diet adherence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dietary restrictions are common in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). These restrictions result in a complex diet that becomes difficult for patients to understand and to follow. Therefore, we aimed to identify dietary needs, and barriers and facilitators that influence the adherence to dietary recommendations as perceived by patients on HD and their caregivers.
    METHODS: Seventy-two Spanish patients on HD and fifty-seven caregivers participated in this explorative study by replying a questionnaire consisting of 20 and 10 questions respectively. The responses were assessed using a Likert scale varying from 1 to 5 (strongly agree, agree, neither disagree or disagree, disagree, strongly disagree, respectively) to evaluate the perception of patients and caregivers regarding dietary needs, barriers and facilitators to adhere to the recommended diet. For analysis purposes, the responses were grouped in three categories (agree, neither agree or disagree, disagree).
    RESULTS: Seventy percent of the patients agreed that knowing the food sources of potassium, protein and phosphate was a need for them to know to be able to adhere to the dietary recommendations. Moreover, patients stated that not being able to eat what they liked, and feeling thirsty, were important barriers. For caregivers, the support of a renal dietitian was mentioned as an important facilitator to assist those they cared for to adhere to the diet.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowing food sources of potassium, phosphate, and protein, exploring foods patients like to eat and adjusting fluid intake to avoid feeling thirsty were identified as important by the patients. These findings can be used to develop strategies and educational material to improve the dietary adherence in patients undergoing HD. Moreover, the presence of a renal dietitian was identified as an important resource by the caregivers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health literacy (HL) encompasses an individual\'s ability to access, understand, and integrate health-related information. Routine use of functional, critical, and communicative HL screening questionnaires shows promise in identifying those at risk for poor clinical outcomes. Although it is evident that low levels of HL are associated with poor clinical outcomes in end-stage renal disease, it is unclear how varying HL levels are associated with nutrition-specific adherence. Here, we present a summary of literature published between 2018 and 2023 examining relationships between HL and nutrition-related adherence among individuals on hemodialysis. A positive association between higher HL scores and adherence to nutrition-related recommendations was found in this population. Based on these findings, screening for low levels of HL using validated tools should be integrated into standard practice for nutrition assessment. Future studies are warranted to explore the dietitian\'s role in improving HL and to develop a standardized measure for nutrition-related adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Evidence suggests that a ketogenic diet (KD) may help to alleviate psychiatric symptoms, including depression and anxiety. Positive changes have been reported such as improvements in cognition, concentration, and sleep, a reduction in hunger, and an increase in well-being, energy, confidence, and resilience. This research aims to understand the impact of a non-calorie-restricted KD on depression and aspects of psychological well-being in those with varying degrees of depressive symptoms. Though there are a few studies directly exploring the experiences of those following a KD, this will be the first study to explore the narrative from a mental health and psychological well-being viewpoint.
    UNASSIGNED: A sample of nine participants who had followed a non-calorie restricted KD intervention of 50 g of carbohydrates or less per day for at least 12 weeks were recruited. Participants were split into \'healthy adults\' group who had no to low depressive symptoms and \'depressive symptoms\' group who had mild to moderate depressive symptoms. A reflexive thematic analysis was considered suitable for this study.
    UNASSIGNED: Five core themes and 24 subthemes were created. These were, (1) Poor health prior to program; (2) Hunger and cravings-the food and mood connection; (3) Psychological well-being improvements; (4) It becomes a lifestyle; and (5) Implementation difficulties. Participants experienced mental health improvements such as increased self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and achievement. Some experienced more control in life and a greater sense of reward. Those with depressive symptoms who initially reported low self-worth and hopelessness later reported increased self-esteem and renewed meaning and purpose in life. The findings from this study reflect the previous reports that the diet implementation can be difficult initially, but soon becomes easy to follow and turns into a lifestyle.
