development assistance for health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a widely accepted objective among entities providing development assistance for health (DAH) and DAH recipient governments. One key metric to assess progress with UHC is financial risk protection, but empirical evidence on the extent to which DAH is associated to financial risk protection (and hence UHC) is scarce.
    METHODS: Our sample is comprised of 65 countries whose DAH per capita is above the population -weighted average DAH per capita across all countries. The sample comprises of 1.7 million household observations, for the period 2000-2016. We run country and year fixed effects regressions, and pseudo-panel models, to assess the association between DAH and three measures of financial risk protection: catastrophic health expenditure (i.e., out-of-pocket health expenditures larger than 10% of total household expenditures [\'CHE10%\']), out-of-pocket health expenditure as a share of total expenditure (\'OOP%\'), and impoverishment due to health expenditures, at the 1.90US$ per day poverty line (\'IMP190\').
    RESULTS: on average, DAH investment does not appear to be significantly associated with financial risk protection outcomes. However, we find suggestive evidence that a 1 US$ increase in DAH per capita is negatively associated (i.e., an improvement) with at least one financial risk protection outcome for the poorest household quintile within countries (in fixed effects models, IMP190: 0.05 percentage points, p < 0.1; in pseudo-panel models, CHE10%: 0.12 percentage points, p < 0.01). DAH is also negatively associated (i.e., an improvement) with most financial risk protection outcomes when it is largely channelled via government systems (i.e., when it is \"on-budget\") (CHE10%: 0.68 percentage points, p < 0.05). Several robustness checks confirm these results.
    CONCLUSIONS: DAH investments require careful planning to improve financial risk protection. For example, positive DAH effects for the poorest quintiles of the population might be driven by DAH targeting poorer populations and doing so effectively. Our results also suggest that channelling more resources via governments might be a promising avenue to enhance the impact of DAH on financial risk protection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While substantial gains have been made in the fight against malaria over the past 20 years, malaria morbidity and mortality are marked by inequality. The equitable elimination of malaria within countries will be determined in part by greater spending on malaria interventions, and how those investments are allocated. This study aims to identify potential drivers of malaria outcome inequality and to demonstrate how spending through different mechanisms might lead to greater health equity.
    METHODS: Using the Gini index, subnational estimates of malaria incidence and mortality rates from 2010 to 2020 were used to quantify the degree of inequality in malaria burden within countries with incidence rates above 5000 cases per 100,000 people in 2020. Estimates of Gini indices represent within-country distributions of disease burden, with high values corresponding to inequitable distributions of malaria burden within a country. Time series analyses were used to quantify associations of malaria inequality with malaria spending, controlling for country socioeconomic and population characteristics.
    RESULTS: Between 2010 and 2020, varying levels of inequality in malaria burden within malaria-endemic countries was found. In 2020, values of the Gini index ranged from 0.06 to 0.73 for incidence, 0.07 to 0.73 for mortality, and 0.00 to 0.36 for case fatality. Greater total malaria spending, spending on health systems strengthening for malaria, healthcare access and quality, and national malaria incidence were associated with reductions in malaria outcomes inequality within countries. In addition, government expenditure on malaria, aggregated government and donor spending on treatment, and maternal educational attainment were also associated with changes in malaria outcome inequality among countries with the greatest malaria burden.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study suggest that prioritizing health systems strengthening in malaria spending and malaria spending in general especially from governments will help to reduce inequality of the malaria burden within countries. Given heterogeneity in outcomes in countries currently fighting to control malaria, and the challenges in increasing both domestic and international funding allocated to control and eliminate malaria, the efficient targeting of limited resources is critical to attain global malaria eradication goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Global Fund partnered with the Zimbabwean government to provide end-to-end support to strengthen the procurement and supply chain within the health system. This was accomplished through a series of strategic investments that included infrastructure and fleet improvement, training of personnel, modern equipment acquisition and warehouse optimisation. This assessment sought to determine the effects of the project on the health system.
    METHODS: This study employed a mixed methods design combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative part entailed a descriptive analysis of procurement and supply chain data from the Zimbabwe healthcare system covering 2018 - 2021. The qualitative part comprised key informant interviews using a structured interview guide. Informants included health system stakeholders privy to the Global Fund-supported initiatives in Zimbabwe. The data collected through the interviews were transcribed in full and subjected to thematic content analysis.
