dental health services

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Low-income countries bear a growing and disproportionate burden of oral diseases. With the World Health Organization targeting universal oral health coverage by 2030, assessing the state of oral health coverage in these resource-limited nations becomes crucial. This research seeks to examine the political and resource commitments to oral health, along with the utilization rate of oral health services, across 27 low-income countries.
    METHODS: We investigated five aspects of oral health coverage in low-income countries, including the integration of oral health in national health policies, covered oral health services, utilization rates, expenditures, and the number of oral health professionals. A comprehensive search was conducted across seven bibliographic databases, three grey literature databases, and national governments\' and international organizations\' websites up to May 2023, with no linguistic restrictions. Countries were categorized into \"full integration\", \"partial integration\", or \"no integration\" based on the presence of dedicated oral health policies and the frequency of oral health mentions. Covered oral health services, utilization rates, expenditure trends, and the density of oral health professionals were analyzed using evidence from reviews and data from World Health Organization databases.
    RESULTS: A total of 4242 peer-reviewed and 3345 grey literature texts were screened, yielding 12 and 84 files respectively to be included in the final review. Nine countries belong to \"full integration\" and thirteen countries belong to \"partial integration\", while five countries belong to \"no integration\". Twelve countries collectively covered 26 types of oral health care services, with tooth extraction being the most prevalent service. Preventive and public health-based oral health interventions were scarce. Utilization rates remained low, with the primary motivation for seeking care being dental pain relief. Expenditures on oral health were minimal, predominantly relying on domestic private sources. On average, the 27 low-income countries had 0.51 dentists per 10,000 population, contrasting with 2.83 and 7.62 in middle-income and high-income countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oral health care received little political and resource commitment toward achieving universal health coverage in low-income countries. Urgent action is needed to mobilize financial and human resources, and integrate preventive and public health-based interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: About 1.35 million deaths annually are attributed to tobacco use in India. The main challenge, given the magnitude of tobacco use and limited resources, is delivering cessation support at scale, low cost, and through a coordinated cross-system effort; one such example being brief advice interventions. However, highly credentialed staff to identify and counsel tobacco users are scarce. Task-shifting is an important opportunity for scaling these interventions.
    OBJECTIVE: The LifeFirst SWASTH (Supporting Wellbeing among Adults by Stopping Tobacco Habit) program-adapted from the LifeFirst program (developed by the Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, Mumbai, India)-is a tobacco cessation program focusing on lower-socioeconomic status patients in Mumbai receiving private health care. This parallel-arm, cluster randomized controlled trial investigates whether the LifeFirst SWASTH program increases tobacco cessation rates in low-resource, high-reach health care settings in Mumbai.
    METHODS: This study will target tuberculosis-specific nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), dental clinics, and NGOs implementing general health programs serving lower-socioeconomic status patients. Intervention arm patients will receive a pamphlet explaining tobacco\'s harmful effects. Practitioners will be trained to deliver brief cessation advice, and interested patients will be referred to a Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation counselor for free telephone counseling for 6 months. Control arm patients will receive the same pamphlet but not brief advice or counseling. Practitioners will have a customized mobile app to facilitate intervention delivery. Practitioners will also have access to a peer network through WhatsApp. The primary outcome is a 30-day point prevalence abstinence from tobacco. Secondary outcomes for patients and practitioners relate to intervention implementation.
    RESULTS: The study was funded in June 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the study experienced some delays, and practitioner recruitment commenced in November 2023. As of July 2024, all practitioners have been recruited, and practitioner recruitment and training are complete. Furthermore, 36% (1687/4688) of patients have been recruited.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that those patients who participated in the LifeFirst SWASTH program will be more likely to have been abstinent from tobacco for 30 consecutive days by the end of 6 months or at least decreased their tobacco use. LifeFirst SWASTH, if found to be effective in terms of cessation outcomes and implementation, has the potential to be scaled to other settings in India and other low- and middle-income countries. The study will be conducted in low-resource settings and will reach many patients, which will increase the impact if scaled. It will use task-shifting and an app that can be tailored to different settings, also enabling scalability. Findings will build the literature for translating evidence-based interventions from high-income countries to low- and middle-income countries and from high- to low-resource settings.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05234983;
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/57236.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Children in care and care leavers have worse health outcomes than their peers without care experience. This study addresses an evidence gap in exploring care-experienced young people\'s views and experiences of accessing general practice and dental services and attending health reviews in England.
    METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study using podcasting as a creative medium. We recruited young people from two sites: one in South England (A) and one in greater London (B). We held two paired discussions in site A and two focus groups in site B, with 14 participants in total. Participants were aged between 13 and 22 years and were diverse in gender, ethnicity, and care experiences. Data were analysed thematically using candidacy theory as a theoretical framework.
    RESULTS: Mental health was a prevailing concern for participants, but general practice was not considered a place to discuss it. Most participants reported distant relationships with primary healthcare professionals and considered opening-up to a professional to be risky, for example, it could result in an unknown/unwanted outcome. A lack of time and personal connection in appointments, and experiences of feeling judged, dismissed, or misunderstood, hindered young people\'s ability to disclose mental health or relationship concerns. Participants reported variation in the timeliness and location of services, with salient examples of extensive waiting periods for braces. Participants perceived annual health reviews to be largely inconsequential.
    CONCLUSIONS: Any primary care presentation by a care-experienced young person should trigger additional professional curiosity. To build rapport and trust, professionals should not underestimate the power of active listening, being reliable and honest, and small acts of thoughtfulness, for example, ensuring medical letters are provided promptly. Carers and other trusted professionals should help care-experienced young people to understand the role of primary care and support them with access. Health reviews may not be of value to all young people in care. Further research is needed to examine primary healthcare access for care-experienced young people with significant safeguarding and healthcare needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Oral healthcare professionals encounter considerable challenges while providing services to curb the oral disease burden. The aim of this study was to explore the challenges faced by oral health practitioners providing oral health services in Nyarugenge, Rwanda and to appraise the availability and adequacy of oral hygiene equipment, instruments, and materials.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional concurrent mixed methods study. The quantitative and qualitative parts were independent during data collection and analyses and merged during the interpretation phase. All seven public health facilities and 14 dental professionals working in Nyarugenge were included in the study. Data were collected using an audit checklist and an in-depth interview guide. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data. The interviews were analyzed using thematic content analysis.
    RESULTS: Most of the dental health professionals were dental therapists (n = 11), women (n = 9), aged 31-40 years (n = 7), and with 11-20 years\' experience as oral health practitioners (n = 6). There were five health centers and two hospitals that were audited for equipment, instruments, and materials. The audit of the facilities revealed that most facilities have dental equipment and instruments, but none have adequate preventive dental instruments and materials. Four broad themes emerged from the interviews with the oral health practitioners, namely human resources, supply chain management, patients\' oral health awareness and service rendering, and strategic management and administration. The most significant challenges oral health practitioners faced included high dental practitioner/patient ratios, lack of adequate and appropriate equipment and materials, patients\' lack of oral health awareness, and a lack of administrative support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Well-established community preventive interventions, such as a mobile oral health App, could reduce the patient/provider ratio by increasing population awareness of oral health and encouraging healthy behaviours. The management of the health facilities should address the human resource challenges and equipment supply chain issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Addressing Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) is essential for patient-centred care, shared decision making and improved health outcomes. Value-based health care systems in New South Wales (NSW) have a growing focus on collecting and using PROs that matter most to patients to improve their healthcare outcomes. Developing oral health patient reported outcomes measures (OH-PROM) is a first step towards value-based oral health care. This paper describes the development process of an adult and child OH-PROM tool that can be piloted for NSW public dental patients.
