dental esthetics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    No study has examined the simultaneous effect of facial forms, midline deviations and midline angulations on facial beauty. Therefore, this comprehensive study aimed to evaluate these and many other hypotheses. This psychometric study was performed on 15,042 observations. A female frontal photograph was edited to 45 perceptometric images with controlled anatomical alteration: 3 facial forms (euryprosopic [brachyfacial], mesoprosopic [mesofacial], leptoprosopic [dolichofacial]), each having either 9 bidirectional midline deviations (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mm deviated to the left and right) or 7 bidirectional midline angular deviations (0°, 5°, 10°, and 15° deviated to the left and right). One of the photographs were repeated. These 46 images were esthetically judged by 327 participants (243 laypeople, 49 orthodontists, and 35 \'prosthodontists or restorative dentists\'). Hierarchical mixed-model multiple linear regressions and post hoc tests were adopted to evaluate the simultaneous impacts of the photomodel\'s facial forms, midline deviations to the right or left, and midline rolls to the right or left plus sex, age, experience, and dental specialty of the referees on their perception of facial beauty as well as the tolerable zones of midline alterations. These were also done separately for each specialty group, and also for each facial face. Ideal combinations of anatomic features were determined using repeated-measures ANOVAs. Differences between esthetic preferences of different groups in terms of each image were assessed using one-way ANOVAs and t-tests (α = 0.05, α = 0.008, α = 0.001). All 5 anatomical features significantly and independently influenced perception of facial beauty. The tolerance threshold for midline deviations was 1 mm deviations to the right and left sides. For midline rolls, the only tolerable form was the no-roll (\'on\') midline; the judges preferred right-oriented defects over left-sided ones. The most beautiful facial form was mesoprosopic, followed by leptoprosopic. Men perceived the female face slightly more attractive than did women. The viewers\' specialty (or lack of it), their age, or their experience did not affect their esthetic preferences. Predictors of esthetic preferences were all 5 anatomical features plus views\' sex, but not their dental specialty, age, or experience. Zones of acceptability and also the ideal range of anatomical features were determined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pitman J, Christiaens V, Callens J, Glibert M, Seyssens L, Blanco J, Cosyn J. Immediate implant placement with flap or flapless surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2023 Jun;50(6):755-764. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13795. Epub 2023 Mar 5. PMID: 36843361.
    BACKGROUND: The study was funded by the authors and their affiliated institutions.
    METHODS: Systematic review with meta-analysis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Minocycline, the synthetic derivative of the antibiotic tetracycline, has been used for a variety of medical treatments. One such use for minocycline is for acne vulgaris. Although widely used, minocycline has a common side effect of discoloration of tissues, including bone, skin, and mucosa. This case report presents a 19-year-old female patient with a history of long-term minocycline therapy for acne vulgaris who presented for periodontal esthetic crown lengthening. The initial exam revealed a blue-gray discoloration of the mucosa. Upon surgical exploration, it was discovered that the discoloration originated from the underlying alveolar bone with minimal gingival involvement. Surgical removal and recontouring of the bony exostoses revealed that the bone remained deeply stained. Although the discolored bone was not fully removed, the patient was able to obtain an acceptable esthetic result.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of different adhesive strategies regarding shear bond strength (SBS) of provisional resin--based materials bonded to the enamel surface as well as on the enamel surface roughness.
    Bovine incisors were randomly divided into six groups (n = 10) according to the adhesive strategy used: BRControl (bis-acrylic resin); Spot-etch+BR (spot-etch + bis-acrylic resin); Spot--etchSB2+BR (spot-etch + adhesive + bis-acrylic resin); Spot-etchZ350Flow+BR (spot-etch + flowable composite resin + bis-acrylic resin); SBU+BR (universal adhesive + bis-acrylic resin); Spot-etchSBMP+Z350 (spot-etch + adhesive + composite resin). The enamel surface roughness was determined by a surface profil-ometer. An SBS test was performed in a universal testing machine, and failure modes were classified under magnification. The SBS data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). A paired t test was used for enamel surface roughness intragroup comparisons, and the Friedman one-way repeated meas-ures analysis of variance by ranks was used for differences in enamel surface roughness between groups, with the Tukey post hoc test (a = 0.05).
    BRControl had the lowest SBS values (MPa), with a significant difference (P ≤ 0.001) from the other groups. Spot-etch+BR had the highest SBS values but with no significant differences from the other groups in which the spot-etch technique was also used. Adhesive failure mode was predominant for all groups. BRControl had the lowest surface roughness difference, significantly different (P = 0.001) from all the other groups.
    Spot-etch and other adhesive strategies could be applied to increase the SBS values of provisional restorations to enamel compared with no surface pretreatment. However, the adhesive strategy may change the enamel surface roughness, revealing the importance of cleaning the tooth surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we examined the facial, dental, periodontal, and tomographic features associated with excessive gingival display (EGD) when smiling in young adults self-reporting a \"gummy smile,\" categorized by potential etiology.
