device-aided therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MANAGE-PD is a validated, web-based tool to assist physicians in identifying patients with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) whose symptoms are inadequately controlled by oral medication. Also, a modified patient version of MANAGE-PD (Parkinson Check) is available in Germany. However, prospective research into the clinical utility of MANAGE-PD is lacking. This non-interventional study aimed to assess the real-world clinical utility of the MANAGE-PD and Parkinson Check in PD patients attending a single visit at specialist clinics and neurologist practices in Germany in 2022. Participants\' disease control was rated by the physicians using their own judgment, and by completing the MANAGE-PD, and by the patients completing the Parkinson Check. Concordance was calculated between the unassisted physician\'s assessment and the outcome of MANAGE-PD, as well as the Parkinson Check. A total of 278 patients from 19 sites were included in the analyses, of whom 160 patients (57.6%) were assigned to the same category of disease control by physicians\' judgment and the MANAGE-PD. Concordance was higher in patients treated in specialist clinics (63.9%) than in neurologist practices (43.7%). Concordance between physicians\' and patients\' responses was high (>80%) for each question in the Parkinson Check. MANAGE-PD proved to be especially valuable for general neurologists in identifying patients who should be referred to specialist clinics. The Parkinson Check self-assessment generated promising outcomes that merit its more widespread use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is an incurable, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder. As PD advances and symptoms progress, patients become increasingly dependent on family and carers. Traditional cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) only consider patient and payer-related outcomes, failing to acknowledge impacts on families, carers, and broader society. This novel Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis aimed to evaluate the broader impact created by improving access to levodopa (LD) device-aided therapies (DATs) for people living with advanced PD (aPD) in Australia.
    UNASSIGNED: A forecast SROI analysis over a three-year time horizon was conducted. People living with aPD and their families were recruited for qualitative interviews or a quantitative survey. Secondary research and clinical trial data was used to supplement the primary research. Outcomes were valued and assessed in a SROI value map in Microsoft Excel™. Financial proxies were assigned to each final outcome based on willingness-to-pay, economic valuation, and replacement value. Treatment cost inputs were sourced from Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) and Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) published prices.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-four interviews were conducted, and 55 survey responses were received. For every $1 invested in access to LD-based DATs in Australia, an estimated $1.79 of social value is created. Over 3 years, it was estimated $277.16 million will be invested and $406.77 million of social return will be created. This value is shared between people living with aPD (27%), their partners (22%), children (36%), and the Australian Government (15%). Most of the value created is social and emotional in nature, including reduced worry, increased connection to family and friends, and increased hope for the future.
    UNASSIGNED: Investment in LD-based DATs is expected to generate a positive social return. Over 50% of the value is created for the partners and children of people living with aPD. This value would not be captured in traditional CEA. The SROI methodology highlights the importance of investing in aPD treatment, capturing the social value created by improved access to LD-based DATs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We sought to compare MANAGE-PD and 5-2-1 Delphi criteria which are two commonly used and approved screening tools in Parkinson\'s Disease, in order to highlight their strengths and limitations.
    OBJECTIVE: Timely intervention with device-aided therapies is vital as it enables improving motor symptoms, lowering the dosage and side-effects of dopaminergic treatment, and improving patients\' and caregivers\' quality of life. Various screening tools have been created to help clinicians find the best candidates for device-aided therapies (DAT) for advanced Parkinson\'s Disease. In this study, we aimed to compare the 5-2-1 Delphi criteria to MANAGE-PD to determine how they could be used specifically to maximise their potential.
    METHODS: All of the patients (260) included in this study were DAT-naive, > 18 years of age, diagnosed with Parkinson\'s Disease, and had been referred to the Department of Neurology for qualification for advanced therapies over a 4-year period (2019-2022). They were subjected to both 5-2-1 Delphi criteria and MANAGE-PD tools and divided into subgroups based on the results of the screening. The data of patients was then statistically analysed.