    METHODS: An expert panel was assembled to undertake a systematic process of developing OH-PROMs for NSW Health. Key methodological considerations included: (1) forming an expert panel to specify the target population and context of implementation, (2) rapid literature review and environmental scan to identify existing validated OH-PROM tools for adults and children. (3) consensus gathering with the expert panel (4) consumer feedback, and (5) finalisation of the tool for electronic oral health record (eOHR) integration to establish a set of questions, that were relevant, context-appropriate, and important to oral healthcare outcomes for patients using public dental services.
    RESULTS: The panel considered a total of 59 questions from two child (15), and four adult (44) Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) questionnaires used to collect OH-PROMs. These questions were mapped to the four key dimensions of OHRQoL for OH-PROMs: Oral Function, Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Appearance, and Psychosocial Impact. The consensus resulted in seven questions that aligned with these four dimensions to form two new NSW OH-PROM tools: one for adults and one for children. The tools were tested with consumers for understandability and usefulness before being incorporated into the electronic oral health record system, in readiness for future pilot testing.
    CONCLUSIONS: The process for developing new OH-PROMs for NSW public dental services took a pragmatic approach that combined literature appraisal, expert consensus, and consumer consultation. Future work will assess the implementation of the OH-PROM tool and test its validity for broader use as an outcome measure for value-based oral healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Oral health is often overlooked in ageing health issues, despite its impact on overall health and quality of life. Older Australians, especially those in rural and remote areas, face difficulties accessing oral health services. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that contribute to financial barriers to accessing dental services among the ageing population in Australia in relation to their residential location.
    METHODS: The study included a weighted sample of Australian adults aged 65 years and over from a population-based survey called the National Study of Adult Oral Health (NSAOH) conducted in 2017-18. Descriptive analysis was conducted and generated cross-tabulation tables to investigate the distributions of the outcome, exposure and covariates, including Sex, Education level (the highest level of education), Equivalised household income, Dental insurance, Concession card ownership, Difficulty paying a dental bill and last dental visit. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition counterfactual analysis was used to explore the potential impact of a person\'s residence on their financial difficulty accessing dental services.
    RESULTS: The findings showed that 26.2% (95% CI: 24.3-29.3) of major city residents and 30.1% (95% CI: 26.9-33.3) of rural residents avoided or delayed dental visits due to cost. The decomposition analysis indicated that 53.8% of the disparities in the prevalence of avoided or delayed dental visits due to cost were explained by the selected variables, while 46.2% remained unexplained. The explanatory variable with the largest contribution was difficulty paying a $200 dental bill, accounting for 62.4% of the differences, followed by dental insurance, last dental visit and equivalised household income, which explained 42.1%, 20.8% and 14.9% of the differences, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Regional/remote populations experience more financial barriers to accessing dental care than major city populations and the identified factors explain a significant proportion of these disparities. Based on the study findings, recommendations include expanding public dental service coverage, evaluating concession card mechanisms and advocating for regular dental visits to mitigate disparities in dental care access.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of preventive interventions in children who have undergone caries-related dental extractions.
    METHODS: Rapid review across five databases (CENTRAL, Ovid Medline, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus). Quality was assessed using the Risk of Bias 2 tool.
    RESULTS: Five studies were included, all randomised controlled trials involving pre-and/or post-extractions activity. Three studies involved oral health education (computer game, motivational interviewing, visual aids), one delivered clinical prevention (fissure sealants), and one an enhanced prevention programme combining additional health education and a clinical intervention (fluoride varnish). Retention was mixed (55%-80% in the intervention groups). Of the three studies measuring caries, all reported less caries development in the test group. However, only a study involving a dental nurse-delivered structured conversation, informed by motivational interviewing, showed an improvement in oral health. Two studies reporting on plaque and gingival bleeding had conflicting results. A study reporting on subsequent dental attendance did not demonstrate a clear improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Few published studies have explored prevention-based interventions in high caries-risk children requiring dental extractions. Whilst evidence of clinical benefit of preventive interventions in this population is limited, the potential use of contemporary behaviour change techniques appears promising. There is an urgent need for more high-quality longer-term trials using contemporary methodologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to describe the Libyan oral health care system in terms of its structure, function, workforce, funding, reimbursement and target groups.
