detector arrays

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To characterize detector array spacing and gamma index for quality assurance (QA) of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) deliveries. Use the Nyquist theorem to determine the required detector spacing in SRS fields, and find optimal gamma indices to detect MLC errors using the SRS MapCHECK, ArcCHECK, and a portal imaging device (EPID).
    METHODS: The required detector spacing was determined via Fourier analysis of small radiation fields and profiles of typical SRS treatment plans. The clinical impact of MLC errors of 0.5, 1, and 2 mm was evaluated. Global gamma (low-dose threshold 10%) was evaluated for the three detector systems using various combinations of the distance to agreement and the dose difference.
    RESULTS: While MLC errors only slightly affected mean dose to PTV and a 2 mm thick surrounding structure (PTV_2 mm), significant PTV underdose incurred with increase in maximum dose to PTV_2 mm. Gamma indices with highest sensitivity to the introduced errors at 95% tolerance level for plans on target volumes of 3.2 cm3 (plan 3 cc) and 35.02 cm3 (plan 35 cc) were 2%/1 mm for the SRS MapCHECK and 2%/3 mm for the ArcCHECK, with 3%/1 mm (plan 3cc) and 2%/1 mm (plan 35cc) for the EPID. Drops in passing rates for a 2 mm MLC error were (46.2%, 41.6%) for the SRS MapCHECK and (12.2%, 4.2%) for the ArcCHECK for plan 3cc and plan 35cc, respectively. For Portal Dose, values were 4.5% (plan 3cc) and 7% (plan 35cc). The Nyquist frequency of two SRS dose distributions lie between 0.26  and 0.1 mm-1 , corresponding to detector spacings of 1.9 and 5 mm. Evaluation of SRS MapCHECK data with doubled detector density indicates that increased detector density may reduce the system\'s sensitivity to errors, necessitating a tighter gamma index.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present results give insight on the performance of detector arrays and gamma indices for the investigated detectors during SRS QA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the feasibility of a novel real-time beam monitoring device for medical linacs which remotely senses charge carriers produced in air by the beam without intersecting and attenuating the beamline. The primary goal is to elaborate a theoretical concept of a possible detector geometry and underlying physical model that allows for determination of clinically relevant beam data in real time, namely MLC leaf positions and dose rate. The detector consists of two opposing electrode arrays arranged in two possible orientations around the beamline. Detection of charge carriers is governed by electromagnetic principles described by Shockley-Ramo theorem. Ions produced by ionization of the air column upstream of patient move laterally in an external electric field. According to the method of images, mirror charges and mirror currents are formed in the strip electrodes. Determination of MU rate and MLC positions using the measured signal requires solution of an inverse problem. In the present work we adopted a Least-Square approach and characterized detector response and sensitivity to detection of beam properties for different electrode geometries and MLC shapes. Results were dependent on MLC field shape and the leaf position within the active volume. The accuracy of determination of leaf positions were in the sub-mm range (up to 0.25-1 mm). Additionally, detector sensitivity was quantified by simulating ions/pulse delivered with a radiation transport deterministic computation in 1D in CEPXS/ONEDANT. For a 6 MV linac pulse, signal amplitude per pulse was estimated to be in the lower pA to fA range. We computationally demonstrated feasibility of the remote sensing detector capable of measuring beam parameters such as MLC leaf positions and dose range for each pulse. Future work should focus on optimizing the electrode geometry to increase sensitivity and better reconstruction algorithms to provide more accurate solutions of the inverse problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optical spectrometers and sensors have gained enormous importance in metrology and information technology, frequently involving the question of size, resolution, sensitivity, spectral range, efficiency, reliability, and cost. Nanomaterials and nanotechnological fabrication technologies have huge potential to enable an optimization between these demands, which in some cases are counteracting each other. This paper focuses on the visible and near infrared spectral range and on five types of optical sensors (optical spectrometers): classical grating-based miniaturized spectrometers, arrayed waveguide grating devices, static Fabry-Pérot (FP) filter arrays on sensor arrays, tunable microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) FP filter arrays, and MEMS tunable photonic crystal filters. The comparison between this selection of concepts concentrates on (i) linewidth and resolution, (ii) required space for a selected spectral range, (iii) efficiency in using available light, and (iv) potential of nanoimprint for cost reduction and yield increase. The main part of this review deals with our own results in the field of static FP filter arrays and MEMS tunable FP filter arrays. In addition, technology for efficiency boosting to get more of the available light is demonstrated.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While single-pixel superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) have demonstrated remarkable efficiency and timing performance from the UV to near-IR, scaling these devices to large imaging arrays remains challenging. Here, we propose a new SNSPD multiplexing system using thermal coupling and detection correlations between two photosensitive layers of an array. Using this architecture with the channels of one layer oriented in rows and the second layer in columns, we demonstrate imaging capability in 16-pixel arrays with accurate spot tracking at the few-photon level. We also explore the performance trade-offs of orienting the top layer nanowires parallel and perpendicular to the bottom layer. The thermally coupled row-column scheme is readily able to scale to the kilopixel size with existing readout systems and, when combined with other multiplexing architectures, has the potential to enable megapixel scale SNSPD imaging arrays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite their availability and simplicity of use, Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) have not yet replaced detector arrays for patient specific QA in 3D. The purpose of this study is to perform a large scale dosimetric evaluation of transit and non-transit EPID dosimetry against absolute dose measurements in 3D.