    RESULTS: Approximately 90% of public health facilities were covered by the procurement and distribution system. Timeliness of order fulfillment (within 90 days) at the facility level improved from an average of 42% to over 90% within the 4-year implementation period. Stockout rates for HIV drugs and test kits declined by 14% and 49% respectively. Population coverage for HIV treatment for both adults and children remained consistently high despite the increasing prevalence of people living with HIV. The value of expired commodities was reduced by 93% over the 4-year period. Majority of the system stakeholders interviewed agreed that support from Global Fund was instrumental in improving the country\'s procurement and supply chain capacity. Key areas include improved infrastructure and equipment, data and information systems, health workforce and financing. Many of the participants also cited the Global Fund-supported warehouse optimization as critical to improving inventory management practices.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is imperative for governments and donors keen to strengthen health systems to pay close attention to the procurement and distribution of medicines and health commodities. There is need to collaborate through joint planning and implementation to optimize the available resources. Organizational autonomy and sharing of best practices in management while strengthening accountability systems are fundamentally important in the efforts to build institutional capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola and Covid-19 are increasing in frequency. They may harm reproductive, maternal and newborn health (RMNH) directly and indirectly. Sierra Leone experienced a sharp deterioration of RMNH during the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. One possible explanation is that donor funding may have been diverted away from RMNH to the Ebola response.
    METHODS: We analysed donor-reported data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)\'s Creditor Reported System (CRS) data for Sierra Leone before, during and after the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic to understand whether aid flows for Ebola displaced aid for RMNH. We estimated aid for Ebola using key term searches and manual review of CRS records. We estimated aid for RMNH by applying the Muskoka-2 algorithm to the CRS and analysing CRS purpose codes.
    RESULTS: We find substantial increases in aid to Sierra Leone (from $484 million in 2013 to $1 billion at the height of the epidemic in 2015), most of which was earmarked for the Ebola response. Overall, Ebola aid was additional to RMNH funding. RMNH aid was sustained during the epidemic (at $42 m per year) and peaked immediately after (at $77 m in 2016). There is some evidence of a small displacement of RMNH aid from the UK during the period when its Ebola funding increased.
    CONCLUSIONS: Modest changes to RMNH donor aid patterns are insufficient to explain the severe decline in RMNH indicators recorded during the outbreak. Our findings therefore suggest the need for substantial increases in routine aid to ensure that basic RMNH services and infrastructure are strong before an epidemic occurs, as well as increased aid for RMNH during epidemics like Ebola and Covid-19, if reproductive, maternal and newborn healthcare is to be maintained at pre-epidemic levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study views sustainability after the exit of development assistance for health (DAH) as a shared responsibility between donors and recipients and sees transitioning DAH-supported interventions into domestic health policy as a pathway to this sustainability. It aims to uncover and understand the reemergent aspects of the donor-recipient dynamic in DAH and how they contribute to formulating domestic health policy and post-DAH sustainability.
    We conducted a case study on two DAH-supported interventions: medical financial assistance in the Basic Health Services Project supported by the World Bank and UK (1998-2007) and civil society engagement in the HIV/AIDS Rolling Continuation Channel supported by the Global Fund (2010-2013) in China. From December 2021 to December 2022, we analyzed 129 documents and interviewed 46 key informants. Our data collection and coding were guided by a conceptual framework based on Walt and Gilson\'s health policy analysis model and the World Health Organization\'s health system building blocks. We used process tracing for analysis.
    According to the collected data, our case study identified three reemergent, interrelated aspects of donor-recipient dynamics: different preferences and compromise, partnership dialogues, and responsiveness to the changing context. In the case of medical financial assistance, the dynamic was characterized by long-term commitment to addressing local needs, on-site mutual learning and understanding, and local expertise cultivation and knowledge generation, enabling proactive responses to the changing context. In contrast, the dynamic in the case of HIV/AIDS civil society engagement marginalized genuine civil society engagement, lacked sufficient dialogue, and exhibited a passive response to the context. These differences led to varying outcomes in transnational policy diffusion and sustainability of DAH-supported interventions between the cases.
