defensive behaviors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stimulation of the dorsal half of the rat periaqueductal gray (DPAG) with 60-Hz pulses of increasing intensity, 30-μA pulses of increasing frequency, or increasing doses of an excitatory amino acid elicits sequential defensive responses of exophthalmia, immobility, trotting, galloping, and jumping. These responses may be controlled by voltage-gated calcium channel-specific firing patterns. Indeed, a previous study showed that microinjection of the DPAG with 15 nmol of verapamil, a putative blocker of L-type calcium channels, attenuated all defensive responses to electrical stimulation at the same site as the injection. Accordingly, here we investigated the effects of microinjection of lower doses (0.7 and 7 nmol) of both verapamil and mibefradil, a preferential blocker of T-type calcium channels, on DPAG-evoked defensive behaviors of the male rat. Behaviors were recorded either 24 h before or 10 min, 24 h, and 48 h after microinjection. Effects were analyzed by both threshold logistic analysis and repeated measures analysis of variance for treatment by session interactions. Data showed that the electrodes were all located within the dorsolateral PAG. Compared to the effects of saline, verapamil significantly attenuated exophthalmia, immobility, and trotting. Mibefradil significantly attenuated exophthalmia and marginally attenuated immobility while facilitating trotting. While galloping was not attenuated by either antagonist, jumping was unexpectedly attenuated by 0.7 nmol verapamil only. These results suggest that T-type calcium channels are involved in the low-threshold freezing responses of exophthalmia and immobility, whereas L-type calcium channels are involved in the trotting response that precedes the full-fledged escape responses of galloping and jumping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freezing is one of the most extensively studied defensive behaviors in rodents. Both reduced body and gaze movements during anticipation of threat also occur in humans and have been discussed as translational indicators of freezing but their relationship remains unclear. We thus set out to elucidate body and eye movements and concomitant autonomic dynamics in anticipation of avoidable threat. Specifically, 50 participants viewed naturalistic pictures that were preceded by a colored fixation cross, signaling them whether to expect an inevitable (shock), no (safety), or a potential shock (flight) that could be avoided by a quick button press. Body sway, eye movements, the heart rate and skin conductance were recorded. We replicated previously described reductions in body sway, gaze dispersion, and the heart rate, and a skin conductance increase in flight trials. Stronger reductions in gaze but not in body sway predicted faster motor reactions on a trial-wise basis, highlighting their functional role in action preparation. We failed to find a trait-like relationship between body and gaze movements across participants, but their temporal profiles were positively related within individuals, suggesting that both metrics partly reflect the same construct. However, future research is desirable to assess these response patterns in naturalistic environments. A more ethological examination of different movement dynamics upon threat would not only warrant better comparability between rodent and human research but also help determine whether and how eye-tracking could be implemented as a proxy for fear-related movements in restricted brain imaging environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eusocial insects have evolved specific defensive strategies to protect their colonies. In termite colonies, soldiers perform a colony-level defense by displaying mechanical biting, head-banging and mandible opening-closing behaviors. However, few studies have been reported on the factors modulating defensive behaviors in termites. Owing to JH (juvenile hormone) being involved in soldier differentiation, JH was speculated to affect defensive behaviors in termite soldiers. To determine the effect of JH on the defensive behaviors of termite soldiers, we performed a JHA-feeding and RaSsp1-silencing experiment and then tested the changes in defense-related behaviors, alarm pheromones and key JH signaling genes. The observed result was that after feeding workers with JHA, soldiers displayed the following: (1) decreased biting events and increased head-banging events; (2) a reduced expression of RaSsp1 and increased expression of Met (methoprene-tolerant, the nuclear receptor of JH) and Kr-h1 (the JH-inducible transcription factor Krüppel homolog 1); and (3) a decreased concentration of alarm pheromones, including α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene (+, -). Further study showed that soldiers silenced for RaSsp1 also exhibited (1) decreased biting events and increased head-banging events and (2) increased expression of Met and Kr-h1. In addition, soldiers stimulated by the alarm pheromone limonene displayed an increase in the frequency of mandible opening-closing and biting behavior. All of these results show that JHA influenced the defensive behaviors of termite soldiers, possibly via downregulating RaSsp1 expression, up-regulating Met and Kr-h1 and stimulating the secretion of alarm pheromones, suggesting that the JH pathway plays important roles in modulating social behaviors in termite colonies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals are known to exhibit innate and learned forms of defensive behaviors, but it is unclear whether animals can escape through methods other than these forms. In this study, we develop the delayed escape task, in which male rats temporarily hold the information required for future escape, and we demonstrate that this task, in which the subject extrapolates from past experience without direct experience of its behavioral outcome, does not fall into either of the two forms of behavior. During the holding period, a subset of neurons in the rostral-to-striatum claustrum (rsCla), only when pooled together, sustain enhanced population activity without ongoing sensory stimuli. Transient inhibition of rsCla neurons during the initial part of the holding period produces prolonged inhibition of the enhanced activity. The transient inhibition also attenuates the delayed escape behavior. Our data suggest that the rsCla activity bridges escape-inducing stimuli to the delayed onset of escape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and basolateral amygdala (BLA) are involved in the regulation of defensive behavior under threat, but their engagement in flexible behavior shifts remains unclear. Here, we report the oscillatory activities of mPFC-BLA circuit in reaction to a naturalistic threat, created by a predatory robot in mice. Specifically, we found dynamic frequency tuning among two different theta rhythms (~5 or ~10 Hz) was accompanied by agile changes of two different defensive behaviors (freeze-or-flight). By analyzing flight trajectories, we also found that high beta (~30 Hz) is engaged in the top-down process for goal-directed flights and accompanied by a reduction in fast gamma (60 to 120 Hz, peak near 70 Hz). The elevated beta nested the fast gamma activity by its phase more strongly. Our results suggest that the mPFC-BLA circuit has a potential role in oscillatory gear shifting allowing flexible information routing for behavior switches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pavlovian fear conditioning is a prevalent tool in the study of aversive learning, which is a key component of stress-related psychiatric disorders. Adult