diaphragmatic breathing exercises

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Age-related thoracic kyphosis can impair posture, diaphragmatic excursion, respiratory function, and overall quality of life (QoL).
    OBJECTIVE: This randomized controlled trial aimed to compare the effects of corrective exercises alone versus combined with diaphragmatic breathing exercises on thoracic kyphosis, diaphragmatic excursion, thoracic pain, and QoL in postmenopausal kyphotic women.
    METHODS: Forty postmenopausal women diagnosed with thoracic kyphosis were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received corrective exercises for 12 weeks (n = 20), while Group B received both diaphragmatic breathing exercises and corrective exercises for the same duration (n = 20). Primary outcome measures were thoracic kyphosis angle and diaphragmatic excursion, while secondary outcome measures were thoracic pain and QoL. Both groups were assessed pre- and post-intervention using a flexible curve ruler for the thoracic kyphosis angle, ultrasonography for the diaphragmatic excursion, the visual analog scale for thoracic pain, and the Arabic version of the QoL Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis for QoL.
    RESULTS: Both groups showed significant within-group improvements in all measures post-intervention (p < 0.05). Between-group comparisons post-intervention revealed no significant differences (p > 0.05) except for diaphragmatic excursion, where Group B showed significantly greater improvement (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: A 12-week program of corrective exercises alone or combined with diaphragmatic breathing exercises significantly improved kyphosis angle, thoracic pain, and QoL in postmenopausal kyphotic women. The addition of diaphragmatic breathing exercises provided further benefits by increasing diaphragmatic excursion to a greater degree compared with corrective exercises alone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Effective and sustainable interventions are clearly needed for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Despite the clinical importance of the multimodal intervention approach, only one study using a multimodal approach demonstrated promising improvements in memory, attention, and executive functions, which also correlated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) changes in cerebral activation in 50 MCI patients.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the self-perception and anticipated efficacy of each element of the BRAIN-FIT multimodal intervention program (robotic-assisted gait training (RAGT), computerized cognitive therapy, music, light, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and diaphragmatic breathing exercises) and the correlation between memory, concentration, depression, and sleep in older adults with MCI.
    METHODS: One hundred participants (mean±standard deviation: 8.63±78.4 years; 47 women) with MCI were recruited from a major university medical center and community dementia relief center. The survey questionnaire comprised four domains with 21 questions, including four pertaining to general demographic characteristics, eight related to exercise and activity, three related to sleep, and nine related to the BRAIN-FIT program. Chi-squared test was used to analyze the Likert scale data. The descriptive frequencies were calculated. Additionally, Spearman\'s rho statistics measure the rank-order association. The statistical significance was at P < 0.05.
    RESULTS: A strong correlation was observed between memory and concentration (r = 0.850, P = 0.000), memory and depression (r = 0.540, P = 0.000), memory and sleep (r = 0.502, P = 0.000), concentration and depression (r = 0.602, P = 0.000), concentration and sleep (r = 0.529, P = 0.000) and sleep and depression (r = 0.497, P = 0.000). The correlation between medical services and sleep (r = 0.249, P = 0.012) was moderate. The chi-square test revealed a significant difference in memory and low-intensity duration of exercise (χ2[3,N = 100] = 11.69, P = 0.01), concentration and high-intensity exercise duration (χ2[3,N = 100] = 10.08, P = 0.02), concentration with low-intensity exercise duration (χ2[3,N = 100] = 21.11, P = 0.00), depression with high-intensity (χ2[3,N = 100] = 10.36, P = 0.02), high-intensity duration of exercise (χ2[3,N = 100] = 10.48, P = 0.02); low-intensity (χ2[3,N = 100] = 7.90, P = 0.48), and low-intensity duration of exercise (χ2[3,N = 100] = 9.69, P = 0.02). Additionally, significant differences were observed between sleep and high-intensity (χ2[3, N = 100] = 10.36, P = 0.02), low-intensity (χ2[3, N = 100] = 18.14, P = 0.00), and low-intensity duration of exercise (χ2[3, N = 100] = 18.30, P = 0.00). Among the participants 5% answered RAGT, and 20% responded that they had experienced computerized cognitive therapy. Music therapy (20 %), diaphragmatic breathing exercises (45 %), and light therapy (10 %) were used. No patient had experienced tDCS. Conversely, 11% of the participants answered RAGT for programs they wanted to experience and 21% responded to computerized cognitive therapy. 25% of music therapy, 22% of diaphragmatic breathing exercises, 5% of light therapy, and 16% of tDCS participants said they wanted to experience it. Finally, 63% of the participants wanted to participate in the BRAIN-FIT program.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study\'s results provide clinical evidence-based insights into the utilization of BRAIN-FIT in MCI to maximize cognitive score improvement of memory, concentration, depression, and sleep. Therefore, when designing the BRAIN-FIT, six intervention items were set in proportion to the preference based on the survey, to reduce participants\' feeling of repulsion. The program was configured according to exercise intensity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress. Burnout weakens the energy of an individual which reduces productivity and leaves this individual helpless, hopeless, cynical, and Resentful. Thus, an early diagnosis of this syndrome has to be done and ways to prevent the level of progression and complication of burnout syndrome has to be planned.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of self-supervised Jacobson\'s relaxation technique along with Bhastrika Pranayama in reducing the level of burnout among the work-from-home IT professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: Thirty participants with burnout syndrome were randomly divided into two groups (15 participants in each group) using random allocation. The experimental group received Jacobson\'s relaxation technique along with Bhastrika Pranayama, whereas the control group received diaphragmatic breathing exercises and chest expansion exercises. Pre-test and post-test values using Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to interpret the results.
    RESULTS: Data collected were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. It shows that there is a significant reduction in the level of burnout in the Experimental group when compared to the control group at a p-value of 0.001.
    CONCLUSIONS: From the results, it is concluded that Jacobsen\'s relaxation technique along with diaphragmatic breathing exercises showed significant improvement in the reduction of burnout levels.





