dairy production

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Graviera Naxos, a renowned cheese with Protected Designation of Origin status, is crafted from a blend of cow, goat, and sheep milk. This study focused on assessing the Sr isotopic and multi-elemental composition of both the processed cheese and its ingredients, as well as the environmental context of Naxos Island, including samples of milk, water, soil, and feed. The objective was to delineate the geochemical signature of Graviera Naxos cheese and to explore the utility of Sr isotopes as indicators of geographic origin. The 87Sr/86Sr values for Graviera Naxos samples ranged from 0.70891 to 0.70952, indicating a relatively narrow range. However, the Sr isotopic signature of milk, heavily influenced by the feed, which originates from geologically distinct areas, does not always accurately reflect the local breeding environment. Multi-elemental analysis revealed variations in milk composition based on type and season; yet, no notable differences were found between raw and pasteurized milk. A mixing model evaluating the contributions of milk, sea salt, and rennet to the cheese\'s Sr isotopic signature suggested a significant average contribution of 73.1% from sea salt. This study highlights the complexities of linking dairy products with their geographical origins and emphasizes the need for sophisticated geochemical authentication methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dairy production systems significantly impact environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and human health. Intensive farming maximizes output through high-input practices, raising concerns about environmental degradation, animal welfare, and health risks from antibiotic residues. Conversely, organic farming emphasizes sustainable practices, animal welfare, and minimal synthetic inputs, potentially enhancing biodiversity, soil health, and milk quality. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), non-coding RNAs regulating gene expression, are promising biomarkers due to their response to various conditions. In this study, miRNAs bta-miR-103 and bta-miR-155, which are abundant in milk from pasture-fed cows, were selected. Additionally, bta-miR-215, which is abundant in milk fat from intensive systems, was also studied, in order to differentiate dairy production systems. A novel, cost-effective gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based sensor was developed for miRNA detection, leveraging the unique plasmonic properties of AuNPs for visual detection. The method involves functionalizing AuNPs with complementary RNA probes and detecting miRNA-induced aggregation through colorimetric changes. This rapid, results in 30 min, and sensitive, visual limit of detection of 200 nM, assay requires minimal instrumentation and can be easily interpreted, offering significant advantages for field implementation in characterizing dairy production systems. This study demonstrates the successful application of this sensor in detecting miRNAs in 350 nM miRNA spiked raw milk, highlighting its potential for in situ dairy industry applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to evaluate under dairy farm conditions the predisposing factors, impact on milk production and productivity, and the role of Rhipicephalus microplus in the epidemiology of tick fever agents in Holstein calves grazing in a tropical region. A total of 4292 pure female Holsteins were evaluated at a commercial farm. Until April 2020, calves had contact with R. microplus for between 3 and 24 months, while after April 2020, no animal had further contact with ticks. Three times a week the rectal temperature (RT) of all animals was determined, and blood samples were collected for evaluation of tick fever (TF) agents from those that showed RT >39.3 °C. Specific treatment was performed against Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis when these TF agents were diagnosed in the blood smears. The number of relapses and treatments for TF agents were sub-classified into scales (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7-10 treatments or relapses, and animals that received blood transfusions). Within each sub-class, the health data of calves during lactation along with productivity data were analyzed. Based in the results, whether an animal received colostrum enriched with powdered colostrum substitute, whether the animal was an embryo transfer calf, and the weight at which each calf was weaned were ascertained as factors leading to more recurrences or treatments against TF agents in post-weaned calves. On average, each recurrence of TF agents that a heifer presented between three and seven months decreased milk production by 213.5 liters in the first lactation. Calves that received a blood transfusion had lower milk production at first lactation; lower weight at first fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI); older age at first FTAI; older age at first, second, and third calving; and delayed age at third calving by 140 days compared to the farm average. R. microplus was the main agent causing clinical cases of TF on the farm, and 10,770 treatments against TF agents were carried out when calves aged between three and seven months had contact with this tick species (2018 and 2019). When the animals no longer had contact with ticks (2022 and 2023), there were no recurrences or treatments against TF agents despite the presence on the farm of S. calcitrans, which can maintain the transmission of A. marginale to the herd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of antimicrobials in the dairy production environment for mastitis control must take etiology, clinical signs, economic impacts, and regulatory frameworks into consideration. The objective of the present review is to highlight important aspects of the dynamics of antimicrobial use in dairy production and the potential impacts on the main pathogens circulating in this environment, considering the parameters set by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the priority of monitoring as well as control strategies for these agents, such as the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus and the beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli. Understanding the animal-environment-pathogen triad is crucial for establishing control measures and preventing the spread of bacterial resistance. Implementing mastitis prevention and control measures in dairy farms, considering process flow and personnel qualification, enables a reduction in antimicrobial usage and contributes to prevent the spread of resistant bacterial agents in the dairy production environment, minimizing the relapses and the chronicity of the infectious process.
