detection dogs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath or sweat represents a potential non-invasive and rapid diagnostic tool for respiratory diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: To determine if trained dogs can reliably identify the odour associated with COVID19.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a monocentric prospective study carried out in the Emergency Department (ED) of a university hospital fromJulyto November 2021.Axillary sweat samples from all patients were collected bytwo trained health care professionals. The samples were collected in the form of sterile gauze swabs placed under the armpits for at least 4 h for each patient.Then, Tubes wereshiftedto the double-blind dog training centre for VOC detection by two individuals.
    UNASSIGNED: Dogs were tested using a total of 129 axillary sweat samples; 69 of the 107 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 based on their odours had a positive PCR/Antigen test and 19 of the 22 patients who were tested negative for COVID-19 by the dogs had a negative PCR test. The sniffer dog infection detection method had a sensitivity of 95.83% and a specificity of 33.33%. The PPV was 64.49% and the NPVwas 86.36%. The measurement of the intensity of the connection between the two variables (disease/sign) was very strong (Q = 0.84). This link is statistically significant (X2 = 19.13) with a probability p ≤ 0.001.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, the use of trained detection dogs as a screening method for SARS-CoV-2 is an interesting avenue of research that warrants further exploration and validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection canines serve critical roles to support the military, homeland security and border protection. Some explosive detection tasks are physically demanding for dogs, and prior research suggests this can lead to a reduction in olfactory detection sensitivity. To further evaluate the effect of exercise intensity on olfactory sensitivity, we developed a novel olfactory paradigm that allowed us to measure olfactory detection thresholds while dogs exercised on a treadmill at two different exercise intensities. Dogs (n = 3) showed a decrement in olfactory detection for 1-bromooctane at 10-3 (v/v) dilutions and lower under greater exercise intensity. Dogs\' hit rate for the lowest concentration dropped from 0.87 ± 0.04 when walking at low intensity to below 0.45 ± 0.06 when trotting at moderate intensity. This decline had an interaction with the duration of the session in moderate intensity exercise, whereby dogs performed near 100% detection in the first 10 min of the 8 km/h session, but showed 0% detection after 20 min. Hit rates for high odor concentrations (10-2) were relatively stable at both low (1 ± 0.00) and moderate (0.91 ± 0.04) exercise intensities. The paradigm and apparatus developed here may be useful to help further understand causes of operationally relevant olfactory detection threshold decline in dogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly infectious, fatal prion disease that affects cervid species. One promising method for CWD surveillance is the use of detection dog-handler teams wherein dogs are trained on the volatile organic compound signature of CWD fecal matter. However, using fecal matter from CWD-positive deer poses a biohazard risk; CWD prions can bind to soil particles and remain infectious in contaminated areas for extended periods of time, and it is very difficult to decontaminate the affected areas. One solution is to use noninfectious training aids that can replicate the odor of fecal matter from CWD-positive and CWD-negative deer and are safe to use in the environment. Trained CWD detection dogs\' sensitivity and specificity for different training aid materials (cotton, GetXent tubes, and polydimethylsiloxane, or PDMS) incubated with fecal matter from CWD-positive and CWD-negative deer at two different temperatures (21 °C and 37 °C) for three different lengths of time (6 h, 24 h, and 48 h) were evaluated. Cotton incubated at 21 °C for 24 h was identified as the best aid for CWD based on the dogs\' performance and practical needs for training aid creation. Implications for CWD detection training and for training aid selection in general are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection dogs were trained to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection based on armpit sweat odor. Sweat samples were collected using cotton pads under the armpits of negative and positive human patients, confirmed by qPCR, for periods of 15-30 min. Multiple hospitals and organizations throughout Belgium participated in this study. The sweat samples were stored at -20°C prior to being used for training purposes. Six dogs were trained under controlled atmosphere conditions for 2-3 months. After training, a 7-day validation period was conducted to assess the dogs\' performances. The detection dogs exhibited an overall sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 98%, and an accuracy of 95%. After validation, training continued for 3 months, during which the dogs\' performances remained the same. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis revealed a unique sweat scent associated with SARS-CoV-2 positive sweat samples. This scent consisted of a wide variety of volatiles, including breakdown compounds of antiviral fatty acids, skin proteins and neurotransmitters/hormones. An acceptability survey conducted in Belgium demonstrated an overall high acceptability and enthusiasm toward the use of detection dogs for SARS-CoV-2 detection. Compared to qPCR and previous canine studies, the detection dogs have good performances in detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans, using frozen sweat samples from the armpits. As a result, they can be used as an accurate pre-screening tool in various field settings alongside the PCR test.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prior work has demonstrated canine search behavior and performance declines when challenged with infrequent target odors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether performance could be maintained in a low target odor prevalence context by explicitly training dogs through progressively leaner target odor schedules. In Experiment 1, nine control dogs were trained at 90% target prevalence rate. Nine experimental dogs were trained with progressively lower prevalence rates in 10% increments until reaching 20% prevalence with > 85% detection accuracy in the training context. Both groups were tested in the operational context at a 10% target odor prevalence. Experimental dogs had higher accuracy, hit percentage, and shorter search latency in the operational context compared with control dogs. In Experiment 2, twenty-three operational dogs were challenged with a target frequency of 10%, which resulted in 67% accuracy. Control dogs were then trained with 90% target frequency, whereas experimental dogs received a progressively decreasing target rate from 90% to 20%. The dogs were rechallenged with target frequencies of 10, 5, and 0%. Experimental dogs outperformed control dogs (93% vs. 82% accuracy) highlighting the effect of explicit training for infrequent targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection dogs are used at border controls as an antecedent intervention to deter the smuggling of contraband. However, there is little research that has explored how the presence of dogs might affect passenger behavior. We observed passengers\' behavior at