    UNASSIGNED: In the literature, there are very few qualitative studies that explore the accounts and lived experiences of those following a KD. From the participants\' accounts in this study, it appears that the benefits and positive outcomes of this diet outweigh any negative side-effects experienced. This is encouraging for those who are looking for adjunctive therapies to address and improve their depressive symptoms and overall mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Coeliac disease is a chronic, immune-mediated disorder for which the only treatment consists of lifelong strict adherence to gluten-free diet (GFD). However, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines on the GFD dietary management of coeliac disease. This position paper, led by the Special Interest Group in coeliac disease of the European Society of Pediatric, Gastroenterology Hepatology, and Nutrition, supported by the Nutrition Committee and the Allied Health Professionals Committee, aims to present evidence-based recommendations on the GFD as well as how to support dietary adherence.
    METHODS: A wide literature search was performed using the MeSH Terms: \"diet, gluten free,\" \"gluten-free diet,\" \"diets, gluten-free,\" \"gluten free diet,\" and \"coeliac disease\" in Pubmed until November 8th, 2022.
    RESULTS: The manuscript provides an overview of the definition of the GFD, regulations as basis to define the term \"gluten-free,\" which foods are naturally gluten-free and gluten-containing. Moreover, it provides recommendations and educational tips and infographics on suitable food substitutes, the importance of reading food labels, risk of gluten cross-contact at home and in public settings, nutritional considerations as well as factors associated to dietary adherence based on available evidence, or otherwise clinical expertise.
    CONCLUSIONS: This position paper provides guidance and recommendations to support children with coeliac disease to safely adhere to a GFD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to put forward an approach designed to calculate and sum up discrepancies between the actual food acquisition or intake and any standard or norm. Based on secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from the Mexican National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure, our proposed method to produce classes of entropy-based Diet Adherence Indices generates a Food Basket Adherence Index (FBAI) for Mexico City (2129 households). Findings suggest that it is possible to measure and decompose diet adherence using a cross entropy measure. Using food expenditure data and a normative food basket for Mexico City results, we show households\' deviations from the suggested norm for different food groups. The average FBAI was 0.44, far above the minimum score of 0 which would indicate full adherence to the normative food basket. Our measure has a distribution wide enough to detect meaningful changes and distinguish between groups with known differences, providing important new insights on the linkages between home food environments and income distribution, and food insecurity and household distribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: We conducted a pilot survey among young adults attending a suburban Canadian university to understand: (1) knowledge of the 2019 Canada\'s Food Guide (CFG); (2) self-reported food choices and eating habits; (3) perceived influence of the CFG on food choices and eating habits; and (4) suggestions to improve engagement with CFG.Methods: Students were recruited, through posts on social media platforms, to complete an online questionnaire between 7 March and 6 April 2020.Results: One-hundred and twenty-one (70% women) students responded. One-third (33%) of women and 8% of men reported consuming the recommended proportion of vegetables and fruits (i.e., 40%-60% of the plate) at their most recent meal (P = 0.001). Men were more likely to report overconsuming protein foods than women (58% vs 32%, P = 0.005). The perceived influence of the CFG on food choices and eating habits was low, with a mean score 2.2 ± 1.4 out of 7, with 7 indicating \"highly influential.\" Over 92% of participants believed awareness of the CFG could be improved through social media platforms.Conclusions: Although half of the participants correctly answered all 8 questions that assessed knowledge of the CFG, there is an opportunity for dietitians and related health professionals to improve engagement with CFG.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    BACKGROUND: Attachment avoidance and anxiety have been linked to overweight and poor health behaviours, yet the mechanisms that underpin the relationship between attachment and health behaviours are not fully understood. Self-esteem and self-efficacy have been found to differ between attachment styles, rendering these variables potential mediators of the relationship. This longitudinal study investigated the serial mediation between preoperative attachment and 2-year post-operative health behaviours through self-esteem and health self-efficacy.
    METHODS: Participants were 263 bariatric surgery patients (75.7% females, aged 47.7 ± 10.4 years, BMI 38.9 ± 3.6 kg/m2) assessed before the operation and again one and two years after the surgery. Patients completed the Experiences for Close Relationships Brief Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem scale, Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire, Bariatric Surgery Self-Management Questionnaire, Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale and the Exercise Behaviour Scale.
    RESULTS: Higher preoperative attachment anxiety and avoidance were associated with lower self-esteem one year after bariatric surgery and poorer health self-efficacy two years after the surgery. Self-esteem and health self-efficacy mediated the relationships between preoperative anxious and avoidant attachment and 2- year post-operative diet adherence and physical activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Helping patients to feel more worthy and reinforcing their beliefs about their own competences could lead to higher engagement with healthy lifestyle and adherence to treatment protocols, ultimately helping patients to achieve their goals for bariatric surgery.
