cultural history

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental regulations restricting the use of a natural resource or species often have unintended consequences. One example is prohibitions on the international trade in culturally important endangered wildlife. Trade restrictions may artificially increase scarcity and, consequently, value. In China, international trade restrictions may trigger bouts of speculative investment that have the opposite effect of the restrictions\' intent. We examined how China\'s speculative economy and cultural history have together led to unintended consequences when regulating wildlife trade. In China, wildlife markets occupy a legal gray area that can make regulations ineffectual or even counterproductive. In extreme cases, prohibiting trade can provoke market booms. Further unintended consequences include potential cultural backlash. In China and across the Global South, international trade restrictions are sometimes considered a continuation of a longstanding history of Western intervention and thus may not be enforced as strongly or may generate resentment. This pushback has contributed to rising calls to decolonialize conservation and may lead to growing alliances between China and other Global South countries when negotiating international wildlife trade restrictions in the future.
    Especulación financiera y herencia cultural en los mercados de fauna de China Resumen Las regulaciones ambientales que restringen el uso de un recurso natural o una especie suelen tener consecuencias accidentales. Un ejemplo son las prohibiciones para el mercado internacional de fauna en peligro con importancia cultural. Las restricciones pueden incrementar de manera artificial la escasez y, como consecuencia, el valor. En China, las restricciones internacionales del mercado pueden detonar episodios de inversión especulativa que tienen el efecto opuesto a lo que se pretende con las restricciones. Analizamos cómo la economía especulativa y la historia cultural de China han, en conjunto, derivado en consecuencias accidentales cuando se regula el mercado de fauna. En este país, los mercados de fauna ocupan un área legal gris que puede volver ineficaces a las regulaciones o incluso contraproducentes. En casos extremos, prohibir el mercado puede provocar un auge de este. Otra consecuencia accidental es el potencial rechazo cultural. En China y en todo el Sur Global, algunas veces se consideran las restricciones del mercado internacional como una continuación de la historia de intervenciones occidentales y por lo tanto puede que no se apliquen con tanta fuerza o que generen resentimiento. Esta resistencia ha contribuido al incremento de llamados para descolonizar la conservación y podría llevar al aumento de alianzas entre China y otros países del Sur Global cuando se negocien restricciones para el mercado internacional de fauna en el futuro.
    环境法规对自然资源或物种利用的制约通常会产生意想不到的后果。一个例子是在国际贸易中, 禁止交易具有重要文化意义的濒危野生动物。贸易制约可能会人为地增加稀缺性, 从而提高商品价值。在中国, 国际贸易的制约可能会引发投机投资的热潮, 产生与制约初衷相反的效果。我们研究了中国的投机经济和文化历史是如何在调控野生动物贸易时共同导致意想不到的后果的。在中国, 野生动物市场占据了一个法律灰色地带, 这可能使法规失效甚至适得其反。在极端情况下, 禁止贸易可能会引发市场的繁荣。进一步的意外后果还有潜在的文化反弹。无论是在中国还是在其他发展中国家, 国际贸易制约有时被视为西方长期干预历史的延续, 因此可能不会被强制执行, 甚至可能引起反感。这种反击已经促使人们提出要去殖民化保护, 并可能在未来在谈判国际野生动物贸易制约中, 促使中国与其他发展中国家建立越来越多的联盟。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medical profession in the USA is-and has long been-a segregated workforce. Currently, just 5.0% of all US physicians are black. Understanding the origins and mechanisms of this disparity is essential to creating a future where black healing and healers are supported by our medical system. In pursuit of this future, this article offers \'othering\' and \'belonging\' as frames of analysis and intervention for diversity and equity initiatives.Building on previous historical studies of racism in medicine, this project reveals how the figure of the \'American physician\' was created through exclusionary/othering tactics. In part 1, we analyse antebellum historical sources to demonstrate the role of medicine in creating and promulgating racial categories and hierarchies. Next, in part 2, we explore the historical conditions that produced the American physician as a significant professional identity by analysing texts by the American Medical Association and affiliated state medical societies. Then, we turn towards solutions in part 3. To redress inequities produced by othering, particularly the continued exclusion of black people from the medical profession, we argue that medical leaders should cultivate a professional culture of belonging. As we will explain, belonging goes beyond tolerating and respecting difference; it entails shared culture, equal rights and inclusive structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article uses the author\'s experience of researching historical photographs of facial injury and surgical reconstruction to think through the ethics of writing about and publishing images of patients anonymised by excising or covering their eyes. This article specifically highlights tensions between the British Medical Journal\'s guidelines for patient anonymity in imagery and those of the archives of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. The rules for reproducing these sensitive images are not standardised across disciplines nor across journals and medical archives. But by using lived