    RESULTS: In the study group, 51 patients (19.5%) met all three of the 5-2-1 criteria, and 123 (47.1%) patients were categorised as \'3\' in MANAGE-PD, meaning that they may benefit from DAT. Finally, at the local centre level, 64 (24.5%) patients were qualified for DAT. 22 (34.4%) patients who were qualified for DAT by a clinician did not meet the 5-2-1 criteria.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 5-2-1 scheme based on the data from this study was characterised by a 92.5% specificity level and 65.1% sensitivity level compared to 69.5% specificity and 98.4% sensitivity level of MANAGE-PD.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that MANAGE-PD has a better screening potential of DAT admission than 5-2-1 criteria. While both tools are reliable and valuable in daily practice, our study suggests that some patients may be omitted when using only less complicated tools such as 5-2-1 during the assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 5-2-1 criteria are intended to help general neurologists identify patients with advanced Parkinson\'s disease who may benefit from treatment optimisation, such as with a device-aided therapy. Although the 5-2-1 criteria claim to address an unmet need, we urge readers to cautiously interpret the results of this validation study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) progresses with motor fluctuations emerging several years after treatment initiation. Initially managed with oral medications, these fluctuations may later necessitate device-aided therapy (DATs). Globally, various DATs options are available, including continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion, deep brain stimulation, levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel, levodopa-entacapone-carbidopa intestinal gel, and subcutaneous foslevodopa/foscarbidopa infusion, each with its complexities. Hence, matching complex patients with suitable therapy is critical. This review offers practical insights for physicians managing complex PD cases. Balancing evidence and experience is vital to select the most suitable DATs, considering factors like disease stage and patient preferences. Comparative analysis of DATs benefits and risks provides essential insights for clinicians and patients. Treatment sequences vary based on availability, patient needs, and disease progression. Less invasive options like apomorphine are often preferred initially, followed by other DATs if needed. Patient selection requires comprehensive evaluations, including motor function and cognitive status. Follow-up care involves symptom monitoring and adjusting medications. Customized treatment plans are essential for optimizing PD management with DATs.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Device-aided therapy (DAT) is an established treatment for improving the quality of life (QOL) in individuals with advanced Parkinson\'s disease (APD). Criteria for starting DAT, including motor and non-motor symptoms, have been proposed. However, it remains unclear whether QOL differences among patients with APD influence DAT introduction. Therefore, we aimed to investigate QOL differences between patients with and without DAT introduction.
    METHODS: This retrospective observational cross-sectional study included 245 patients with PD who were followed up between January 1, 2020, and June 30, 2022. We defined cases that underwent DAT introduction after evaluation as \"planned-DAT\" and those that did not as \"not-planned-DAT.\" We performed between-group comparisons of the PD questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39) summary index (SI) in patients with APD who met the 5-2-1 criteria (≥5 times the oral levodopa dose/day, ≥2 h of \"off\" symptoms/day, and ≥ 1 h of troublesome dyskinesia/day).
    RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients met the inclusion criteria for APD (median age: 68 [61.0-73.0] years; 62.8% [N = 52] women). The PDQ-39 SI scores were higher in the planned-DAT group (N = 12) than in the not-planned-DAT group (N = 67) (29.2 [22.1-33.6] vs. 19.0 [10.3-49.6] points, P < 0.05). After propensity-score matching according to age and sex, the PDQ-39 SI scores remained higher in the planned-DAT (N = 9) than in the not-planned-DAT group (N = 18) (40.0 [25.4-60.0] vs. 18.5 [7.9-46.8] points, P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that QOL assessment using PDQ-39 can be used to identify patients eligible for DAT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Device-aided therapy may improve the quality of life (QoL) for people with advanced Parkinson\'s disease (PD) and poorly controlled symptoms with oral therapy. MANAGE-PD is a validated tool classifying patients based on symptom control and advanced treatment eligibility. This study focused on patient/caregiver reported outcomes and healthcare resource utilization among patients grouped by MANAGE-PD categories.
