current density

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to enhance the overall efficiency of colloidal quantum dots solar cells, it is crucial to suppress the recombination of charge carriers and minimize energy loss at the interfaces between the transparent electrode, electron transport layer (ETL), and colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) light-absorbing material. In the current study, ZnO/SrTiO3 (STO), ZnO/WO3 (TO), and ZnO/Zn2SnO4 (ZTO) bilayers are introduced as an ETL using a spin-coating technique. The ZTO interlayer exhibits a smoother surface with a root-mean-square (RMS) value of ≈ 3.28 nm compared to STO and TO interlayers, which enables it to cover the surface of the ITO/ZnO substrate entirely and helps to prevent direct contact between the CQDs absorber layer and the ITO/ZnO substrate, thereby effectively preventing efficient charge recombination at the interfaces of the ETL/CQDs. Furthermore, the ZTO interlayer possesses superior electron mobility, a higher visible light transmission, and a suitable energy band structure compared to STO and TO. These characteristics are advantageous for extracting charge carriers and facilitating electron transport. The PbS CQDs solar cell based on the ITO/ZnO/ZTO/PbS-FABr/PbS-EDT/NiO/Au device configuration exhibits the highest efficiency of 15.28%, which is significantly superior than the ITO/ZnO/PbS-FABr/PbS-EDT/NiO/Au solar cell device (PCE = 14.38%). This study is anticipated to offer a practical approach to develop ultrathin and compact ETL for highly efficient CQDSCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the reduction of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from stormwater bioretention cells through microbial electrolytic cell (MEC), showing the largest reduction of 32.21 % (CH4) at 9.2 μA/m2 of current density and 56.16 % (N2O) at 3.5 μA/m2 of current density, compared with the corresponding in the control (0 μA/m2 of current density). Kinetic of CH4 and N2O emissions could be well fitted by Logistic model with high correlation coefficient (R2 > 0.9500) and model efficiency (ME > 0.95) but low relative root mean square error (RRMSE < 7.88). The increase of pmoA and polysaccharide (PS) were responsible for CH4 reduction, while N2O reduction was attributed to the decrease of nirS and the increase for nosZ and protein (PN), which could explain the lowest GWPd (10.67 mgCO2-eq/m2/h) at 3.5 μA/m2 of current density, suggesting that MEC could be promising for the reduction of CH4 and N2O emissions from bioretention cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work is an effort to mitigate the existing environmental issues caused by brine discharge from Kuwait\'s desalination plants and to find an economical and efficient way of managing reject brine from local desalination plants. Low- and high-resistance membranes (LRMs and HRMs, respectively) were used to produce salt and low-salinity water from brine effluent utilizing an electrodialysis (ED)-evaporator hybrid system. The effect of high current densities of 300, 400, and 500 A/m2 and brine flowrates of 450 and 500 L/h on the quality of produced salt and diluate were investigated for LRM and HRM. The recovered salt purity for LRM is up to 90.58%. Results show that the low-resistance membrane (LRM) achieved higher water recovery, energy consumption, desalination rate, operation time and ion removal rate than those of the high-resistance membrane (HRM) under the same operating conditions. The difference in concentration for 300 A/m2 between LRM and HRM increased from 0.93% at 10 min to 8.28% at 140 min. The difference in diluate concentration effluent is negligible for both membranes, whereas LRM produced higher concentrate effluent than HRM for all current densities and low flowrate (400 L/h). The maximum difference between LRM and HRM (with LRM achieving higher concentrations) is 10.7% for 400 A/m2. The permselectivity of LRM for monovalent cations decreased with current density, whereas the effect on permselectivity for HRM was insignificant for the current density values. The addition of a neutral cell was effective in reducing the buildup of divalent ions on the inner membrane of the cathode side.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the formation of nitrosamines from urine during electrochemical chlorination (EC) using dimensionally stable anodes. Short-term electrolysis (< 1 h) of urine at 25 mA cm-2 generated seven nitrosamines (0.1-7.4 µg L-1), where N-nitrosodimethylamine, N-nitrosomethylethylamine, and N-nitrosodiethylamine were predominant with concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 7.4 µg L-1. Mechanistic studies showed that the formation kinetics of nitrosamines was influenced by urine aging and composition, with fresh urine generating the highest levels (0.9-5.8 µg L-1) compared with aged, centrifuged, or filtered urine (0.2-4.1 µg L-1). Concurrently, studies on urine pretreatment through filtration and centrifugation underscored the significance of nitrogenous metabolites (such as protein-like products and urinary amino acids) and particle-associated humic fractions in nitrosamine formation during EC of urine. This finding was confirmed through chromatographic and spectroscopic studies utilizing LCOCD, Raman spectra, and 3DEEM fluorescence spectra. Parametric studies demonstrated that the ultimate [nitrosamines] increased at a pH range of 4.5-6.2, and with increasing [bromide], [ammonium], and current density. Conversely, sulfate and carbonate ions inhibited nitrosamine formation. Moreover, the implications of EC in urine-containing source waters were evaluated. The results indicate that regardless of the urine source (individual volunteers, septic tank, swimming pool, untreated municipal wastewater), high levels of nitrosamines (0.1-17.6 µg L-1) were generated, surpassing the potable reuse guideline of 10 ng L-1. Overall, this study provides insights to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nitrosamine formation and optimize the operating conditions. Such insights facilitate suppressing the generation of nitrosamine byproducts during electrochemical treatment of urine-containing wastewater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effluent from the oil drilling site is a complex mixture of hazardous chemicals that causes environmental impacts on its disposal. The treatment of oil drill-site wastewater has not been explored much, and understanding its characteristics and optimizing the treatment process are required. In the present study, we have optimized the electrocoagulation process with aluminum electrodes for drill-site wastewater treatment. A multi-level factorial center composite design using response surface methodology is applied to optimize the effect of current density (CD), pH, and inter-electrode distance (IED) on chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. The increasing current density shows a significant increase in COD removal, and a similar trend was observed with a decreased pH. It was found