    METHODS: The study included 25 healthy adults (18-42 years old; 23 women and 2 men) who self-reported EGD. Participants completed a health questionnaire and underwent a periodontal examination assessing probing depth, clinical attachment level, keratinized gingival width, and gingival thickness (GT). Extraoral and intraoral photographs were taken for smile analysis and to determine facial and dental characteristics. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), performed with a lip retractor in place, was used to measure the distance from the gingival margin (GM) to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), the distance from the CEJ to the alveolar crest, buccal bone thickness, and GT. The extent of EGD when smiling was quantified as the distance from the GM at the upper central incisor to the upper lip edge when smiling fully. The smile was categorized into 4 types based on gingival exposure characteristics observed during full smile.
    RESULTS: Most participants were female (92%), with a mean age of 28.77±6.56 years. The average EGD was 4.2±2.44 mm, extending bilaterally from the anterior to the posterior maxilla. Two primary etiological factors were identified, alone or in combination: vertical maxillary excess (VME), predominantly indicated by an anterior maxillary height greater than 29 mm and a large interlabial gap; and altered passive/active eruption (APE), primarily characterized by square teeth (64%), upper central incisor width-to-height ratio (CIW:CIH) exceeding 87.5%, and GM-CEJ distance on CBCT exceeding 2 mm.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a multifactorial etiology of EGD, primarily associated with VME and APE. Clinical periodontal examination, CBCT conducted with a lip retractor, CIW:CIH, and soft tissue facial cephalometric analysis may aid in identifying the etiological factors of EGD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is becoming more widely recognized as a simple, cost-effective approach to minimize sensitivity and arrest caries. However, SDF results in caries that are stained black. Potassium iodide (KI) treatment with SDF may minimize or lessen the staining. However, the effectiveness of KI on staining has not been investigated. Studies demonstrating that potassium iodide reduces the black staining are still insufficient. This paper presents the study protocol for Healthy Smiles, a randomized controlled trial implemented to compare the staining propensity of SDF and SDF+KI.
    OBJECTIVE: This study, Healthy Smiles, aims to evaluate the staining propensity of SDF and SDF+KI using a Nix Mini color sensor among children aged 4 to 6 years. Another objective of the study is to evaluate the caries-arresting effect of SDF and SDF+KI in the treatment of carious primary teeth.
    METHODS: This study is a randomized controlled trial. A total of 60 children with caries that meet the criteria of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (code 1 or above) will be randomly assigned to treatment groups, where group 1 will be treated with SDF and group 2 will be treated with SDF+KI. Discoloration of treated lesions will be assessed digitally using a Nix Mini color sensor. Participants will be followed up at 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment to digitally record the ∆L and ∆E values using the Nix Mini color sensor. Data will be analyzed using SPSS (version 28; IBM Corp). Independent sample t tests and the Mann-Whitney U test will be used to compare the 2 groups.
    RESULTS: Enrollment started in October 2023. It is estimated that the enrollment period will be 12 months. Data collection is planned to be completed in 2024.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presented paper describes Happy Smiles, a project that provides an opportunity to address the aesthetic inconvenience of patients without compromising the effectiveness of the SDF treatment. The trial findings will contribute to the limited evidence base related to discoloration after SDF intervention to improve aesthetic appearances in child oral health. If the results from the trial are promising, it will lead to the development of a model for child oral health and pave the way for further research in child oral health.
    UNASSIGNED: PRR1-10.2196/51087.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate three temporary luting cements in terms of their restoration loss rates, biological interactions, esthetic properties, and handling characteristics.
    METHODS: 75 adults requiring fixed prosthodontics voluntarily participated in a single-blind, randomized controlled trial. After preparation, temporary restorations were luted with a randomly selected temporary luting cement (either Provicol QM Plus (PQP), Bifix Temp (BT), or Provicol QM Aesthetic (PQA)). Clinical examinations were performed one to two weeks after cementation. The following criteria were evaluated: tooth vitality, percussion, hypersensitivity, gingival bleeding, odor formation, esthetics, cement handling, removability, cleanability, and retention loss. Antagonistic teeth served as controls. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson\'s chi-square and Fisher\'s exact test, where appropriate.
    RESULTS: The overall loss rate of temporary restorations was 16.0%, showing no cement-specific differences. Postoperative hypersensitivity occurred in 8% of cases regardless of cement type. Esthetic impairment was reported by 31% of the PQP-fixed restorations, compared with 4.0% and 4.2% of the BT and PQA-bonded restorations. Cement application was reported to be easy in 100% of cases, excess removal in 88-96%, depending on the cement used.
