deceased donor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uterus transplantation is the surgical treatment for absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI), a congenital or acquired condition characterized by the absence of a uterus. More than 80 transplants have been performed worldwide, resulting in more than 30 live births, originating both from living and deceased donors. The collection of published articles on deceased donor uterus transplantations was performed in PubMed and SCOPUS by searching for the terms \"Uterus transplantation\" AND \"deceased donor\"; from the 107 articles obtained, only case reports and systematic reviews of deceased donor uterus transplantations and the resulting live births were considered for the present manuscript. The extracted data included the date of surgery (year), country, recipient (age and cause of AUFI) and donor (age and parity) details, outcome of recipient surgery (hysterectomy), and live births (date and gestational age). The search of peer-reviewed publications showed 24 deceased donor uterus transplantations and 12 live births (a birth rate of 66%) with a 25% occurrence of graft loss during follow-up (6 of 24). Among this series, twelve transplants were performed in the USA (seven births), five in the Czech Republic (one birth), three in Italy (one birth), two in Turkey (two births), and two in Brazil (one birth). The median recipient age was 29.8 years (range 21-36), while the median donor age was 36.1 years (range 20-57). Of 24 recipients, 100% were affected by MRKH (Mayer-Rokitanski-Kuster-Hauser) syndrome. Two live births were reported from nulliparous donors. Deceased donor uterus transplantation birth rates are very similar to the living donor rates reported in the literature, but ethical implications could be less important in the first group. It is necessary to register every case in the International Registry for Uterus Transplantation in order to perform a systematic review and comparison with living donor rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed graft function (DGF) after kidney transplantation heralds a worse prognosis. In patients with hyperoxaluria, the incidence of DGF is high. Oxalic acid is a waste product that accumulates when kidney function decreases. We hypothesize that residual diuresis and accumulated waste products influence the DGF incidence. Patients transplanted between 2018-2022 participated in the prospective cohort study. Pre-transplant concentrations of oxalic acid and its precursors were determined. Data on residual diuresis and other recipient, donor or transplant related variables were collected. 496 patients were included, 154 were not on dialysis. Oxalic acid, and glyoxylic acid, were above upper normal concentrations in 98.8%, and 100% of patients. Residual diuresis was ≤150 mL/min in 24% of patients. DGF occurred in 157 patients. Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis demonstrated a significant influence of dialysis type, recipient BMI, donor type, age, and serum creatinine on the DGF risk. Residual diuresis and glycolic acid concentration were inversely proportionally related to this risk, glyoxylic acid directly proportionally. Results in the dialysis population showed the same results, but glyoxylic acid lacked significance. In conclusion, low residual diuresis is associated with increased DGF incidence. Possibly accumulated waste products also play a role. Pre-emptive transplantation may decrease the incidence of DGF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The use of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-positive donor kidneys to expand the donor pool has been implemented, but limited evidence exists regarding their impact on transplant outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the effects of donor HBV infection on transplant outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Donor and recipient data between 2015 and 2021 were collected. A total of 743 kidney transplant cases were screened, including 94 donor hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)+/recipient HBsAg- (D+R-) and 649 donor HBsAg-/recipient HBsAg- (D-R-) cases. The analysis endpoints included recipient HBV infection, delayed graft function (DGF), peak estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) within 12 months, recipient survival, and death-censored graft survival (DCGS).
    UNASSIGNED: The D+R- group had a significantly higher risk of HBV infection compared to the D-R- group (6/72 vs. 3/231; relative risk, 6.4; p = 0.007). The risk of HBV transmission decreased significantly with increasing hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) titer (p for trend = 0.003). Furthermore, the D+R- group did not exhibit an increased risk of DGF compared to the D-R- group (odds ratio, 0.70; p = 0.51) in the multivariable mixed model. Both groups had similar peak eGFR within 12 months (β = 1.01, p = 0.71), and this had no impact on patient survival (hazard ratio [HR], 0.36; p = 0.10) and DCGS (HR, 0.79, p = 0.59) in the shared-frailty Cox model.
