dendritic branching

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) are important signaling proteins that regulate dendritic growth and maintenance in the central nervous system (CNS). After binding of BDNF, TrkB is endocytosed into endosomes and continues signaling within the cell soma, dendrites, and axon. In previous studies, we showed that BDNF signaling initiated in axons triggers long-distance signaling, inducing dendritic arborization in a CREB-dependent manner in cell bodies, processes that depend on axonal dynein and TrkB activities. The binding of BDNF to TrkB triggers the activation of different signaling pathways, including the ERK, PLC-γ and PI3K-mTOR pathways, to induce dendritic growth and synaptic plasticity. How TrkB downstream pathways regulate long-distance signaling is unclear. Here, we studied the role of PLC-γ-Ca2+ in BDNF-induced long-distance signaling using compartmentalized microfluidic cultures. We found that dendritic branching and CREB phosphorylation induced by axonal BDNF stimulation require the activation of PLC-γ in the axons of cortical neurons. Locally, in axons, BDNF increases PLC-γ phosphorylation and induces intracellular Ca2+ waves in a PLC-γ-dependent manner. In parallel, we observed that BDNF-containing signaling endosomes transport to the cell body was dependent on PLC-γ activity and intracellular Ca2+ stores. Furthermore, the activity of PLC-γ is required for BDNF-dependent TrkB endocytosis, suggesting a role for the TrkB/PLC-γ signaling pathway in axonal signaling endosome formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Earlier, we and others have reported that alcohol exposure in adolescent rat impaired performance of a spatial memory task in the Morris water maze. The goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of acute adolescent alcohol treatment on the hippocampus-dependent (contextual fear conditioning) and hippocampus-independent (cued fear) memories. The study also looked at the structural changes in anterior CA1 hippocampal neurons in adolescent alcohol-treated rats. Methods: Adolescent female rats were administered with a single dose of alcohol (1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 g/kg) or vehicle either before training (pre-training) or after training (pre-testing). Experimental and control rats were trained in the fear conditioning paradigm, and 24 h later tested for both contextual fear conditioning as well as cued fear memory. Separate groups of rats were treated with either alcohol (2 g/kg) or vehicle and sacrificed 24 h later. Their brains were harvested and processed for rapid Golgi staining. Randomly selected CA1 pyramidal neurons were analyzed for dendritic branching and dendritic spine density. Results: Pre-training alcohol dose-dependently attenuated acquisition of hippocampus-dependent contextual fear conditioning but had no effect on the acquisition of amygdala-associated cued fear. When administered following training (pre-testing), alcohol did not alter either contextual conditioning or cued fear memory. Golgi stained CA1 pyramidal neurons in alcohol treated female rats had reduced basilar tree branching and less complex dendritic arborization. Conclusion: Alcohol specifically impaired hippocampal learning in adolescent rats but not amygdala-associated cued fear memory. Compared to vehicle-treated rats, CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons in alcohol-treated rats had less complex dendritic morphology. Together, these data suggest that adolescent alcohol exposure produces changes in the neuronal organization of the hippocampus, and these changes may be related to impairments in hippocampus-dependent memory formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) cells in the hypothalamus regulate fundamental physiological functions like energy balance, sleep, and reproduction. This diversity may be ascribed to the neurochemical heterogeneity among MCH cells. One prominent subpopulation of MCH cells coexpresses cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), and as MCH and CART can have opposing actions, MCH/CART+ and MCH/CART- cells may differentially modulate behavioral outcomes. However, it is not known if there are differences in the cellular properties underlying their functional differences; thus, we compared the neuroanatomical, electrophysiological, and morphological properties of MCH cells in male and female Mch-cre;L10-Egfp reporter mice. Half of MCH cells expressed CART and were most prominent in the medial hypothalamus. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed differences in their passive and active membrane properties in a sex-dependent manner. Female MCH/CART+ cells had lower input resistances, but male cells largely differed in their firing properties. All MCH cells increased firing when stimulated, but their firing frequency decreases with sustained stimulation. MCH/CART+ cells showed stronger spike rate adaptation than MCH/CART- cells. The kinetics of excitatory events at MCH cells also differed by cell type, as the rising rate of excitatory events was slower at MCH/CART+ cells. By reconstructing the dendritic arborization of our recorded cells, we found no sex differences, but male MCH/CART+ cells had less dendritic length and fewer branch points. Overall, distinctions in topographical division and cellular properties between MCH cells add to their heterogeneity and help elucidate their response to stimuli or effect on modulating their respective neural networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histone methyltransferase enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit (EZH2)-mediated trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) regulates neural stem cell proliferation and fate specificity through silencing different gene sets in the central nervous system. Here, we explored the function of EZH2 in early post-mitotic neurons by generating a neuron-specific Ezh2 conditional knockout mouse line. The results showed that a lack of neuronal EZH2 led to delayed neuronal migration, more complex dendritic arborization, and increased dendritic spine density. Transcriptome analysis revealed that neuronal EZH2-regulated genes are related to neuronal morphogenesis. In particular, the gene encoding p21-activated kinase 3 (Pak3) was identified as a target gene suppressed by EZH2 and H3K27me3, and expression of the dominant negative Pak3 reversed Ezh2 knockout-induced higher dendritic spine density. Finally, the lack of neuronal EZH2 resulted in impaired memory behaviors in adult mice. Our results demonstrated that neuronal EZH2 acts to control multiple steps of neuronal morphogenesis during development, and has long-lasting effects on cognitive function in adult mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Ayurveda; an Indian system of traditional medicine, Ocimum sanctum is said to have remedial effect on hriddaurbalya (problems affecting the mind), aakshepayukta vikara (nervous disorders) and shiroroga (diseases of head). Hence, in Ayurvedic practice, it is profoundly used as an antistress medicine. Stress is known to affect neurons of functionally significant brain regions like substantia nigra. However, experimental evidence showing its effect on morphology of substantia nigral neurons is lacking. In addition, whether the O. sanctum treatment attenuates stress induced substantia nigral neuronal structural changes is not known.
    OBJECTIVE: To know the effect of stress on morphology of substantia nigral neurons and the effect of O. sanctum fresh leaf extract (OSE) on substantia nigral neurons of stressed rats.
    METHODS: Present study included three experiments. Experiment I: To study the effect of 3 and 6 weeks of foot shock stress in rats; Experiment II- To study the effect of 3 weeks of OSE treatment on 3 week-stress undergoing rats and on 3 week-stressed rats; Experiment III- To study the effect of 6 weeks of OSE treatment in 6 week-stress undergoing rats and in 6 week-stressed rats.
    RESULTS: In experiment I, stress had significant deleterious effect on dendritic arborization of substantia nigral neurons. Experiments II and III showed prevention and attenuation of the stress induced dendritic atrophy of substantia nigral neurons in both 2 ml and 4 ml OSE treatment groups. Protective effect of OSE was more pronounced in rats which are treated for a longer duration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Foot shock stress induces neuronal damage in the substantia nigra of rats. Treatment with fresh leaf extract of O. sanctum could prevent and attenuate the foot shock stress induced behavioral deficit and substantia nigral neuronal damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuro-vascular communication is essential to synchronize central nervous system development. Here, we identify angiopoietin/Tie2 as a neuro-vascular signaling axis involved in regulating dendritic morphogenesis of Purkinje cells (PCs). We show that in the developing cerebellum Tie2 expression is not restricted to blood vessels, but it is also present in PCs. Its ligands angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang2) are expressed in neural cells and endothelial cells (ECs), respectively. PC-specific deletion of Tie2 results in reduced dendritic arborization, which is recapitulated in neural-specific Ang1-knockout and Ang2 full-knockout mice. Mechanistically, RNA sequencing reveals that Tie2-deficient PCs present alterations in gene expression of multiple genes involved in cytoskeleton organization, dendritic formation, growth, and branching. Functionally, mice with deletion of Tie2 in PCs present alterations in PC network functionality. Altogether, our data propose Ang/Tie2 signaling as a mediator of intercellular communication between neural cells, ECs, and PCs, required for proper PC dendritic morphogenesis and function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper investigates the impact of cell body (namely soma) size and branching of cellular projections on diffusion MR imaging (dMRI) and spectroscopy (dMRS) signals for both standard single diffusion encoding (SDE) and more advanced double diffusion encoding (DDE) measurements using numerical simulations. The aim is to investigate the ability of dMRI/dMRS to characterize the complex morphology of brain cells focusing on these two distinctive features of brain grey matter. To this end, we employ a recently developed computational framework to create three dimensional meshes of neuron-like structures for Monte Carlo simulations, using diffusion coefficients typical of water and brain metabolites. Modelling the cellular structure as realistically connected spherical soma and cylindrical cellular projections, we cover a wide range of combinations of sphere radii and branching order of cellular projections, characteristic of various grey matter cells. We assess the impact of spherical soma size and branching order on the b-value dependence of the SDE signal as well as the time dependence of the mean diffusivity (MD) and mean kurtosis (MK). Moreover, we also assess the impact of spherical soma size and branching order on the angular modulation of DDE signal at different