diaphragm muscle

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiratory deficits after C2 hemisection (C2Hx) have been well documented through single-sex investigations. Although ovarian sex hormones enable enhanced respiratory recovery observed in females 2 wk post-C2Hx, it remains unknown if sex impacts spontaneous respiratory recovery at chronic time points. We conducted a longitudinal study to provide a comprehensive sex-based characterization of respiratory neuromuscular recovery for 8 wk after C2Hx. We recorded ventilation and chronic diaphragm electromyography (EMG) output in awake, behaving animals, phrenic motor output in anesthetized animals, and performed diaphragm muscle histology in chronically injured male and female rodents. Our results show that females expressed a greater recovery of tidal volume and minute ventilation compared with males during subacute and chronic time points. Eupneic diaphragm EMG amplitude during wakefulness and phrenic motor amplitude are similar between sexes at all time points after injury. Our data also suggest that females have a greater reduction in ipsilateral diaphragm EMG amplitude during spontaneous deep breaths (e.g., sighs) compared with males. Finally, we show evidence for atrophy and remodeling of the fast, fatigable fibers ipsilateral to injury in females, but not in males. To our knowledge, the data presented here represent the first study to report sex-dependent differences in spontaneous respiratory recovery and diaphragm muscle morphology following chronic C2Hx. These data highlight the need to study both sexes to inform evidence-based therapeutic interventions in respiratory recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI).NEW & NOTEWORTHY In response to chronic C2 hemisection, female rodents display increased tidal volume during eupneic breathing compared with males. Females show a greater reduction in diaphragm electromyography (EMG) amplitude during spontaneous deep breaths (e.g., sighs) and atrophy and remodeling of fast, fatigable diaphragm fibers. Given that most rehabilitative interventions occur in the subacute to chronic stages of injury, these results highlight the importance of considering sex when developing and evaluating therapeutics after spinal cord injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder characterized by the loss of spinal motor neurons leading to muscle weakness and respiratory failure. Mitochondrial dysfunctions are found in the skeletal muscle of patients with SMA. For obvious ethical reasons, the diaphragm muscle is poorly studied, notwithstanding the very important role that respiratory involvement plays in SMA mortality. The main goal of this study was to investigate diaphragm functionality and the underlying molecular adaptations in SMNΔ7 mice, a mouse model that exhibits symptoms similar to that of patients with intermediate type II SMA. Functional, biochemical, and molecular analyses on isolated diaphragm were performed. The obtained results suggest the presence of an intrinsic energetic imbalance associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and a significant accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In turn, ROS accumulation can affect muscle fatigue, cause diaphragm wasting, and, in the long run, respiratory failure in SMNΔ7 mice. Exposure to the antioxidant molecule ergothioneine leads to the functional recovery of the diaphragm, confirming the presence of mitochondrial impairment and redox imbalance. These findings suggest the possibility of carrying out a dietary supplementation in SMNΔ7 mice to preserve their diaphragm function and increase their lifespan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging results in increased neuromuscular transmission failure and denervation of the diaphragm muscle, as well as decreased force generation across a range of motor behaviors. Increased risk for respiratory complications in old age is a major health problem. Aging impairs autophagy, a tightly regulated multistep process responsible for clearing misfolded or aggregated proteins and damaged organelles. In motor neurons, aging-related autophagy impairment may contribute to deficits in neurotransmission, subsequent muscle atrophy, and loss of muscle force. Chloroquine is commonly used to inhibit autophagy. We hypothesized that chloroquine decreases transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) in mice. Old mice (16-28 mo old; n = 26) were randomly allocated to receive intraperitoneal chloroquine (50 mg/kg) or vehicle 4 h before measuring Pdi during eupnea, hypoxia (10% O2)-hypercapnia (5% CO2) exposure, spontaneous deep breaths (\"sighs\"), and maximal activation elicited by bilateral phrenic nerve stimulation (Pdimax). Pdi amplitude and ventilatory parameters across experimental groups and behaviors were evaluated using a mixed linear model. There were no differences in Pdi amplitude across treatments during eupnea (∼8 cm H2O), hypoxia-hypercapnia (∼10 cm H2O), or sigh (∼36 cm H2O), consistent with prior studies documenting a lack of aging effects on ventilatory behaviors. In vehicle and chloroquine-treated mice, average Pdimax was 61 and 46 cm H2O, respectively. Chloroquine decreased Pdimax by 24% compared to vehicle (P < 0.05). There were no sex or age effects on Pdi in older mice. The observed decrease in Pdimax suggests aging-related susceptibility to impairments in autophagy, consistent with the effects of chloroquine on this important homeostatic process.