that with current density and inter-electrode distance, the maximum COD removal achieved was 70% at the CD of 19.04 mA cm-2 and IED 2.6 cm. By varying pH and current density, the COD removal reached up to 90% at pH 6 and CD 19.04 mA cm-2. The study shows that the current density is the dominant factor for the process\'s energy consumption and operating cost, followed by pH. This study\'s findings could be effectively used to develop large-scale treatment processes through electrocoagulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improving catalytic activity of cathode with noble metal-free catalysts can significantly establish microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a sustainable and economically affordable technology. This investigation aimed to assess the viability of utilizing tri-metal ferrite (Co0.5Cu0.5 Bi0.1Fe1.9O4) as an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalyst to enhance the performance of cathode in MFCs. Trimetallic ferrite was synthesized using a sol-gel auto-combustion process. Electrochemical evaluations were conducted to assess the efficacy of as-synthesized composite as an ORR catalyst, employing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). This evaluation revealed that the impregnation of bismuth in the Co-Cu-ferrite structure improves the reduction current response and reduces the charge transfer resistance. Further experiments were conducted to test the performance of this catalyst in an MFC. The MFC with tri-metal ferrite catalyst generated a power density of 11.44 W/m3 with 21.4% coulombic efficiency (CE), which was found to be comparable with commercially available 10% Pt/C used as cathode catalyst in MFC (power density of 12.14 W/m3 and CE of 23.1%) and substantially greater than MFC having bare carbon felt cathode without any catalyst (power density of 2.49 W/m3 and CE of 7.39%). This exceptionally inexpensive ORR catalyst has adequate merit to replace commercial costlier platinum-based cathode catalysts for upscaling MFCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) generates an electric field (or current density) in the brain through surface electrodes attached to the scalp. Clinical significance has been demonstrated, although with moderate and heterogeneous results partly due to a lack of control of the delivered electric currents. In the last decade, computational electric field analysis has allowed the estimation and optimization of the electric field using accurate anatomical head models. This review examines recent tES computational studies, providing a comprehensive background on the technical aspects of adopting computational electric field analysis as a standardized procedure in medical applications. Methods: Specific search strategies were designed to retrieve papers from the Web of Science database. The papers were initially screened based on the soundness of the title and abstract and then on their full contents, resulting in a total of 57 studies. Results: Recent trends were identified in individual- and population-level analysis of the electric field, including head models from non-neurotypical individuals. Advanced optimization techniques that allow a high degree of control with the required focality and direction of the electric field were also summarized. There is also growing evidence of a correlation between the computationally estimated electric field and the observed responses in real experiments. Conclusions: Computational pipelines and optimization algorithms have reached a degree of maturity that provides a rationale to improve tES experimental design and a posteriori analysis of the responses for supporting clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some years ago, Jishan Wu reported the synthesis of 8MC and 10MC, two homologues of the cyclopenta-ring-fused oligo(m-phenylene) macrocycles mMC, each behaving as an annulene-within-an-annulene (AWA). This was a surprising result as the AWA behavior is rare. Both molecules have a partial polyradical character, enforced by the quest for restoring some aromatic character of benzene rings. However, that restoration brings back some coupling between the two annulenes. Indeed, we found that the geometry and the magnetically induced currents indicate that, while 8MC does have an AWA character, this is not the case of the larger 10MC. Limitations of the design strategy of AWA molecules should be taken into account in future attempts to prepare novel large coronenes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The next generation of the self-forming dynamic membrane, referred to in this study as the \"Living Membrane (LM)\", is a new patented technology based on an encapsulated biological layer that self-forms on a designed coarse-pore size support material during wastewater treatment and acts as a natural membrane filter. Integrating electrochemical processes with wastewater treatment using the LM approach has also been recently studied (the reactor is referred to as the Electro-Living Membrane Bioreactor or e-LMBR). This study investigated the effects of varying current densities, i.e., 0.3, 0.5, and 0.9 mA/cm2, on the performance of an e-LMBR. The results were also compared with those of the Living Membrane Bioreactor or LMBR (without applied current density). Higher pollutant removals were observed in the presence of the electric field. However, the effect of varying applied current densities on the COD (98-99 %), NH3-N (97-99 %), and PO43-P (100 %) removals was not statistically significant. The more prominent differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the decrease of NO3--N concentrations from mixed liquor to effluent, with increasing current density resulting in lower mean NO3--N effluent concentrations (0.3 mA/cm2: 6.13 mg/L; 0.5 mA/cm2: 4.38 mg/L; 0.9 mA/cm2: 3.70 mg/L). The reduction of NO3--N concentrations as wastewater permeated through the LM layer also confirmed its role in removing nitrogen-containing compounds. Higher current densities resulted in lower concentrations of fouling substances, particularly those of microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs). The average values of the temporal variation of transmembrane pressure (d(TMP)/d(t)) in the e-LMBR were extremely low, in the range of 0.013-0.041 kPa/day, throughout the operation period. The highest (d(TMP)/d(t)) was observed for the highest current density. However, the TMP values remained below 2 kPa in all the e-LMBR runs even after the initial LM formation stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some planar and non-planar clarenes have been studied using maps of magnetically induced quantum-mechanical current density and tools from differential topology to assess their magnetic response in connection with recent results by Du and Wang. Bond current strengths have been computed to estimate quantitative measures. Isosurfaces of the divergence of induced Lorentz force density have been shown to provide useful additional criteria, especially in the case of non-planar clarenes.