    METHODS: After evaluating basic dosimetric characteristics of the EPID and two detector arrays (Octavius 1500 and Octavius 1000SRS ), 3D dose distributions for 68 VMAT arcs, and 10 IMRT plans were reconstructed within the same phantom geometry using transit EPID dosimetry, non-transit EPID dosimetry, and the Octavius 4D system. The reconstructed 3D dose distributions were directly compared by γ-analysis (2L2 = 2% local/2 mm and 3G2 = 3% global/2 mm, 50% isodose) and by the percentage difference in median dose to the high dose volume (%∆HDVD 50 ).
    RESULTS: Regarding dose rate dependency, dose linearity, and field size dependence, the agreement between EPID dosimetry and the two detector arrays was found to be within 1.0%. In the 2L2 γ-comparison with Octavius 4D dose distributions, the average γ-pass rate value was 92.2 ± 5.2%(1SD) and 94.1 ± 4.3%(1SD) for transit and non-transit EPID dosimetry, respectively. 3G2 γ-pass rate values were higher than 95% in 150/156 cases. %∆HDVD 50 values were within 2% in 134/156 cases and within 3% in 155/156 cases. With regard to the clinical classification of alerts, 97.5% of the treatments were equally classified by EPID dosimetry and Octavius 4D.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transit and non-transit EPID dosimetry are equivalent in dosimetric terms to conventional detector arrays for patient specific QA. Non-transit 3D EPID dosimetry can be readily used for pre-treatment patient specific QA of IMRT and VMAT, eliminating the need of phantom positioning.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The most common metric for comparing measured to calculated dose planes is a pass rate generated using percent difference, distance-to-agreement (DTA), or some combination of the two (e.g. gamma evaluation). The grid of analyzed points often corresponds to a dosimeter array with low areal-density of point detectors. This work examines the statistical uncertainty of planar dose comparison pass rates and proposes methods for establishing confidence intervals for pass rates obtained with low detector-density arrays.
    METHODS: Absolute dose planes were acquired via EPID for twenty intensity-modulated fields of varying complexity. Matching calculated dose planes were created via treatment planning system. Pass rates for each dose plane pair (centered to CAX) were calculated with various %/DTA composite analysis techniques. Software was designed to selectively sample the high-density EPID matrix to simulate many low-density measured grids, each representing a different alignment with respect to CAX. Simulations were repeated (100 positional iterations per field) using grids of varying detector-densities and both random and orthogonal point-detector orientation. For each simulation, pass rates were calculated with various composite analysis techniques.
    RESULTS: Repositioning simulated low-density grids leads to a distribution of possible pass rates for each measured/calculated dose plane pair, independent of whether the detector grid is random or uniform. Distributions can be predicted using a binomial distribution by which a confidence interval (function of sampling density and observed pass rate) is approximated for each pass rate. For example, 95% confidence intervals for IMRT pass rates (2%,2mm) average +/-5.3% and +/-3.8% with 1-detector/cm2 and 2-detector/cm2 grids, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pass rates for low-density array measurements are not absolute and should be reported with both a full description of calculation method and confidence intervals quantifying their uncertainty. Results extend to 3D detector arrays. The concept of fixed \'action levels\' for pass rates must be reexamined for low-density array measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance of a new MV X-ray detector prototype specifically designed for use on the TomoTherapy® System.
    METHODS: A gas-filled detector array, similar in concept to existing TomoTherapy detector arrays, has been designed and fabricated for the TomoTherapy System. Unlike existing detector arrays, the prototype detector array has a radius of curvature that matches the source-to-detector distance. Also, the internal structure of the detector such as the septa material and geometry has been optimized for MV X-rays. The prototype detector performance was assessed by measuring the signal properties of each of the detector channel signals. Signal, noise, and signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) were measured. Finally, the resulting MVCT image quality was assessed.
    RESULTS: The signal profile across the prototype detector more closely matches the incident X-ray beam intensity and, in particular, is missing the characteristic trough in the center of signal profiles from existing TomoTherapy detector arrays. Compared to an existing detector, the mean signal is approximately equal outside the central region. Inside the 100 central channels (out of 576 total channels), the prototype detector signal is substantially larger than the existing detector. The variation in the pulse-to-pulse signal (noise), after accounting for output fluctuations, is substantially lower with the new detector. The resulting SNR is an average of 18% higher across all channels, with an improvement of up to 36% for the central channels. The prototype detector yielded MVCT images that, compared to one typical system with an existing detector array, had 7% lower image noise in the periphery and 36% lower noise at the center of the image.