    BACKGROUND: BARIA: Netherlands Trial Register: NL5837 (NTR5992) . Diabaria: identifier (NCT number): NCT03330756.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the impact a culinary medicine teaching activity had on interprofessional healthcare students\' knowledge, confidence, and intent to apply practical dietary principles in practice.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirteen interprofessional students (n = 13) completed a 3-h, hands-on culinary medicine session focused on recipe conversion and nutritional coaching skills to modify a favorite comfort food into a significantly more nutritious, Mediterranean diet-based meal. Participants produced variations of a recipe to gain a deeper understanding of how diet modifications that consider both taste and nutritional value can treat health conditions. Pre- and post-session surveys were administered to evaluate participants\' knowledge and intent to apply culinary medicine principles into their respective healthcare practices.
    UNASSIGNED: Students reported an increase in the belief that nutritional counseling should be included in routine appointments, as well as increased confidence in their ability to implement culinary medicine into practice. All students reported the intent to integrate culinary medicine into practice, and a likelihood that they would recommend culinary medicine training to other healthcare professionals.
    UNASSIGNED: Interprofessional students reported learning satisfaction throughout the hands-on, chef-led and faculty-facilitated culinary medicine teaching activity and found the nutritional content to be especially transferable to working with patients.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Diabetes is a major global public health problem that requires self-management behavior. However, this is difficult to implement in practice and requires new approaches. The purpose of this study was to evaluate nutritional promotion interventions for dietary adherence and lessons learned to improve self-management.
    A quasi-experimental study was conducted from January 2020 to February 2021 in North Shoa Zone public hospital. The study enrolled 216 type II diabetic patients from four public hospitals. Study participants were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups at an individual level. Data were measured twice (baseline and end line survey after six months using interviewer-administered questionnaires). Data were entered into Epi Data V.3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 22. Data were presented as means of standard deviations for continuous variables and percentages for categorical variables. Intervention and control groups were compared before and after intervention using independent t tests. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests.
    A total of 216 type II diabetics participated in this study. Nutritional promotion intervention programs increased adherence to the mean number of days adhering to a healthy diet (p < 0.0001). Specifically, the nutrition promotion program improved daily intake of fruits and vegetables, low glycemic index foods, high fiber foods, healthy fish oils, low sugar foods, and healthy eating plans (p ≤ 0.050). Mean fasting blood glucose levels were significantly decreased after the educational intervention (p ≤ 0.05).
    This study demonstrates that a nutrition-promoting intervention can significantly change patients\' adherence to healthy eating behaviors and effectively improve their glycemic control. Health care providers should integrate programs that promote nutrition education into existing health systems service. Primary care platforms such as health posts and health centers can play a key role in integrating health promotion programs to improve self-management behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune gastroenterological disorder in which the digestion of gluten leads to damage and constant inflammation in the small intestine. Moreover, there are associated physical and mental health problems related to celiac disease, i.e., a lower health-related quality of life and increased depression and anxiety symptoms. The only effective treatment for celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. However, researchers suggest that strict adherence to a gluten-free diet ranges from 42 to 80%, depending on the definition and method of assessment that was utilized. This review examines interventions designed for those who need to adhere to life-long dietary measures and their success in terms of increasing gluten-free dietary adherence and improving their health-related quality of life. In April 2022, the Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and ProQuest databases were searched using the following terms: \"coeliac disease\" OR \"celiac disease\" AND \"gluten free diet\" AND \"intervention\" AND \"health related quality of life\" AND \"diabetes.\" Eight studies were suitable for this review. The studies were used to analyze different intervention techniques and their impact on gluten-free dietary adherence, quality of life, and the reasons for dietary nonadherence. The studies revealed statistically significant improvements in the knowledge base regarding celiac disease and the gluten-free diet, dietary adherence and quality-of-life satisfaction immediately after the intervention and at a three-month follow-up. Some studies were also focused on behavioral and cognitive aspects of nonadherence to dietary measures.