    UNASSIGNED: The use of HBsAg-positive donor kidneys appears relatively safe for HBV-immunized recipients in the short term. D+R- does not negatively affect graft function recovery and provides comparable posttransplant outcomes. Maintaining an HBsAb titer over 100 IU/L before transplantation is critical to reduce the risk of HBV transmission.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the features and outcomes of 500 liver transplantations in adults over a 12-year period.
    METHODS: The study included data on 500 liver transplantations between May 2010 and April 2023. We analyzed 483 adults who underwent transplantation and 438 candidates for this procedure. All data were obtained from local liver transplantation registry. Clinical outcomes were recorded as of June 1, 2023. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 12 (StatSoft Inc., USA) and Jamovi version software (Jamovi project).
    RESULTS: Among 438 patients in the waiting list between January 2012 and May 2023, liver transplantation was performed in 198 (45%) cases including 27 (6%) transplantations from living-related donors and 37 (8%) procedures in other centers. There were 109 (25%) deaths. The 1- and 3-year survival rates were 81% (95% CI 76-85%) and 50% (95% CI 42-59%), respectively. Organs from deceased donors (n=134, 27%) and living-related donors (n=366, 73%) were used for transplantations. Redo transplantations were necessary in 21 (4%) cases. The median age of recipients was 45 years (range 18-72), median MELD-Na score - 16 (range 6-43). The most common indications for transplantation were viral cirrhosis (37%), cholestatic liver disease (16%), and hepatocellular carcinoma (14%). Monotherapy with calcineurin inhibitors was performed in 39% of cases, combination of calcineurin inhibitors and glucocorticoids, antimetabolites or mTOR inhibitors - 52%, three-component schemes - 8% of cases. Annual, 5- and 7-year survival rates of recipients after primary transplantation were 87% (95% CI: 84-90%), 79% (95% CI: 75-83%) and 75% (95% CI: 70-80%), respectively. In case of liver transplantation from living-related donors, these values were 89% (95% CI: 86-92%), 84% (95% CI: 80-88%) and 80% (95% CI: 75-85%), after transplantation from deceased donors - 81% (95% CI: 74-88%), 66% (95% CI: 57-76%) and 58% (95% CI: 45-72%), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Liver transplantation is highly effective for patients with diffuse and focal liver diseases. Living donors not only significantly improve availability of this technology, but also provide substantial advantages in outcomes compared to liver transplantation from deceased donors, reducing the likelihood of recipient mortality by 10% after one post-transplantation year and by more than 20% after five years.
    UNASSIGNED: Провести анализ особенностей и результатов 500 трансплантаций печени, выполненных взрослым пациентам за 12-летний период.
    UNASSIGNED: В исследование включены данные о 500 операциях по пересадке печени, выполненных с мая 2010 по апрель 2023 г. 483 взрослым пациентам, а также о 438 кандидатах на трансплантацию, состоявших в листе ожидания. Все сведения получены из локального научного регистра трансплантации печени. Клинические исходы зарегистрированы по состоянию на 1 июня 2023 г. Расчеты проводили с использованием пакета статистических программ Statistica 12 (StatSoft Inc., США) и Jamovi версия (Jamovi Project, Австралия).
    UNASSIGNED: Из 438 пациентов, находившихся в листе ожидания в период с января 2012 по май 2023 г. трансплантация печени была выполнена в 198 (45%) наблюдениях, из них в 27 (6%) случаях — от родственных доноров, 37 (8%) пациентов оперированы в других центрах. Зарегистрировано 109 (25%) летальных исходов. Показатели 1- и 3-летней выживаемости составили 81% (95% доверительный интервал (ДИ) 76—85%) и 50% (95% ДИ 42—59%). Для трансплантаций использованы органы посмертных (n=134, 27%) и родственных (n=366, 73%) доноров. В 21 (4%) наблюдении выполнены ретрансплантации. Медиана возраста реципиентов на момент операции составила 45 лет (от 18 до 72 лет), медиана оценки по шкале MELD-Na — 16 баллов (от 6 до 43). Наиболее частыми показаниями были: цирроз печени (ЦП) вирусной этиологии — 37%, ЦП в исходе холестатических заболеваний — 16%, гепатоцеллюлярный рак — 14%. Стартовая поддерживающая иммуносупрессия проводилась в режиме монотерапии ингибиторами кальциневрина (ИКН) — 39%, комбинацией ИКН с глюкокортикоидами, антиметаболитами или mTOR-ингибиторами — 52%, трехкомпонентные схемы использованы в 8% наблюдений. Показатели 1-, 5- и 7-летней выживаемости реципиентов печени после первичной трансплантации составили 87% (95% ДИ 84—90%), 79% (95% ДИ 75—83%), 75% (95% ДИ 70—80%). При пересадке от родственных доноров: 89% (95% ДИ 86—92%), 84% (95% ДИ 80—88%), 80% (95% ДИ 75—85%); при трансплантации от посмертных доноров: 81% (95% ДИ 74—88%), 66% (95% ДИ 57—76%), 58% (95% ДИ 45—72%) соответственно.