    METHODS: A single descriptive case study approach and multiple sources of data collection were used to provide an in-depth understanding of the Libyan oral health care system. A purposeful sample of the key informants (Managers of oral health centers, dentists of various specialties with experience in the field, dentists, nurses, dental technicians, and officials in the affairs of medical insurance) was recruited. The case and its boundaries were guided by the study\'s aim. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data. Framework analysis, informed by the study objectives, was used to analyze interviews and documents.
    RESULTS: The analysis showed that oral health services are integrated into medical services. The provision of dental care is mainly treatment-based, in the private sector. The oral health services in the public sector are mainly emergency care and exodontia. The dental workforce included in the study were mostly dentists (89% General Dental Practitioners (GDPs), 11% specialists), with a marked deficiency in dental technicians and nurses. Around 40% of dentists work in both the private and public sectors. The government provides the funding for the public sector, but the private sector is self-funded. No specific target group(s) nor clear policies were reported. However, the system is built around primary health care as an overarching policy. Dental caries is the most common oral problem among Libyan preschool children affecting around 70% and is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: The oral health care system in Libya is mainly privatized. The public health services are poorly organized and malfunctioning. There is an urgent need to develop policies and plans to improve the oral health care system in Libya.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess patterns of longitudinal changes in caries status among school-going children in Singapore.
    METHODS: Dental records for a single cohort of students who received dental examinations in six standard examination years between 2009 and 2017 were analysed (n = 24 699). Group-based trajectory modelling with a zero-inflated Poisson distribution was carried out to determine dental caries trajectories in the permanent dentition. Associations between sociodemographic factors and trajectory group membership were assessed using multinomial logistic regression.
    RESULTS: The predicted population distribution across the four caries trajectory groups identified was 65.0% (\'none\'), 16.8% (\'low\'), 14.8% (\'medium\') and 3.4% (\'high\'). The \'none\' trajectory group had a decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) score of 0 throughout the 8 years. Higher baseline DMFT counts and nonlinear increases in DMFT scores were noted for the \'low\', \'medium\' and \'high\' trajectory groups. The correlation coefficient between DMFT counts in years 6 and 8 was 0.91, as compared to 0.77 between baseline and year 1. Factors associated with the \'high\' caries trajectory include lower socio-economic status, female gender, Chinese race (compared to the Indian race), enrolment in primary schools in the Eastern and Western regions of Singapore, and enrolment in public secondary schools.
    CONCLUSIONS: Under a nationwide school dental service, four trajectory patterns of caries counts in the permanent dentition were identified over 8 years. Among students in the \'low\', \'medium\' and \'high\' trajectory groups, greater caries increment was noted during the transition from primary to secondary school. The correlation between DMFT counts in successive examinations was stronger in older than younger ages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal disability (MSD) has been identified as having a negative impact on oral health. Patients with MSD have a greater burden of medical expenses and are expected to have an Economic unmet dental need (UDN). This study aimed to conduct a multifactorial analysis based on the Andersen model to determine the extent to which MSD contributes to inequitable dental care use.
    METHODS: This study used data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey VIII. The study population was 17,903 adults aged 19 years and older. All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 26 and the level of statistical significance was set at 0.05.
    RESULTS: The people with MSD activity limitations were rare as only 3% in this study population. There were significant differences in sex and education as predisposing factors, income, and marital status as enabling factors, and current smoking, daily brushing, and MSD activity limitation as need factors for experiencing economic UDN. MSD activity limitation was associated with 1.5-fold increased odds of Economic UDN with a fully adjusted Anderson\'s Behavior Model.
    CONCLUSIONS: This finding suggests poorer access to dental care among adults with MSDs owing to financial difficulties. It is necessary to explore various ways to address oral health inequalities among adults with MSD activity limitations.





