diel timing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parturition timing has long been a topic of interest in ungulate research. However, few studies have examined parturition timing at fine scale (e.g., <1 day). Predator activity and environmental conditions can vary considerably with diel timing, which may result in selective pressure for parturition to occur during diel times that maximize the likelihood of neonate survival. We monitored parturition events and early-life survival of elk (Cervus canadensis) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Utah, USA to better understand diel timing of parturition in temperate ungulates. Diel timing of parturition was moderately synchronous among conspecifics and influenced by environmental variables on the date of parturition. For elk, parturition events were most common during the morning crepuscular period and generally occurred later (i.e., closer to 12:00) when a relatively large proportion of the moon was illuminated. For mule deer, parturition events were most common during the diurnal period and generally occurred later (i.e., closer to 15:00) on cold, wet dates. Diel timing of parturition did not influence neonate survival, but larger datasets may be required to verify the apparent lack of influence. Although additional work could evaluate alternative variables that might affect parturition timing, our data provide an improved and finer scale understanding of reproductive ecology and phenology in ungulates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predation is the most common cause of nest failure in birds. While nest predation is relatively well studied in general, our knowledge is unevenly distributed across the globe and taxa, with, for example, limited information on shorebirds breeding in subtropics. Importantly, we know fairly little about the timing of predation within a day. Here, we followed 444 nests of the red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus), a ground-nesting shorebird, for a sum of 7,828 days to estimate a nest predation rate, and continuously monitored 230 of these nests for a sum of 2,779 days to reveal how the timing of predation changes over the day and season in a subtropical desert. We found that 312 nests (70%) hatched, 76 nests (17%) were predated, 23 (5%) failed for other reasons, and 33 (7%) had an unknown fate. Daily predation rate was 0.95% (95%CrI: 0.76% - 1.19%), which for a 30-day long incubation period translates into ~25% (20% - 30%) chance of nest being predated. Such a predation rate is low compared to most other avian species. Predation events (N = 25) were evenly distributed across day and night, with a tendency for increased predation around sunrise, and evenly distributed also across the season, although night predation was more common later in the season, perhaps because predators reduce their activity during daylight to avoid extreme heat. Indeed, nests were never predated when midday ground temperatures exceeded 45℃. Whether the diel activity pattern of resident predators undeniably changes across the breeding season and whether the described predation patterns hold for other populations, species, and geographical regions await future investigations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hatching timing is under strong selection and environmentally cued in many species. Embryos use multiple sensory modalities to inform hatching timing and many have spontaneous hatching patterns adaptively synchronized to natural cycles. Embryos can also adaptively shift their hatching timing in response to environmental cues indicating immediate threats or opportunities. Such cued shifts in hatching are widespread among amphibians; however, we know little about what, if anything, regulates their spontaneous hatching. Moreover, in addition to selection on hatching timing, embryos may experience benefits or suffer costs due to the spatial orientation of hatching. Amphibian eggs generally lack internal constraints on hatching direction but embryos might, nonetheless, use external cues to inform hatching orientation. The terrestrial embryos of red-eyed treefrogs, Agalychnis callidryas, hatch rapidly and prematurely in response to vibrational cues in egg-predator attacks and hypoxia if flooded. Here we examined A. callidryas\' use of light cues in hatching timing and orientation. To assess patterns of spontaneous hatching and the role of light cues in their diel timing, we recorded hatching times for siblings distributed across three light environments: continuous light, continuous dark, and a 12L:12D photoperiod. Under a natural photoperiod, embryos showed a clear diel pattern of synchronous hatching shortly after nightfall. Hatching was desynchronized in both continuous light and continuous darkness. It was also delayed by continuous light, but not accelerated by continuous dark, suggesting the onset of dark serves as a hatching cue. We examined hatching orientation and light as a potential directional cue for flooded embryos. Embryos flooded in their clutches almost always hatched toward open water, whereas individual eggs flooded in glass cups often failed to do so, suggesting the natural context provides a directional cue. To test if flooded embryos orient hatching toward light, we placed individual eggs in tubes with one end illuminated and the other dark, then flooded them and recorded hatching direction. Most embryos hatched toward the light, suggesting they use light as a directional cue. Our results support that A. callidryas embryos use light cues to inform both when and where to hatch. Both the spatial orientation of hatching and the timing of spontaneous hatching may affect fitness and be informed by cues in a broader range of species than is currently appreciated.