    UNASSIGNED: Полученные результаты подтверждают высокую эффективность трансплантации печени в лечении пациентов с ее диффузными и очаговыми заболеваниями. Активное использование ресурса прижизненного донорства не только радикально повышает доступность этой медицинской технологии, но и дает существенные преимущества в результатах при сопоставлении с трансплантацией от посмертных доноров, снижая вероятность летального исхода реципиентов на 10% через год после пересадки и более чем на 20% — спустя 5 лет после операции.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Urinary reconstruction during en bloc kidney transplantation is challenging, with different techniques described. Here, we report a case of combined urinary reconstruction using modified Lich ureteroneocystostomy and ureteroureterostomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In Iceland, a small number of kidney transplants from living donors (LDs) are performed at Landspitali University Hospital (LUH) in Reykjavik, while deceased donor transplants have until recently invariably been carried out abroad. In this study, we evaluated the outcome of kidney transplantation in Icelandic patients.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a retrospective study that included all Icelandic residents who underwent kidney transplantation between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2019. Data were obtained from the Icelandic End-Stage Kidney Disease Registry, medical records at LUH, and the Scandiatransplant database. The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation was used to calculate estimated glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine for recipients and donors aged >18 years, and the modified Schwartz equation for those aged ≤18 years. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the log-rank test was employed for group comparisons.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 229 kidney transplants in 221 patients were performed during the 20-year period, of which 135 (58.9%) were from LDs. Transplants carried out at LUH were 118 (51.5%), of which 116 were from LDs. During a median follow-up of 7.4 years (range 0.1-20), 27 (12.2%) patients died, 20 (74%) of whom had a functioning graft. One-year patient survival was 99.1% [95% confidence interval (CI), 97.9-100], 5-year survival was 95.7% (95% CI, 92.7-98.7), and 10-year survival was 87.7% (95% CI, 82.4-93.4). Death-censored graft survival was 98.3% (95% CI, 96.6-100), 96.8% (95% CI, 94.4-99.2), and 89.2% (95% CI, 84.1-94.7) at 1, 5, and 10 years, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: Patient and graft survival are comparable with those of large transplant centers, demonstrating the feasibility of running a quality kidney transplant program in a small nation in collaboration with a larger center abroad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The option for A2/A2B deceased donor kidney transplantation was integrated into the kidney allocation system in 2014 to improve access for B blood group waitlist candidates. Despite excellent reported outcomes, center uptake has remained low across the United States. Here, we examined the effect of implementing an A2/A2B protocol using a cutoff titer of ≤1:8 for IgG and ≤1:16 for IgM on blood group B kidney transplant recipients at a single center.
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospective observational study.
    UNASSIGNED: Blood group B recipients of deceased donor kidney transplants at a single center from January 1, 2019, to December 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: Recipients of deceased donor kidney transplants were analyzed based on donor blood type with comparisons of A2/A2B versus blood group compatible.
    UNASSIGNED: One-year patient survival, death-censored allograft function, primary nonfunction, delayed graft function, allograft function as measured using serum creatinine levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate at 1 year, biopsy-proven rejection, and need for plasmapheresis.