    CONCLUSIONS: This evaluation indicates that the performance of a new MV X-ray detector array prototype exceeds the performance of an existing detector array in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and resulting MVCT image quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To dosimetrically validate AcurosXB algorithm for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) in comparison with standard clinical Anisotropic Analytic Algorithm(AAA) and Collapsed Cone Convolution(CCC) dose calculation algorithms.
    METHODS: AcurosXB dose calculation algorithm is available with Varian Eclipse treatment planning system (V10). It uses grid-based Boltzmann equation solver to predict dose precisely in lesser time. This study was made to realize algorithms ability to predict dose accurately as its delivery for which five clinical cases each of Brain, Head&Neck, Thoracic, Pelvic and SBRT were taken. Verification plans were created on multicube phantom with iMatrixx-2D detector array and then dose prediction was done with AcurosXB, AAA & CCC (COMPASS System) algorithm and the same were delivered onto CLINAC-iX treatment machine. Delivered dose was captured in iMatrixx plane for all 25 plans. Measured dose was taken as reference to quantify the agreement between AcurosXB calculation algorithm against previously validated AAA and CCC algorithm. Gamma evaluation was performed with clinical criteria distance-to-agreement 3&2mm and dose difference 3&2% in omnipro-I\'MRT software. Plans were evaluated in terms of correlation coefficient, quantitative area gamma and average gamma.
    RESULTS: Study shows good agreement between mean correlation 0.9979±0.0012, 0.9984±0.0009 & 0.9979±0.0011 for AAA, CCC & Acuros respectively. Mean area gamma for criteria 3mm/3% was found to be 98.80±1.04, 98.14±2.31, 98.08±2.01 and 2mm/2% was found to be 93.94±3.83, 87.17±10.54 & 92.36±5.46 for AAA, CCC & Acuros respectively. Mean average gamma for 3mm/3% was 0.26±0.07, 0.42±0.08, 0.28±0.09 and 2mm/2% was found to be 0.39±0.10, 0.64±0.11, 0.42±0.13 for AAA, CCC & Acuros respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that the AcurosXB algorithm had a good agreement with the AAA & CCC in terms of dose prediction. In conclusion AcurosXB algorithm provides a valid, accurate and speedy alternative to AAA and CCC algorithms in a busy clinical environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We studied the sensitivity of a novel transmission fiber scintillator array designed and built for in line treatment verification. The purpose of this project is to assess the capability of the fiber detector array technology to detect treatment errors in real time without false positives to enhance patient safety.
    METHODS: We developed a linear scintillator array detector using radiation hard scintillating fibers and high speed parallel signal conditioning and data acquisition to monitor external beam treatment fluence in real time. The detector captures and resolves the time and amplitude of each linac pulse at each MLC segment. The detector has 60 fibers aligned to each MLC leaf and two output channels per fiber. The data is captured by a high speed parallel digitizer to determine the IMRT beam output delivered to a patient in real time. We evaluated the detector peak pulse linearity according to dose rate, MLC positioning, and beam energy. We analyzed the detector sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, and pulse distribution statistics to determine beam output and fluence in real time.
    RESULTS: We analyzed the response of the detector to 6 MV and 10 MV photon beams. The statistical analysis of the detected linac pulses indicates that a minimum of 20 pulses are required to evaluate MLC positioning and fluence with 3 mm and 3% resolution, respectively. During testing, no false positives were detected. Linearity with respect to output rate, MLC or jaw opening, and fluence is within 2%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Measured sensitivity and signal to noise ratio of a real time linear fiber array detector show that delivered beam fluence can be monitored every 55 msec, with no observed false positives during treatment to provide in vivo real time patient safety and beam monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Assessment of suitability for X-ray dosimetry in computed tomography of various ionization chambers, diodes and two-dimensional detector arrays primarily used in radiation therapy.
    METHODS: An Oldelft X-ray simulation unit was used to irradiate PTW 60008, 60012 dosimetry diodes, PTW 23332, 31013, 31010, 31006 axial symmetrical ionization chambers, PTW 23343, 34001 plane parallel ionization chambers and PTW Starcheck and 2D-Array seven29 as well as a prototype Farmer chamber with a copper wall. Peak potential was varied from 50 kV up to 125 kV and beam qualities were quantified through half-value-layer measurements. Energy response was investigated free in air as well as in 2 cm depth in a solid water phantom and refers to a manufacturer calibrated PTW 60004 diode for kV-dosimetry.
    RESULTS: The thimble ionization chambers PTW 31010, 31013, the uncapsuled diode PTW 60012 and the PTW 2D-Array seven29 exhibit an energy response deviation in the investigated energy region of approximately 10% or lower thus proving good usability in X-ray dosimetry if higher spatial resolution is needed or rotational irradiations occur.
    CONCLUSIONS: It could be shown that in radiation therapy routinely used detectors are usable in a much lower energy region. The rotational symmetry is of advantage in computed tomography dosimetry and enables dose profile as well as point dose measurements in a suitable phantom for estimation of organ doses. Additional the PTW 2D-Array seven29 can give a quick overview of radiation fields in non-rotating tasks.