    Given the similarities in potential alternative factors observed in the two cases, we emphasize the significance of the donor-recipient dynamic in transnational policy diffusion through DAH. The study implies that achieving post-DAH sustainability requires a balance between donor priorities and recipient ownership to address local needs, partnership dialogues for mutual understanding and learning, and collaborative international-domestic expert partnerships to identify and respond to contextual enablers and barriers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although not reliant on donor funding for health, the external assistance that Sri Lanka receives contributes to the improvement of the health system and health outcomes. In this study, we evaluated transition experiences of the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) that received Gavi funding to expand the vaccine portfolio and the Anti-Malaria Campaign (AMC) that received funding from the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to scale-up interventions to target and achieve malaria elimination. We assessed if EPI and AMC programmes were able to sustain coverage of previously donor-funded interventions post-transition and explain the facilitators and barriers that contribute to this. We used a mixed methods approach using quantitative data to assess coverage indicators and the financing mix of the health programmes and qualitative analysis guided by a framework informed by the Walt and Gilson policy triangle that brought together document review and in-depth interviews to identify facilitators and barriers to transition success. The EPI programme showed sustained coverage of Gavi-funded vaccines post-transition and the funding gap was bridged by mobilizing domestic financing facilitated by the Gavi co-financing mechanism, full integration within existing service delivery structures, well-established and favourable pharmaceutical procurement processes for the public sector and stewardship and financial advocacy by technically competent managers. Although the absence of indigenous cases of malaria since 2012 suggests overall programme success, the AMC showed mixed transition success in relation to its different programme components. Donor-supported programme components requiring mobilization of operational expenses, facilitated by early financial planning, were successfully transitioned (e.g. entomological and parasitological surveillance) given COVID-19-related constraints. Other key programme components, such as research, training, education and awareness that are dependent on non-operational expenses are lagging behind. Additionally, concerns of AMC\'s future financial sustainability within the current structure remain in the context of low malaria burden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    External technical assistance has played a vital role in facilitating the transitions of donor-supported health projects/programmes (or their key components) to domestic health systems in China and Georgia. Despite large differences in size and socio-political systems, these two upper-middle-income countries have both undergone similar trajectories of \'graduating\' from external assistance for health and gradually established strong national ownership in programme financing and policymaking over the recent decades. Although there have been many documented challenges in achieving effective and sustainable technical assistance, the legacy of technical assistance practices in China and Georgia provides many important lessons for improving technical assistance outcomes and achieving more successful donor transitions with long-term sustainability. In this innovation and practice report, we have selected five projects/programmes in China and Georgia supported by the following external health partners: the World Bank and the UK Department for International Development, Gavi Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. These five projects/programmes covered different health focus areas, ranging from rural health system strengthening to opioid substitution therapy. We discuss three innovative practices of technical assistance identified by the cross-country research teams: (1) talent cultivation for key decision-makers and other important stakeholders in the health system; (2) long-term partnerships between external and domestic experts; and (3) evidence-based policy advocacy nurtured by local experiences. However, the main challenge of implementation is insufficient domestic budgets for capacity building during and post-transition. We further identify two enablers for these practices to facilitate donor transition: (1) a project/programme governance structure integrated into the national health system and (2) a donor-recipient dynamic that enabled deep and far-reaching engagements with external and domestic stakeholders. Our findings shed light on the practices of technical assistance that strengthen long-term post-transition sustainability across multiple settings, particularly in middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-prevalence countries in Southern and Eastern Africa continue to receive substantial external assistance (EA) for HIV programming, yet countries are at risk of transitioning out of HIV aid without achieving epidemic control. We sought to address two questions: (1) to what extent has HIV EA in the region been programmed and delivered in a way that supports long-term sustainability and (2) how should development agencies change operational approaches to support long-term, sustainable HIV control? We conducted 20 semi-structured key informant interviews with global and country-level respondents coupled with an analysis of Global Fund budget data for Malawi, Uganda, and