    METHODS: Device-aided therapy-naïve patients receiving oral treatments were identified from the Adelphi Parkinson\'s Disease Programme. Patients were categorized (category 1 to 3) using MANAGE-PD. PD-specific QoL (PDQ-39), care partner burden (ZBI), satisfaction with current treatment, healthcare resource utilization, associated healthcare costs, and future treatment discussion with providers were measured. Categories were compared using ANOVA, t-test, chi square and adjusted regression analyses.
    RESULTS: Of the analytical sample (n = 2709), 18.9% were inadequately controlled on current therapy and potentially eligible for device-aided therapies (category 3). As expected, they had worse patient/caregiver reported outcomes versus patients in categories 1 or 2. However, the degree of difference in healthcare resource utilization, including: greater number of hospitalizations, emergency room (ER) visits and consultations, higher likelihood of being recipients of respite care, and greater PD treatment burden, was unexpected. Importantly, of patients in category 3 and their care partners, >40% did not report discussions with providers about device-aided therapies.
    CONCLUSIONS: MANAGE-PD category 3 patients had significantly higher burden on healthcare resources versus patients well-controlled with oral treatment or requiring only oral medication adjustments; yet almost half had no discussion on device-aided therapies with providers. Device-aided therapies may be considered in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Complex polypharmacy regimens to manage persistent motor fluctuations result in significant pill burden for patients with advanced Parkinson\'s disease (APD). This study evaluated the effectiveness of carbidopa/levodopa enteral suspension (CLES) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) on reducing pill burden in APD patients.
    METHODS: We utilized 100% Medicare fee-for-service claims from 2014 to 2018 linked to CLES Patient Support Program (PSP) data. CLES initiators (CLES-I) were propensity matched 1:1 with patients enrolled in PSP who did not initiate treatment (CLES-NI) (N = 188) or undergo DBS, and 1:3 with patients who received DBS (N = 204, N = 612). Average daily pill burden and levodopa equivalent daily dosage (LEDD) were measured at baseline, 0-6 months and 7-12 months follow-up.
    RESULTS: CLES-I and CLES-NI had higher pill burden than DBS patients at baseline. However, at 6 months post-treatment, CLES-I had significantly fewer pills/day than CLES-NI (4.7 versus 11.4, p < 0.05) and DBS (4.8 versus 7.4, p < 0.05). A significant reduction in pill burden was observed at 0-6 months (46.3%) and 7-12 months (68.3%) follow-up for CLES-I (p < 0.001) versus increased burden for CLES-NI (+10.5%, p < 0.05 and +8.2%, p > 0.05) and insignificant reductions for DBS (-3.9% and -6.1%, p > 0.05). Mean adjusted pill burden showed 57.3% fewer pills at 0-6 months and 74.1% at 7-12 months among CLES-I compared with CLES-NI, and 49.6% and 70.1% reduction compared with DBS. CLES-I showed a decrease in LEDD at 7-12 months compared with baseline (935 to 237 mg) and to CLES-NI (237 mg versus 1112 mg) and DBS patients (236 mg versus 594 mg).
    CONCLUSIONS: CLES led to a significant reduction in pill burden and oral LEDD compared with CLES-NI and DBS patients. Pill burden reduction could be considered a treatment goal for patients with APD challenged by complex polypharmacy regimens that interfere with activities of daily living and quality of life.