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Recent findings suggest that autophagy plays a role in the development of aging-related neuromuscular dysfunction; however, the contribution of autophagy impairment to the maintenance of diaphragm force generation in old age is unknown. This study shows that in old mice, chloroquine administration decreases maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure generation. These chloroquine effects suggest a susceptibility to impairments in autophagy in old age.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Advanced age and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are both associated with a loss of motor neurons resulting in muscle fiber atrophy and muscle weakness. Aging associated muscle fiber atrophy and weakening is termed sarcopenia, but the association with motor neuron loss is not as clearly established as in ALS, probably related to the prolonged time course of aging-related changes. Although aging and ALS effects on limb muscle strength and neuromotor performance are serious, such effects on the diaphragm muscle can be life threatening. Converging evidence indicates that larger phrenic motor neurons, innervating more fatigable type IIx and/or IIb diaphragm muscle fibers (fast fatigue intermediate, FInt and fast fatigable, FF motor units) are more susceptible to degeneration with both aging and ALS compared to smaller phrenic motor neurons innervating type I and IIa diaphragm muscle fibers (slow and fast fatigue resistant motor units, respectively). The etiology of ALS and age-related loss of motor neurons appears to involve mitochondrial function and neuroinflammation, both chronic and acute exacerbation. How mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation and motor neuron size intersect is the focus of continuing investigation.
    La edad avanzada y la esclerosis lateral amiotrofica (ALS) están asociadas con una pérdida de neuronas motoras que produce atrofia de las fibras musculares y debilidad muscular. El envejecimiento asociado a atrofia y debilitamiento de las fibras musculares se denomina sarcopenia, pero la asociación con la pérdida de neuronas motoras no está tan claramente establecida como en la ALS, hecho probablemente relacionado con el curso prolongado de los cambios que ocurren durante el envejecimiento. Aunque el envejecimiento y los efectos de la ALS sobre la fuerza muscular de las extremidades y el rendimiento neuromotor son graves, tales efectos sobre el músculo del diafragma pueden ser potencialmente mortales. La evidencia convergente indica que las neuronas motoras frénicas más grandes, que inervan fibras musculares de diafragma tipo IIx y / o IIb más fatigables (unidades motoras FF de fatiga rápida intermedia, FInt y fatigable rápida) son más susceptibles a la degeneración con el envejecimiento y la ALS en comparación con las neuronas motoras más pequeñas del nervio frénico que inervan las fibras musculares del diafragma tipo I y IIa (unidades motoras lentas y rápidas resistentes a la fatiga, respectivamente). La etiología de la ALS y la pérdida de neuronas motoras relacionadas con la edad parece implicar la función mitocondrial y la neuroinflamación, tanto la exacerbación crónica como la aguda. La forma en que se cruzan la disfunción mitocondrial, la neuroinflamación y el tamaño de la neurona motora es el foco de una continua investigación.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Postpartum lumbopelvic pain (PLPP) is common among women. Abdominal, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) modulate intraabdominal pressure as a part of the force closure mechanism. These muscles are exposed to changes during pregnancy that compromise the force closure mechanism. It was hypothesized that abdominal and PFMs activity, the direction of bladder base displacement, diaphragm thickness, and excursion might differ between women with and without PLPP during respiratory and postural tasks.
    METHODS: Thirty women with and 30 women without PLPP participated in this case-control study. Ultrasound imaging was used to assess the abdominal, diaphragm, and PFMs during rest, active straight leg raising (ASLR) with and without a pelvic belt, and deep respiration.