academic experience, visual analysis and philosophical enquiry, a flexible personal directive (or microethics) for working with these images can be reached.In order to more fully understand where the present-day suggestion of and debates around blocking out patients\' eyes for anonymity come from, this ethical analysis is tied back to the historical precedent of Harold Gillies\' 1920 publication Plastic Surgery of the Face, in which civilians\' eyes are covered. Theories of looking and of photography unpick some of the complex ideas that these images raise regarding patient agency in medical imagery. This article will have direct application for any researcher grappling with similarly difficult material wondering how to frame their own microethics or ethics in practice for discussing, showing or publishing these types of images.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    In an era long before \'Doctor Google\', the question of how people accessed information about their bodies and their health is significant. This article investigates how medical knowledge about motherhood was disseminated in the pages of an entirely neglected and short-lived, yet important interwar Viennese periodical, Die Mutter: Halbmonatsschrift für alle Fragen der Schwangerschaft, Säuglingshygiene und Kindererziehung (The Mother: A Biweekly Magazine for All Questions about Pregnancy, Infant Hygiene and Child-Rearing). The magazine\'s founder, editor and champion was Gina Kaus, a bestselling, prize-winning author and screenplay writer. Die Mutter was part of a wider interwar Viennese press landscape of publications dedicated to mothers and motherhood, many of them produced by women for women. I suggest that periodicals about motherhood constituted an important alternative public sphere, one coming in part from the grassroots, rather than from a top-down municipal approach to public health-even in a city where mothers\' bodies were already a focal point for left-of-center politics and public health initiatives in the wake of World War I.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beginning in 1924, the US Office of Indian Affairs sent public health or \'field\' nurses to Native nations to provide preventative healthcare and education. The field nurse programme began under the US policy of assimilating Native Americans. To that end, field nurses championed \'modern\' institutionalised medicine and opposed Indigenous health traditions. They taught an ethnocentric form of health education to Native mothers, and their work was complicit in the genocidal policy of removing Native children to federal boarding schools. However, Indigenous women resisted many of the interventions of the field nurse programme. They also exercised medical pluralism and sought other field nurse services relating to childbirth, prenatal and postpartum health, sometimes in defiance of the nursing programme\'s professional boundaries. The history of the field nurse programme reveals the ways in which professionalised public health nursing served settler colonial policy, yet it also showcases Native women\'s self-determination as pregnant patients and as nurses themselves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To disrupt, to transform and to break through silos are common sense aims for the medical humanities and other interdisciplinary endeavours. These keywords arise because of the influence upon the academy of management and business gurus, reputed experts who arose in response to the economic crises of the 1980s. Despite the noted analytic deficiencies in the concept of disruption, and its association with product innovation, the term has been extended to academic research, where it connotes radical novelty in research practice, typically accompanied by profound organisational and managerial change. \'Disruption\' has become wedded to the word \'transformation\' as national funders seek to support more radically innovative research that will maintain Western economic hegemony. A distorted version of Kuhn\'s model of scientific revolutions underpins the discourse of transformation, which fits humanities research to a template in which revolutionary, transformative shifts can be instrumentally favoured by funders, at the expense of inferior \'incremental\' progress. Disruptive and transformative research are, according to funders, more readily produced in organisations that have broken through silos between disciplines. The silo metaphor misleadingly models academic disciplines as if they were essentially unitary entities, akin to the functionally specialised units of a business organisation. The discourse of silos arises from the guru doctrine of the learning organisation. This theory supposes that the organisation-including the university-is literally a living organism, and thereby susceptible to corporate sickness, mortality, infection and disability. Medical humanity researchers should be aware of, and reject, this vitalist metaphysic in which the optimal organisation is a culturally homogeneous supra-personal organism whose immense capacities are harnessed by visionary leaders. Moreover, a new vocabulary should be developed for research evaluation, superseding the supposed hierarchical opposition between transformative and incremental research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Second wave feminist legal and educational reform