    Management of uncontrollable motor movements in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease rely on oral levodopa-based treatments. Non-motor symptoms such as depression and anxiety are managed with additional oral medications. Over time, higher and more frequent dosing of oral medications is required, resulting in complex medication regimens that impact quality of life and adherence.A real-world study of 10,752 Parkinson’s disease patients between 2014 and 2018 evaluated the effectiveness of two device-aided therapies to reduce pill burden, carbidopa/levodopa enteral suspension and deep brain stimulation. Carbidopa/levodopa suspension treatment involves continuous delivery of levodopa to the intestines through a surgical port attached to a portable pump. Brain stimulation involves surgery to attach metal wires to the brain to send electrical pulses via an implanted stimulator.As Parkinson’s disease predominately affects the elderly, we compared Medicare patients on carbidopa/levodopa suspension to a matched control group receiving no suspension and to those receiving brain stimulation. Average pill burden/day was measured prior to receiving a device-aided treatment (baseline) and at 0–6 months and 7–12 months post-treatment (follow-up).The top graph shows that by 6-months post-treatment, patients on carbidopa/levodopa suspension required fewer pills than those without suspension (4.7 versus 11.4), with further pill reduction at 12 months (3.5 versus 11.1). The bottom graph shows that by 6 months, patients on carbidopa/levodopa suspension required fewer pills than patients treated with brain stimulation (4.8 versus 7.4), with further reduction at 12 months (3.6 versus 7.0). The reduction in oral pill burden suggests that the carbidopa/levodopa suspension may present an opportunity to simplify treatment regimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study measures the relative preference for attributes of device-aided therapies (DATs) for advanced Parkinson\'s Disease (PD) from the perspective of Japanese neurologists.
    Attributes and levels were elicited based on literature and interviews with certified neurologists experienced with DATs. An online survey including a discrete choice experiment (DCE) was developed, pilot tested, and distributed through an online panel to neurologists treating advanced PD patients. Participants were asked to choose treatments among several choice sets of two hypothetical DATs described only by the attributes, or no DAT (continuing oral treatment). A conditional logit model using the Bayesian framework was developed to estimate the marginal utilities of attributes\' levels, and the relative utility of treatments available to Japanese advanced PD patients or being developed in Japan was assessed.
    The DCE survey completed by 308 neurologists showed that the attributes with the greatest influence on DAT selection were surgery requirement (relative importance of 28%), average increase in the duration of daily \"on\" time without dyskinesia which affects daily activities (15%), average change in cognitive function related to treatment introduction (15%), device management frequency (14%), average number of pills of oral PD medication after treatment introduction (13%), average influence of treatment on symptoms of depression (12%), and type of device (large/small) (3%). All attributes significantly influenced respondents\' choices, except for external device type. Experience with DATs did not influence the directions of preferences. Out of treatment profiles representing DATs, continuous subcutaneous infusion of levodopa-carbidopa had a higher preference score than levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion and deep brain stimulation.
    Our findings suggest that Japanese neurologists would prefer a DAT without surgery requirement. Other factors related to efficacy, safety, and administration mode have a significant, but a smaller influence on prescription choices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In advanced Parkinson\'s disease (PD), a high pill burden is associated with poor compliance, reduced control of symptoms, and decreased quality of life. We assessed the impact of carbidopa-levodopa enteral suspension (CLES) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) on PD-related pill burden.
    METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted in the IBM MarketScan and Medicare Supplemental databases. Patients with advanced PD, taking only PD medications, and initiating CLES or DBS between 9 January 2015 and 31 July 2019 were identified. CLES patients were matched to DBS patients in a 1:3 ratio based on a propensity score to balance patient characteristics. Pill burden was measured as a 30-day average number of PD-related pills per day and was captured monthly. Pill-free status was evaluated as the percentage of patients receiving CLES or DBS monotherapy. Descriptive statistics were used to compare pill counts and assess the proportion of patients on monotherapy at 6 and 12 months after initiating CLES or DBS.
    RESULTS: The cohorts included 34 CLES patients matched to 97 DBS patients. A significant reduction in PD-related pill burden was observed at 6 months after initiation of CLES or DBS (∆CLES: -5.62, p < 0.0001; ∆DBS: -1.48, p = 0.0022). PD-related pill burden reduction in CLES patients was significantly greater than in matched DBS patients at 6 months (∆: -4.14, p < 0.0001), which was sustained at 12 months after initiation. At 12 months, nearly three times more CLES patients were pill free than DBS patients (29.41% and 10.31%, respectively, p = 0.0123).
    CONCLUSIONS: Device-aided therapies such as CLES and DBS are effective in significantly reducing PD-related pill burden. Patients treated with CLES were more likely to achieve pill-free status than patients receiving DBS.