rats can exhibit various threat-related behaviors, including freezing, motor responses, and ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs). While these responses can all signal aversion, we know little about how they relate to one another. Here we characterize USVs emitted by male and female rats during cued fear acquisition and extinction, and assess the relationship between different threat-related behaviors. We found that males consistently emitted >22 kHz calls (referred to here as \"alarm calls\") than females, and that alarm call frequency in males, but not females, related to the intensity of the shock stimulus. Interestingly, 25% of males and 45% of females did not emit any alarm calls at all. Males that did make alarm calls had significantly higher levels of freezing than males who did not, while no differences in freezing were observed between female Alarm callers and Non-alarm callers. Alarm call emission was also affected by the predictability of the shock; when unpaired from a tone cue, both males and females started emitting alarm calls significantly later. During extinction learning and retrieval sessions, males were again more likely than females to emit alarm calls, which followed an extinction-like reduction in frequency. Collectively these data suggest sex dependence in how behavioral readouts relate to innate and conditioned threat responses. Importantly, we suggest that the same behaviors can signal sex-dependent features of aversion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Egypt has an ongoing long history with beekeeping, which started with the ancient Egyptians making various reliefs and inscriptions of beekeeping on their tombs and temples. The Egyptian honeybee (Apis mellifera lamarckii) is an authentic Egyptian honeybee subspecies utilized in apiculture. A. m. lamarckii is a distinct honeybee subspecies that has a particular body color, size, and high levels of hygienic behavior. Additionally, it has distinctive characteristics; including the presence of the half-queens, an excessive number of swarm cells, high adaptability to climatic conditions, good resistance to specific bee diseases, including the Varro disorder, and continuous breeding during the whole year despite low productivity, using very little propolis, and tending to abscond readily. This review discusses the history of beekeeping in Egypt and its current situation in addition to its morphology, genetic analysis, and distinctive characters, and the defensive behaviors of native A. m. lamarckii subspecies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the importance of data safety for psychology, the present study investigated the influence of data leaking scandal on campus customers\' financial consumption behaviors at intelligent tourism platforms in China, and explored the roles that individual characteristics play in this process by focusing on a set of participants from colleges. Data were collected through sending out an online questionnaire, where respondents were asked to finish a series of questions about their background information, their trust, future consuming intention, and defensive behaviors toward intelligent platforms. After they finished these questions, a short description about an online tourism platform leaking customers\' personal information was presented to the respondents, following which they were asked to report about their future consuming intentions and defensive behaviors again. In total, 236 participants of college students and teachers were recruited. Paired samples mean comparison showed that after the stimulus was presented, the respondents had a significant decrease in future financial consumption intention, and a significant increase in defensive behaviors toward online tourism platforms due to risks perceived. Multiple regression analysis was conducted subsequently to investigate individual characteristics that may account for part of the decrease (increase) in consuming intention (defensive behaviors). Results showed that, customers with higher level of trust and monthly income, as well as older customers, tend to experience higher level of decrease in consuming intention, and increase in defensive behaviors. These findings highlighted the importance of online tourism platforms guaranteeing data security of their customers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the neuronal circuits and mechanisms of defensive systems has been primarily dominated by studies focusing on the contribution of individual cells in the processing of threat-predictive cues, defensive responses, the extinction of such responses and the contextual modulation of threat-related behavior. These studies have been key in establishing threat-related circuits and mechanisms. Yet, they fall short in answering long-standing questions related to the integrative processing of distinct threatening cues, behavioral states induced by threat-related events, or the bridging from sensory processing of threat-related cues to specific defensive responses. Recent conceptual and technical developments has allowed the monitoring of large populations of neurons, which in addition to advanced analytic tools, have improved our understanding of how collective neuronal activity supports threat-related behaviors. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge of neuronal population codes within threat-related networks, in the context of aversive motivated behavior and the study of defensive systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial associates are widespread in insects, some conferring a protection to their hosts against natural enemies like parasitoids. These protective symbionts may affect the infection success of the parasitoid by modifying behavioral defenses of their hosts, the development success of the parasitoid by conferring a resistance against it or by altering life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Here, we assessed the effects of different protective bacterial symbionts on the entire sequence of the host-parasitoid interaction (i.e., from parasitoid attack to offspring emergence) between the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and its main parasitoid, Aphidius ervi and their impacts on the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. To test whether symbiont-mediated phenotypes were general or specific to particular aphid-symbiont associations, we considered several aphid lineages, each harboring a different strain of either Hamiltonella defensa or Regiella insecticola, two protective symbionts commonly found in aphids. We found that symbiont species and strains had a weak effect on the ability of aphids to defend themselves against the parasitic wasps during the attack and a strong effect on aphid resistance against parasitoid development. While parasitism resistance was mainly determined by symbionts, their effects on host defensive behaviors varied largely from one aphid-symbiont association to another. Also, the symbiotic status of the aphid individuals had no impact on the attack rate of the parasitic wasps, the parasitoid emergence rate from parasitized aphids nor the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Overall, no correlations between symbiont effects on the different stages of the host-parasitoid interaction was observed, suggesting no trade-offs or positive associations between symbiont-mediated phenotypes. Our study highlights the need to consider various sequences of the host-parasitoid interaction to better assess the outcomes of protective symbioses and understand the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of insect-symbiont associations.