mixing times, together with the mixing time dependence of the apparent microscopic anisotropy (μA), a promising contrast derived from DDE measurements. The SDE results show that spherical soma size has a measurable impact on both the b-value dependence of the SDE signal and the MD and MK diffusion time dependence for both water and metabolites. On the other hand, we show that branching order has little impact on either, especially for water. In contrast, the DDE results show that spherical soma size has a measurable impact on the DDE signal\'s angular modulation at short mixing times and the branching order of cellular projections significantly impacts the mixing time dependence of the DDE signal\'s angular modulation as well as of the derived μA, for both water and metabolites. Our results confirm that SDE based techniques may be sensitive to spherical soma size, and most importantly, show for the first time that DDE measurements may be more sensitive to the dendritic tree complexity (as parametrized by the branching order of cellular projections), paving the way for new ways of characterizing grey matter morphology, non-invasively using dMRS and potentially dMRI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PARP6, a member of a family of enzymes (17 in humans) known as poly-ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPs), is a neuronally enriched PARP. While previous studies from our group show that Parp6 is a regulator of dendrite morphogenesis in rat hippocampal neurons, its function in the nervous system in vivo is poorly understood. Here, we describe the generation of a Parp6 loss-of-function mouse model for examining the function of Parp6 during neurodevelopment in vivo. Using CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis, we generated a mouse line that expressed a Parp6 truncated variant (Parp6TR) in place of Parp6WT. Unlike Parp6WT, Parp6TR is devoid of catalytic activity. Homozygous Parp6TR do not exhibit obvious neuromorphological defects during development, but nevertheless die perinatally. This suggests that Parp6 catalytic activity is important for postnatal survival. We also report PARP6 mutations in six patients with several neurodevelopmental disorders, including microencephaly, intellectual disabilities, and epilepsy. The most severe mutation in PARP6 (C563R) results in the loss of catalytic activity. Expression of Parp6C563R in hippocampal neurons decreases dendrite morphogenesis. To gain further insight into PARP6 function in neurons we also performed a BioID proximity labeling experiment in hippocampal neurons and identified several microtubule-binding proteins (e.g., MAP-2) using proteomics. Taken together, our results suggest that PARP6 is an essential microtubule-regulatory gene in mice, and that the loss of PARP6 catalytic activity has detrimental effects on neuronal function in humans.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule with many functions in the nervous system. Derived from the enzymatic conversion of arginine by several nitric oxide synthases (NOS), NO plays significant roles in neuronal developmental events such as the establishment of dendritic branching or arbors. A brief summary of the discovery, molecular biology, and chemistry of NO, and a description of important NO-mediated signal transduction pathways with emphasis on the role for NO in the development of dendritic branching during neurodevelopment are presented. Important sex differences in neuronal nitric oxide synthase expression during neuronal development are considered. Finally, a survey of endogenous and exogenous substances that disrupt dendritic patterning is presented with particular emphasis on how these molecules may drive NO-mediated sex differences in dendritic branching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rarefaction of the dendritic tree leading to neuronal dysfunction is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases and we have shown previously that heat shock protein B5 (HspB5)/αB-crystallin is able to increase dendritic complexity in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate if this effect is also present in vivo, if HspB5 can counteract dendritic rarefaction under pathophysiological conditions and the impact of phosphorylation of HspB5 in this process. HspB5 and eight mutants inhibiting or mimicking phosphorylation at the three phosphorylation sites serine (S)19, S45, and S59 were over-expressed in cultured rat hippocampal neurons with subsequent investigation of the complexity of the dendritic tree. Sholl analysis revealed significant higher complexity of the dendritic tree after over-expression of wild-type HspB5 and the mutant HspB5-AEE. All other mutants showed no or minor effects. For in vivo investigation in utero electroporation of mouse embryos was applied. At embryonal day E15.5 the respective plasmids were injected, cornu ammonis 1 (CA1) pyramidal cells transfected by electroporation and their basal dendritic trees were analyzed at post-natal day P15. In vivo, HspB5 and HspB5-AEE led to an increase of total dendritic length as well as a higher complexity. Finally, the dendritic effect of HspB5 was investigated under a pathophysiological condition, that is, iron deficiency which reportedly results in dendritic rarefaction. HspB5 and HspB5-AEE but not the non-phosphorylatable mutant HspB5-AAA significantly counteracted the dendritic rarefaction. Thus, our data suggest that up-regulation and selective phosphorylation of HspB5 in neurodegenerative diseases may preserve dendritic morphology and counteract neuronal dysfunction.