    UNASSIGNED: Comparison between the A2/A2B and compatible groups were performed using the Fisher test or the χ2 test for categorical variables and the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 104 blood type B patients received a deceased donor kidney transplant at our center during the study period, 49 (47.1%) of whom received an A2/A2B transplant. Waiting time was lower in A2/A2B recipients compared with blood group compatible recipients (57.9 months vs 74.7 months, P = 0.01). A2/A2B recipients were more likely to receive a donor after cardiac death (24.5% vs 1.8%, P < 0.05) and experience delayed graft function (65.3% vs 41.8%). There were no observed differences in the average serum creatinine level or estimated glomerular filtration rate at 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year post kidney transplantation, acute rejection, or primary nonfunction.
    UNASSIGNED: Single-center study. Small cohort size limiting outcome analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Implementation of an A2/A2B protocol increased transplant volumes of blood group B waitlisted patients by 83.6% and decreased the waiting time for transplantation by 22.5% with similar transplant outcomes.
    Recipient blood type is one of the main determinants of waiting time to receive a deceased donor kidney transplant. Patients with blood type B have some of the longest waiting times for a kidney in the United States. Minorities comprise a large percentage of blood group B waitlist patients, contributing to observed racial differences in kidney transplantation rates. In this study, accepting an A2/A2B incompatible kidney resulted in receiving a kidney transplant almost 18 months earlier compared with receiving a blood group compatible kidney. No differences in outcomes were seen by accepting A2/A2B kidneys.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Italy presently does not have a pediatric organ donation program after cardiocirculatory determination of death (pDCDD). Before implementing a pDCDD program, many centers globally have conducted studies on the attitudes of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) staff. This research aims to minimize potential adverse reactions and evaluate the acceptance of the novel donation practice.
    METHODS: We conducted an electronic and anonymous survey on attitudes toward pDCDD among healthcare professionals (HCPs) working at eight Italian PICUs. The survey had three parts: (I) questions about general demographic data; (II) 18 statements about personal wishes to donate, experience of discussing donation, and knowledge about donation; (III) attitudinal statements regarding two pediatric Maastricht III scenarios of organ donation.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 54.4%, and the majority of respondents were nurses. Of those who responded, 45.3% worked in the Center, 40.8% in the North, and 12.8% in the South of Italy. In total, 93.9% supported pediatric organ and tissue donation, 90.3% supported donation after neurological determination of death (DNDD), 78.2% supported pDCDD, and 69.7% felt comfortable about the idea of participating in pDCDD on Type III patients, with a higher percentage of supportive responses in the Center (77.2%) than in the North (65.1%) and South (54.5%) of Italy (p-value < 0.004). Concerning scenarios, 79.3% of participants believed that organ retrieval took place in a patient who was already deceased. Overall, 27.3% considered their knowledge about DCDD to be adequate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides insight into the attitudes and knowledge of PICU staff members regarding pDCDD in Italy. Despite a general lack of knowledge on the subject, respondents showed positive attitudes toward pDCDD and a strong consensus that the Italian legislation protocol for determining death based on cardiocirculatory criteria respects the \"dead donor rule.\" There were several distinctions among the northern, central, and southern regions of Italy, and in our view, these disparities can be attributed to the varying practices of commemorating the deceased. In order to assess how practice and training influence the attitude of PICU staff members, it would be interesting to repeat the survey after the implementation of a program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients of Asian and black ethnicity face disadvantage on the renal transplant waiting list in the UK, because of lack of human leucocyte antigen and blood group matched donors from an overwhelmingly white deceased donor pool. This study evaluates outcomes of renal allografts from Asian and black donors. The UK Transplant Registry was analysed for adult deceased donor kidney only transplants performed between 2001 and 2015. Asian and black ethnicity patients constituted 12.4% and 6.7% of all deceased donor recipients but only 1.6% and 1.2% of all deceased donors, respectively. Unadjusted survival analysis demonstrated significantly inferior long-term allograft outcomes associated with Asian and black donors, compared to white donors. On Cox-regression analysis, Asian donor and black recipient ethnicities were associated with poorer outcomes than white counterparts, and on ethnicity matching, compared with the white donor-white recipient baseline group and adjusting for other donor and recipient factors, 5-year graft outcomes were significantly poorer for black donor-black recipient, Asian donor-white recipient, and white donor-black recipient combinations in decreasing order of worse unadjusted 5-year graft survival. Increased deceased donation among ethnic minorities could benefit the recipient pool by increasing available organs. However, it may require a refined approach to enhance outcomes.