Zambia (from 2017 until the present). We assessed EA practice along six dimensions of sustainability, namely financial, epidemiological, programmatic, rights-based, structural and political sustainability. Our respondents described HIV systems\' vulnerability to donor departure, as well as how development partner priorities and practices have created challenges to promoting long-term HIV control. The challenges exacerbated by EA patterns include an emphasis on treatment over prevention, limiting effects on new infection rates; resistance to service integration driven in part by \'winners\' under current EA patterns and challenges in ensuring coverage for marginalized populations; persistent structural barriers to effectively serving key populations and limited capacity among organizations best positioned to respond to community needs; and the need for advocacy given the erosion of political commitment by the long-term and substantive nature of HIV EA. Our recommendations include developing a robust investment case for primary prevention, providing operational support for integration processes, investing in local organizations and addressing issues of political will. While strategies must be locally crafted, our paper provides initial suggestions for how EA partners could change operational approaches to support long-term HIV control and the achievement of universal health coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although donor transitions from HIV programmes are increasingly common in low-and middle-income countries, there are limited analyses of long-term impacts on HIV services. We examined the impact of changes in President\'s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funding policy on HIV services in Eastern Uganda between 2015 and 2021.We conducted a qualitative case study of two districts in Eastern Uganda (Luuka and Bulambuli), which were affected by shifts in PEPFAR funding policy. In-depth interviews were conducted with PEPFAR officials at national and sub-national levels (n = 46) as well as with district health officers (n = 8). Data were collected between May and November 2017 (Round 1) and February and June 2022 (Round 2). We identified four significant donor policy transition milestones: (1) between 2015 and 2017, site-level support was withdrawn from 241 facilities following the categorization of case study districts as having a \'low HIV burden\'. Following the implementation of this policy, participants perceived a decline in the quality of HIV services and more frequent commodity stock-outs. (2) From 2018 to 2020, HIV clinic managers in transitioned districts reported drastic drops in investments in HIV programming, resulting in increased patient attrition, declining viral load suppression rates and increased reports of patient deaths. (3) District officials reported a resumption of site-level PEPFAR support in October 2020 with stringent targets to reverse declines in HIV indicators. However, PEPFAR declared less HIV-specific funding. (4) In December 2021, district health officers reported shifts by PEPFAR of routing aid away from international to local implementing partner organizations. We found that, unlike districts that retained PEPFAR support, the transitioned districts (Luuka and Bulambuli) fell behind the rest of the country in implementing changes to the national HIV treatment guidelines adopted between 2017 and 2020. Our study highlights the heavy dependence on PEPFAR and the need for increasing domestic financial responsibility for the national HIV response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background : Deep-rooted and widespread gender-based bias and discrimination threaten achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite evidence that addressing gender inequities contributes to better health and development outcomes, the resources for, and effectiveness of, such efforts in development assistance for health (DAH) have been insufficient. This paper explores systemic challenges in DAH that perpetuate or contribute to gender inequities, with a particular focus on the role of external donors and funders. Methods: We applied a co-creation system design process to map and analyze interactions between donors and recipient countries, and articulate drivers of gender inequities within the landscape of DAH. We conducted qualitative primary data collection and analysis in 2021 via virtual facilitated discussions and visual mapping exercises among a diverse set of 41 stakeholders, including representatives from donor institutions, country governments, academia, and civil society. Results: Six systemic challenges emerged as perpetuating or contributing to gender inequities in DAH: 1) insufficient input and leadership from groups affected by gender bias and discrimination; 2) decision-maker blind spots inhibit capacity to address gender inequities; 3) imbalanced power dynamics contribute to insufficient resources and attention to gender priorities; 4) donor funding structures limit efforts to effectively address gender inequities; 5) fragmented programming impedes coordinated attention to the root causes of gender inequities; and 6) data bias contributes to insufficient understanding of and attention to gender inequities. Conclusions : Many of the drivers impeding progress on gender equity in DAH are embedded in power dynamics that distance and disempower people affected by gender inequities. Overcoming these dynamics will require more than technical solutions. Groups affected by gender inequities must be centered in leadership and decision-making at micro and macro levels, with practices and structures that enable co-creation and mutual accountability in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health programs.