    A utilização de antimicrobianos no controle de mastite em ambiente de produção leiteira deve considerer alguns aspectos como a etiologia, os sinais clínicos, os impactos económicos e a legislação. O objetivo da presente revisão é destacar aspectos importantes na dinâmica do uso de antimicrobianos na produção leiteira e os potenciais impactos sobre os principais patógenos circulantes neste ambiente, considerando os parâmetros estabelecidos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) quanto à prioridade de monitoramento, bem como estratégias de controle para esses agentes, como o Staphylococcus resistente à meticilina e a Escherichia coli produtora de beta-lactamase. Compreender a tríade animal-ambiente-patógeno é crucial para estabelecer medidas de controle e prevenir a propagação da resistência bacteriana. A implementação de medidas de prevenção e controle de mastites nas propriedades leiteiras, considerando o fluxo do processo e a qualificação do pessoal, permite a redução do uso de antimicrobianos e contribui para prevenir a propagação de agentes bacterianos resistentes no ambiente de produção leiteira, minimizando as recidivas e a cronicidade do processo infeccioso.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to analyze the environmental performance of Smallholder Dairy Farms (SHDFs) located in the State of Mexico, a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) was carried out using two methodological approaches (A1 and A2) to estimate and interpret environmental impacts. A1 consisted in obtaining the average inputs and outputs of 15 SHDFs to generate a representative farm life cycle inventory, while A2 included an individual environmental impact analysis per SHDF to obtain average values of the contributions per analyzed midpoint impact category. The feed production subsystem generated the highest contributions to environmental impacts per liter of raw milk produced. Estimated emissions based on A2 approach, resulted in higher environmental impacts compared to results obtained with A1. The estimated values for the midpoint impact categories obtained with A2: Climate change, Fossil depletion, Terrestrial acidification, and Agricultural land occupation, were 8.73%, 30.77%, 100%, and 20.49% higher compared to A1 approach, respectively. While A2 provides more accurate results, it requires more time and resources compared to the integration of a panel of representative dairy farms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fodder radish is widely used as a livestock supplement, however, the nutritional value of fodder radish under different water conditions remains insufficiently understood. This study aimed to assess the chemical components and in vitro, ruminal dry matter degradability of two fodder radish genotypes (Endurance and Line 2) subjected to three irrigation regimes: well-watered (W1), moderate water stress (W2), and severe water stress (W3). The analysis revealed statistically significant effects of the main factors on the chemical composition and estimates of fodder radish leaves and tubers, particularly in terms of Crude Protein (CP) and Ether Extract (EE) across genotypes. Both Endurance and Line 2 leaves exhibited interaction effects on N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Al. Meanwhile only Na, K, Zn, and Cu were affected in tubers. Endurance tubers, specifically, displayed significantly higher (p < 0.05) CP content, with Line 2 tubers showing the highest CP content under W1. Furthermore, Endurance leaves had higher levels of Neutral Detergent Fibre, EE, and Non-Structural Carbohydrate (NSC) compared to Line 2 leaves under W1. Notable differences in tuber fibres were found, specifically in Acid Detergent Fibre for Endurance, with W3 exhibiting a higher concentration level. Both genotypes displayed higher NSC under W3. Significant variations in macro and mmicro minerals were observed between water levels in both genotypes. In terms of in vitro degradability during the 24 h and 48 h incubation periods, all treatments met the acceptable level of 60-80 %. Regardless of water regimes, both Endurance and Line 2 showed nutrient concentrations meeting the minimum requirements for optimal animal production. Though, Line 2 exhibits significantly higher nutritional value and in vitro ruminal dry matter degradability than Endurance, evident in both leaves and tubers. Notably, moderate water stress conditions yielded better nutritional quality and in vitro ruminal dry matter degradability compared to both well-watered and severe water stress treatments. This suggests that applying 180-220 mm of water per season can also yield better nutritive value of these genotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dairy production systems display a wide range of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission characteristics influenced by factors like geographical location, farm size, herd composition, milk yield, management practices, and existing infrastructure. Effective national GHG mitigation plans for the dairy industry should incorporate strategies that account for the diversity within