daily activity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Accelerometer-measured physical activity is an increasingly used endpoint in heart failure (HF) trials. We investigated the determinants of accelerometer-measured physical activity and the relationship with patient-reported health status.
    METHODS: Post-hoc analysis of the Empire HF trial, including outpatients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Physical activity was quantified as average accelerometer counts per minute (CPM) with higher values representing higher activity. We investigated associations between activity level and clinical variables, including age, sex, and body mass index, as well as patient-reported health status assessed by Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ).
    RESULTS: Complete data were available in 180 (95%) patients (86% male, mean age 65 year). Baseline median physical activity level was 1318 CPM (Q1-Q3 1111-1585). Age and anemia were independently associated with activity level (β-coefficients: -10 CPM per year age increase [95% CI -16 to -5.1], p=0.00015, and -126 CPM for anemia [95% CI -9.1 to -244], p=0.035). Significant independent associations were observed between activity level and all KCCQ summary scores (β-coefficient point estimates of 3.7, 4.6, and 4.9 CPM, all p<0.02). For 12-week changes in KCCQ-summary scores, only the KCCQ-CSS was associated with activity level; mean increase of 17.5 CPM [95% CI 1.5 to 34.0], p=0.032, per 5-point increase in KCCQ-CSS. Associations were not modified by treatment allocation (interaction p-values>0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with HFrEF, older age and anemia were independently associated with lower activity. Moreover, physical activity only weakly increased with better health status, suggesting that changes in physical activity reflect improvements in patients\' health status to a limited degree. This highlights the need to better understand the endpoint with regards to all other health parameters to ease interpretation in future HF trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The interaction between physical activity, skeletal muscle health, and adiposity has been explored in normal weight and overweight/obesity grouped together; however, the overall risks associated with being overweight are less than those observed with obesity and can be confounded by disparities in both sex and race. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the intricate interplay of daily physical activity and skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (SMOC) in overweight and obesity, while exploring how sex and race impact this dynamic relationship.
    METHODS: One hundred and forty participants were grouped by body mass index (BMI) as overweight (n = 73; BMI >25-<30 kg/m2) or obese (n = 67; BMI ≥30 kg/m2). SMOC was assessed using near-infrared spectroscopy and daily physical activity was assessed for 7 days using accelerometry.
    RESULTS: Overweight individuals exhibited a higher (p = 0.004) SMOC and engaged in more (p = 0.007) vigorous physical activity compared to obese individuals. In addition, SMOC was lower (p = 0.005) in obese non-Hispanic Black (NHB) men compared to overweight NHB men. No relationships between physical activity and SMOC were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity is not associated with differences in SMOC in overweight and obesity. Obese individuals engage in less vigorous physical activity and exhibit lower SMOC compared to overweight individuals and these differences are emphasised in NHB men.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Visual impairment due to ophthalmological diseases significantly affects functional activity in everyday life, since good eyesight is crucial in daily activities. Data from 837 respondents were studied, allowing for analysis of such medical and demographic indicators as age, gender, level of education, visual acuity arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. To measure functional status, the main activities in daily life (ADL) and instrumental activities in daily life (IADL) were evaluated using a modified version of the Katz scale and the IADL OARS scale. Statistical methods of Mantel-Hansel Chi-squared analysis were used to assess differences in the prevalence of functional blindness and visual deficit. The study showed that medical and demographic factors have a relatively smaller impact on vision deficiency compared to functional blindness, with age being a significant factor in both cases. Among the medical and demographic factors, the age of patients, as well as diabetes mellitus, significantly increase the development of visual deficiency and functional blindness. Functional blindness, in comparison with visual deficiency, causes more significant restrictions on activities in everyday life and instrumental activities in everyday life, and also causes dependence on help from others.
    Нарушение зрения вследствие офтальмологических заболеваний существенно влияет на функциональную активность в повседневной жизни, поскольку хорошее зрение имеет в этом решающее значение. Изучали данные 837 респондентов, позволяющие сделать анализ таких медико-демографических показателей, как возраст, пол, уровень образования, острота зрения, артериальная гипертензия и сахарный диабет. Для измерения функционального статуса оценивали основные виды деятельности в повседневной жизни (ADL) и инструментальные виды деятельности в повседневной жизни (IADL) с использованием модифицированной версии шкалы Каца и шкалы IADL OARS. Для оценки различий в распространенности функциональной слепоты и зрительного дефицита использовали статистические методы анализа χ2 Мантеля–Ханселя. Исследование показало, что медицинские и демографические факторы оказывают относительно меньшее влияние на зрительный дефицит по сравнению с функциональной слепотой, при этом возраст является существенным фактором в обоих случаях. Сахарный диабет и гипертензия способствуют развитию функциональной слепоты и дефицита зрения, в то время как уровень образования не влияет на нарушение зрения. Среди медико-демографических факторов статистически достоверно повышает развитие зрительного дефицита и функциональной слепоты возраст пациентов, а также сахарный диабет. Функциональная слепота по сравнению со зрительным дефицитом вызывает более существенные ограничения по видам деятельности в повседневной жизни и инструментальной деятельности в повседневной жизни, а также вызывает зависимость в помощи от окружающих.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Altered gait could influence knee joint moment magnitudes and cumulative damage over time. Gait modifications have been shown to reduce knee loading in people with knee osteoarthritis during walking, although this has not been explored in multiple daily activities. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of different foot orientations on knee loading during multiple daily activities in people with and without knee osteoarthritis.