    RESULTS: The bladder base descent was significantly greater in the PLPP group than in the controls during deep respiration and ASLR without a belt (p = 0.026; Chi-squared = 6.40). No significant differences were observed between the groups in the abdominal muscles activity and diaphragm muscle thickness. There was a significant interaction effect of the group and the task for diaphragm excursion (F (2, 116) = 6.08; p = 0.00) and PFM activity (F (2, 116) = 5.22; p = 0.00). In the PLPP group, wearing a belt compromised altered PFM activation and direction of bladder base displacement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PFM activity, direction of bladder base displacement, and diaphragm excursion differed between groups during postural and respiratory tasks. Therefore, it is recommended to involve retraining of the PFMs and diaphragm muscle in the rehabilitation of women with PLPP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord hemisection at C2 (C2 SH), sparing the dorsal column is widely used to investigate the effects of reduced phrenic motor neuron (PhMN) activation on diaphragm muscle (DIAm) function, with reduced DIAm activity on the injured side during eupnoea. Following C2 SH, recovery of DIAm EMG activity may occur spontaneously over subsequent days/weeks. Various strategies have been effective at improving the incidence and magnitude of DIAm recovery during eupnoea, but little is known about the effects of C2 SH on transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi ) during other ventilatory and non-ventilatory behaviours. We employ SPG302, a novel type of pegylated benzothiazole derivative, to assess whether enhancing synaptogenesis (i.e., enhancing spared local connections) will improve the incidence and the magnitude of recovery of DIAm EMG activity and Pdi function 14 days post-C2 SH. In anaesthetised Sprague-Dawley rats, DIAm EMG and Pdi were assessed during eupnoea, hypoxia/hypercapnia and airway occlusion prior to surgery (C2 SH or sham), immediately post-surgery and at 14 days post-surgery. In C2 SH rats, 14 days of DMSO (vehicle) or SPG302 treatments (i.p. injection) occurred. At the terminal experiment, maximum Pdi was evoked by bilateral phrenic nerve stimulation. We show that significant EMG and Pdi deficits are apparent in C2 SH compared with sham rats immediately after surgery. In C2 SH rats treated with SPG302, recovery of eupneic, hypoxia/hypercapnia and occlusion DIAm EMG was enhanced compared with vehicle rats after 14 days. Treatment with SPG302 also ameliorated Pdi deficits following C2 SH. In summary, SPG302 is an exciting new therapy to explore for use in spinal cord injuries. KEY POINTS: Despite advances in our understanding of the effects of cervical hemisection (C2 SH) on diaphragm muscle (DIAm) EMG activity, very little is understood about the impact of C2 SH on the gamut of ventilatory and non-ventilatory transdiaphragmatic pressures (Pdi ). Recovery of DIAm activity following C2 SH is improved using a variety of approaches, but very few pharmaceuticals have been shown to be effective. One way of improving DIAm recovery is to enhance the amount of latent local spared connections onto phrenic motor neurons. A novel pegylated benzothiazole derivative enhances synaptogenesis in a variety of neurodegenerative conditions. Here, using a novel therapeutic SPG302, we show that 14 days of treatment with SPG302 ameliorated DIAm EMG and Pdi deficits compared with vehicle controls. Our results show that SPG302 is a compound with very promising potential for use in improving functional outcomes post-spinal cord injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) mediates neural control of skeletal muscle fibers. Neurotrophic signaling, specifically brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) acting through its high-affinity tropomyosin related kinase B (TrkB) receptor is known to improve neuromuscular transmission. BDNF/TrkB signaling also maintains the integrity of antero- and retrograde communication between the motor neuron soma, its distal axons and pre-synaptic terminals and influences neuromuscular transmission. In this study, we employed a novel rat chemogenetic mutation (TrkB F616), in which a 1-naphthylmethyl phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (1NMPP1) sensitive knock-in allele allowed specific, rapid and sustained inhibition of TrkB kinase activity. In adult female and male TrkB F616 rats, treatment with either 1NMPP1 (TrkB kinase inhibition) or DMSO (vehicle) was administered in drinking water for 14 days. To assess the extent of neuromuscular transmission failure (NMTF), diaphragm muscle isometric force evoked by nerve stimulation at 40 Hz (330 ms duration