cyclic AMP

循环 AMP
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In birds and insects, the female uptakes sperm for a specific duration post-copulation known as the ejaculate holding period (EHP) before expelling unused sperm and the mating plug through sperm ejection. In this study, we found that Drosophila melanogaster females shortens the EHP when incubated with males or mated females shortly after the first mating. This phenomenon, which we termed male-induced EHP shortening (MIES), requires Or47b+ olfactory and ppk23+ gustatory neurons, activated by 2-methyltetracosane and 7-tricosene, respectively. These odorants raise cAMP levels in pC1 neurons, responsible for processing male courtship cues and regulating female mating receptivity. Elevated cAMP levels in pC1 neurons reduce EHP and reinstate their responsiveness to male courtship cues, promoting re-mating with faster sperm ejection. This study established MIES as a genetically tractable model of sexual plasticity with a conserved neural mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G protein-coupled receptors\' conformational landscape can be affected by their local, microscopic interactions within the cell plasma membrane. We employ here a pleiotropic stimulus, namely osmotic swelling, to alter the cortical environment within intact cells and monitor the response in terms of receptor function and downstream signaling. We observe that in osmotically swollen cells the β2-adrenergic receptor, a prototypical GPCR, favors an active conformation, resulting in cAMP transient responses to adrenergic stimulation that have increased amplitude. The results are validated in primary cell types such as adult cardiomyocytes, a model system where swelling occurs upon ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our results suggest that receptors\' function is finely modulated by their biophysical context, and specifically that osmotic swelling acts as a potentiator of downstream signaling, not only for the β2-adrenergic receptor, but also for other receptors, hinting at a more general regulatory mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sugarcane smut fungus Sporisorium scitamineum produces polyamines putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD), and spermine (SPM) to regulate sexual mating/filamentous growth critical for pathogenicity. Besides de novo biosynthesis, intracellular levels of polyamines could also be modulated by oxidation. In this study, we identified two annotated polyamine oxidation enzymes (SsPAO and SsCuAO1) in S. scitamineum. Compared to the wild type (MAT-1), the ss1paoΔ and ss1cuao1Δ mutants were defective in sporidia growth, sexual mating/filamentation, and pathogenicity. The addition of a low concentration of cAMP (0.1 mM) could partially or fully restore filamentation of ss1paoΔ × ss2paoΔ or ss1cuao1Δ × ss2cuao1Δ. cAMP biosynthesis and hydrolysis genes were differentially expressed in the ss1paoΔ × ss2paoΔ or ss1cuao1Δ × ss2cuao1Δ cultures, further supporting that SsPAO- or SsCuAO1-based polyamine homeostasis regulates S. scitamineum filamentation by affecting the cAMP/PKA signalling pathway. During early infection, PUT promotes, while SPD inhibits, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in sugarcane, therefore modulating redox homeostasis at the smut fungus-sugarcane interface. Autophagy induction was found to be enhanced in the ss1paoΔ mutant and reduced in the ss1cuao1Δ mutant. Exogenous addition of cAMP, PUT, SPD, or SPM at low concentration promoted autophagy activity under a non-inductive condition (rich medium), suggesting a cross-talk between polyamines and cAMP signalling in regulating autophagy in S. scitamineum. Overall, our work proves that SsPAO- and SsCuAO1-mediated intracellular polyamines affect intracellular redox balance and thus play a role in growth, sexual mating/filamentation, and pathogenicity of S. scitamineum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A long-held tenet in inositol-lipid signaling is that cleavage of membrane phosphoinositides by phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) isozymes to increase cytosolic Ca2+ in living cells is exclusive to Gq- and Gi-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here we extend this central tenet and show that Gs-GPCRs also partake in inositol-lipid signaling and thereby increase cytosolic Ca2+. By combining CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to delete Gαs, the adenylyl cyclase isoforms 3 and 6, or the PLCβ1-4 isozymes, with pharmacological and genetic inhibition of Gq and G11, we pin down Gs-derived Gβγ as driver of a PLCβ2/3-mediated cytosolic Ca2+ release module. This module does not require but crosstalks with Gαs-dependent cAMP, demands Gαq to release PLCβ3 autoinhibition, but becomes Gq-independent with mutational disruption of the PLCβ3 autoinhibited state. Our findings uncover the key steps of a previously unappreciated mechanism utilized by mammalian cells to finetune their calcium signaling regulation through Gs-GPCRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) has been identified as a therapeutic target for treating neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. In recent years, we have highlighted the 2-aminoquinazoline heterocycle as an promising scaffold for designing new A2AR antagonists, exemplified by 6-bromo-4-(furan-2-yl)quinazolin-2-amine 1 (Ki (hA2AR) = 20 nM). Here, we report the synthesis of new 2-aminoquinazoline derivatives with substitutions at the C6- and C7-positions, and the introduction of aminoalkyl chains containing tertiary amines at the C2-position to enhance antagonist activity and solubility properties. Compound 5m showed a high affinity for hA2AR with a Ki value of 5 nM and demonstrated antagonist activity with an IC50 of 6 µM in a cyclic AMP assay. Introducing aminopentylpiperidine and 4-[(piperidin-1-yl)methyl]aniline substituents maintained the binding affinities (9x, Ki = 21 nM; 10d, Ki = 15 nM) and functional antagonist activities (9x, IC50 = 9 µM; 10d, IC50 = 5 µM) of the synthesized compounds while improving solubility. This study provides insights into the future development of A2AR antagonists for therapeutic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sulfonylureas (SUs) are a class of antidiabetic drugs widely used in the management of diabetes mellitus type 2. They promote insulin secretion by inhibiting the ATP-sensitive potassium channel in pancreatic β-cells. Recently, the exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) was identified as a new class of target proteins of SUs that might contribute to their antidiabetic effect, through the activation of the Ras-like guanosine triphosphatase Rap1, which has been controversially discussed. We used human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells expressing genetic constructs of various Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensors containing different versions of Epac1 and Epac2 isoforms, alone or fused to different phosphodiesterases (PDEs), to monitor SU-induced conformational changes in Epac or direct PDE inhibition in real time. We show that SUs can both induce conformational changes in the Epac2 protein but not in Epac1, and directly inhibit the PDE3 and PDE4 families, thereby increasing cAMP levels in the direct vicinity of these PDEs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the binding site of SUs in Epac2 is distinct from that of cAMP and is located between the amino acids E443 and E460. Using biochemical assays, we could also show that tolbutamide can inhibit PDE activity through an allosteric mechanism. Therefore, the cAMP-elevating capacity due to allosteric PDE inhibition in addition to direct Epac activation may contribute to the therapeutic effects of SU drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Reduction of inflammatory damage and inhibition of nucleus pulposus (NP) apoptosis are considered to be the main effective therapy idea to reverse the intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) and alleviate the chronic low back pain. The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR), as a member of G protein-coupled receptor families, plays an important role in the anti-inflammation and relieving pain. So far, the impact of A2AR on IDD therapy is unclear. The aim of this study was to explore the role of Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) in the intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) and clarify potential mechanism.
