
    Genomic imprinting is important for the development of mammals and long non-coding RNAs are often involved in the imprinting process. In mice, Airn encodes a long non-coding RNA that is imprinted, and therefore, transcribed only from the paternal allele. This paternal transcription of Airn interferes with the adjacent Igf2r promoter, leading to maternal expression of Igf2r. In pigs, the orthologous AIRN has not been identified as well as its imprinting. In the current study, we report porcine AIRN and allelic expression of both AIRN and IGF2R using our parthenogenetic embryo models and various normal pig tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The primary differentially methylated regions (DMRs) which are maternally hypermethylated serve as imprinting control regions (ICRs) that drive monoallelic gene expression, and these ICRs have been investigated due to their implications in mammalian development. Although a subset of genes has been identified as imprinted, in-depth comparative approach needs to be developed for identification of species-specific imprinted genes. Here, we examined DNA methylation status and allelic expression at the KBTBD6 locus across species and tissues and explored potential mechanisms of imprinting.
    RESULTS: Using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing and RNA-sequencing on parthenogenetic and normal porcine embryos, we identified a maternally hypermethylated DMR between the embryos at the KBTBD6 promoter CpG island and paternal monoallelic expression of KBTBD6. Also, in analyzed domesticated mammals but not in humans, non-human primates and mice, the KBTBD6 promoter CpG islands were methylated in oocytes and/or allelically methylated in tissues, and monoallelic KBTBD6 expression was observed, indicating livestock-specific imprinting. Further analysis revealed that these CpG islands were embedded within transcripts in porcine and bovine oocytes which coexisted with an active transcription mark and DNA methylation, implying the presence of transcription-dependent imprinting.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, our comparative approach revealed an imprinted expression of the KBTBD6 gene in domesticated mammals, but not in humans, non-human primates, and mice which implicates species-specific evolution of genomic imprinting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meg8-DMR is the first maternal methylated DMR to be discovered in the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 domain. The deletion of Meg8-DMR enhances the migration and invasion of MLTC-1 depending on the CTCF binding sites. However, the biological function of Meg8-DMR during mouse development remains unknown. In this study, a CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to generate 434 bp genomic deletions of Meg8-DMR in mice. High-throughput and bioinformatics profiling revealed that Meg8-DMR is involved in the regulation of microRNA: when the deletion was inherited from the mother (Mat-KO), the expression of microRNA was unchanged. However, when the deletion occurred from the father (Pat-KO) and homozygous (Homo-KO), the expression was upregulated. Then, differentially expressed microRNAs (DEGs) were identified between WT with Pat-KO, Mat-KO, and Homo-KO, respectively. Subsequently, these DEGs were subjected to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway and Gene Ontology (GO) term enrichment analysis to explore the functional roles of these genes. In total, 502, 128, and 165 DEGs were determined. GO analysis showed that these DEGs were mainly enriched in axonogenesis in Pat-KO and Home-KO, while forebrain development was enriched in Mat-KO. Finally, the methylation levels of IG-DMR, Gtl2-DMR, and Meg8-DMR, and the imprinting status of Dlk1, Gtl2, and Rian were not affected. These findings suggest that Meg8-DMR, as a secondary regulatory region, could regulate the expression of microRNAs while not affecting the normal embryonic development of mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are genomic regions with methylation patterns across multiple CpG sites that are associated with a phenotype. In this study, we proposed a Principal Component (PC) based DMR analysis method for use with data generated using the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip (EPIC) array. We obtained methylation residuals by regressing the M-values of CpGs within a region on covariates, extracted PCs of the residuals, and then combined association information across PCs to obtain regional significance. Simulation-based genome-wide false positive (GFP) rates and true positive rates were estimated under a variety of conditions before determining the final version of our method, which we have named DMRPC. Then, DMRPC and another DMR method, coMethDMR, were used to perform epigenome-wide analyses of several phenotypes known to have multiple associated methylation loci (age, sex, and smoking) in a discovery and a replication cohort. Among regions that were analysed by both methods, DMRPC identified 50% more genome-wide significant age-associated DMRs than coMethDMR. The replication rate for the loci that were identified by only DMRPC was higher than the rate for those that were identified by only coMethDMR (90% for DMRPC vs. 76% for coMethDMR). Furthermore, DMRPC identified replicable associations in regions of moderate between-CpG correlation which are typically not analysed by coMethDMR. For the analyses of sex and smoking, the advantage of DMRPC was less clear. In conclusion, DMRPC is a new powerful DMR discovery tool that retains power in genomic regions with moderate correlation across CpGs.