    CONCLUSIONS: The choice of luting material affects the esthetic appearance of a temporary restoration and should be considered, particularly in restorations in esthetically demanding areas. No significant differences between the cements were identified regarding biocompatibility, handling, and loss rate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Translucent cements can help to reduce color interferences, resulting in a more appealing appearance of the temporary restoration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Unique anatomical deviations in canal structure are rare in anterior teeth, especially central incisors, and thus risk being overlooked. For successful intervention, a meticulous diagnostic procedure and treatment plan, significantly aided by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), are crucial. The case at hand explores the management of a maxillary left central incisor in a cleft palate patient, characterized by multiple developmental lobes, a bulbous crown, and an atypical root anatomy. The primary symptom was pain, accompanied by a history of trauma at age 8 years and ensuing tooth discoloration. Initial evaluations, augmented by CBCT, revealed pulpal necrosis in a single-rooted tooth with three distinct canals. Initial clinical examination was supplemented by electrical pulp testing, RadioVisioGraphy (RVG), and CBCT, after which the root canal therapy was initiated. Informed consent was obtained from the patient. The access cavity preparation resulted in a three-orifice cavity. Subsequently, the canals were enlarged and sufficiently debrided. Calcium-hydroxide was applied for 2 weeks before the commencement of apexification and obturation, followed by esthetic rehabilitation. This case highlights the importance of recognizing rare anatomical variations in anterior teeth and demonstrates the invaluable role of CBCT in both diagnosing and managing such complexities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive gingival display (EGD) is defined as more than 2 mm of gingiva display above the maxillary incisors at maximum smile. Various skeletal, dental, and soft tissue etiological factors for EGD have been suggested. This study assessed the effectiveness and stability of surgical (SX) and nonsurgical (NSX) interventions for correction of EGD through a systematic review and meta-analysis following PRISMA 2020 guidelines. An electronic search of Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, Scopus, Web of Science, and LILACS was conducted (2010-2023). Results were expressed as mean change in gingival display using the random-effects model at 1, 3, 6, and 12-month follow-up. At 1 month, SX and NSX treatments yielded a comparable mean reduction of 3.50 mm (2.13-4.86) and 3.43 mm (2.67-4.19) in gingival display, respectively. However, by 6 months, NSX treatments showed a reduction of 0.51 mm compared to 2.86 mm with SX treatments. SX outcomes remained stable past 6 months, while NSX outcomes partially relapsed at 6 months and returned to baseline levels at 12 months. Notably, NSX treatments were more effective in cases with mild initial EGD, while SX treatments showed a better outcome in severe cases. To draw more robust conclusions regarding the treatment outcomes, future primary studies of greater rigor are required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When planning esthetic dental treatments, understanding smile preferences is important for dental professionals. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of selected smile characteristics on the attractiveness of young Saudis as assessed by Saudi laypersons and explore gender-preferred changes in smile attractiveness.
    METHODS: This observational study assessed the dynamic smile attractiveness of 168 Saudi individuals (84 males and 84 females), selected through non-probability convenience sampling. Dynamic smiles were elicited by viewing comedic content and captured with a camera standardized for consistent positioning. Videos were edited and adjusted to images, and the frames with the most pronounced smiles were chosen. The intra-rater reliability was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Cohen\'s kappa tests (κ). The highest and lowest 25th percentiles were categorized as attractive and unattractive smiles, respectively, on the visual analog scale (VAS) by laypersons. Six smile characteristics - anterior smile line, smile arc, upper lip curvature, posterior teeth displayed, smile index, and smile symmetry - were quantitatively evaluated from these images for each participant and classified into attractive and unattractive groups based on laypersons\' VAS evaluations. Continuous variables were tested with the Mann-Whitney U test, and for the categorical variables, the Chi-square test was applied. The significance was set at 5%.
    RESULTS:  The four randomly selected out of the 22 raters had good VAS reliability; ICCs varied from 0.661 to 0.94, with an average of 0.737, and Cohen\'s kappa tests for smile characteristics showed values from 0.617 to 0.89. Good agreement was also found with the smile index, with ICCs of 0.775, and dynamic smile symmetry, with ICCs of 0.872. Laypersons rated female smiles as more attractive compared to male smiles (P = 0.004). Low or average anterior smile lines (P = 0.001 for males; P = 0.03 for females), parallel smile arcs (P = 0.001 for males; P = 0.02 for females), and higher smile indexes (P = 0.001 for males; P = 0.004 for females) were significantly attractive, showing no significant gender differences.  Conclusions: Laypersons reliably rated the young Saudis\' dynamic smiles as attractive. Of the rated smile characteristics, those with a low or average anterior smile line, parallel smile arcs, and a larger smile index were deemed more attractive. This study\'s findings show no significant gender differences in the impact of the studied smile characteristics on attractiveness. This study\'s findings can help dental professionals customize treatment plans that meet patients\' expectations.