    METHODS: IL-1β and acupuncture was used to establish IDD model rats. A2AR agonist CGS-21680 and A2AR antagonist SCH442416 were used to investigate the therapeutical effects for IDD. Histological examination, western blotting analysis and RT-PCR were employed to evaluate the the association between A2AR and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway.
    RESULTS: A2AR activity of the intervertebral disc tissues was up-regulated in feedback way, and cAMP, PKA and CREB expression were also increased. But in general, IL-1β-induced IDD promoted the significant up-regulation the expression of inflammatory factors. The nucleus pulposus (NP) inflammation was exacerbated in result of MMP3 and Col-II decline through activating NF-κB signaling pathway. A2AR agonist CGS-21680 exhibited a disc protective effect through significantly increasing A2AR activity, then further activated cAMP/PKA signaling pathway with attenuating the release of TNF-α and IL-6 via down-regulating NF-κB. In contrast, SCH442416 inhibited A2AR activation, consistent with lower expression levels of cAMP and PKA, further leading to the acceleration of IDD.
    CONCLUSIONS: The activation of A2AR can prevent inflammatory responses and mitigates degradation of IDD thus suggest a potential novel therapeutic strategy of IDD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most neurons are not replaced after injury and thus possess robust intrinsic mechanisms for repair after damage. Axon injury triggers a calcium wave, and calcium and cAMP can augment axon regeneration. In comparison to axon regeneration, dendrite regeneration is poorly understood. To test whether calcium and cAMP might also be involved in dendrite injury signaling, we tracked the responses of Drosophila dendritic arborization neurons to laser severing of axons and dendrites. We found that calcium and subsequently cAMP accumulate in the cell body after both dendrite and axon injury. Two voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), L-Type and T-Type, are required for the calcium influx in response to dendrite injury and play a role in rapid initiation of dendrite regeneration. The AC8 family adenylyl cyclase, Ac78C, is required for cAMP production after dendrite injury and timely initiation of regeneration. Injury-induced cAMP production is sensitive to VGCC reduction, placing calcium upstream of cAMP generation. We propose that two VGCCs initiate global calcium influx in response to dendrite injury followed by production of cAMP by Ac78C. This signaling pathway promotes timely initiation of dendrite regrowth several hours after dendrite damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual perception of X-radiation is a well-documented, but poorly understood phenomenon. Scotopic rod cells and rhodopsin have been implicated in visual responses to X-rays, however, some evidence suggests that X-rays excite the retina via a different mechanism than visible light. While rhodopsin\'s role in X-ray perception is unclear, the possibility that it could function as an X-ray receptor has led to speculation that it could act as a transgenically expressed X-ray receptor. If so, it could be used to transduce transcranial X-ray signals and control the activity of genetically targeted populations of neurons in a less invasive version of optogenetics, X-genetics. Here we investigate whether human rhodopsin (hRho) is capable of transducing X-ray signals when expressed outside of the retinal environment. We use a live-cell cAMP GloSensor luminescence assay to measure cAMP decreases in hRho-expressing HEK293 cells in response to visible light and X-ray stimulation. We show that cAMP GloSensor luminescence decreases are not observed in hRho-expressing HEK293 cells in response to X-ray stimulation, despite the presence of robust responses to visible light. Additionally, irradiation had no significant effect on cAMP GloSensor responses to subsequent visible light stimulation. These results suggest that ectopically expressed rhodopsin does not function as an X-ray receptor and is not capable of transducing transcranial X-ray signals into neural activity for X-ray mediated, genetically targeted neuromodulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When cells of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum are starved of nutrients they start to synthesize and secrete the chemical messenger and chemoattractant cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). This signal is relayed by other cells, resulting in the establishment of periodic waves. The cells aggregate through chemotaxis toward the center of these waves. We investigated the chemotactic response of individual cells to repeated exposure to waves of cAMP generated by a microfluidic device. For fast-moving waves (short period), the chemotactic ability of the cells was found to increase upon exposure to more waves, suggesting the development of a memory over several cycles. This effect was not significant for slow-moving waves (large period). We show that the experimental results are consistent with a local excitation global inhibition-based model, extended by including a component that rises and decays slowly and that is activated by the temporal gradient of cAMP concentration. The observed enhancement in chemotaxis is relevant to populations in the wild: once sustained, periodic waves of the chemoattractant are established, it is beneficial to cells to improve their chemotactic ability in order to reach the aggregation center sooner.