    METHODS: Thirty people with knee osteoarthritis and twenty-nine without (control) performed walking, stair ambulation and sit-to-stand across a range of foot progression angles (neutral, toe-in, toe-out and preferred). Peak knee adduction moment, knee adduction moment impulse and knee pain were compared across a continuous range of foot orientations, between activities, and groups.
    RESULTS: Increased foot progression angle (more toe-in) reduced 1st peak knee adduction moment across all activities in both knee osteoarthritis and control (P < 0.001). There was a greater reduction in knee adduction moment in the control group during walking and stair ambulation (P ≤ 0.006), where the knee osteoarthritis group already walked preferably less toe-out than the control group. Under preferred condition, stair descent had the greatest knee loading and knee pain compared to other activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although increased foot progression angle (toward toe-in) appeared to be more effective in reducing knee loading for all activities, toe-in modification might not benefit stair ambulation. Future gait modification should likely be personalised to each patient considering the individual difference in preferred gait and knee alignment required to shift the loading medially or laterally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: During COVID-19 lockdowns, older adults\' engagement in daily activities was severely affected, causing negative physical and mental health implications. Technology flourished as a means of performing daily activities in this complex situation; however, older adults often struggled to effectively use these opportunities. Despite the important role of older adults\' social environments-including their families and health professionals-in influencing their technology use, research into their unique perspectives is lacking.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to explore the daily activity performance, health, and technology use experiences of healthy independent Israeli adults (aged ≥65 years) during COVID-19 from a 3-dimensional perspective: older adults, older adults\' family members, and health professionals.
    UNASSIGNED: Nine online focus groups, averaging 6-7 participants per group, were conducted with older adults, family members, and health professionals (N=59). Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and constant comparative methods.
    UNASSIGNED: The intertwining of daily activity performance and health emerged as a central theme, with differences between the groups. Older adults prioritized their self-fulfilling routines based on motivation and choice, especially in social-familial activities. In contrast, family members and health professionals focused on serious physical and mental health COVID-19-related consequences. A consensus among all three groups revealed the meaningful role of technology use during this period in bridging functional limitations. Participants delved into technology\'s transformative power, focusing on the need for technology to get engaged in daily activities.
    UNASSIGNED: This study illustrates the profound interplay between daily activity performances, physical and mental health, and technology use, using a 3-dimensional approach. Its focus on technology\'s uses and benefits sheds light on what older adults need to increase their technology use. Interventions for improving digital activity performance can be tailored to meet older adults\' needs and preferences by focusing on motivational and preference-related activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The PedHAL questionnaire is employed in measuring the activities of haemophilia children. The PedHALshort was developed in 2022 to determine the most relevant item for the assessment. Haemo-QoL questionnaire assesses the quality of life of haemophilia children.
    OBJECTIVE: Determine the validity and reliability of the PedHALshort Indonesia language version compared to the Haemo-QoL in the Indonesian population.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia. The subjects were children (4-16 years old) with moderate or severe haemophilia A or B with repeated joint bleeding. The daily activity was assessed using the PedHALshorts and Haemo-QoL. The validity and reliability were tested. The validity was determined with Pearson correlation test, construct validity was assessed using convergent and discriminant validity. The Spearman correlation was used to determine which domains of Haemo-QoL correlated with PedHALshort. The reliability was analyzed using test-retest reliability. Cronbach\'s α was used to determined internal consistency.
    RESULTS: Fifty children were included in the study (78% haemophilia A, 70% severe group). All domains were valid (r > .284). The convergent validity test showed PedHALshort had a moderate negative correlation with physical health and sports school domain of Haemo-QoL (r = -.479, p < .001). The discriminant validity test showed the PedHALshort demonstrated a moderate negative correlation with physical health (r = -.585), view (r = -.590), sport school domain (r = -.430) in severe haemophilia subjects. The internal consistency of the PedHALshort questionnaire was high (Cronbach\'s α of .85 (.74-.92)).