contributed to the fourfold rise in the number of women doctors in the United States between 1970 and 1990, challenging the hierarchical medical workplace from within. At the same moment, the feminist women\'s health movement (FWHM) identified and protested gendered health disparities, changing medical practice from without. This article analyses five women doctors\' autobiographical reflections of medical training published between 1976 and 1987, during this period of gendered upheaval. In these works, authors shared their experiences of entering a male-dominated profession, addressing second wave feminist concerns about women\'s workplace equality. They explored whether women could become full and equal members of the medical professional, but also how women should become members of a profession that mistreated female patients in ways the FWHM sought to address. Through autobiographical writing, women doctors shared experiences that amplified these reform imperatives, while reflecting on their position as agents within an unequal healthcare system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TikTok, a now iconoclastic social media platform, hosts millions of videos on health, wellness and physical fitness, including content on postpartum wellness and \'bouncing back\'. At present, few studies analyse the content of postpartum videos urging viewers to bounce-back or the potential influence of these videos. Given the acknowledged relationship between social media use and adverse mental health outcomes (eg, lowered self-esteem, increased stress, disordered eating risk), an investigation of bounce-back-related postpartum content on TikTok explores important intersections between wellness and fitness cultures and the embodied experience of postpartum recovery. Using a qualitative thematic analysis of bounce-back videos (n=175), we explore three themes: (1) Smoothies: eat, but don\'t be fat; (2) Bone broth: bounce-back with today\'s wellness trends; (3) Fitspo: moving your body matters. Importantly, videos recycle historically constructed thinking about what makes a \'good\' or \'bad\' body, invoke vintage diet-culture tropes (ie, drinking water to fill up before eating), and maintain potentially dangerous expectations for caregivers rooted in historical gender, race and class constructs. This results in a postfeminist mishmash of modern maternity practices and traditional hierarchies. Unpacking the historicity of TikTok content assists health practitioners, scholars and users in understanding the potential impacts of video content on new parents, as well as how to flag and contextualise potentially harmful content. Future studies should examine other TikTok subcultures, including teen mothers and trans parents, and explore the messaging directed at and the impact on those communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article responds to Coope\'s call for the medical humanities to address the climate crisis as a health issue. Coope proposes three areas for progress towards ecological thinking in healthcare, with a focus on ecological mental health. The article emphasises the need to understand the cultural dimensions of mental health and proposes an interdisciplinary approach that integrates insights from the arts and humanities. It examines the impact of climate change on mental health, drawing on The Rockefeller Foundation - Lancet Commission on Planetary Health and recent studies. The discussion focuses on the intersection of mental health, subjective experience and environmental change. Focusing on emotional experiences as constructed from biological and cultural elements, the article proposes a holistic approach to mental health. It proposes two converging lines of research, in constant interaction: first, a historical and cultural research of those concepts, practices and symbols related to the environment, emphasising a cultural history of nature; and second, a synchronous research, drawing on anthropology, sociology and participatory art-based research, to understand how these aforementioned elements influence our current relations with nature. The article concludes by emphasising the urgency of developing narratives and histories that redirect temporal trajectories towards a better future, while respecting and acknowledging diverse narratives of individual experience. It calls for collaborative efforts from the medical humanities to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between mental health, nature and ecological crisis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abundant and plentiful fruit crops are threatened by the loss of diverse legacy cultivars which are being replaced by a limited set of high-yielding ones. This article delves into the potential of paleogenomics that utilizes ancient DNA analysis to revive lost diversity. By focusing on grapevines, date palms, and tomatoes, recent studies showcase the effectiveness of paleogenomic techniques in identifying and understanding genetic traits crucial for crop resilience, disease resistance, and nutritional value. The approach not only tracks landrace dispersal and introgression but also sheds light on domestication events. In the face of major future environmental challenges, integrating paleogenomics with modern breeding strategies emerges as a promising avenue to significantly bolster fruit crop sustainability.