a port when there was an officer alone, an officer with a dog, and an officer with a dog wearing a florescent yellow jacket with \"police\" written on it for increased salience. We measured eye contact, vocal-verbal interactions, facial expressions, and nonvocal verbal gestures toward the officer and dog, and changes in passenger direction. Passengers looked, talked, and had the highest frequencies of positive facial expressions when the dog was not wearing a jacket. However, passengers looked toward the dog the quickest and had the highest frequency of negative facial expressions and gestures when the dog was wearing a jacket. We discuss how these findings might inform antecedent interventions to address undesirable behavior such as smuggling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that affects both free-ranging and farmed cervid species, including mule deer, white-tailed deer, and elk (Odocoileus hemionus, Odocoileus virginianus, and Cervus canadensis). Due to the long incubation period and variability of clinical signs, CWD can expand and spread to new areas before they reach diagnostically detectable levels. Antemortem testing methods currently available can be difficult to obtain and to be applied to the large numbers required for adequate surveillance. However, key volatile biomarkers could be harnessed for non-invasive antemortem surveillance. Detection dogs are the most effective tool currently available for volatile detection; dogs can effectively complete wildlife surveys at rates surpassing that of humans. This study is the first to demonstrate that trained detection dogs can be used as an antemortem test for CWD. First, we trained three dogs to differentiate between CWD-positive and CWD-negative white-tailed deer faeces in a laboratory setting. Dogs spent significantly more time at the positive sample than the negative samples, suggesting that they differentiated between the positive and negative volatile signatures. We then trained the same dogs to search for CWD-positive faecal samples in a more naturalistic field setting. In the field, dogs found 8/11 CWD-positive samples and had an average false detection rate of 13%. These results suggest that dogs can be trained to differentiate CWD-positive faeces from CWD-negative faeces in both laboratory and field settings. Future studies will compare canine accuracy to other antemortem methods, as well as improved canine training methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spores of the bacteria Paenibacillus larvae play a central role in the transmission of American Foulbrood (AFB), a major disease of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. This study investigated whether trained detection dogs could recognise an odour pattern from P. larvae spore samples. Although dogs have previously been used to detect diseased larvae in colonies with AFB, this is the first time they have been investigated for detecting P. larvae spore samples. Given that spores are metabolically inactive, it was unknown whether the spore samples would produce enough volatile organic compounds to form an odour pattern that could be detected by dogs. Three dogs were trained to identify laboratory-produced P. larvae spore samples and were systematically desensitized to non-target odours with a series of control samples. Two of the dogs successfully completed training and were then tested by having each dog perform six searches in an odour-detection carousel with the trainer blinded to the location of the spore samples. In this high-stakes forced-choice test, each dog was asked to identify one new spore sample, containing approximately 93-265 million P. larvae spores, from seven control samples. Both dogs correctly identified the spore sample every time (100% success rate); the probability of this result occurring by chance was p = 0.0000038. Therefore, this study demonstrates that dogs can recognise an odour pattern from bacterial spore samples, in this case, P. larvae, and provides proof of concept for further investigation into the use of detection dogs to reduce the spread of AFB in beekeeping businesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian cancer has a high mortality rate due to its unclear symptomology and the lack of precise early detection tools. If detected in the first stage, over 90% of patients reach remission. As such, developing a reliable method of early detection is crucial in reducing the mortality rate of the disease. One potential method would be to identify specific biomarkers that are unique to ovarian cancer, which could be detected using a blood test. While this can be done using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS), identifying these biomarkers is an enormous task. One way to expedite the process is to utilize trained scent detection canines. In this study, dogs who were previously trained to respond to positive blood samples from ovarian cancer patients were then tested on their ability to recognize samples prepared by micro-preparative gas chromatography (MP-GC) techniques. MP-GC employed a gradient-cooled glass tube connected to the GC outlet to collect GC eluents containing the plasma-derived volatiles in positive blood samples. These post-column fractions were collected at the exit of the GC according to their eluent times (i.e., 0-15 min, 15-25 min and 25-35 min or 0-35 min) and these full or fractional collections were presented to the trained dogs to judge their responses. Dogs\' time spent investigating the odor was used as an indication of odor recognition and was significantly longer on the early (0-15 min) and middle (15-25 min) fractions of the ovarian cancer than the late (25-35 min) fraction of plasma odorants or either the negative fractions or distractors odorants. These findings suggest that characteristic odor biomarkers of ovarian cancer for dogs may exist in the relatively small and more volatile compounds. Additionally, variation between dogs suggests that there may be a number of different biomarkers that can be used to identify ovarian cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica is responsible for serious respiratory disease in dogs, most often associated with \'kennel cough\' (canine infectious tracheobronchitis). It is recommended that dogs are vaccinated against the bacterium every 6-12 months, either by oral or intranasal administration. Any impairment of dogs\' olfactory capabilities due to medical treatments may impact their efficiency and accuracy in their jobs. This study examined (1) the effect of intranasal and oral vaccines on the olfactory capabilities of detection dogs; as well as (1) effects of the vaccines on canine behavior. Dogs that were vaccinated initially with the oral and 28 days later with intranasal B. bronchiseptica were generally slower to find the target odor than the dogs that were assigned intranasal then oral vaccine. This result prompted a second between-subjects study to further investigate any impact of intranasal administration of the B. bronchiseptica vaccine on the olfactory capabilities of dogs. The intranasal vaccine was of particular interest due to its prevalent use and potential for nasal inflammation leading to decreased olfactory capabilities. Neither odor threshold nor time spent searching for odor were affected by the intranasal vaccine. Behavioral analyses showed that behaviors associated with the dogs\' positive and negative motivation affected their time spent finding the target odor; this suggests that behavior should be considered in future studies of olfactory performance.