trains repeated each s) was compared to isometric forces evoked by superimposed direct muscle stimulation (every 15 s). Chronic TrkB kinase inhibition (1NMPP1 group) markedly worsened NMTF compared to vehicle controls. Acute BDNF treatment did not rescue NMTF in the 1NMPP1 group. Chronic TrkB kinase inhibition did not affect the apposition of pre-synaptic terminals (labeled with synaptophysin) and post-synaptic endplates (labeled with α-Bungarotoxin) at diaphragm NMJs. We conclude that inhibition of BDNF/TrkB signaling in TrkB F616 rats disrupts diaphragm neuromuscular transmission in a similar manner to TrkB F616A mice, likely via a pre-synaptic mechanism independent of axonal branch point failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High spinal cord injuries (SCIs) lead to permanent diaphragmatic paralysis. The search for therapeutics to induce functional motor recovery is essential. One promising noninvasive therapeutic tool that could harness plasticity in a spared descending respiratory circuit is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Here, we tested the effect of chronic high-frequency (10 Hz) rTMS above the cortical areas in C2 hemisected rats when applied for 7 days, 1 month, or 2 months. An increase in intact hemidiaphragm electromyogram (EMG) activity and excitability (diaphragm motor evoked potentials) was observed after 1 month of rTMS application. Interestingly, despite no real functional effects of rTMS treatment on the injured hemidiaphragm activity during eupnea, 2 months of rTMS treatment strengthened the existing crossed phrenic pathways, allowing the injured hemidiaphragm to increase its activity during the respiratory challenge (i.e., asphyxia). This effect could be explained by a strengthening of respiratory descending fibers in the ventrolateral funiculi (an increase in GAP-43 positive fibers), sustained by a reduction in inflammation in the C1-C3 spinal cord (reduction in CD68 and Iba1 labeling), and acceleration of intracellular plasticity processes in phrenic motoneurons after chronic rTMS treatment. These results suggest that chronic high-frequency rTMS can ameliorate respiratory dysfunction and elicit neuronal plasticity with a reduction in deleterious post-traumatic inflammatory processes in the cervical spinal cord post-SCI. Thus, this therapeutic tool could be adopted and/or combined with other therapeutic interventions in order to further enhance beneficial outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary manifestations can be present in 20-80% of patients having mixed connective tissue disorder (MCTD) and are usually subacute. MCTD when associated with polymyositis can rarely involve the diaphragm, causing respiratory failure. We present herein the case of a 49-year-old female having MCTD with a component of polymyositis who presented with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis followed by heart failure requiring respiratory support with non-invasive mechanical ventilation. We are aware of only one prior instance of MCTD associated with unilateral diaphragmatic weakness causing mild respiratory dysfunction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second reported case of diaphragmatic involvement in the MCTD population, with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis causing severe respiratory failure. This is also the first reported case of such an unusual initial presentation in this patient group. Pulmonary involvement has a poor prognosis. Early diagnosis with the initiation of therapy can improve mortality outcomes in this patient population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diaphragm muscle (DIAm) is the primary inspiratory muscle in mammals and is highly active throughout life displaying rhythmic activity. The repetitive activation of the DIAm (and of other muscles driven by central pattern generator activity) presents an opportunity to analyze these physiological data on a per-event basis rather than pooled on a per-subject basis. The present study highlights the development and implementation of a graphical user interface-based algorithm using an analysis of critical points to detect the onsets and offsets of individual respiratory events across a range of motor behaviors, thus facilitating analyses of within-subject variability. The algorithm is designed to be robust regardless of the signal type (e.g., EMG or transdiaphragmatic pressure). Our findings suggest that this approach may be particularly beneficial in reducing animal numbers in certain types of studies, for assessments of perturbation studies where the effects are relatively small but potentially physiologically meaningful, and for analyses of respiratory variability.