this system. This paper aims to introduce a multi-scale framework to assess the GHG mitigation potential within the Israeli dairy system. It begins by analyzing the GHG intensity per unit of milk produced by a representative sample of 145 farms (20 % of the national dairy farms). It then extrapolates the data to the regional and national scales. The research reveals an average carbon footprint of 1.18 (ranging from 0.8 to 1.64) kg CO2e per kilogram of milk (FPCM) over the life cycle up to the farm gate. Upon scaling up, the study estimates the annual carbon footprint of the Israeli dairy industry at 1,777,800 t of CO2e. Consequently, this framework highlights areas with significant GHG emissions that require attention and opportunities for national mitigation based on the detailed characteristics of the studied systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concerns regarding the welfare of farm animals continue to grow. Traditionally, research efforts have largely focused on refining existing management practices to improve welfare. However, the incorporation of views from those directly involved in animal care is equally, if not more, important. This study investigated the perspectives of Canadian dairy farmers on animal welfare. We conducted 16 interviews with a total of 22 participants from four provinces across Canada. Recorded audio files and field notes were transcribed, anonymised, and coded using deductive and inductive thematic analysis. The interview data revealed two major themes: (1) animal dimension of animal welfare, including views related to biological functioning, naturalness and affective states; and (2) dairy farmer identity, including, the voice of the \'city\', what it means to be a good \'cow-man\', and the nature of human-animal relationships. Dairy farmers emphasised biological functioning, but they made numerous references to the emotional and natural living aspects of their animals\' lives. Our work also provides evidence that farmers believed it was their duty to care for their animals beyond simply milking cows and making a profit. In terms of the larger debate, this study identified potential shared values with members of the public: opportunities for natural living and agency, attentiveness to individual animals, and the value of life over death. Finally, the emotional relationship that farmers developed with their animals highlights the values dairy farmers have for their animals beyond simply utilitarian function. Overall, these shared values could contribute to constructive dialogue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The practice of separating calves from their dams right after birth is one of the main dairy cattle welfare concerns among the public. Farmer perceptions about the practice and the available alternative contact systems in the US are however, not well understood. Using data from a sample of Wisconsin dairy farmers, the study examines farmer preferences for different prolonged (relative to immediate separation) contact systems and the potential role of farm structural and individual-level specific factors. Four alternative hypothetical systems - free dam, half day, foster cow, and restricted suckling systems - differing on the basis of calf access to dam-were considered. The analysis controls for farm size, production system (conventional, organic, grazing), farmer socio-demographic characteristics in addition to farm animal welfare (FAW) perceptions. The findings indicate that amongst the set of alternative practices considered, foster cow system is most preferred alternative to the conventional early separation practised by most farmers. This is followed by restricted suckling systems. The least ranked alternative system is free calf-dam contact. The analyses further indicate that calf contact duration is negatively associated with herd size. Relative to conventional farms, calf-dam pairs on grazing, organic and mixed farms are less likely to be separated immediately after birth. Prolonged calf-dam contact is also prevalent amongst older farmers. Overall, the findings imply that farming system and structural considerations may be the key drivers of transition to prolonged contact systems in dairy production. Foster cow systems may offer the most feasible pathway for achieving this objective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the age at first calving in Holstein heifers and its impact on various production parameters. A sample of 737 Holstein heifers born between 2015 and 2018 and finishing their first lactations between 2018 and 2020 was included. Cluster analysis revealed three groups based on age at first calving: high precocity, medium precocity and low precocity. Medium-precocity group exhibited the highest 305-day milk yield and peak milk production. Additionally, the same group demonstrated superior mean production per lactation, 305-day milk protein content, and 305-day milk yield. The lowest somatic cell count was found in the low-precocity group. In conclusion, medium-precocity cows showed better results such as higher 305-day milk yield and peak milk production.