    CONCLUSIONS: The PedHALshort is valid and reliable, hence, it can be used to measure the functional physical activity of children with haemophilia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is limited knowledge regarding people with intellectual disability and their occupations in Sweden. The aim of the study was to examine young adults with intellectual disability who after secondary school participate in disability day programs (daily activity), with a focus on characteristics and longitudinal analyses of movements between occupations. The study used a national register of 26,908 people with intellectual disability, of which 13,128 individuals (48.8%) participated in daily activity. The group had slightly more men than women, many had attended individual programs in school, and significant associations were found between background factors and participating in daily activity. Proportions in daily activity remained stable over time; however, some individuals transitioned to employment or no known occupation. The study presents national and longitudinal understanding, highlighting the dominance of daily activity as an occupation. Further research is needed to increase knowledge on meaningful occupations for people with intellectual disability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Globally, heart failure (HF) affects more than 64 million people, and attempts to reduce its social and economic burden are a public health priority. Interventions to support people with HF to self-manage have been shown to reduce hospitalizations, improve quality of life, and reduce mortality rates. Understanding how people self-manage is imperative to improve future interventions; however, most approaches to date, have used self-report methods to achieve this. Wearable cameras provide a unique tool to understand the lived experiences of people with HF and the daily activities they undertake, which could lead to more effective interventions. However, their potential for understanding chronic conditions such as HF is unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the potential utility of wearable cameras to better understand the activities of daily living in people living with HF.
    METHODS: The \"Seeing is Believing (SIB)\" study involved 30 patients with HF who wore wearable cameras for a maximum of 30 days. We used the E-Myscéal web-based lifelog retrieval system to process and analyze the wearable camera image data set. Search terms for 7 daily activities (physical activity, gardening, shopping, screen time, drinking, eating, and medication intake) were developed and used for image retrieval. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to compare the number of images retrieved using different search terms. Temporal patterns in daily activities were examined, and differences before and after hospitalization were assessed.
    RESULTS: E-Myscéal exhibited sensitivity to specific search terms, leading to significant variations in the number of images retrieved for each activity. The highest number of images returned were related to eating and drinking, with fewer images for physical activity, screen time, and taking medication. The majority of captured activities occurred before midday. Notably, temporal differences in daily activity patterns were observed for participants hospitalized during this study. The number of medication images increased after hospital discharge, while screen time images decreased.
    CONCLUSIONS: Wearable cameras offer valuable insights into daily activities and self-management in people living with HF. E-Myscéal efficiently retrieves relevant images, but search term sensitivity underscores the need for careful selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Earlier research has shown an association between pain intensity and everyday activities in adults. However, it is vital to examine the relationship within the context of Saudi people who have knee osteoarthritis. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the connection between pain intensity and daily activities involving the lower and upper limbs among patients with knee osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia. Methods This study enrolled 209 individuals aged 55 years and above who were diagnosed with radiographic knee osteoarthritis by physicians from five hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, between March 2016 and March 2017. Participants were divided into two groups based on their pain intensity, measured using the visual analog scale. The first group included 141 individuals with mild or moderate pain, while the second group comprised 68 individuals with severe pain. The study assessed the physical functioning of these individuals by evaluating their ability to perform daily activities involving the lower and upper limbs, using the Physical Functioning Subscale of the 36-item Short Form Health Survey, which includes 10 items. Results Adjusted logistic regression analysis revealed that individuals experiencing severe pain related to knee osteoarthritis were more likely to encounter difficulties in climbing several flights of stairs (odds ratio [OR] = 1.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.09-1.29), and one flight of stairs (OR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.06-1.34), with challenges in bending, kneeling, or stooping (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.05-1.23), walking more than one mile (OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.06-1.25), walking several blocks (OR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.08-1.27), and walking one block (OR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.06-1.34) than those with mild or moderate pain. Conclusion Our study results highlight the significant impact of severe pain on activities like climbing stairs, bending, kneeling, stooping, and walking longer distances among people with knee osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We conducted a questionnaire survey with sports pharmacists, who engage in anti-doping, to elucidate the activities and challenges they face in their daily work. A total of 218 responses were obtained with the cooperation of the four prefectural pharmacists\' associations. We found that 46.8% of respondents had consultations for medication doping concerns once a year or less, while 17.0% reported these multiple times per year. 83.9% of respondents indicated that connections among sports pharmacists would be beneficial, whereas 41.3% had communication with sports pharmacists they were acquainted with. In free text responses, we found challenges experienced were a lack of practical experience, the necessity of increased skills, the lack of cooperation among sports pharmacists and between sports pharmacists and sports organizations, and low awareness of their presence. Regarding future plans, 93.6% indicated an intention to renew certification. 64.2% of respondents were interested in networking events with staff, such as coaches or trainers and 48.6% were interested in regular consultations at training venues. Our findings suggest that in order to expand the anti-doping activities of sports pharmacists, networking opportunities among sports pharmacists and platforms for collaboration with sports organizations should be considered.





